[IC] Virtual Underworld 93

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« Reply #3450 on: <07-10-16/0927:32> »
>>>>>[No idea, I generally don't bother to listen to anything they have to say but I'm sure it has to do with their whole superiority complex and hate the meta's blah blah. I did swing by and change the code to their vehicle to elf_lover99 which was good enough for me.Theirs was not even close to imaginative, I do hear you about the magic bit, doesn't mean it wouldn't be fun to watch a few of them run around on fire for a bit though.]>>>>>


The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #3451 on: <07-10-16/2249:38> »
[spoiler=Reminder]As a reminder, Pixelated, Longshot - don't forget to put the time/date stamp in.  Time is always your current local; date is your 'today', but 62 years hence (2078 right now).[/spoiler]

>>>>>[ 'New'?  Bull fired this thing up back in what, '72?  Girl, six years old ain't 'new' by a long shot; most 'runners don't last half that long.
          And generally, hate begets hate.  Doesn't mean that you shouldn't put them down if they come gunning for you, or that you shouldn't counter their hatemongering with good information, just that you shouldn't be randomly tossing grenades into their perfectly-civil protests. Of course, should things go sour when you counter-protest across the street from them ...
          Got a tip on Hawatari - someone says they saw her down in Buenos Aires.  My Despicable Minions can't find hide nor hair of her on the cams, though, so if anyone is down Argentina-way, I'll pay good money for good intel.  (You fraggers who try to sell me crap intel - you know who you are - can look forward to having to reinstall every piece of software on your electronics and implants.  Again.) ]<<<<<
          -- The Wyrm Ouroboros (22:45:00/07-10-2078)
« Last Edit: <07-10-16/2253:49> by The Wyrm Ouroboros »
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
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« Reply #3452 on: <07-11-16/0130:40> »
>>>>>[Buenos Aires? Geez. How'd the girl get all the way there from Seattle? Still, that would explain why I've come up dry on my searches.

Wolfgar, you're welcome to stop by the house while you're in Seattle. We're still down in Tarislar. Stop by, and we'll crack open a bottle of the good stuff.

Pixel, Longshot, be careful when dealing with the Humanis nutjobs. If they're doing a nice, peaceful hatemongering protest, expect them to have 3-4 people elsewhere in the crowd filming, to catch anyone who might take offense and try to assault them (or anything their lawyers can convince someone is assault). Who are the Knights going to believe, a SINless, or an upstanding citizen? And then, even if the charges don't stick, they'll still be suing your ass, and plastering your mug all over the trid telling people how mean you were to the poor defenseless protesters. And THEN you get a 'visit' by the not so defenseless, not protesting types.

That said, the best way I've found to have some fun at their expense during a rally is pranks. No seriously. Stink bombs, firecrackers, other auditory/visual distractions, maybe toss in a Chaotic World spell if you got the Talent, spambots and other fun for the matrix types, and so on. Turning them into a joke (one that even they can understand) pisses them off MUCH more. And if your hacker just so happens to glean a few identities and bank accounts while they're distracted by the sudden spam zone, well, they should have invested in better matrix security, yes? Of course, I know one crazy fragger who would delightfully target them with a 'Demolish Pants' spell.

Now, when they're not at one of their 'peaceful rallies', then you can play a bit more. Just be smart, because even these idiots know how to lay a trap.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (01:30:30/07-11-78)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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The Wyrm Ouroboros

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« Reply #3453 on: <07-11-16/0212:57> »
>>>>>[ Only notable place I know of that Hawatari hasn't gone is Mars.  She's been to Shibanokuji, Antarctica, deep ocean, even the Moon once (from what she's said, anyhow) - and considering her connections, I wouldn't bet against her not being able to get anywhere she wanted to go.  I just didn't expect her to be able to disappear so thoroughly. ]<<<<<
          -- The Wyrm Ouroboros (02:15:00/07-11-2078)
Pananagutan & End/Line

Old As McBean, Twice As Mean
"Oh, gee - it's Go-Frag-Yourself-O'Clock."
New Wyrm!! Now with Twice the Bastard!!

Laés is ... I forget. -PiXeL01
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« Reply #3454 on: <07-11-16/0230:29> »
>>>>>[ Of course, I know one crazy fragger who would delightfully target them with a 'Demolish Pants' spell.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (01:30:30/07-11-78)

>>>>>[ I think it's time to start researching that Orgy spell I've heard about.  That could be a lot of fun.

@Wyrm: I have a contact in Buenos Aires.  I'll see if he knows something.]<<<<<

--Kitten (08:24:40/07-11-78)
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #3455 on: <07-11-16/0933:38> »
>>>>>[ @The Wyrm Well new to me, been hanging around another grid till someone did something stupid and got rolled by GOD. Figured I'd stay off of that one for a while.

I've had my experiences with Humanis too. There's no such thing as a peaceful hate protest for those Drek. They deserve what they get.

@Kitten Hahaha! That would be interesting. ]>>>>>



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« Reply #3456 on: <07-12-16/1509:11> »
>>>>>[@Kitten - Let me know if you find anything out. I don't have any people local, so there's limits to what I can search without something to go on.

And yes, I've used that spell on crowds before. Seeing a group of mobsters suddenly get VERY uncomfortable with what is happening in their pants and forgetting to shoot is a good bit of fun. Only difference between it and a Mass Agony spell is that people are less likely to come looking for you if you paralyze them with pleasure instead of knock them out with extreme pain.

@Pixel - Yes, they deserve quite a lot, but busting up a 'peaceful' rally makes them look like victims, which they use shamelessly. That's one of the reasons I suggested pranks. As long as there isn't direct harm, they have a hard time spinning it as anything other than low-level annoyances, while you make them look like a joke. If property is damaged or people are injured, then they can claim loudly that they were 'attacked' and are the real victims here. You might make yourself feel better in the short term, but make them stronger long term.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (15:08:23/07-12-78)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #3457 on: <07-15-16/0850:59> »
>>>>>[ hey iceblade, I may have some info on Hawatari.  A buddy of mine who works as a security consultant at the Hospital Municipal Eva Perron in the Merlo suburb of Buenos Aires.  He's seen someone who looks like Hawatari on the security cams of the hospital.  The picture is not very good (as it's the case with most 30+ year old security cams) but it might be a start.  I'll PM you a still, so you can have a look (as you know her much better).]<<<<<

--Kitten (14:50:41/07-15-78)
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #3458 on: <07-15-16/1407:50> »
>>>>>[Looks close enough for me to head down there. Good timing, too. Shark's been restless. At the very least, I'm sure I'll find some trouble down there that will need my attention.

Wyrm, if I find anything, I'll give you a shout.]<<<<<

--Iceblade (14:07:23/07-15-78)
Greataxe - Apply directly to source of problem, repeat as needed.

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« Reply #3459 on: <07-18-16/1835:00> »
>>>>>[@ Pixel
I think most if not all of us around here have a personal beef with Humanis of one sort or another. The fraggers just don't know how to quit when they're ahead. That said, I seem to have gotten a bit softer I guess in my advancing age, I mean hell, I'm old enough to remember The Night, but that was as a five year old in Northwest Florida, (though don't let the fact that it was just some southern rednecks instead of the HoF make you think that it was easier.) Anyway, mental derail, point being is unless its work, or they are after you or someone else around you, best bet is to leave them be or else make it either untraceable, or laughable. Though the last Humanis protest I saw was in New York and some sweet soul got the idea to dump something like 10k gallons of thinned out blue paint through sprayers over the protest route so the lot of them came out looking like half drowned Smurfs.

Let me know when you get back from Argentina and we'll hoist a few, hopefully with Hawatari along for the ride.]<<<<<

--Wolfgar (18:24:27/07-18-78)
May god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the firepower to make the difference.

Suicide is never the answer, now homicide on the other hand, that has posibilities.

7.62 Russian, when it absolutely has to be done under budget


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« Reply #3460 on: <09-16-16/0123:13> »
>>>>>[Well...I've had a...dull year or so. I think. All I remember was a Christmas party and now I'm back in Seattle, missing several shirts and many pants, and I'm still piecing together the in between. While I try to skim the backlog, what has been happening, chummers?]<<<<<

--Card (23:20:26/09-15-78)
"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger." - Tolkien

"F*** subtle." - Dresden


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« Reply #3461 on: <04-23-17/0755:49> »
>>>>> [Holy frag . . . this place has been quiet before, but totally empty? Either business is booming, or there's a blackout.

And I had questions after being out of town for an extended period . . .] <<<<<

-- Longshot (07:51:52/04-23-79)


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« Reply #3462 on: <04-24-17/0402:44> »
>>>>>[You're telling me, LS. You're the first one I've heard from in a solid year. I don't think it's a city wide blackout, but I think most of our regulars are busy. I might be able to help though, unless you've got something specific going on.]<<<<<

--Card (01:01:30/04-24-79)
"Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger." - Tolkien

"F*** subtle." - Dresden


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« Reply #3463 on: <04-24-17/0534:16> »
>>>>>[I've been very busy lately, and I think Kitten is in Lagos at the moment.  Probably she's in some jungle without matrix access.

Also, if there is not much going on, people stop checking in and it dies down.]<<<<<

--Black Panther (11:34:25/04-24-79)
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #3464 on: <04-24-17/0627:20> »
>>>>> [Well, okay. I'm guessing it's been noticed that there were six unsuppressed sniper assassinations in Downtown, in 2 days?!] <<<<<

-- Longshot (06:25:02/04-24-79)

