[OOC] Virtual Underworld 93 Biography Thread

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« Reply #15 on: <09-10-10/0907:35> »
Handle: Shaper

Known Info: Shaper's identity has been connected to a Jamaican gangster and pirate known as Reginald "Regs" Porter who was exiled from the island nation back in the middle 60s.  A territory dispute followed him back to the island, where it spilled into a Kingston market.  In the resulting bloodbath all of his crew was cut down along with many bystanders and assailants.  Whether they wanted to prevent further incidents, or they were just bought out, the locals in the government forced him into exile before he could recuperate.  The official who gave the order was found drowned in his bed some weeks later.

If he is the same individual, Shaper should be a very dark-skinned human man of 183 centimeters in his early 30s, have pock marked cheeks and a scar around his neck from where he was once hanged.  He is a Rastafarian mage of some power who works all up and down the western coast.  He has worked as a smuggler, highwayman, assassin and thief, but he seems to have calmed down some as he's gotten older.  He is known by most who have worked with him to be neigh-unintelligible in person, due in part to a combination of his thick accent and the deep growling of his voice, presumably caused by his crushed and scarred throat.  Because of this, he tends to communicate with thought-to-type commlink technology.

Personality: Shaper has a number of bounties on his head, and, as such is nearly always in hiding.  He uses Masking spells extensively and will not show his own face to other people except when necessary to maintain his reputation.  He prefers to be he hand that is felt and not seen, and, as such has set himself up as a sort of bogyman.  He does not take many jobs these days, but when he does, it is always under an alias, always in disguise, and never long-term.  Few things please him more than stirring up trouble for the established order.
« Last Edit: <01-27-12/1603:08> by Kontact »


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« Reply #16 on: <09-12-10/0835:12> »
Handle: varies, most often known as Bravo Six
Name: Unknown

Known facts: A mercenary who became active within the Seattle shadows in 2053 under the handle of "Shades", Bravo Six has a solid reputation as a professional operator specializing in recon, asset denial, extraction, logictics, and sometimes target elimination. By 2057, Bravo Six left Seattle to work abroad until sometime in the mid 60's. During that time, he had operated in the CAS, the UK, Western Europe, Southeast Asia, and Aztlan. By 2067 he was thought dead until 2069 when he re-surfaced in Northwest Ohio, UCAS. Until the outbreak of hostilities in South America, Bravo Six worked as an "independent security consultant". Recently, he has been spotted operating with a new mercenary company along the Aztlan/Amazonia boarder. Bravo Six is known to be an initiate-level adept, qualified marksman, qualified hand-to-hand combat instructor, logistics expert, and combat tactics expert (large scale and small unit). He also has a fondness for music of all types and is always seen with some kind of eye-cover, mostly goggles or tinted smart-glasses.

Personality: Professional at all times; does not tolerate arrogance, showboating, unprofessional, or reckless behavior. Known to take care of those under his "command" and go out of his way to support them but is ruthless with his enemies/opposition. Strict with operational disipline, but extremely flexible when mission parameters/plans change. 

Rumors: Was part of an mercenary company that found itself in a bad postion after their contract was forcibly transferred to Aztechnology in 2049 to help "pacify" so-called rebel forces. When the CO refused to order the slaughter of civilians in a suspected rebel village, Aztechnology troops turned on them. Only a handful of the company survived. Rumor also says that Bravo Six made several trips to Aztlan building up a considerble network of contacts while collecting bounties on blood mages offered in late President Dunkelzahn's will. Current count is estimated at eleven twelve. Bravo Six has also been active within the magical and mercenary communities forming information networks and pursuing supposed "magical threats". Bravo Six was supposedly his unit call-sign from his first mercenary unit.
« Last Edit: <12-03-11/1118:14> by Mystic »
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« Reply #17 on: <09-13-10/0405:56> »
Name:  The Invisible Kid

Known Info:  The Invisible Kid is new to the shadow scene, or it's an alias for someone that's been around a while.  He's got skills as a hacker, as evidenced by cracking MacCallister security protocols on Virtual Underworld 93 (He's blanked out his Time/Date stamp).  The few posts he's made to ShadowSEA and UV93 tend to be "reveals".  He digs up dirt and hidden information, and doles it out to the public.

((RP Note: I'm mainly going to use TIK as an exposition device, to spill some "Secrets" occaisonally with some of my characters.  And as seen in his first post to UV93, with some Missions stuff as well.  His little spout of info ties into events from CMP 2010-02 "Copycat Killer", which was run at the Cons this year.))


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« Reply #18 on: <09-14-10/1921:20> »
Streetname: Chrona.

Known info: A German Orc who was living with his SK-P family, he grew up with a taste for classical music but the wageslave life didn’t last long. At a young age he and his sister were attacked by one of the Infected. His family Exiled them both upon finding them infected and during the painful transformation into a Ghoul and the loss of his sight he couldn’t find his sister.
Separated and alone he tried his best to travel, attempting to understand the magic growing in him. No one knows who eventually trained him in the Hermetic tradition but after a couple years a new shadowrunner was on the scene. In a small team he took on small jobs; Spirits, Assencing and his enhanced hearing and smell now helping him keep up with those with sight. Then tempo hit the streets.
Attached to a larger group by a fixer he began to stand out much more due to higher profile jobs. The media caught a Ghoul on some Simfeeds and named them BloodClaw, it's possible this wasn’t always him but he admits to being "BloodClaw" if asked.

Rumours: "Ah've heard of him, lives in the Redmond Barrens, abandoned warehouse. Big guy, almost Troll height, the Leather Duster he wears just don' smell right.
"BloodClaw's fond of Manipulation Magic as much as his namesake. Buddy of mine saw him weaving something downright creepy in Caracas, guess he's started writing his own mojo.
"I caught wind of something, apparently Chrona did a big job for SK a little after Tempo died down. A stop at the Atlantean Foundation later and he's sitting pretty. Only takes jobs for fun and personal interest now.


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« Reply #19 on: <09-15-10/1453:30> »
Name: Joker

Known Info: Joker, aka Snooze or Snoozey, is a lovable rogue with a penchant for tardiness. Despite his lazy nature, he is good at what he does. He’s an excellent shot, he’s clever, and he’s charming. Still, his reputation among shadowrunners varies. Some praise him, while others question his reliability. Nobody in Seattle had heard of him until about a year ago, but since then he has managed to make a name for himself in the local shadowrunner community.

Rumors: The big, fancy-looking pistols he carries are said to be able to take down trolls with a single shot.

((If more information is needed please let me know.))
« Last Edit: <09-18-10/1130:59> by Joker »


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« Reply #20 on: <09-21-10/0917:14> »
Known Info:  The shooter known as Mr. Miami Vice is part of the crowd that migrated west from New York after he started getting a little too famous.  Like many others in his line of work, he's in his mid to late 30s, ex-military, ex-corporate, state of the art, and relatively low key for someone who shoots people in the face for money.

At a glance, he's just another fast tracking yuppie pretty boy in an expensive suit, with manicured nails, biosculpted good looks, a sadistic personal trainer, and a carefully taught winning smile.

He's also currently retired and was last sighted bringing a sailboat into a Monaco marina.

Rumors:  Rumblings float around that he's silver spoon corporate brat who dropped out of college and joined the military in a mix of teenaged rebellion and thrillseeking.  There are also a few hushed whispers that, despite being packed full of cyberware, bioware, nanites, and heavy genetic modifications, he's a technomancer.
« Last Edit: <10-31-12/1048:12> by DWC »


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« Reply #21 on: <09-22-10/1744:19> »
Name: Dr. Will Wright, aka "Dr. Wright"

Known Info: Doc Wright trained under Dr. Patterson (Of the Paranormal Animals of North America and Europe fame), and when Patterson went missing during the Year of the Comet, Wright filled in for him, reporting on some of the new paranormal critters that popped up.  He's an expert in Parazoology and spends his time studying rare and unusual critter varients.


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« Reply #22 on: <09-22-10/2146:42> »
Name: Belial

Known Info: Human, Street Samurai, Gunslinger. He has a criminal SIN.  He has contacts with the Ancients. Seems to have a blood fued with the Halloweener.  Appears to be late twenties. short brown hair and glowing blue cybereyes.  Known to wear a black armored duster and sunglasses.  Has a professional demeanor when it comes down to biz.

Name: Gribble

Known Info: Human, Bull Mage, Combat specialist. Sinless. Conspiracy Theorist extrodinaire, you got one he'll believe it.
« Last Edit: <10-16-12/0958:24> by cyclonus743 »
Note to all you rich corp slugs out there: the Redmond Barrans is no place to take your brand new drek hot sports car out for a spin.
Belial's Bio:


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« Reply #23 on: <09-28-10/1851:00> »
Name: FoxBoy

Known info: Perpetually camera shy, but what little is known is based on his Salish SIN and the data one can dig up on a search of it. While it qualifies for the standard SIN, it's the fact that he's a shifter of the fox persuasion that puts him in the same category as criminals in may parts of the world and hunted in others. And a trickster shaman on top of that. A bit gun shy in that he won't directly hurt someone, but his illusions and manipulations are among the best in the biz and he's been known to embarass quite a few upstanding citizens... although it seems his successes come off as streaks of good luck, not deliberate action and his tricks are never aimed to cause permanent injury. His spell selection is oriented towards not being caught, pure and simple. Illusions to mask his presence, and the spells to ruin any physical traces he may leave behind.

It is acknowledged that he has a unique insight into the interplay of astral and meatspace, since he lives in both at once and actively manipulates the both of them.

FoxBoy is in fact the handle chosen for him by the sprite that inhabits (infects?) his commlink, since he hasn't settled on a name for himself yet. His teammates just call him "Fox" in those times he doesn't play to be a pet to one of them.

Rumors: "That fox? Yea, five tails, different ribbon on each.. I know'em. Yea, he's a bit twitchy, that's for sure. First sign of trouble, -fwip!- gone. But ya never know if he just went invisible or if he's actually found a foxhole somewheres. Don't get me wrong, he's not the kind to advertise, but he's a good one to have if your looking for stealth, and to leave no traces behind or just need a guide into shalish lands. And if ya pissed him off? Well.. omae... don't be surprised if ya get a run of bad luck for a while, nothing harmful... but damned annoying. And the little bastard is FAST too. Don't bother chasing him, he's got four legs to our two."


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« Reply #24 on: <11-11-10/1148:53> »
Handle: Bit Meddler

Known Info: Reliable information is almost impossible to come by as pertains this figure.  No one can can even confirm Bit's existence outside of the matrix, leading some to believe that Bit is an AI.  Other reports claim that there is a resonance, or even dissonance, signature attached to Bit's trail which would blow that first theory out of the water.  Regardless, any information available on the Matrix regarding Bit Meddler is likely that information which Bit allows to exist, casting doubt on all of it.  The only things which can be confirmed are that Bit likes to crash around the matrix like Godzilla on Novacoke, and that he controls one of the largest botnets on the Matrix, colloquially known as The Baby Monster Group.  The only reliable means of contacting Bit is through the Techno-liberation group, Rake 1, and good luck with that lot.


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« Reply #25 on: <11-11-10/1158:57> »
I hope to all that's holy that you intended to name the character after Bette Midler. Because that's ALL I can think of when I read the name. ;D


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« Reply #26 on: <11-11-10/1755:05> »
« Last Edit: <11-14-10/1723:30> by Kontact »


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« Reply #27 on: <11-29-10/0355:52> »
Name:  Cap'n Jack

Known Info:  AKA Captain Jack Turner.  Jack is a smuggler that operates out of the Ork Underground, specifically Pirate's Cove, a small port village on a huge underwater grotto with a narrow entrance to Puget Sound that's a well paid for secret.  He works primarily for the Mafia smuggling BTLs into the city through the Underground, but will smuggle almost anything in on his fishing boat, The Fortune Hunter.


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« Reply #28 on: <11-30-10/0744:25> »
Name: NiSayer
Known Info: Seattle newcomer. Just got here in the meat from TriCity Free Economic Zone. Apparently a young hacker who needed to change the scenery. Seriously needs some contacts and info and he's smart enough to know where to look for it.
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
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« Reply #29 on: <11-30-10/1753:55> »
Handle: Snipe
Known info: Human woman with a cyber arm and pretty fair hacking skills. She has survived in Denver for the several years staying under the radar. And she hates trolls.

Handle: Owl
Known Info: female Night elf hacker/ rigger fresh in Denver.

Handle: Ronin
Known Info: Japanese street samurai who talks little running the shadows in Denver. A regular customer at the 5X5. Solid runner.

Handle:BW 302
Known Info: beginning shaman and decent rocker. He is a scarred troll, having his horns cut off and his throat cut by Humanis Policlubbers. A passing mage saved his life but not his vocal cords. He appears to be a  hairy troll and uses sign recognization combined with his commlink to "speak" to other people. Some people believe the assault mentally hurt the guy...

