[OOC] Virtual Underworld 93 Biography Thread

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« Reply #75 on: <08-01-12/1140:40> »
Name: Deadline
Race: Elf or Human, always masked in the flesh and always with a voice distorter
Age: 20-30
Known Info: A known information broker, Deadline tends to keep his personal information to himself but what has slipped usually amounts to experience in the media industry and a constant need for money and information on all subjects. Regular friends call him an oddball but stand up guy, others know he has a history of the classic “Ditch-n-Run” when it comes to disagreements between him and a team he isn’t familiar with.
Known Affiliations:
Mafia: Despite his strong distaste for them, he often relies on them when in a tight spot monetarily and is somewhat well known by them
Denver Shadows: Deadline’s first appearance in the shadows was in Denver, where he is currently hanging around with a new team. Ask him and he’ll tell you he wants to go back to LA.
Rumors: "The guy is a scumbag. You hear that he dumped his entire team into Knight Errant’s lap with a video recording? He says he’s got his reasons and the street says something about a ‘Scarlet Spade’ character being the source. If he ain’t a close friend, I wouldn’t run with him."

Decade Rider

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« Reply #76 on: <09-26-12/1741:50> »
Name: Edge Rider
Race:  Human tho sometimes tricky to say due to the fact he almost always wear a full face helmet with 2 bug eyes
Age: 16-25
Known Info: Trained martial artist in Kick Boxing and Kung Fu is know to be a a freelance adept with no specific ties to any syndicate or gang aside from the occasional job. As made a good name for himself in both Urban Brawls and Combat Biking.

Is born in the UCAS but speaks frequently in Japanese even when not needed. Also as a reputation of "striking poses" during fights for simple fun wich might be tied to his big love of Japenese Live action heroes.
« Last Edit: <09-30-12/1346:47> by Decade Rider »


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« Reply #77 on: <10-18-12/1752:46> »
Name: Emmas

Race: Elf (Banshee)

Age: At least 50

Known Info: Magician with a flair for dramatic use of Spirits. She is most famous for being in a blood feud with Tanamous over what started as a misunderstanding. She operates mostly in Western Europe, although she has visited Seattle a few times for reasons unknown.

Rumors: It is rumored that Emmas is the head of a cult of mages and adepts in service to Morrighan. She is also rumored to not remember anything before awakening as a Banshee.


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« Reply #78 on: <10-18-12/1822:51> »
A little update:

Name: NiSayer

Race: Human, or very human-looking Elf

Age: Supposedly 25, most probably a few more

Known Info: Hacker, and a decent one. Had to run away from TriCity Free Economic Zone after some botched job, and landed in Seattle for a while. There he hooked up with a traveling Shadowrunner show, and roamed the Sixth World for some time, managing to build a name for himself. He resurfaced in South America, Middle East, and Philipines during a few flashy runs, then dissapeared for a while again, to finally return to Seattle. He settled down along with those of his team, and currently acts as a fixer for young hackers, who want to make a name for himself. He doesn't make as many obscure 20th century tv show references as he did once, and seems more calm and a lot more skilled.

Rumors: The strongest rumor is, that both his custom combat 'link and his datajack are fake, and he's in fact a technomancer. His comments on this fact are usually something along 'would I tell you if I was?' Also, he seemed to made some kind of deal with a dragon, and that makes some people nervous in his presence. His problems with S-K seem to be a thing of the past, though.
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #79 on: <10-30-12/2359:03> »
Name: Mr Fabulous

Race: Troll

Age: 26

Known Info: One time muscle for the Seattle mafia gone freelance. Effective but not flashy. Surprisingly subtle for a troll. Loves Jazz and collects rare 20th century recordings. Prefers Knives and bladed weapons.

Rumors: Probably a physical adept. Still on friendly terms with the local Mob.

Snake Eyes

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« Reply #80 on: <11-04-12/1934:28> »
Name: Dead Eye

Race: Human

Age: 25

Known Info: Street Sam gun-for-hire that also has a thing for My Little Pony, in fact his calling card is a small MLP emotitoy.
Knowledge is power, guard it well.


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« Reply #81 on: <11-27-12/0342:27> »
Name:     Wheeler
Age:          29
Metatype: Human

Known Info: Wheeler is a rigger and combat medic currently operating out of Denver.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #82 on: <01-01-13/1835:58> »
Name: Stinger

Age: 30

Metatype: Dwarf

Known Info: An ex-ganger that has a nasty taste for valuables. Currently operating out of Denver.

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THE EDGE, there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. ― Hunter S. Thompson


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« Reply #83 on: <01-02-13/0536:29> »
Name: Alex White Hare

Race: NAN Elf

Age: no more than 18, probably younger

Known Info: Shaman of some kind. Somehow figured how NiSayer (who gave him his equipment) logged into the boards.
Mariusz "Kot" Butrykowski
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."


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« Reply #84 on: <01-08-13/1620:05> »
Name: Miner Fox

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: Suspected to be in his mid 40s

Known Info: Miner Fox is an enigma in the shadow runner community. Some say he's an ex spy that worked for the UCAS, or a soldier of fortune that's been in the Desert Wars and multiple hot spots across the Earth, or maybe he was a agent for one of the AAA corps; No one really knows and he never tells people much about himself either even some of his closest contacts. He doesn't really have any friends and is more inclined to call them contacts more then friends. Some say he's working with a smuggler crew up in T-Bay while some say he's in Berlin doing some work for the corps there.

Rumor: "This guy left us a nice little present and note for us when we got there. The present? it was a gun packed to the gills with C-4 and Maverick, being the gun nut that he is, picks up the damn thing and it goes off sending the gore all over us then multiple devices went off around bringing the structure down on us. Gringo and Tek were killed while me and Scythe made it out. The following day we found a nice little letter in our safe house. It was written by Gringo saying that Scythe had been planning this stuff all along to grab up all the nuyen from our current job and provided damnable evidence on him. I executed Scythe on the spot for the fear he would pop me. I swear that this shit is nothing new to me but on this scale is way beyond me. Well me and Vol (new guy I brought in) are ready to help finish up the job I started... I hope there's no other road bumps on the way. So are you still in?"
« Last Edit: <01-08-13/1624:05> by Solodice »
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THE EDGE, there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over. ― Hunter S. Thompson


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« Reply #85 on: <06-21-13/0618:40> »
Handle: Nobody

Known Info: Most evidence suggest that Nobody is actually some sort of intelligence network, rather than a single person. Each time the name surfaces, it's connected with a consummate professional covert operative. Infiltration, exfiltration, legwork, reconnaissance, blackmail, even impersonation, with an emphasis on getting in and out clean. On most runs he's just a voice on the comms and an array of sensors on tac-net. When someone sees a face the descriptions are wildly different, even down to body type and metatype. Sometimes there's cyber, sometimes they look magical, sometimes unaugmented. Thing is, JackPoint's only got one member that goes by that name . . .
« Last Edit: <06-25-13/0237:07> by Nobody »


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« Reply #86 on: <07-01-13/1326:20> »
Alias: Firebug
Metatype: Human
Known Information: A young technomancer with a past of gang violence and arson.  Has trouble getting jobs because of her reckless and violent tendencies.  Specialized in smuggling, and is known to have a few augmentations.  Currently finding work in Chicago.
Rumors:  Firebug's gender is often questioned, as she tends towards inhuman icons and often makes use of voice masks while on runs.  There are also old rumors that she may have been part of the Halloweeners gang before they were slaughtered by the Ancients in 2069.
« Last Edit: <01-29-15/0237:15> by firebug »
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.


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« Reply #87 on: <07-29-13/2243:52> »
Alias C.E., Clockwork Etherium, "Clocks"
Metatype Human
Gender Male

Known Info - "He's a nobody, right?  I mean, sure, he seems to have money.  I guess he's the white collar of the destitute and worthless.  Got a nice car, and a housing contract from Ares.  Pretty sure he's worked with the Knights Errant before, but never in a major way."

Rumors - "Here in LA, you need to be known, and he's definitely not.  Claims to be a rigger, and then turns around and threatens people with magic.  Probably just another loudmouth corporate kid who's trying to seem bigger and badder than he is."


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« Reply #88 on: <08-20-13/1905:13> »
Alias:  Siouxsie(at least until he can get it changed)
Metatype: Human

Known Info:Wizkid from the Redmond Barrens, a kid matching his description was seen with one of the up and coming thrillgangs before they were wiped off the face of the Sprawl.  Nobody's seen the kid in a month or two.
Rumors:He bought it when the gang was killed, and he was sacrificed by a bunch of druids that popped up in the Sprawl as an example to any Awakened that would try and make the Barrens worse.  The druids have been operating in the shadows for years, or at least their leader has.  The same bunch of druids seem to be working with the Catholic Church.
« Last Edit: <08-20-13/1944:25> by Silence »
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend" - every instructor out there

"Maybe in your case, but he's a great buddy I'm leaving behind." - Siouxsie


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« Reply #89 on: <08-30-13/1221:20> »
Alias:  Belisama
Metatype: Elf
Gender: Female
Known Info: Mixed Race, green haired druidic looking type operating out of London's Docklands area. Does a bit of Talislegging work, and gives magical advice when asked.
Rumors: She's not actually a druid, but actually practices some crazy elven/african/made up mumbo jumbo. She's got some sort of compact with a free water spirit. She's tied up in all sorts of gang business with the gentlemen who run the docks. She's a dragon. She's a free spirit. She's some sort of Goddess. It's really hard to find information on her - all or none of these may be true.
“Fearlessness is better than a faint heart for any man who sticks his nose out-of-doors. The length of my life and the day of my death were fated long ago.”

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