[OOC] Horizon AFOC: Lights! Camera! Action!

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« on: <01-13-12/0253:50> »
this game is played using the Horizon Adventure A Fist of Creditsticks scenario. If you ever intend to play it we recommend NOT to read this game any further.

So this will work for us as our chat and discussion room, I would like to see the rolls here as well, but you can have them masked as text in the IC as well.
Currently Playing:

AalithHUH as Eddy
Caramelle as Freya
Farothel as Black Panther
Pyromaster13 as Mr Andersen
Sentinemodo as CareTaker
Xzylvador As Rafa
Sparkling Dragonfly As Ahuechei

It would help if all of you could post here the runner current sheets here or in the Black-book, so i can make a Link to them for everyone to see.

IC coming up when all characters have finished the creation.

And Last but not Least, Let's have fun.  ;D
« Last Edit: <12-12-12/1808:13> by Kouryuu »
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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« Reply #1 on: <01-13-12/1534:33> »

{Health: 2 / 10P and 0 / 11S damage, NO Wound penalty, NO Stun penalty} | {Edge: 2/ 2} {Defense: 7; Initiative: 7; IP's: 1} |
{Ballistic Armor: 10; Impact Armor: 8 ; Mods : Biomonitor; Nonconductivity 6; Fire Resistance 3; Chemical Protection 6} |

[spoiler]Trigram, F4 Fire Spirit, Fear 4 services
F+1 F+2 F+3 F–2 F F F F F F F (Fx2)+3  2
Astral INIT/IP: F x 2, 3
Movement: 15/40 (flight)
Skills:  Assensing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Exotic Ranged Weapon,
Flight, Perception, Unarmed Combat

Powers: Accident, Astral Form, Confusion, Elemental Attack,
Energy Aura, Engulf, Materialization, Sapience

Optional Powers: Fear, Guard, Noxious Breath, Search
Weaknesses: Allergy (Water, Severe)

Professor, F4 Man Spirit, Increase Reflexes 7 Services
F+1 F F+2 F–2 F F F F F F F (Fx2)+2 2
Astral INIT/IP: F x 2, 3
Movement: 10/25
Skills:  Assensing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Perception, Spellcasting,
Unarmed Combat

Powers: Accident, Astral Form, Concealment, Confusion,
Enhanced Senses (Low-Light, Thermographic Vision), Guard,
Influence, Materialization, Sapience, Search.

Optional Powers: Fear, Innate Spell (any one spell known by the
summoner, Force is limited to the spirit’s Magic), Movement,

Right clip: Regular ammo 19 + Tracer 9 (every third)
Left clip: Ex-ex 19 + Tracer 9

FN 5-7c
Clip: Stick 25

1, R 41  Ex 11  S 30 T 22
2, S 5 Ex 30[/spoiler]

Street Name: Eddy
Name: Jiiro Kenichi
Movement: 10/25, Swim: 5
Karma: 5
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Human Male Age 26
Height 178 cm Weight 68 kg
Composure: 8
Judge Intentions: 7
Lift/Carry: 5 (15 kg/10 kg)
Memory: 10
Nuyen: 160 + 1000 credstick

== Attributes ==
BOD: 4
AGI: 3
REA: 3
STR: 1
CHA: 3
INT: 4
LOG: 5
WIL: 5
EDG: 2
MAG: 5

== Derived Attributes ==
Astral Initiative:......8
Astral IP:.................3
Matrix Initiative:.......8
Matrix IP:..................2
Physical Damage Track:     10
Stun Damage Track:         11

== Active Skills ==
Automatics.....[One-handed]...............: 4  Pool: 9 (11) smartlink included
Binding....[Spirits of Man].....................: 6  Pool: 11 (15)
Counterspelling.....................................: 4  Pool: 9
First Aid....................................................: 4  Pool: 9
Gymnastics.............................................: 4  Pool: 7
Negotiation..............................................: 4  Pool: 7
Perception...............................................: 2  Pool: 8 +3
Spellcasting....[Manipulation]...............: 4  Pool: 9 (11)
Summoning....[Spirits of Man]..............: 4  Pool: 9 (13)

== Knowledge Skills ==
Awakened Creatures.............................. : 3    Pool: 8
Biology.............[Metahuman anatomy]   : 3    Pool: 8 (10)
Chemistry.................................................  : 3    Pool: 8
Chinese...................................................   : 4    Pool: 8
English.....................................................   : 4    Pool: 8
Firearms...[Automatic weapons]........    : 2    Pool: 6 ( 8 )
Japanese...............................................    : N    Pool: 0
Magical Theory......................................    : 3     Pool: 8
Mythology...............................................     : 3     Pool: 8

== Contacts ==
Georgy (1, 5)

== Qualities ==
In Debt (5,000¥)
Media Junkie (Mild)
Mentor Spirit (Owl)
Mystic Adept
Prejudiced (Common, Biased) (Day people)
SINner (Standard) (Jiiro Kenichi)
Spirit Bane (Guideance)

== Spells ==
(Tradition: Chaos Magic, Resist Drain with WIL + LOG (10))
Control Thoughts (Manipulation) DV: (F÷2)+2
Increase Reflexes (Health) DV: (F÷2)+2
Levitate (Manipulation)    DV: (F÷2)+1
Shapechange (Manipulation) DV: (F÷2)+2

== Lifestyles ==
High  1 months

== Armor ==
Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit4/1
   +Nonconductivity 6
SecureTech Forearm Guards 0/1
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit   6/6
   +Chemical Protection 6
   +Fire Resistance 3

== Weapons ==
FN 5-7C
   +Flashlight, Infrared
   +Gas-Vent 3 System
   +Hidden Gun Arm Slide
   +Smartgun System, Internal
   +Advanced Safety, Electro Shocker
   +Camera Upgrade, Low Light
   +Camera Upgrade, Thermographic
   +Custom Look Rating 2
   +Extended Clip
   +Sound Suppressor
   DV: 4P   AP: -   RC: 4
Grenade: Flash-Pak
   DV: nem számS   AP: -   RC: 0
Grenade: Thermal Smoke
   DV: (10m Radius)   AP: -   RC: 0
HK 227-X
   +Concealable Holster
   +Flashlight, Infrared
   +Gas-Vent 3 System
   +Additional Clip
   +Camera Upgrade, Low Light
   +Camera Upgrade, Thermographic
   +Heavy Barrel
   +Personalized Grip
   +Smartgun System
   +Sound Suppressor
   DV: 5P   AP: -   RC: 7
Unarmed Attack
   DV: 1S   AP: -   RC: 0

== Commlink ==
Novatech Airware (3, 3, 3, 3)
   +Sim Module (Cold)
   +Iris Orb
   +Suite: Pro User [Analyze 4, Browse 4, Command 2, Edit 4]
   +Biometric Lock
   +Hardening Rating 6
   +Customized Interface
   +Armor Case Rating 2

== Gear ==
Agent Rating 3
   +Copy Protection Rating 3
   +Analyze Rating 3 [Copy Protection 3, Registration]
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Submachine Guns) x30
Ammo: EX-Explosive Rounds (Machine Pistols) x30
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Submachine Guns) x60
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Submachine Guns) x30
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Machine Pistols) x30
Ammo: Tracer (Submachine Guns) x40
Binoculars, Optical
Contact Lenses Rating 3
   +Vision Enhancement Rating 3
   +Image Link
   +Flare Compensation
Earbuds Rating 3
   +Audio Enhancement Rating 3
Fake SIN Rating 4 (Fred Alstrin)
   +Fake License Rating 4 (Magical Investigator)
   +Fake License Rating 4 (Concealed Carry)
Gas Mask
Goggles Rating 4
   +Image Link
   +Low Light
   +Vision Magnification
Grenade: Flash-Pak x2
Grenade: Thermal Smoke x5
Handheld Sensor
   +Ultrawideband Radar Rating 4
   +Directional Microphone
Jazz x2
Medkit Rating 6
Medkit Supplies x3
Micro-Transceiver Rating 6
Psyche x3
Spirit Binding Materials Rating 4 x0
Stimulant Patch Rating 3 x3
Survival Kit
Sustaining Focus (Manipulation) (bonded) Rating 3

Contact: Georgy (Hermetic street doc)

Active Skills: Sorcery skill group 3, Conjuring skill group 2, First Aid 4, Medicine 5,
Negotiation 2, Perception 3
Knowledge Skills: Biology 4, Medical Advances 3, Mystical Healing 3, Psychology 3, Smugglers 2, Magical Goods 3

[spoiler]Jiiro was an only child in an average wageslave family. He got tested for magical talent in his early years of puberty and was granted a scholarship in the Toyama University later on. After a few unsuccessful attempts to find out the nature of his talent, the lead mage stated that his magic is still fluctuating and he was placed into a mundane research group studying the internal processes and genetic traits of metahumans.

Frustrated by loosing what he thought made him special (although he gained plenty of  acknowledgment for his quick and innovative thinking) he rallied a group of students from his former class to summon a great guidance spirit which - he thought - could help him find his Way.

The ritual was good, they've done their research, but unfortunately something has gone horribly wrong, killing almost everybody but him and George Steinfield, an international scholarship student whose great spirit Bear protected him and the one closest to him - Jiiro.

George was a kind, caring young man even back then, and he never blamed Jiiro for the death of the others, in fact, they helped each other get through it, although both were scarred by the tragedy.

Jiiro was expelled from the university but he didn't mind it. Despite Georgy's best attempts, he still blamed himself and he was convinced that the ritual went wrong because they weren't prepared well enough. From then forward, he was obsessed with knowledge and searched for it wherever he suspected he can find some. He chose Owl for his mentor and found a Way that was in harmony with his talent - the Way of Chaos, a kind of middle ground between the Old and New.

He became a shadowrunner by chance, when he tried to acquire a formula other people wanted too. He sold it to them once he learned everything he could from it and the payment was so good he considered doing it for a living. He took the scientific approach, trained his body with high tech methods instead of brute force and he also found his wild side - it seemed that automatic weapons worked well with him, which helped in situations where magic just wasn't enough.

He drifted through Japan, then parts of China and finally the UCAS. He became an established runner, if somewhat a loner - he trusted his spirits to gather information and through information he knew about potential run opportunities and targets. He has outdone runners in several occasions by himself, snatching information before they arrived, leaving no clue behind. The only person he remained in touch with was Georgy, who became a successful hermetic doctor and helped him out with supplies (medical or magical) if needed. In turn Jiiro, or Eddy in the shadow world, sent him information about advanced medical procedures, chemicals and technologies.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <02-23-12/1510:02> by AalithHUN »


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« Reply #2 on: <01-13-12/1544:37> »
So he's an other feathered one: Owl.
And starting money:
Starting money 14 000


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« Reply #3 on: <01-13-12/1612:52> »
it's mentioned he's a mystical adept, but I don't see any adept powers listed.  Are they forgotten or are we not allowed to know?  8)
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #4 on: <01-13-12/1628:25> »
Seems like he is a standard mage without assense and astral projection which allowed him to save 10 BP.
Sorry for a small delay ;)

Denver Missions
concluded 01 02 03 04 05 10 09 11
running 13
runners: Caretaker Jerry


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« Reply #5 on: <01-13-12/1645:24> »
Mystic adepts are mages who sacrificed control over the astral for better control on the physical world. Or something like that was said in the book. I don't really like astral, projecting is dangerous for more than one reason and there is nothing you can do that a good spirit cannot do (maybe even better). Astral combat without a weapon focus against a spirit or an astral entity is almost suicide. Even assensing (which is an awesome thing) can be dangerous: my favorite tactic is to summon a powerful spirit and a few watchers and if I see a mage I send them to him over the astral. It takes a split second to arrive and when he (and he will, because it's awesome) assenses he'll become dual natured and they rip him a new one.
And I didn't save 10 BP, more than that, because projecting and assensing is worthless without the skill which is rating*4 BP saved. If you want astral combat, then more.
Lastly, this way I have room for improvement in both ways. If I use magic mostly, I can improve on that road (and you know what is a good thing to boost your spellcasting and summoning skills beyond 6? Improved non-combat ability adept power) or I can be faster, meaner or just sense astral with adept powers. (and thermo vision and improved hearing and improved gymnastics and magic sense and many more) :)

It's a long term investment :)


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« Reply #6 on: <01-13-12/1650:20> »
I hadn't looked at it like that.  We'll just have to see how it works out, but not a bad idea.  :)
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #7 on: <01-13-12/1733:30> »
Here's my character.  I've put her in the big black book of runners.  Link below.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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« Reply #8 on: <01-13-12/1818:23> »
{Health: 0 / 10P and 0 / 9S damage, NO Wound penalty, NO Stun penalty} | {Edge: 5/ 5} {Defense: 4; Initiative: 10; IP's: 3} |
{Ballistic Armor: 11; Impact Armor: 9 ; Mods : Nonconductivity 6; Ruthenium Polymer Coating; Thermal Damping 6} |


Freya is an extraordinarily charming and quite open-minded personality, very elegant, well-educated and deeply interested in dance, acting, art, history, literature. Due to her early life experience, she is very knowledgeable in etiquette, social skills, party hosting and lots more. She is closely bounded with nature and needs from time to time stay in clean and beautiful places, remote from public and noise, otherwise she might get sick or at least physically weak and petulant.

Name: Annabelle Fergusson
Alias: Freya Race: Dryad
Sex: Female   Age: 32 (Looks like 19)
Nationality: UCAS
Rose Garden Cottage - High Lifestyle(1 month paid)
Karma Spent/Total Karma: 0/0Nuyen: (Left after chargen= 1200¥ Starting Nuyen= 8.000+6000¥ - 30.000 ¥ In Debt - 3505 New Gear = -19.505 On Hand 495¥
Motto: Given proper motivation people will believe any lie either because they want it to be the truth, or because they fear it is the truth.
Street cred: 0
Factions relations (this will give you a bonus dices to any social roll with members of that faction):


Freya was born as the only child in a very wealthy family and spent her childhood carelessly in the countryside family mansion. Her parents run their own business connected with art (auctions, trade, collection etc.) and usually were not present at the mansion. They came here just for some social events. Freya was brought up mostly by her nanny and private teachers. Nanny was her closest person, almost her mother. She was a life-wise elf woman of Swedish descent who told Freya a lot about mythological and historical events, different species and in the end about dryads as well. Nanny’s stories have caused Freya’s prejudices on trolls. She still can’t stand them and feels very uncomfortable when needs to contact them as she is convinced they represent lower and non-intelligent species. Unfortunately nanny was killed in unknown circumstances during Freya’s study years. Freya is still blaming her parents for letting it happen.

Freya acknowledged her special power over others quite early – playground mates followed her so easily, household staff fulfilled almost all her wishes. She started to realize that she is different and wanted to know more and understand herself better, what she did over the years with the help of her nanny. Over the years she learned how to use her powers for her own advantage and how to manage her dependency on home and close bounds with environment.

When she was already an adolescent she accidentally found out her parents’ business was not just an ordinary art sales company, but a firm which performed special secret activities, owned spies and infiltrators, used their social status as a cover for task fulfillment. She understood she has never known her parents; they turned out to be almost complete strangers to her as the family life in mansion was just another cover for her parents’ work needs. Freya felt betrayed as she understood her life has been a fake and she has been used. So she started to learn secretly all she could about her parents’ work, she tried to find out as much as possible about everything connected with security matters, infiltration, weapons, newest technologies etc.. She had the feeling (intuition) all this knowledge might save her life one day. And she was very careful not to let her parents know about her secret studies, which was not that hard actually because of her acting skills and the fact that parents were home so rarely.

She left her parents’ home as she started to attend Yale University where she studied art and literature which was her parents’ wish – education suitable for a girl from higher society contrary her own wish to become a dancer and actress. In Yale she met Philip Lewis (Phil) who later became one of the highest ranking executives of Horizont. They still keep in touch and try to meet as often as possible. Phil names Freya as Belle and they still have kept some romantic interests towards eachother. Phil is informed about Freyas connection to Shadow business and they both benefit from this.

During her study years after nanny’s death she decided not to return to her parents and start to live her own life, which is why she started to save money parents gave her for “small expenditures” and to learn to live on lower level to cut her expenses which still is hard enough as Freya loves comfort, beautiful things, expensive clothes and excellent food.

After graduation she was moving from one city to another and testing different cover scenarios to hide from her parents who wanted her back as she had been considered as a good investment in their company’s future. Finally she found a suitable and for now safe place for living in Seattle. As she couldn’t work as an actress or dancer which would drag too much public attention, she decided to join shadow runners to earn some money for living. Anyway dancing and acting is still Freya’s dream.


5568/10 IP 1/3

Positive Qualities
Low-Light Vision
The Speaker's Way

Negative Qualities
Distinctive Style
In Debt (20,000¥)
Prejudiced (Common, Biased) (Troll)
SINner (Standard) (Annabelle Fergusson)

Active Skills
Influence skill Group4
Stealth Group3
Pistols [spec. in SA]1
Dodge 1

Knowledge Skills
Security Tactics2

Language Skills

Adept Powers
Facial Sculpt3
Improved Reflexes2
Melanin Control-

Form-Fitting Body Armor Full-Body Suit6/2Nonconductivity 6; Ruthenium Polymer Coating; Thermal Damping 6
Mortimer of London: Berwick Suit Jacket (Ensemble)5/3none
SecureTech Arm Casings0/1none
SecureTech Helmet0/2none
SecureTech Leg Casings0/1none
Zoé: Moonsilver Evening Gown4/1none
CommlinkRe/Si/Fi/SyOperation SystemMods
Aunt Mildred4/4/4/4Mad Cat(custom)Biometric Lock, Armor Case 5
Commlink Soft-, hardwarepriceNotes
Analyze R4125Pro User suite - soft
Browse R4125Pro User suite - soft
Command R2125Pro User suite - soft
Edit R4125Pro User suite - soft

Fake SIN (Katheline van der Noot)                 (4)  4000¥Fake System Identification Number - Katheline van der Noot
x Fake License  R41200¥(concealed and carry) - Katheline van der Noot
ThorYamaha PulsarMelee Hardening, Skinlink, Smartgun System, Personalized Grip, Chameleon Coating
Concealable Holsteraccesory75¥
50x Taser Dart 250¥ammo
2x Spare Clips 10¥accesory
BrownyBrowning Ultra-PowerAdditional Clip(Pistol); Custom Look Rating 2; Personalized Grip; Skinlink; Smartgun System
Concealable Holsteraccesory75¥
30x Stick-n-shock 250¥ammo
30x Ex-explosives ammo 250¥ammo
2x Spare Clips 10¥accesory
Sensory enchanmentspriceNotes
Contact Lenses150¥
   -Flare Compensation           50¥No modifers from blinding flashes, glare and heat flashes.
   -Image Link           25¥displays visual information in the field of vision or user’s retina
   -Smartlink           500¥interacts with a smartgun system for visual aid
Earbuds Rating 3150¥
  Audio Enhancement Rating 3  50¥
B&E GearpriceNotes
14x Laes cigarette     250¥
9x Scent masking cigarette     90¥


Phillip Lewis (Phil), Horizont High Exec, university period friend, Human early 30'ties
Connection Rating: 5 Loyalty: 3
Uses: Way into high society events, Connections, Buissness connected to Horizont.
Places to Meet: Los Angeles; New York - depending on current assignment
Contact: Commlink

Hikaru Ehara “Silver”
, Seattle Ganger, Elf Male
Connection Rating: 2 Loyalty: 1
Uses: Seattle going on's, all arround support, small time fixer.
Places to Meet: Downtown Clubs
Contact: Commlink

Jack the Ripper,Proffesional Hacker, Human Male with the fasciantion of the Victorian era
Connection Rating: 1 Loyalty: 2
Uses: Fake SINs and licenses, support, Hacking jobs and data searches
Places to meet: Downtown; Shadow  BBS
Contact: Commlink

Quote from: Edge Log
5 start
5 left in Total
Quote from: modifiers and Changes
Normal - very peacefull and good feeling from being in a rural home
« Last Edit: <01-20-12/1337:11> by Caramelle »
You can get much farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone. /Al Capone/



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  • The idea is to die young as late as possible -A.M.
« Reply #9 on: <01-14-12/1019:55> »
Everything looks good so far. The character interesting the player keen to start, with the exception of Pyromaster13 we are ready to go

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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  • The idea is to die young as late as possible -A.M.
« Reply #10 on: <01-15-12/0528:33> »
Looks like everyone ready, so we are about to start.  :D
Sent can post his shaman any time and Pyro's char on the first look was Ready to go as well, tonight will do the in depth check but there could be only minor changes. so we are about to embark on a journey together people, let's strap down and enjoy the ride.

If you Want you can introduce yourself as well, if you feel like it that is.

Me, i am who i am, bit over thinking, good spirited, but i can get mean if  you step on my toes one time to many.
I like a free living world, so you can improvise outside the box, if it makes sense i will allow it most of the time, but the time will not stop just because you took up extra tasks.

Latvia, so GMT+2, just you know when to expect me to be online.  Using a handheld to post most of the time and a PC to do the rolls, meaning i will not always be able to post a response even if i am online.
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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« Reply #11 on: <01-15-12/0656:41> »
Latvia, so GMT+2, just you know when to expect me to be online.  Using a handheld to post most of the time and a PC to do the rolls, meaning i will not always be able to post a response even if i am online.

I'm in Belgium, so GMT+1.  We should be online most of the same hours then.  Usefull, that is, hmm.  :D

As for my character, she's a combat hacker (getting into systems and if she's found out, she simply splats the spider unconscious and then goes about her business), but she can do stuff in the meat world as well.  For looks, it's easy: think Storm from the X-men movies.
I've seen our face has a hacker contact, so maybe that contact knows her.
@Kour: maybe a way to get the two of us together.  A friend of a friend (I'm not sure what you had planned, but it can be a way should you need one).
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"


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  • Prime Runner
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  • Posts: 2717
  • The idea is to die young as late as possible -A.M.
« Reply #12 on: <01-15-12/0953:06> »
@Kour: maybe a way to get the two of us together.  A friend of a friend (I'm not sure what you had planned, but it can be a way should you need one).

Good idea, you can do that if you wish, it will make the RP easier i think, at least you would be no complete strangers.
If anyone else agrees to this you can even state that you have been working previosly. but this depends on the players so decide it yourself.
Might even be the team and one or two freshman.  ;)
Prepare for the worst, hope for the best and expect nothing!


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« Reply #13 on: <01-15-12/1237:48> »
I'm +1 too! Not bad. As for my character, in IC I'll do a full appearance and a little personality check.

About me: just one thing for starters. I can sometimes sound mean or criticizing or it may look like I'm trying to offend people. I'm not! It's because there is no tone in writing, so sometimes written word can look that way. If I have a problem with someone, I believe telling them straight is the best thing - so unless I tell you otherwise, please assume I meant it in a respectful, constructive way and I'm new to foruming so maybe I forgot to add that smiley face :)

Looking forward to run in the shadows with you!

P.S.: Sen! I'm relieved you chose to be a shaman! There can't be enough magic in a team!


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« Reply #14 on: <01-15-12/1246:11> »
Pyro! Who's gonna be your character? I mean archetype? I see we have a shaman, a face, a hacker and my m.a. It would be funny if my character would be the "muscle" in the team with his scrawny Strength 1:) If I'm correct he has the highest weapon skill for now, but don't expect him to be the "tank"!  ;D