Elven hacker adept

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« on: <12-02-11/0524:49> »
"You think my troll friend here is the muscle, No, he doesn't need to touch cars to topple them, though i'm sure he could. You think the genius in the corner is our hacker, Think again he's the strongest fighter of all three of us. And you think I'm just the face, No I'm now the sys admin of your security node. Now how about you offer a reasonable figure for our skills, We are far from ordinary runners."

So a couple of friends and I have decided to create a shadowruning team that breaks as many stereotypes as possible, and adds an extra element of suprise and confusion to the team. We're a Troll mage, A tweaked transhuman mystic type charecter (credit to UmaroVI for concept) and what i've been spending the last 6 hours developing, an elven combat hacker face.

The main dicepools he has at the moment are, smg's 18dice, negotiate over the matrix 17 (19 with drugs) Hacking with exploit 19 (21 in hotsim)
Qualities are currently, first impressions, chatty, adept, code slinger (exploit).
Cyberware so far Super cyberarm of agility 10. simsense booster  and internal comlink to be determined

What I need to know before I finish the charecter is,
If you have +3 ip's from an adept power and you hotsim, will you have the hotsim 3 ip's or the adepts 4 ip's. And if you add simsense accelerator will that go up to 5ip's
Basically does Improved reflexes apply to matix initiative.
Also if it does.
Cold sim states and you receive an extra Initiative Pass (for a total of two). Since cold sim isn't an initiative booster its an initiative pass booster, doesn't improve your reaction or intuition, and cold and hotsim say nothing about not stacking with anything,  would that bonus stack with the adept power.
Hence could you have 1 rank in improved reflexes making cold sim at 3 ips and hotsim at 5 ips with a simsense accelerator, with no essence cost due to not needing a simsense booster.

Thanks in advance, And i'll try to get the charecter posted up asap.


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« Reply #1 on: <12-02-11/0532:10> »
If you have +3 ip's from an adept power
these are physical IPs ;) !
Matrix IPs are completely different

Cold sim states and you receive an extra Initiative Pass (for a total of two)
in the Matrix !

He who dances in the Matrix


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  • Chummer
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« Reply #2 on: <12-02-11/0557:12> »
But you't think if magic made you act quicker it would affect you regardless where you were. I know you can use AR at 4 ips using improved reflexes can you state where it says this doesn't carry over?


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« Reply #3 on: <12-02-11/0805:03> »
But you't think if magic made you act quicker it would affect you regardless where you were. I know you can use AR at 4 ips using improved reflexes can you state where it says this doesn't carry over?

magic has no direct Effect on the Matrix
Sure you can Use AR with 4  physical IPs but thats because its Physical

can you state where it says this doesn't carry over?
 Adept powers raise your Physical Initiative and IPs ,Matrixini is INT & Processor and you get ....rigid (?) fixed IPs
sorry I can't explain it in Englisch....



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« Reply #4 on: <12-02-11/1128:24> »
Matrix IPs* aside, it still won't work.  The adept power Improved Reflexes can't be combined with technological means to increase initiative.  Since initiative refers to both the initiative attribute and initiative passes (SR4A 144), the passes don't stack.  Thus if you use Improved Reflexes, you're likely better off as a AR hacker.

In addition, the simsense booster doesn't on its own allow one to break the 4 IP cap.  You need to combine it with the simsense booster cyberware, then you can get 5 IPs.  If you look at the passage from Unwired:
Quote from: Unwired 198
It is compatible with simsense booster cyberware (so a hacker in hot sim with a simsense accelerator and simsense booster cyberware has 5 Initiative Passes). Initiative Passes;(sic) this is an exception to the rule that normally limits IPs to 4)
This refers to the combination of a simsense accelerator and simsense booster.  If you have both, then you're cool.  If not, you cap out at 4 IPs.

*- Short Answer, Matrix IPs exist but how what is and is not one isn't defined.  You might be able to take some Cram and hot-sim VR for 4 IPs.


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  • Chummer
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  • Posts: 248
« Reply #5 on: <12-03-11/2004:06> »
Oh if cram works that's fine. Thanks!

