Missouri & South Missouri

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« on: <09-27-11/2212:16> »
I have a question that I'm probably the only person interested in the answer, but it's bothered me for some time.
In SoNA on page 71 it is stated that Missouri and South Missouri are separated based on a line drawn from Jasper to Jefferson Counties. However the picture in the book does not reflect that. The pictures in the book appear to show a line from the southern tip of the city of St Louis to the corner of the state (which is McDonald County). Also the line of delineation on the map appears to be curved.
My question is this, which is correct? SoNA page 71 or the map in SoNA page 61?
If it's page 71, then from what point in the two counties is the line drawn? The start and end points of that line would change what counties are part of South Missouri. Depending on this the counties that are part of SM could include Franklin, Gasconade, Maries, Camden, Dallas, Polk, Cedar, and Barton.
If the map is correct, then what counties are the border counties? The way the line curves, I'm not sure that Greene County (the county that contains Springfield) would actually be in SM, and since Springfield is supposed to be the capital of SM that could prove to be problematic when GMing a non Seattle campaign.

