Starting a weekly Missions game in Springfield, MO

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« on: <08-17-11/2058:57> »
I'm starting up a weekly Missions game (Tuesday at 6:00 P.M., subject to change if needed to gain more players) in Springfield, MO.

The game will be run at Games, Comics, Etc., a local gaming store located in the Village shopping center on S. Campbell near the Battlefield intersection.

I'll be starting with Season Two: Denver 2-01 Parliament of Thieves and continue from there. I'll be running for two to six players. If anyone is in the area and interested in playing, be sure to check out the missions FAQ and the update here in order to make sure your character complies with the missions rules.

For those who do not have access to the books or require help making a character, I will have archetypes available for play, and I will try to make myself available after the game to help you build a character of your own. You will not miss out on what your pre-generated character achieved because the Missions campaign includes the following rule:
If you are pressed for time, you can certainly select one of the pre-generated sample characters found in the core rules for your  first Shadowrun Missions event. If, after playing that character, you realize that you’d prefer to create your own, you may transfer the debriefing log to a new character of your own creation. This is is a one-time allowance for new players. If a player plays a character in two events, they may no longer perform this debriefing log transfer.

