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John Schmidt

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« on: <09-15-10/0756:31> »
It is the French word for bittersweet and it perfectly describes how I am feeling this morning. It turns out that the final installment of Dragon Age: Origins has arrived, Witch Hunt where we find out what happened with Morrigan.

Bitter, because I really liked my character and the storyline for Dragon know that it is about to draw to a close...well.

Sweet, finally we will know what happens to Morrigan and the possibility that my character will get to be with her...adventuring maybe even some of that downtime around the campfire again. LOL

My views of Dragon Age have morphed with time. The graphics aren't what I would have expected, but the game mechanics, storyline, and the dialog (oh...I do so love the dialog) are some of the best that I have encountered in any game of that sort.

Oh well...nothing is perfect.  ;D
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Doc Chaos

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« Reply #1 on: <09-15-10/0813:58> »
I found that game to be a big disappointment. After a few hours of gaming I just got tired of finding out that what I thought a dialog option would mean and what the Devs thought that dialog option means were two completely different things. Uninstalled it, repacked it and never looked at it again. Shame for the money...
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« Reply #2 on: <09-15-10/0935:44> »
Ahh, Bioware, how you have captured my heart. Since the days of Baldur's Gate, I've yet to be disappointed by Bioware. And now I am doubly encouraged to get my Xbox hard-drive repaired... :'(

John Schmidt

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« Reply #3 on: <09-15-10/1006:55> »
Finished it. No spoilers...for those who might desire to play it.

Only that it was far too short for what I had hoped. Still...
It's not the one with your name on it; it's the one addressed "to whom it may concern" you've got to think about.

Chaotic Insane

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« Reply #4 on: <09-16-10/1449:54> »
ZEVRAN!!! <3

Yeah I really don't have too much intelligent input when it comes to that game other than that. And Alistair. Oh god. Him too. XD Shale is also hysterical. I wish I had enough room in my party to have those three and Morrigan. I don't care if I even got my own warden. My party members are infinitely more entertaining.

I still need to BEAT origins and GET awakening.
"People say I hate the living. It's not true. I just happen to see the potential inside all people; those great things anyone can do if they aren't trapped in their own consciousness and morals. And when I unlock that potential, death is the side-effect. I can't help that." - Dr. McMourning

John Schmidt

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« Reply #5 on: <09-16-10/1929:07> »
I like Oghren, his dialog makes me laugh so hard and if you fill out sword and shield he is an excellent tank. Shale is another favorite, dealing out damage like nobody's business. Combine those two with Morrigan and let the antics ensue.

Dog is pretty cool too, you can send him off to fetch stuff...I still have no idea to whom I am supposed to gift the dirty pantaloons that he brought back to me in Lothering!

The only dud in the party is Wynn...way to preachy for my tastes. I simply give Morrigan the Spirit Healer specialization and have her take care of the healing duties.

Zevran, Morrigan, and Alistair are amusing too. But since I prefer to play a rogue he is a little redundant.

There is alot about the game that I savor...but Claudia Black's presence is the reason I sought out the game in the first place. I have a horrible crush on her, ever since Farscape.
It's not the one with your name on it; it's the one addressed "to whom it may concern" you've got to think about.

Chaotic Insane

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« Reply #6 on: <09-16-10/2024:18> »
I think Zev's great. XD Especially since he makes some of my friends uncomfortable with his flamboyant-ness.
"People say I hate the living. It's not true. I just happen to see the potential inside all people; those great things anyone can do if they aren't trapped in their own consciousness and morals. And when I unlock that potential, death is the side-effect. I can't help that." - Dr. McMourning

John Schmidt

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« Reply #7 on: <09-17-10/0637:43> »
He is certainly forward about his interests.  ;D

Between him and Leliana, I would say that his interaction with the rest of the party is far more amusing. Her biggest plus is once she gets her special bow that she is a pretty decent ranged DPS.

One of the things that I like about the game is the diversity of the group's personalities. The personality conflicts make them far more interesting without being a disctraction.
It's not the one with your name on it; it's the one addressed "to whom it may concern" you've got to think about.

Chaotic Insane

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« Reply #8 on: <09-17-10/0802:26> »
I got yelled at by Wynne for letting him flirt with me. I was cracking up the whole time. I'm not going to be all "No. Stop complementing me," when if he doesn't like you enough he tries to kill you again! >_>;; I will neither confirm nor deny that his friendship rating may or may not almost be maxed while Sten's hasn't budged and he still doesn't even have shoes on...

And Wynne's much more awesome if you have Alistair in the party, because they go back and forth constantly. XD
"People say I hate the living. It's not true. I just happen to see the potential inside all people; those great things anyone can do if they aren't trapped in their own consciousness and morals. And when I unlock that potential, death is the side-effect. I can't help that." - Dr. McMourning


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« Reply #9 on: <09-17-10/1246:27> »
I'm a bit conflicted to pick up Witch Hunt. I didn't get Leliana's Song just because I don't care about any of it. I'd like to see the end of the story but the mixed reviews has me thinking my imagination is probably better off left to wonder. Hmm...

Loved the game myself. I thought the story was well crafted save for some choices being too open ended, and I loved the graphics and mechanics.

Dead Monky

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« Reply #10 on: <09-21-10/1846:35> »
Dragon Age just kind of dragged for me.  I was really into it at first, but I rather quickly lost interest in it.  Eventually it was just my stubbornness and obsession with finishing every game I buy that got me through it.  I can't really place why though.

I really wish they'd have done more with the darkspawn and made it more focused on survival, social collapse, and the chaos in the wake of the advancing blight.

I'll still probably get this new add-on though.

Max Anderson

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« Reply #11 on: <09-22-10/0303:10> »
Just a tiny little correction from a french speaker : it is "douce-amère", not "douce-amyre" :p

John Schmidt

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« Reply #12 on: <09-22-10/0929:49> »
Sorry Max, too late now...but at least I know for next time.  ;)

@Dead Monky
I would have liked it far better if the base game had not been so closed ended and gone with a format like Oblivion. It is a game that has some warts, no doubt about it.
It's not the one with your name on it; it's the one addressed "to whom it may concern" you've got to think about.

