Character Design Question

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Usda Beph

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« Reply #30 on: <09-16-10/1414:12> »
JC:Ok I want 20 cases of Stick & Shock and your pants.
Fixer: My WHAT?!
Fixer: *Begins unbuckling* Yes sir right away!
Yeah, I'm A Minotaur! You Gotta Beef with that?
I'm a Minotaur not a bully!
I studied at the Rocky Mountain Culinary School.I specialized in Seafood.
My Dad worked out of el Toro In New Mexico.

Chaotic Insane

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« Reply #31 on: <09-16-10/1417:04> »
"People say I hate the living. It's not true. I just happen to see the potential inside all people; those great things anyone can do if they aren't trapped in their own consciousness and morals. And when I unlock that potential, death is the side-effect. I can't help that." - Dr. McMourning

The Doomed One

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« Reply #32 on: <09-16-10/1554:18> »
JC:Ok I want 20 cases of Stick & Shock and your pants.
Fixer: My WHAT?!
Fixer: *Begins unbuckling* Yes sir right away!
I feel I should step in, and tell you that this idea will probably not work out well for you in the end.
Pie > Cake

Chaotic Insane

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« Reply #33 on: <09-16-10/1652:21> »
Oh it won't work out well for the party. I fully anticipate us not even getting through the intro without horribly dying and/or killing each other.

But boy will it be fun!
"People say I hate the living. It's not true. I just happen to see the potential inside all people; those great things anyone can do if they aren't trapped in their own consciousness and morals. And when I unlock that potential, death is the side-effect. I can't help that." - Dr. McMourning

Frankie the Fomori

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« Reply #34 on: <09-16-10/1710:45> »
Usda Beph: You’re not kidding about Recon operatives, those guys are tough cookies. We were in doing a large (at the time largest Irwin has ever seen) training mission, and in Irwin the big target for us ADA folks is what is called task force angel. Helicopters who insert there small D>I>R>T teams into the area. Now these teams are made up of their better soldiers as well as Rangers called down from Washington and Recon called up from San Diego. Our teams run about 4 members, but we have allot of fire power. I have in training held off a platoon of regular Infantry using terrain, calling in Artillery simulation rounds, and over lapping fields of fire. We have the advantage of setting up on hill tops, so it is hard to get to us, and because we have a million dollar radar we will be given Fire priority.

So after we set up, and had a good perimeter our MILES (think laser tag) gear kept going off. Finally our OC (think judge) decided someone was killing us, we got to watch as task force angel flew over the horizon and our poor fire teams had no radar lock to get accurate fire on them. After the flights came in three guys came up to our site and introduced themselves. They were recon guys, and they were in fact the ones that killed us off. Now I was just a private at the time, just out of AIT but those guys were ghosts, they had been in our wire all day, and we are talking about Desert, not allot of coverage, they took 14 hours to approach our site, enter our wire and make those kills. We heard nothing till the exercise was over. Then we all sat down. We took one Hummer in to get them hot chow, and they decided we were cool kids and trained us. Mostly about site security, but those things stayed with me till I suffered my last injury and stopped leading soldiers. After they left us, those three guys went on to set up outside one of our Brigade TOC's and snipped at important people like officers and such....sense the Division commander could not be shot he lost allot of aids that week lol. When they debriefed us i got to drive our coronal to the center, they said those three guys tied up an entire infantry company who tried in vain to find them. Some badass well trained operatives.


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« Reply #35 on: <09-16-10/2338:56> »
What makes special ops people so tough in Shadowrun terms is not just their high skill, but their breadth of skill.  They really are not a good example to put in the skill descriptions, because they are not just a single high skill, but also a high linked Attribute and lots of complementary skills.  The hyperbole at the higher level skill descriptions doesn't help, either (because in game terms, a single die is about a third of a success - there is not a whole lot of difference between Mr. Elite and Joe Average, really).

A skill of 6 in pistols is someone who uses his gun in combat situations on a regular basis, who spends a lot of time at the range, who does things like reloading or switching targets instinctively, who can shoot without hesitation or doubt even in the chaotic swirl of combat.  Considering that street samurais act as the muscle for groups of covert intrusion specialists, dealing with intrusion countermeasures and hostile fire from multiple targets on a regular basis - well, I wouldn't see a skill of 6 as being out of line for many of them.

I must have missed something in the character creation section of the book. Plus I'm more or less a newbie with SR.
How on earth do you get some many dice for a starting character, and is it really going to be too difficult to survive unless I'm pooling around 15 dice?
My main skills come in the groups which maxed at level 4
So most of my dice pools are 7 or 8 dice.
I also haven't opted for boosting stats or skills via implants or magic (The character is actually a Mystic Adept)
Was actually thinking I'd made a fairly well rounded character and would be able to succeed at most of the tasks but after reading the posts here I get the impression I'm really going to struggle.
The reason for the apparent disconnect is that Shadowrun is a game where technology and magic make people superhuman - that's one of the main themes of the game, and the rules reinforce this by giving many cheap, easy dice pool bonuses to magical characters and people who augment themselves.

Your character's dice pools seem relatively low because he isn't augmenting  them with anything - they are straight-up skill and Attribute dice.  On the other hand, 7 or 8 dice are a decent enough dice pool for lots of things - it is a decent dice pool for social skills (for a non-face), sneaking around, climbing over a chain-link fence, sprinting for extra distance, performing first aid (assuming you have a rating: 6 medkit, which every runner should - a rating: 2 medkit is for going camping, not for when you know people are going to be shooting at you), and a lot of other tasks.  So don't think a dice pool in the 7-8 range is useless.

Where dice pools tend to be higher is in the areas of magic, social skills, and combat - not so coincidentally, these are also the skills that you will be using against people who get to roll to resist them, and the skills that have a lot of potential negative modifiers.  The street samurai's 15 dice for pistols might seem impressive, but what about when he is fatigued, lightly wounded, in a dark alley with a searchlight glaring down from above, trying to switch targets so he can get a shot at each of the two guards, who are crouching down behind partial cover?  Suddenly he has a lot less dice to throw down.

So 7 or 8 in those areas may be fine for someone who just wants to be well-rounded.  Good enough to fit in at the biker rave without embarassing his ganger friends, or to sell a hot corp car to the local chop shop.  Good enough to shoot from behind cover to help the street sam out a bit.  But if it is one of your core specialties - if you call yourself a mage, or a face, or a street samurai - then you need more of an edge.  With things like muscle toner, the improved ability adept power, magical foci, and similar things, you can boost the base Attribute plus skill dice pool into the high teens, or even higher.

Just be careful, because while someone without enough dice can feel useless, someone who spends too much on being good at a single thing can wind up with glaring weaknesses and lack of ability in other areas.  It can get to the point of diminishing returns - but don't assume anyone rolling 20 dice must be a one-trick pony, either.  It is quite possible to be very good at something, and still be moderately well-rounded.
« Last Edit: <09-16-10/2341:00> by Glyph »


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« Reply #36 on: <09-16-10/2359:28> »
There is something else to note: How is success determined for that particular skill niche?

If the skill is usually used in a straight threshold test, then you could go with a lower dice pool or at least enough dice to succeed at whichever threshold you choose. If the skill is usually used in an opposed test, you might want to have more dice.

Usda Beph

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« Reply #37 on: <09-17-10/1047:03> »
JC:Ok I want 20 cases of Stick & Shock and your pants.
Fixer: My WHAT?!
Fixer: *Begins unbuckling* Yes sir right away!
I feel I should step in, and tell you that this idea will probably not work out well for you in the end.
It's in knowing WHEN to apply the raging beast persona that makes it work. It is as much a Face act as the slick willie wheeler dealer. I have a lot of experience doing intimidation.

However, sometimes failing does make the Game more interesting in that 'Oh God! Oh God! we're all gonna die!' kinda way! ;D That can be fun also!
Yeah, I'm A Minotaur! You Gotta Beef with that?
I'm a Minotaur not a bully!
I studied at the Rocky Mountain Culinary School.I specialized in Seafood.
My Dad worked out of el Toro In New Mexico.


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« Reply #38 on: <09-18-10/1809:17> »
Wondering how this one looks.  I'm contemplating what I should do with the last 37 points.  If I take the Mystic Adept it is down to 27 which would be spent on Spellcasting Skill and a spell or two.  Only have 4 points of Adept powers selected, and am thinking I could trim that down to 3 by cutting Linguistics, Voice Control and Sustenance or one level of Facial Sculpt.  That would give me a Magic of 2 for Spellcasting and give me a decent complement of Adept Powers.  I'm wondering if I should look at Astral Perception for Assensing. 

Well, I'm very tired.  Stayed up late working on this version of the character.  Thoughts from the smart folks out there? 

Counterspelling is something that every group needs.  If you don't have a full mage, go MA just so you can get a high counterspelling skill.  Otherwise it's just a matter of: "Hey Wally Wizzer, cast Analyze Truth on this Slitch."  "Yep, lying."  "Oh, shucks.  I guess that means you're dead."

Other than just advice, I need to clarify something.  Is your Face homeless?  I don't see a lifestyle. 
Speaking of lifestyles, your lifestyle affords you a bunch of things on the free, like clothes.  You'd still have to buy clothes above your lifestyle, so, you want tres chic clothes and you've got a middle lifestyle, then you're going to have to shell out.  But, your lifestyle should take care of the little things.  Like, you need a flashlight?  You aren't living on the streets?  Then you've got a flashlight.

Also, on the knowledge/language skill front, you might want to look into Learning Stimulus nanites.

I'll just leave this here.

Learning Stimulus (LS): These neural amplifiers facilitate
comprehension and memorization of skills the character already
possesses by enhancing the brain’s ability to cross-reference learned
skill memories and the language comprehension functions of the
parietal-temporal-occipital complex. When raising a Knowledge
or Language skill the character already possesses, LS nanoware reduces
the Karma cost by 1 for each rating point

(yes, that means that with 12,000¥ for rating 3 nanites, you can improve a KS/LS from 1 to 4 with one point karma.)
« Last Edit: <09-18-10/1812:27> by Kontact »


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« Reply #39 on: <09-21-10/0458:11> »
Whilst it would only require 1 point of Karma it would require at least three downtimes to raise a knowledge skill from 1 to 4 as you can only raise it by one point at a time.
"Didnt anyone tell you as security school to geek the mage first?"  "I guess I will just have to educate you with a introduction to my boomstick"

