I've only played a little 6e, and only using the core book, so I won't comment much on the crunchy side of it. I'll leave it at that I still don't like some of the game design decisions but I do admit that it is less mental load to run a game in 6e (other than tracking edge, oy, what a pain that is in Play By Post).
On the world building side, I think the game is in good shape. The big meta-plot for 5e didn't work out for a variety of reasons, which really hurt the early 5e years. Things started picking up toward the end, and while I don't like everything that they have done in 6e, I think that overall I've found things I love in almost every world building or adventure book, things that make me want to include them in my game.
Also I think that Holostreets will be adding a lot to the game. I've only dabbled in there so far and haven't even read much of what I've bought, but I think it will help really fill things in around the edges.
ETA: I'm also quite excited for the follow up to Scotophobia, to see the official resolution of things. There is a path there which could do a substantial world adjustment (potentially setting up a rebalanced 7e? It would seem soon, but the opportunity is just perfect to do a major magic adjustment)