Wondering on Other Slummer's Opinion on the Current State of the Game

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« on: <01-10-24/0107:33> »
Because everywhere else just tells me of poor tidings. Also reading the books rules sections tends to make me go, "did anyone proof read this part?". The Fluff and the Character interactions are as always, great, but reading the books and looking on the forums for clarification leads me to think that there was a lot of issues with 5th and 6th. I understand that people did like the Priority System, but that leaded to issues with altered metatypes and Cyber'd up character ideas. Also, Hacking still leads to essentially splitting the party still.

Personally, I really like what Cubicle 7 did with the Wrath & Glory System, but I did have issues with the Tech Priest cyberization and the Point Balance on the Advancements. Kinda feels like if they manage a SR7E that they need a Crash 3.0 so that Hacking and Rigging is forced into a Augmented and Mixed reality Overlay on the shared Battle Space, similar to Working on the Astral. That Full Virtual and the Deeper Astral journeys should be part of later Core books so that the game is more on the same level and less "splitting the party".

I do think that the Tier System from W&G works well for the different sub Races, while the base races are balanced for easy play in Tier 1 (Streetrat) and later things in Tier 2 (Shadowrunner). I think that Shamans and Riggers could possibly be balanced as part of a Perk limitation, but I could be way off base. I just remember that Shamans before 6E could be a bit overpowered and now they are currently just weird.

It just feels really weird that a common saying is that "People Like Everything about Shadowrun, Except Playing the Game".

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #1 on: <01-10-24/0659:57> »
There has never been a Shadowrun edition without quality flaws. There always have been problems, that is nothing new whatsoever. There are plenty of good ideas, which I like to tweak to fit better and work with the flaws, but there has never been an edition that didn't mess up parts so I won't pretend it's just a problem with new editions.

I care not for people's claimed 'poor tidings'. Sixth edition is relatively newbie-friendly and has managed to speed up some parts, allowing me to play, GM, even write things not possible before. I like the path they went for and hope they continue on it.
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« Reply #2 on: <01-10-24/0703:52> »
Same as Chandra. While I loved 4th/20th Anniversary, I think the Sixth World is one of the best versions of the game. Is it perfect? Probably not, but then again, I haven't met a system yet that is.


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« Reply #3 on: <01-10-24/0940:38> »
The core rules are finally decent after the city edition CRB and optional rules in the Companion.
Sometimes the supplemental books are doing great things, sometimes they're ruining things. Authors, at times, have pulled the game in their own direction instead of building on the core. 
Catalyst has finally started publishing errata for supplemental books.
They've settled on a certain format for campaign books: 30-ish jobs, each given about 2 pages of treatment, forming a loose outline that needs about 24-40 hrs of GM work to get to a game ready state.  Our group has done 30 Nights and Third Parallel, and each of those books have burnt out the GM.

The game overall is ABSOLUTELY a step up from 5e in terms of playability.

Kinda feels like if they manage a SR7E that they need a Crash 3.0 so that Hacking and Rigging is forced into a Augmented and Mixed reality Overlay on the shared Battle Space, similar to Working on the Astral. That Full Virtual and the Deeper Astral journeys should be part of later Core books so that the game is more on the same level and less "splitting the party".

I feel the same way.  All the game elements that cause a player to go ragdoll are complications for new players, and should be much more niche/advanced than they currently are.
« Last Edit: <01-10-24/0943:51> by MercilessMing »


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« Reply #4 on: <01-10-24/1533:52> »
I've only played a little 6e, and only using the core book, so I won't comment much on the crunchy side of it.  I'll leave it at that I still don't like some of the game design decisions but I do admit that it is less mental load to run a game in 6e (other than tracking edge, oy, what a pain that is in Play By Post).

On the world building side, I think the game is in good shape.  The big meta-plot for 5e didn't work out for a variety of reasons, which really hurt the early 5e years.  Things started picking up toward the end, and while I don't like everything that they have done in 6e, I think that overall I've found things I love in almost every world building or adventure book, things that make me want to include them in my game. 

Also I think that Holostreets will be adding a lot to the game.  I've only dabbled in there so far and haven't even read much of what I've bought, but I think it will help really fill things in around the edges.

ETA: I'm also quite excited for the follow up to Scotophobia, to see the official resolution of things.  There is a path there which could do a substantial world adjustment (potentially setting up a rebalanced 7e?  It would seem soon, but the opportunity is just perfect to do a major magic adjustment)
« Last Edit: <01-12-24/1003:58> by Beta »


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« Reply #5 on: <01-12-24/0831:52> »
I'm finally starting to dive back into SR. When 6e first launch, I really struggled to "convert" and ultimately chose to play other games/systems. However, I've started to read up with the recent releases and am finding it easier to connect with the mechanics. As noted above, I'm quite interested in seeing how Holostreets enhances the game. I'm also interested in the recent CGL announcements...they're clearly looking at investing more into their RPGs and I'd like to see where the expanded team takes things.