What is your fave megacorp?

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« on: <01-05-24/2118:48> »
Alright, alright.
We get it. You are a runner. You break the ToS all of the time and are probably SINless. But sometimes you just have to admire what the big boys in the world are doing. The Big Ten always have something dirty going on, but there might be something to love about them.
Are you a red-blooded American patriot standing being Ares Macrotech? Maybe you can't help but love the techno-futurism coming out of Renraku Compsys? Heck, Lofwyr runs a tight ship with Saeder-Krupp!
Whether good or bad in your runs, what is your favorite MegaCorp in the Sixth World and why?


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« Reply #1 on: <01-07-24/1445:11> »
I have a soft spot for Shiawase.  I mean, yes they are still a bit 10 megacorporation and all that implies, and yes they are creepily insular as well as racist in various meanings of the word.  But despite being the longest standing Mega they haven't nearly blown themselves up, for a lot of the world they still keep the lights on and food on the table, they do cool things in biotech, and just in general they seem to have a modicum of self-restraint not seen in many of their competitors.  That self-restraint of course makes it all the more fun when they do go nuts in a particular area, nobody is expecting Shiawase to be the problem!