(I'm asking questions about beings and gear presented in Scotophobia, so while this is not spoiling any of the plot it may spoil things you may encounter, so if you are apt to be a player of that material I'd suggest exiting this thread.)
And for that matter chimera, and Disian devices. Scotophobia doesn't mention how these each appear magically?
I guess the first question is whether this is covered in another book, that I either don't have or haven't read carefully enough? If not, what are your thoughts on what metahuman asensors would make of all this stuff?
Assuming no masking or that the test penetrates the masking, does a Disian appear as a spirit? As an awakened metahuman (they have magic)? As a non-awakened metahuman? (after all, they have no magic score). With enough successes could you tell someone was a Disian, once you know what to look for?
What about their spell signatures? Can you tell that they are from a different sort of magic?
Faustians presumably mostly look like whatever they were before, but does their crystal show up to asensing (it should, being magical), and if so then what does it look like? An unknown sort of focus? A new type of magical device? Clearly metaplanar? And somewhat similar to the questions about Disians, is the magic provided by the crystal detestably different?
Then there are the chimera. Some of them are pretty obvious for what they are, but some are much harder to tell apart from normal critters or people, so the ability to detect them with astral perception would be huge. And I think they should show up to asensing? They are magical in a way. How would you describe them to a player whose character is asensing one for the first time? Just another awakened critter? Something different?
Is it possible to tell that a spirit is under a contract created in Dis, rather than summoned to earth? (My guess here would be 'no', but I'm curious if anyone sees it differently).
And finally, Disian devices. We've never had good guidance on what you can asense on any magical device other than foci, I think. So this is part of a broader case that I've struggled with in the past (tarot cards, artifacts, etc.) Presumably asensing will confirm that the device is magical with a simple success, but how much information can be grasped with better rolls? My thinking is general purpose of the device ('a magical storage device of some sort'), then more details ('it would let someone with the right techniques store mana and then draw it back out later, probably quite quickly') then on to general and more detailed rating type information ('it looks like it could power around ten, give or take a couple, good strength spells').