Catalyst Game Labs > Errata

[SR6] Body Shop errata

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--- Quote from: MercilessMing on ---
--- Quote from: KarmaInferno on ---
There is no Natural Weapons specialization. I suppose you could make one as Specializations are open ended.

--- End quote ---

In the Companion when a SURGE quality grants the user a natural weapon, they sometimes say it uses Close Combat (Unarmed specialization), and sometimes uses an Exotic Weapons specialization.

--- End quote ---

True, but that's not the issue here. The whole section is written with a misunderstanding about what is a skill and what is a specialization.


[pg 65] Frog Tongue - missing from table, so no Essence or Nuyen costs.


[Pg 35] Metagenic Cosmetic Alteration - has asterisk on Availability denoting it is set by the specific alteration chosen, but there are no actual rules to determine this number.

In both of these cases, the rules are in the description of the augment.  The asterisk in the table says "see text".


--- Quote from: MercilessMing on ---In both of these cases, the rules are in the description of the augment.  The asterisk in the table says "see text".

--- End quote ---

Sorry, in the second one for cybereyes I cut and pasted when i should not have. Corrected.

The first stands, however, Neither the table nor the description tells us how to determine Availability, only nuyen and essence costs.

Actually, re-reading it, I am wondering if the chart is in error. The "3" Capacity should be a "3" Availability, with the Capacity being "-" as this does not feel like an augmentation meant to be installed in cyberlimbs.


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