So the custom cyberdecks just falls in line with custom foci, data structures, and vehicles. We definitely looked at whether we could bring them in, but felt they still just work better for a home game.
Loner: It's the wild die, but not the wild die. If this gets errata'd it might come in.
Quick Config: It's an Edge, but with the fact it costs 3 means that it is temporary Edge per SRM guide rule. So you gain a temporary Edge, but you aren't currently in an action, so that Edge would just disappear.
Jack Jockey: I expect this one to get errata'd. The third thing it does would normally require Owner permissions, and of the two other benefits, if it was one or the other, it would be fine.
For Subvert Infrastructure, I talked with the author who clarified the intention that it was meant that the decker/TM was intuitively adjusting the devices.