Survey: Augmentations

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« Reply #15 on: <09-22-22/0008:27> »
If I may, I would also like to request a review the state of cybersecurity in this edition. 

As it stands, a cyber'd up gorilla of a man only has three options to keep that two-bit dime store decker wannabe from completely taking over his chrome filled body.  1) a comlink with (at best) a 3/1 defense/firewall rating; 2) a cyberjack (which has a high essence and nuyen cost); and 3) a rigger control console (not built nor optimized for this purpose).

Now, it's been said that the chromed monsters of the sixth world should work with their decker to keep them safe.  However, what happens in-between runs when Cyber Sam walks into his local Stuffer Shack to buy a Charleston Chew and finds himself jumped by a group of go-ganger initiates looking to prove themselves?  Normally not a problem, except one is a matrix wiz who can paralyze Sammie with just a thought, allowing his kin to do the rest.

The best cyber protection, from a cost standpoint, comes from option 3, implanting a RCC (even a "scratch built junk" version), as it only costs 0.3 Essence and the price of the console.

It seems to me that cyberjacks could probably have a (significantly) reduced essence cost, as it is likely a neural interface (like a DNI) with a micro-circuit board.  Another option might be a version of the cyberjack that cannot interface with a cyberdeck, permitting only the defensive qualities.  Of course, perhaps instead of implanting a regular comlink, the cyber-comlink might have better D/F ratings, since it interfaces directly with a person's brain.

In any case, it only took five (in game) years for armor and cybersecurity to fall way behind (way, way behind) their opposite attack forms.  With everyone running around with un-securable technology, the 2080's will be known as a decker's golden age.

Thanks for listening!
« Last Edit: <09-22-22/0024:44> by Greysword »


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« Reply #16 on: <09-22-22/0919:26> »
You forgot Wireless off.

And consider, if the Sami gets an option to be decker proof, does the decker get an option to be bullet proof?

Scratch built Junk RCC, build it into your Bike, not your head.  Run Silent, Run Deep program.  Hope for best.  Ultimately Wireless bonuses in 6th are pretty small.  Wireless off isn't a terrible option.


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« Reply #17 on: <09-23-22/0126:37> »
Turning off wireless is a great option, but the corps want everyone to be wireless on, and that includes runners.  They build whiz features for that. 

As for the second option listed, I don't think a Sami will every be able to fight off a "real" decker (especially with a low to mid Willpower score).  However, they should have enough defense from tech to be able to fend off the average teenager with dreams of being a decker, themselves.

The reason for the ask is not because there is a work around (wireless off).  Instead, it looks like the only ones that have decent cybersecurity are deckers and riggers.  Everyone else gets a max 3 firewall, and only if they pay for the best comlink.  That is a large disparity in five years time.

Maybe I'm being unreasonable, and I apologize if I am.  I just see a significant hole in basic cybersecurity in a world that lives and breaths through their wireless connections.


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« Reply #18 on: <09-23-22/0400:47> »
Have you checked out Banshee's thought's on the matrix values of commlinks?  We use this as a houserule!
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #19 on: <09-23-22/1738:45> »
Thanks Aria!  Do the alternate D/F numbers in your spreadsheet come from this?

LOVE your character generator spreadsheet, BTW!!
« Last Edit: <09-23-22/1907:27> by Greysword »


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« Reply #20 on: <09-25-22/1815:02> »
I'm a big fan of a lot of the oddities toward the back end of chrome flesh, that is the symbiotes, the nanite based ware and equipment, and the geneware -- but thematically all the odd little enhancements.  I'm not asking that everything be ported over to 6e, and I admit I've yet to make the character that uses Smart Articulation or Skeletal Pneumacity, but those sorts of things get my brain racing, making me think of the sort of character (PC or NPC) that would make use of them, and so it widens my SR world more than something that fine-tunes popular enhancements does.  (and for that matter I have used the enhanced stomach that lowers your lifestyle cost, the electrical-eel type gland, and one or two other odd-ball things that I could squeeze in more for flavour/RP than anything else.  Although I really wised that the electrical-eel gland had an option that let you re-charge devices at a slow rate, would have made increased RP utility).

I second the suggestion above to have more things that use the wild die.  I wasn't a huge fan of the wild die, but since it is part of the rules might as well make use of it -- I do like how it works out for some weapons in Firing Squad.

Given the heavy demand on minor actions for characters with low reaction enhancements, relatively cheap ware that lets some specific minor action be done freely, or two minor actions to be combined, could be interesting?  Although likely too easily also used by those who already have a lot of minor action options.

Anything that helps generate edge outside of combat.  Avoiding abuse could be a challenge, but I like the idea of a character getting edge because they were 'doing their thing' really well, be that parkour or looking good or being unnoticed.  (I could also see exotic geneware giving targeted edge for specific skills, where it gives more instincts from some species good at the skill in question).


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« Reply #21 on: <09-26-22/1131:25> »
Thanks Aria!  Do the alternate D/F numbers in your spreadsheet come from this?

LOVE your character generator spreadsheet, BTW!!
Yes, they do, it's one of the houserules on the first tab that you can turn on or off

And thank you :D
Excel Cha Generators <<CG5.26>> & <CG6.xx> v36


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« Reply #22 on: <10-08-22/2134:15> »
Another thing I'd like to put a plug in for is mechanical elements beyond just granting situational Edge or AR/DR.  A book that provided all the ideas listed here, but that only offered variations on those would be pretty disappointing.
Cyberware could do some neat and different things, like magic does for casters.  Just converting all prior edition content to Edge/AR/DR tinkering wouldn't really enhance the game.  Get creative and have fun!


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« Reply #23 on: <11-29-22/2345:38> »
I would definitely like to see Nanotech return in force and have some good alternative options over cyber/bio.


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« Reply #24 on: <11-30-22/0737:02> »
False Face, Cyberhair, Breasts (Stuff that lets you impose as someone else)

Antennas for noise reduction

Rules for programming triggers in some way. Like: If by physical monitor reach 1, inject X autmaticalle. If biomonitor reach 0 stun, turn on Jammer and apply drug Y. If cybereyes gain blinded condition III or IV do this. If I fall asleep without turning off this program, inject long haul.
- The system should prolly be limited to a very simple logic template with only one testing parameter and one resulting action. Maybe with some rules for how many of these you can set up based on your data processing, and an example of Edit File being able to alter the tigger.