Survey: Augmentations

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« on: <09-16-22/0913:34> »
Ok gang, pretty sure I already know most if the answers but now is the time to weight in on what your wishlist items are for the new augmentations book.

Tell me what you want to see!
« Last Edit: <09-16-22/1400:02> by Banshee »
Robert "Banshee" Volbrecht
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« Reply #1 on: <09-16-22/1301:57> »
Body Sculpting and Cosmetic Augmentations.  Hopefully cheap and low to no Essence as it's theoretically commonplace and done frequently.  Multiple times a year for those on the cutting edge of fashion.

Cyberlimb, Cyberbody, Cybertail options.  I suspect you know the wishlist.

Initiative and Minor Action boosts, feel free to recycle the options from previous editions.  (Move by Wire, Synaptic Boost, ect, ect). 

Utility options.  We have basic stat, skill, and combat boosts in the CRB.  Samies could use some more random toys though.  Again, many examples in previous editions.

MAD and Cyberware Scanner counter measures for Augmentations and Weapons.  Stuff for the sneaky Samurai on the go.

More Social 'ware. 

Qualities and Martial Arts for Cyber'd up Monsters.


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« Reply #2 on: <09-16-22/1632:54> »
Seems like Christmas came early this year. :o

For starters:
  • First and foremost: a full-flavored cerebellum booster. Unfortunately, the Simsense Interface Overdrive from Double Clutch is sub-par (especially with restrictions imposed by the German edition).
  • No augmentations of any kind causing karma cost reductions.
  • No Smartlink-2.
  • An explicit statement or rules on the feasibility of augmentation upgrades (e.g., raising ratings over time).
  • Something akin to the MCT Biolink and Leonization for (continued) story telling purposes.
  • Lightweight genetech and nanotech with streamlined rules (e.g., no need to distinguish hard and soft nanoware systems). Something along the lines of neocortical nanites, Neo-EPO, or synaptic acceleration would be welcome. These systems should provide cost-effective lower-tier drop-in replacements for full-featured systems (e.g., rating one neocortical nanites substituting for a single rating of the cerebral booster). That enables more fine-grained stepping stones during character development.
  • Experimental or temperamental stuff with attached wild dice. Might be a good option for short-term enhancements that mimic other augmentations or provide otherwise unobtainable effects.
  • Chemistry rules to mix your preferred designer stims and maybe for homemade "redecoration charges".
  • I did like the widely applicable tactical computer from 3rd ed. Not sure if a (lightweight) translation to 6th ed. is feasible.
  • Appearance-altering and social augmentations along with cosmetic ware for fluff.
  • And of course, we desperately need a ruthenium upgrade for orthoskin. ::)
  • Moar lazors!


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« Reply #3 on: <09-16-22/2032:42> »
What did the Germans do to the booster?
Robert "Banshee" Volbrecht
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« Reply #4 on: <09-17-22/0753:55> »
The German version appends a sentence, which translates as follows: The [Simsense Interface Overdrive] only works in conjunction with a control rig, hence only for rigging.

Effectively barring deckers and technomancers from this option for a (matrix-focused) intuition-enhancement. Very frustrating ...


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« Reply #5 on: <09-17-22/1301:07> »
The German version appends a sentence, which translates as follows: The [Simsense Interface Overdrive] only works in conjunction with a control rig, hence only for rigging.

Effectively barring deckers and technomancers from this option for a (matrix-focused) intuition-enhancement. Very frustrating ...

Huh ..  well that is a straight out misinterpretation we clearly only limited it to VR and said nothing about control rigs
Robert "Banshee" Volbrecht
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« Reply #6 on: <09-17-22/2004:07> »
Simple, effective, and fun cyberlimbs.  The current rules really need simplification and improvement. 

For simplicity, I'd rather they start with stats equal to the user's baseline, and get modded from there.  For amping up the interest, I'd love to see special abilities you can't get other ways.  The original limbs were designed into the game 30 years ago, and really haven't changed much.  Meanwhile our conception of how this can work has changed a bit over the years.  Time for "neolimbs".  It can be a version that's "better" than the baseline ones, so long as their capabilities are better.  Then people can still have the old ones if they want, but for folks who just want something simple and always more powerful than their meat bod, cyberpunk style, they'd have a go-to option. 

Michael Chandra

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« Reply #7 on: <09-18-22/1008:44> »
Special cyberlimb sets that allow one to move differently. o,o Raptor legs for fast running, gorilla leg+arm set for easy climbing, that kinda thing.
How am I not part of the forum?? O_O I am both active and angry!


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« Reply #8 on: <09-19-22/0155:50> »
I'd get rid of per-cyberlimb attribute increases entirely.

Have the limbs be always the same as the rest of the body. If you want to boost attributes, get one of the other attribute boosting pieces of 'ware. Muscle Replacement/Toner/Augmentation, etc. Fluff it so that the boost also gets integrated into the limbs in some way if you need to. At most perhaps get an Essence discount on the boosting 'ware per cyberlimb or part you already have.

At the very least make cyberlimbs start at whatever Agility and Strength the existing unaugmented attribute rating the host body has. Starting them at 2 and eating up a point of capacity for every point of attribute just makes cyberlimbs garbage compared to other types of attribute boost, especially since you have to buy it per limb and anytime you do a whole body action you lose all benefit from the cyberlimb attribute boosts.
« Last Edit: <09-19-22/0203:56> by KarmaInferno »


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« Reply #9 on: <09-19-22/1236:39> »
I wholeheartedly agree in regards to the Cyberlimbs. Right now, capacity is the biggest problem. If you want limbs with decent Agi and Strength values, thereīs hardly enough space left for interesting gadgets and weapons, especially if you go for realistic limbs. IMO the best way to fix the issue would be a return of Custom Cyberlimbs that start with higher base stats without giving up capacity.

Some more suggestions:

  • Ware that helps against Magic! Theoretically, Cybering up heavily should already offer some benefits against Magic, but right now, itīs all limited to beneficial effects, i.e. itīs exclusively bad for the runner. Iīm thinking about headware that helps against mental manipulation and/or Probing (by "encrypting" your own thoughts, perpaps?) or Qualities that extend the effect on positive Healing spells to other spells.
  • Regarding Qualities: A return of "Samurai Ways" for the Augmented (they existed back in 4th Edition!) would be really cool! They could work somewhat analogous to Adept "Ways" - granting bonuses for certain tests and Essence Discount for certain types for ware. Examples: Way of the Juggernaut (all the defensive stuff like Bone Augmentations, Dermal Plating), Way of the Hedonist (Senseware), The Interface (all the different "Jacks", Control Rigs, Move-by-Wire...) and even the literal Way of the Samurai (Speed enhancements, implanted Weapons...)
  • Regarding 4th Edition: I dearly missed the more messed-up options like "Jarhead"-style Cyborgs or the "Dark Magic" Cyberzombies in 5th Edition - especially as a GM! Not every option has to be open (or "attractive") for the actual players. Sometimes, you just want to throw a -2.3 Ess. Troll with Cyberpsychosis and tank tracks for legs at the party and wreak havoc 8)
  • Donīt skimp too much on "niche" ware! These are often way better to reflect a characterīs weird life choices and priorities than the big pieces of ware that everyone takes for the flat dice pool bonuses. A waste compartment (a.k.a. shit compressor) and Tremor Compensation are way more flavourful for an Ex-Military Sniper than just the boring olī Muscle-Toner/Wired Reflexes Combo ;)
  • Incentives for obvious ware (besides the rule of cool). F.i. I remember the term "Exoware" from a fluff blurb in 5th Edition - ware that looks more crude and "cyberpunk", but is technically less invasive because more chrome is actually outside the body than inside. Could be implemented as an additional "grade" for certain types of Cyberware.
  • A return of Geneware and Nanoware. And no constant "OK now the Monads will get u (:" gaslighting in regards to the latter! Buffed UCAS Senators however...
« Last Edit: <09-19-22/1258:51> by Finstersang »


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« Reply #10 on: <09-19-22/1655:21> »

  • Donīt skimp too much on "niche" ware! These are often way better to reflect a characterīs weird life choices and priorities than the big pieces of ware that everyone takes for the flat dice pool bonuses. A waste compartment (a.k.a. shit compressor) and Tremor Compensation are way more flavourful for an Ex-Military Sniper than just the boring olī Muscle-Toner/Wired Reflexes Combo ;)

Please.  And make the costs consistent.  Pick Pocket Fingers that give a bonus to Palming should cost less than a Reflex Recorder for Stealth.  And so on. 

Stuff that grants edge to a dice roll should be cheaper than stuff that grants edge to your pool.  And in general should be in line with Sunguard Jewelry or similar gear.  i.e. cheap.

Implants that neutralize/immunize/reduce status effects would be neat.

Action Economy stuff.  "Gap Closer Reflex Bundle" Refund the minor action to Move if you close to melee.  Auto Dodge/Auto Block.  Threat Detector - Automatic Prone from Blast attacks. 


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« Reply #11 on: <09-19-22/2125:54> »
Regarding 4th Edition: I dearly missed the more messed-up options like "Jarhead"-style Cyborgs or the "Dark Magic" Cyberzombies in 5th Edition - especially as a GM! Not every option has to be open (or "attractive") for the actual players. Sometimes, you just want to throw a -2.3 Ess. Troll with Cyberpsychosis and tank tracks for legs at the party and wreak havoc 8)

You can kinda do this with Transhumanism from 6th World Companion.

It's basically a kind of Initiation for Mundanes. You spend Karma to get Grades just like Initiation, but instead of magical power each Grade level adds a point of Essence Hole that can be filled with augmentations without affecting your actual Essence rating.


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« Reply #12 on: <09-20-22/1127:07> »
Medical port.  We've got the optional rule to "imagine there's a medical port".  Now make one, so samurai can heal better.

I agree with the general sentiment around cyberlimbs and wish they were set up in a way that you purchase them to match your attributes, require natural attributes of a certain level to acquire, and let the STR/AGI inside them be further augmented via Muscle Replacement cyberware.  More synergy between muscle systems and cyberlimbs would be appreciated and cure longstanding issues.  (The fluff around muscle replacement as "vat grown muscles and calcium treatments" should be changed to be more artificial, because that's describing a bioware system and doesn't jibe with augmentation overdrive). 
Make cyberlimbs as easy as possible.

+1 to the tin foil hat augment, even if it becomes a manatech solution.

Echolocation ears

Eyes in the back of your head

Drug injectors

Social/cosmetic ware: face plates, along with manufacturing equipment to make them based on video or scan data?  face shaping ware?

For NPCs: How about some thought control, a little puppet tech to keep your troops in line, keep them in the meat grinder longer?

More specialized fingertip compartments, smuggling compartments, and skin pockets.  Autopicker fingertip compartment is the low hanging fruit here.

I know swappable cyberlimbs were a thing and that's likely to come back right?  I really enjoy cyberlimbs and the gadgets they can sport, just keep the bookeeping to a minimum, please don't invent subsystems with their own stats and mods and tests and skills to use.

Also when writing about augments, mention interesting ways they can be hacked: removable limbs popping off the body, for instance.


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« Reply #13 on: <09-21-22/0002:34> »
Ok, since you asked  ;)

How about new rules (maybe optional) that provide magic immunity to individuals that have cyberware, based on their Essence score.  Physical magic (like physical combat or manipulation spells) might not be effected, but Mana based combat spells and those in the illusion, health, or detection categories may be effected.  Of course, those that impact machines will still impact the cyber'd person.  I think you have the idea, though. 

The goal is to even the playing field with the mage clan, if possible.

Also while I have you, proper Addiction (and recovery) rules would be nice.

Thanks for listening!


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« Reply #14 on: <09-21-22/1232:57> »
Expanding on the False Face idea, some sort of bodysculpting 'ware, for both meat and synthetic cyberlimbs. Subcutaneous bladders that can be adjusted to change your body shape.

