More 6E gun questions

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« on: <10-14-22/0035:20> »
HI everyone,

1) The Ares Viper Silvergun lists damage as 4p(f).  Is this before the flechette DV adjustment or after? The Fichetti Tiffany Needler states the damage code includes the DV reduction.

2) Shotguns are DV 4P.  Do they do anything different than another 4P firearm?  It seems the flechette reduction will lower this to 3P, and if it doesn't do anything more, then a Heavy Pistol is better than a shotgun.

3) Most Light Pistols are DV 2P.  Is this decent given the current rules?  So far, it doesn't seem like Light Pistols do hardly anything (1 or 2 net damage) in our games, and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right (3-5 damage per hit minus 1-3 soak from Body).  Plenty of chance to set off an alarm, while the Comlink taser/stungun does 5S +net hits or smacking them with the back of your hand does just as much.

Thanks for your help!


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« Reply #1 on: <10-14-22/1122:28> »
1.  I've always assumed the DV for the Slivergun includes the adjustment for flechette ammunition.

2.  Shotguns can use any kind of Ammo.  Yes they are 4P DV guns very similar to any other.  The mechanical differences are represented in the stat line and in the mods/accessories built into the weapon.

3.  IIRC there are some fast draw and concealability options for Light Pistols that Heavy Pistols don't have.  But otherwise, yes, Light Pistols have a limited use case vs "all the other options".  And correct, they don't do much damage unless you have a huge dice pool.


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« Reply #2 on: <10-14-22/1357:06> »
1) The Ares Viper Silvergun lists damage as 4p(f).  Is this before the flechette DV adjustment or after? The Fichetti Tiffany Needler states the damage code includes the DV reduction.
In previous editions, the suffix (f) or (fl) consistently indicated that the flechette modification is already included in the damage value.

The damage for these weapons is rather high, though, given that flechette applies a -1 DV adjustment (making the unmodified Slivergun a 5P burst-fire capable, integrally suppressed heavy pistol). Looks like a case for the errata.

3) Most Light Pistols are DV 2P.  Is this decent given the current rules?
Remembering to use the semi-automatic firing mode can help a little (+1 DV / -2 AR). You might also want to take a look at the Colt Agent Special from Firing Squad if you want a light pistol with a better punch.


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« Reply #3 on: <10-14-22/2225:38> »
Thank you both!


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« Reply #4 on: <10-15-22/0543:53> »
In previous edition flechette had a DV of +2 against unarmed targets. I wonder if perhaps flechette had a DV of +1 in early iteration of SR6 and that weapons with flechette already factored in are still listed in the gear section with this in mind. And that they later gave them -1 DV and higher AR, but that this was never reflected in the gear section.....