Sixth World Game Book Request

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« on: <07-20-22/1756:44> »
Hi everyone.  Not sure who is reading this that can feed the request back to the people that can make this happen, so I will just post it here and see if it gets any traction.

While I've already bought the initial Core Rule Book for 6E and just bought the City Edition (gave the other to Goodwill, so someone new can discover the game), I was hoping to request a version that incorporates the City Edition and the Companion book.

Not sure if hiring someone to do that layout would be worth it, but just thought I'd ask. 

Along the same lines, I would love to see "collected editions" of the previous editions, that sorts all of the info from the CRB and supplements from that edition into a definitive set of volumes with all of the rules and options collected together (like a weapons section with all of the weapons from all of the supplements in one place or a definitive Magic volume with all of the rules together, spells, etc.

To fund this, CGL can do a Kickstarter type event, so the capital outlay isn't on them.

Lastly, would it be possible to make previous editions (and even 6E) print on demand through DriveThruRPG?  It would be great to get the most up to date versions of the books in soft cover.

Thanks for listening!