mage for BpB

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« on: <04-02-11/0547:00> »
Name: Aisha De Nasclimento
SIN1 (rating 2): Melina Najiyyah
SIN2 (rating 3): Maria De la Vega
Nickname: Kitten
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Nationality: Egyptian
Lifestyle: middle (2months paid)
Karma Spent: 25
Physical Description:
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: brown
Length: 1m69
Weight: 63 kg
Measurements: 34B-26-34
Age: 30


3 4 3 2
3 5 4 4
EdgeMagic EssenceInitiative
3 5 6 8

Positive Qualities
Mage: 15
Mentor Spirit (Sun, Ra): 5 (+2 combat spells, +2 fire spirits)
Linguist   : 5
Astral chameleon: 5
Negative Qualities
SINner (Standard): -5
Asthma: -15
Spirit bane (insect spirits): -10

Active Skills
Conjuring Skill Group2
First Aid 1
Perception 1
Pistols (semi-automatics) 1 (3)
Etiquette 1
Negotiation (bargaining) 1 (3)
Infiltration 1
Counterspelling 1
Spellcasting 5
Survival 1
Astral combat 2
Arcana 1
Assensing 2
Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points=27)
Insect Spirits 3
Magical theory 2
Biology (parabiology)3 (5)
Small unit tactics 1
Wilderness Survival 1
Mercenary outfits 3
Seattle syndicates 1
Gambling Games 1
Ancient mythologies (Egyptian)1 (3)
Language Skills
English 2 (4)
Spanish 2 (4)
Sperethiel 1 (3)
Yoruba 1 (3)
Egyptian (old, 4th dyn) 1 (3)

Fireball combat (physical, indirect, elemental,area)(F/2)+5
Stunbolt combat (mana, direct) (F/2)-1
Heal health (physical) damage value-2
Increase Reflexes health (physical) (F/2)+2
Improved Invisibility illusion (physical,realistic,single sense) (F/2)+1
Stealth illusion (physical,realistic,single sense) (F/2)+1
Armour manipulation (physical) (F/2)+3
Clean water manipulation (physical,elemental,environmental,area) (F/2)+2
Sterilize manipulation(physical,area) (F/2)+2
Preserve manipulation (physical,area) (F/2)
Clairvoyance detection (mana,passive, directional) (F/2)-1
Clairaudience detection (mana,passive, directional) (F/2)-1
Shapechange manipulation (physical) (F/2)+2

Gear (69480¥)
Hermes Ikon commlink + novatech navi OS (firewall 6)6900¥
2x analyse + browse + edit (rating 4) 1200¥
Sony emperor commlink + renraku ichi OS 1300¥
2x analyse + browse + edit (rating 2) 300¥
Defiance protector (taser) 300¥
Ares Predator IV (skinlink+personalised grip+gecko grip) 600¥
armour vest 300¥
actioneer business clothes 1500¥
satlink + subvocal mike 550¥
tag eraser 150¥
2x fake SIN rating 3 + rating 2 5000¥
2x fake licence (driving, weapon, mage) rating 3 + rating 2 1500¥
goggles (flare compensation, image link, smartlink) 600¥
handheld sensor (camera + magnification, directional mike, MAD scanner) 475¥
survival kit +100m standard rope + flashlight175¥
medkit rating 6 600¥
asthma medication (2 months) 300¥
mage sight goggles 2000¥
5 doses of lael 900¥
ammo (4clips regular, 2 clips explosive,3clips taser darts)260¥
survival knife 50¥
dry lubricant (10 doses) 20¥
respirator rating 6 600¥
Force 3 sustaining focus 30000¥
magical lodge force 6 3000¥
pocket mage library rating 1 600¥

George ‘Fly by’ Harrison (smuggler)3/2
Jack McCallahan (talismonger)3/4

smuggler: George ‘Fly by’ Harrison.  A smuggler she worked for a couple of times after the battalion was disbanded.  He brought her into Seattle.

Talismonger: Jack McCallahan.  Initially a friend of a friend, they first met in Lagos, where he was harvesting Telesma.  She helped him there by searching while on patrol.  He was the only contact address she had when she first came to Seattle.

Aisha’s father came from the CAS to Cairo for his work, but he fell in love with the city and Aisha’s mother.  He converted to Islam and married her, before settling permanently in Egypt.  Aisha’s youth was rather idyllic in high middle class Cairo, and even though both her brothers always got the better end of the deal, she did get an education, something most Muslim girls in Egypt didn’t get.  But as she went into puberty, she started to rebel.

Her father sent her to an Islamic boarding school a bit outside of Cairo.  This were some of the worst years of her life, as she wasn’t used to the strict discipline there, and she regularly came into contact with the staff and she was often put in solitary confinement when she had again done something wrong.  One of the nights she saw a man in her dreams.   She recognised him as Ra, the old Egyptian Sun god, from her history lessons.  Ra told her that he would help her, but she would have to work hard as well.  Aisha promised she would if Ra could help her get out of here.

That happened right before she turned 17.  They were on the courtyard, just after lunch, and some of the other girls started pestering her again because she was different.  This time she snapped and before they knew it, two of the girls were on the ground, unconscious.  From the corner of her eye she spotted Ra, standing near the gate.  The teachers came running towards her to see what had happened, but she wouldn’t let them put her back in solitary again.  She ran towards the gate, but that was closed.  Now all the gym classes paid off and before the teachers could get to her she had climbed over it and disappeared into the city.

She had almost never been in the city before, at least not on her own, but she knew they would look for her, even if it was only to kick her out and take her back to her father.  She was smart enough to know what had happened.  She was a mage, and a woman at that, not something good to be in a strict Islamic country.  There was only one place she could go now and that was the mercenary quarter.  With the foreign mercenaries, here for the Desert wars, she could get away.  So she went into the mercenary quarter and after some searching she found a battalion that would move out a couple of days later.  She was met with scepsis when she told them she wanted to join, but she managed to convince one of the officers, a female captain, that she was a mage.  The captain had the only mage in the battalion come in and he confirmed that she was indeed awakened.

Given the shortage of mages in mercenary groups she could stay and the other mage, a Frenchman named Jean-Jacques, started to teach her.  She was a quick learner, even though it was a bit difficult since she used magic more instinctive while he used a more formal approach, but quickly she managed to get some basic spells.  After Egypt the group moved to the Yucatan peninsula to fight against Aztec.  She was horrified about the carnage and slaughter she witnessed there, but with Ra on her side, failure was not an option.  At that moment she didn’t have many combat spells, only the stunbolt she had used on the girls at school, but she quickly learned how to purify water and keep food fresh from one of the mages of another battalion.  When they found themselves surrounded by Aztec forces this became very useful to keep the men and women alive.

When they were rescued only 20 soldiers could still walk, but they had held the Aztecs off.  The group withdrew to Europe to rebuild and Aisha, now a corporal, was told to continue her study for more spells.  After the rebuild, which took a couple of months, the unit moved to Africa, where they had to guard a part of the Niger Oil Pipeline.  It was Aisha’s first time in sub-Saharan Africa and it was an eye-opener.  Cairo had its share of slums, but it was nothing compared to Lagos and the surrounding kingdoms.  Here her ability to clean water was even more important and as she also did it for the local villagers, she managed to gain their trust, even if she was a woman doing magic.  Here she found out about her gift with languages and by the time they left she could hold a conversation in Yoruba, the local language.

After this job the relocated to Amazonia, to guard the border around Bogota against Aztec.  The Aztec forces were busy in the Yucatan, but that wasn’t a reason to be relaxed.  There were other problems in Bogota and while they didn’t see the heavy fighting they had in Yucatan, it still was a stressful job to patrol streets that could erupt in violence at any time.  Aisha and Jean-Jacques, now not only good friends but also lovers despite the age difference, were as magical assets too important to be risked in patrols, so they stayed in the compound until heavy assistance was needed.  That made their job a bit less dangerous but much more frustrating as they often arrived on scene too late to do anything but clean up the corpses.

In 2063, their next job brought them to Chicago for some old fashioned bug hunting.  Aisha didn’t know why the colonel, Jane Merril, accepted this assignment, but it wasn’t a sergeant’s place to question order from the big boss.  They would help Ares forces clear a way to the Calumet port, together with two other mercenary groups.  It was like hell on earth.  Not only did they encounter warlords who wanted to keep their little ‘kingdoms’, they were also attacked by a couple of bug hives.  Aisha was again more to the rear, as she was a better healer than combat mage, but the back of the convoy was at one point attacked by wasp spirits.  Luckily they had a couple of squads of riflemen on hand near the first aid station, as even a fireball and banishing don’t do much against so many insect spirits.  She was severely wounded in the attack as the spirits seemed to be focusing on her.  This allowed the riflemen to take them out easier, but they only just managed to save her.

While she managed to get out alive, even only barely, Jean-Jacques wasn’t so lucky.  As the more combat capable mage he was at the front and got ripped apart by a mantis spirit flesh form.  Aisha was devastated, even though he had been 15 years older, he still had been kind to her when no-one else had.  When the unit relocated back to Europe for another rebuild (only about 100 of the 600 troops had survived the ‘Bug Run’ as they called it), it took colonel Merril all of her negotiation skills to convince Aisha to stay with the unit and not go off on a vengeance in the CZ.  In fact it wasn’t the colonel who convinced her, but Ra, appearing not in a dream but in the flesh (materialised and everything) to warn her off.  Reluctantly, she did as Ra asked and went back to Europe.

They were still in Europe when the crash 2.0 hit.  While the battalion, at that point only about 400 soldiers, quickly shut down their camp and therefore didn’t have many problems from the crash itself, the aftermath was something else.  A lot of members had lost their data due to the crash and two of their best hackers had a serious case of AIPS, requiring hospitalisation.  All this and the problems getting new members meant they stayed in Europe for most of 2064, occasionally hiring out locally, like when a winternight cell was discovered near their base camp in Lisbon.  Aisha was now a combat veteran, promoted to lieutenant and tasked with finding new mages.  She had also learned Stealth and Improved Invisibility and was the new commander of the scout squad.  A third task was to accompany the colonel on negotiations, where her ability to pick up languages very quickly was very useful.

At the end of 2064 they moved back to Africa, first to Cairo for another tour in the Desert wars.  It was the first time Aisha returned to her home city since she had run away.  The seven years had changed both her and the city.  Some discreet inquiries learned her that her father had died during riots following the crash and her mother was living with her older brother.  She attempted to contact them but the devout Muslims didn’t want anything to do with a mercenary/mage daughter.  The only person of the family who wanted anything to do with her was Mohammed Al Qasi, a distant cousin, but as he was a hawala banker, that was more for her money and a contact within Merril’s Marauders.  The contact remained business in every aspect, although she did give him a letter for her mother from time to time.  All letters went unanswered.

After another year the outfit relocated to Russia, in the employ of one of the warlords in Siberia who had heard quite good things about them.  This was a straight combat mission, but they also helped with rebuilding destroyed villages when there was no fighting going on.  Here Aisha’s gift with languages and her ability to purify water came in handy.   Aisha was now also head of the magical support group, even though it was only three people.  Here she also learned about cold, as it was her first experience with a northern winter.

After the task in Russia they moved back to Lagos, from where they went back to the Nigerian Kingdoms to guard the oil pipeline.  Unfortunately a lot of mercenary companies before had not been really gentle with the villagers surrounding the pipeline and her renewed efforts to get some friendly relations with them were fruitless.  These were two difficult years and near the end it was even more so, with pirate attacks near the coast starting to grow in intensity and also in planning.

In the end of 2069 the pirates attacked again, this time in force.  Aisha was just coming back with a group from an extended patrol when they saw the fires at the group’s base camp.  They moved as quickly as possible, but they were too late.  While Merril’s Marauders had inflicted a 3 to 1 casualty ratio, it hadn’t been enough.  Aisha and her group of ten were the only ones left over from a battalion of over 800 and she was now the ranking officer.  There wasn’t much they could do and after burying the remains of their fellow soldiers, Aisha brought the rest of the battalion back to the nearest city for transport back to their main base in Europe.  There she disbanded Merril’s Marauders, sold the base and divided the money among the survivors and the descendents of the dead.  She didn’t want to build up the group again and she also had no desire to lead them.

Now she had to get on by herself and found herself drawn to the shadows.  Life as a wage-mage didn’t appeal to her as she was used to the thrill of special operations.  She started out in Europe but soon she was back in the UCAS, first Washington DC and after that Seattle.
"Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
"I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute"

