IC Auburn: Logrolling

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« on: <03-29-11/1349:28> »
Spring is deffinitely comming and nothing should stop it now. Even the sun broke throught clouds late afternoon, putting an end to three days of rain, mists or at least drizzle. At least there is no volcanic ash in the air, as a wind blows from the sea and not from Rainier.
As if anybody cares about the weather theese days

5:30 PM

@Harry: Usually its still early for your third whiskey, you are trying to keep that habbit under controll. When doing usual sightseeing, none of your contacts reveal anything usefull and even Elvis, who is able to forward some local problems to you or give your PAN No. to potential client, has nothing but tired:
"Sorry, got nothing for you buddy, even we have nothing but boring long shifts..."
That would usualy mean that you spend your afternoon sparring in the gym down the street or to take another shot in the privacy of your livingroom, maybe watching that new trid remake of Good, Bad and Ugly.
This timeyou were saved from chosing by comm call from Hun.
"Hey, Harry, dont meant to disturb you in whatever you are doin, and Im not draggin you to Aurora, I know you will find your way if you need to, but there are two gentlemen here who are asking about you , sayin they will wait if you are willing to come..."
Something about the way he said "gentelemen" makes you sure that he meant somebody important who dont want to be named.

@Nikolai: You have just finished prepairs for unwelcomed visit, that would turn your apartment upside down whle looking for some delusional rats. Only rats here are those fried ones...You stacked your stuff to smuggling compartement in your car and then you dispose some platic bags to the garbage cans, just as a cover and, in fact, at least that machine gave you the reason to make some cleaning in your rooms and dispose all those ratburger boxes, soy barr packs and dog food cans...
You spend a minute on the street, watching the sky changing from deep gray to light gray and the sun beams piercing the clouds...and you almost feel like human you once been...but that glimpse of humanity is gone like an uncatchable idea...and you see no point in standing there and watching the sky...
You have a strange feeling, somewhere deep inside...
You run the stairs up to your floor, unconcentrated to that point that you almost run to the old lady who is rushing throught the corridor back to her flat. You dodge her at the very last moment, watching her horrified face from very close distance for one, quite intensive moment, seeing that all in her eyes: that she is really affraid of you and that she is almost panicking, and that she is catched guilty, but you dont know what of...
You mumble your sorries and slam the doors shut behind you, lean agains them, taking some deep breaths. You know these moments...moments your good old hearth tries to speak to you from that chromed prisson of your new body...
You sit on a chair in the kitchen, watching your it is the only one who could understand your feelings...lost in thoughts, trying to calm down. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it does not.
Alarm from your comlink pull you out from that state like waking you up from the dream.
No call, just short text message appears in the link of your googles when you pick it up
"Good evening mr. Schroeder. I believe we should be mutualy helpful, I have some use for your potential. If you are interested in more info, meet me at Aurora ASAP. Tell your name to bartender, he will introduce me."
Who might that be,? Nobody who knows much of your history, he used your fake name...Whatever thoughts you had before, now they are gone, message made you allert and ready as you are used to. At least something to concentrate to.
« Last Edit: <10-06-13/0909:29> by Sichr »


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« Reply #1 on: <03-29-11/1915:24> »
Nikolai scratched his head while re-reading the mysterious message hed received.  If it was some sort of job offer at least I'm already packed.  If it was something else... well, he'd find out faster what it was the sooner he got there, he thought to himself as he gathered a few things up for the trip.  Probably a misunderstanding from his fake SIN he got a few months ago...  Or maybe it was the Vory who wanted payback on there recent favor.  Sure he'd been making his interest payments but he hadn't begun touching the principle of the loan he'd gotten from them yet and maybe they were getting impatient.  He wasn't sure if he should call Alexei, his Vory contact or not.  If he'd been black listed by someone in the organization in order to make an example Alexai probably wouldn't tell him about it anyways.  Lets just hope its a job offer.   

He put his worries aside as he pulled the tarp off his parked "thundercloud."  With all the rain they been having recently it was probably a poor choice on his part to buy a vehicle without a built in roof but the salesman had been so persuasive and it was one of the few vehicles he could fit in naturally. 

Looking around to make sure no one is watching, he gathered a few things from the hidden storage compartment under the vehicle.  This was the other reason he purchased the vehicle.  It was always a good idea to have a place to hide a few things.

Nikolai jumps into the front seat of the thundercloud and typed the address into the AR control panel built in and tells it to run on auto pilot while he thinks about the meeting he's going to.  He decides it might be best to at least get some info on the loation hes going to so he calls up Eddie his local Go-Ganger contact. 

"Hey Eddie! You and the guys, eh... recovering from the last night still?  I want ask you about this bar I am going.  Is called 'Ah-ror-ah'."  He pronounces the name carefully to make sure he got it right.

"As you are knowing I am new here.  Eh, what do you know of this place?"


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« Reply #2 on: <03-30-11/0215:37> »
Harry reaches for his commlink when he gets the call from Hun,  Hey man, no problem, I was looking for something to do this afternoon anyway.  tell those Gentlemen I'll be there soon.  And put one ready on the rocks, I'm on my way
He checked the door twice when leaving the house, his father changed the locks long ago and he wasn't sure they where up to modern standards.  So best be carefull.  Walking to his bike he greets the neighbours on the street.
The Suzuki started with a roar and A bit later the Troll walked trough the door into the Aurora.  Not looking at any of the customers he goes straight to the bar says Hi to hun and take's the glass of wiskey standing ready.  So Hun, where are the gentlemen?


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« Reply #3 on: <03-30-11/0715:58> »
As you fill dhe doorframe, a moment of silence passes, then everything goes back to normal.
You see usual mix of factroy workers and casual drinking companions of yours, some of them chatting, some of them playing cards, watching sports channel on the big trid tank beneath the bar, some of them sleeping on the table...those Hans favourite customers who always have enought money to pay the bill should tak a quick nap before next bottle arrives...the smoke of many flavours.
You take a deep breath...sweet aroma of your almost second home.
As you take your whiskey, Hun nods at you and turns his look to one of the follow with your own eyes.
A robust, well dressed, wellfed man at middle fourties, stands up and approaches you with his hand ready for shake.
You are no stranger in the district, and that means you recognize him for the first look.
William McLister...also called Thorough Bill. 
He is one of major tenants around here, including the place you pay your rent for. You met him at least once personally, when your parents dissapeared a few yoears back. He came with some of his man to tell you personally that he is really sorry for your loss, saying your father was a good man who did a lot for the safety on the streets, and that he would miss him. And he made a clear statement, that he has no problem with updating the apartement contract to your name and that he would be helpfull at the beginning. And that if he finds out something related to that dissapearance, he will let you know.
You see, why he deserved a street name like this...he is not accepting any violence, drugs or BTL crimes happening in the neighborhood of his estates, and those, who violates his rules, always quickly find out, that he is very resourcefull man. It is also said, but that is just street chitchat, that he is on good terms with Stuck and even with Major Monzo.
Shaking your hand (ha has quite firm grip...for a human) he politely invites you to the table:
Good afternoon Mr. Eastwood. Im really glad that you have made a time for this meeting. Im sorry that I always have to meet you under, such circumstances, but even this evening would not be a friendly meeting. Well, lets hope that some day things would improve.
When you come to the table, you see that there is one more person sitting there, almost lost amongst all those orks here. Subtle chineese man, dressed to the suit that seems to be used just for a few occasions, carefully shaved, with glasses that gave him a "professor" look. Not only that but also a high-tech set of chip and datajacks on his temples makes him look at least inpropperly at the place like this. For the first look, he is using some kind of meditation to keep himself calm, but his trembling hands, oversolicitude of his visage, and far-away look in his eyes gave him away.
For your trained eye, he is obviously living through some actual trauma and he is just a step away from breaking down.
"Well, mr. Eastwood, meet mr. Wang. He is one of my tenants, just like you, and he come to me, asking me for help, because his family is in great danger and he didn`t know who else might provide him appropriate assistance. Well, I have one more meeting to attend to, so please, talk to mr. Wong about his problem. If you are, and I believe so, capable of helping him, we will talk about reward later, don`t let those things influence your judgement."
With this words William leaves you at the table alone with Wong and takes the seat at the bar, evidently waiting for someone.

"Hey Lynx, err.. not exactly recovering, the party is sill on HAHAHAA", you hear loud music in the background, and by his voice, Eddie is evidently drunk and loaded, "Aurora, yeah, calm hangout to chill out at the corner of 304th Street E & 132nd Avenue E, if you dont mind a bunch of wageslaves and loosers telling you their sad storries. Owner, Han Skaar, is a thought drunkard, so if he invites you for a drink after the midnight, when the place is empty and he is borring, watch your liver HAHAHA. And if you don`t have enought when you are leaving that hole, came by, we should be able to provide some drinks also HAHAA...."

That leaves an impression of some public place, maybe not too dangerous one, but you never know...
After several minutes, you manage to get there and find a place to park right in front of the bar. There are some bikes standing there and shiny Rover in limo design. No obvious weapons, but it speaks loudly: Dont mess with me, or Ill show you. You got the impression that there is someone in that limo, but you cannot see inside throught mirrored windows. When you enter, humming atmosphere engulfs you. Making your way to the bar, you look around and see what was Eddie talking around. So far, nobody looks dangerous, most of the people minds their own bussines, maybe two or three guys more vigilant than others, evaluating everything with the look of skilled bodyguards.
You made your way to the bar, nods at the bartender and told him your name.
"Oh here you are,. Please, take the seat on that place, right next to that well dressed gentleman. Anything to drink?"
You make your order (Vodka, I suppose, he doesnt seem to have anything non-alcoholic on the tape) and follow his instructions. When you take the place, man next to you turns himself on the stool a bit, just to look at you.
"Welcome, mr. Shroeder. My name is William McLister and,  although we haven`t met before, I know you, just a little, because you are living in one of appartements I own."
Takes a sip from his Ancient Bushmills...
"I`ve heard some crazy stories about you, from your neighbors, but, since I know that you are living single, I dont take them serriously. Th reason we meet here is the fact, that you apparently have some experiences with pit fights. I know that you had shown interrests to join the fights after your arrival to Seattle. I dont care too much about this, unless you make arena in one of my cellars. It is told that you pit fighters are some of the most cruel fighters. And that is exactly what Im looking for. I have responsibilities to my tennants, and I take it very serriously. There was an act of violence, ruthless crime, commited on one of them. I already hired a detective to find out, who did this to one of my liege", you see rising anger isnide that man...he certainly have more than one Irish ascendant...then he look straight to your eyes:
"I want you to cooperate with that detective, and after you find those...dead men, I want You to make them example." he gets the final sip from his glass.
"I want their souls to retail terrible stories in hell about messing with William McLister. If you make it right, we should talk about your needs, make your place, lets say, more comfortable, and I also would grant you half a year free rent. We would also discuss some more concrete payment after you meet with mr. Eastwood, who will lead this investigation. I`m sure that we should figure out something. He is already talking with the victim at that table,"
his look directs toward the table where big troll is speaking with somebody who is well covered from view by trolls broad shoulders,"feel free to join him, any more insight to the problem should be usefull."
He turns back to the bartender and shows him his empty glass, with unmistakable "One more" sign.
« Last Edit: <04-11-13/1654:40> by Sichr »


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« Reply #4 on: <03-30-11/0722:19> »
Sitting in front of Mister Wang, Harry takes a good close look at him (and a snapshot to store in his little people I met database on his commlink).
Well Mister Wang, my name is Harry, how can I be of service to you?


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« Reply #5 on: <03-30-11/0740:05> »
"Good evening mr. Eastwood. Like Mc Lister said, my family is in the great danger"...he hardly keeps calm, trying to focus on the matter,"my 12 years old son was kidnapped at the afternoon, some three hours. ago. He went shopping with my wife at Clone Zone, and when they return to their car, my wife was hit by taser, and when she woke up, my son was. gone...gone you understand...he dissapeared without trace!!! Im lost and every minute we spend talking here he may be farther from us. My wife magaged to make it home with pilot assistance some 45 minutes ago. Please, do something. Find my little Hao!!

He finaly broke into cry, his self-control gone.


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« Reply #6 on: <03-30-11/0824:09> »
Harry sighed, how often had he been truogh this one before, no matter who they are, or what they do, they all cry when telling you how there relative dissapeared.
He reached out to the man putting a hand on his shoulder.  There there mr Wong, Mr. Mc Lister was right to get me over here, Finding lost people is what I do and I must say I'm good at what I do.  Now calm down and help me help you. First get me a picture of your son, then tell me Did your Son have any enemy's?
« Last Edit: <03-30-11/0826:18> by mdp »


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« Reply #7 on: <03-30-11/0848:38> »
"Oh...sorry.", he tries to put himself togehter,"picture of my son, access to everything you need, i would grant you. And about I dont think so...but...there is other problem, one for I didnt contacted Ares KE. My son is...gifted..if you understand me.That kind of gift every corporation is hungry for...I`m pretty sure that he didnt reveal himself publicly, but I cannot be sure..."
« Last Edit: <12-27-13/1414:48> by Sichr »


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« Reply #8 on: <03-30-11/0853:55> »
Now there was something Harry could work with.
Mr Wang, I'll get your son back to you, don't you worry.  I'll discuss the financials with mr. Mc Lister.  Just get me your commnumber so I can reach you should I need more info

Noting the number in his commlink, Harry stands up and walks to the bar. 
Hun, I need to make some private calls, mind if I use the backroom?


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« Reply #9 on: <03-30-11/0918:25> »
Be my guest.
It is not the first time Han throws to you the old fashioned keys to secure room in the back of the bar. He usualy uses it for private poker sessions, but it is well equiped to do some more secure bussines dealings also.
You also see McLister on the bar, having a speech with some heavily cybered individual wearing body armor.


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« Reply #10 on: <03-30-11/0941:09> »
Harry takes the keys and strolls to the backdoor, after taking a quick picture of Mr.Mc Lister and his fellow at the bar.  Walking into the room he feels the familiar air of many a poker night with Hun and the fellows.
He carefully closes the door behind him and sits down in the comfy chair in the back of the room.  Dialing Elvis on his commlink
Hey my man, how are things going?


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« Reply #11 on: <03-30-11/0952:52> »
Hey pal. Well, I took the car and left the station for the patrol on the streets. Safety is boring, haha, and more to it, it looks like a nice evening and streets are almost clean after that rain, Im always glad to see the spring comming. What about you buddy, can I help you with something?


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« Reply #12 on: <03-30-11/0958:48> »
yeah I got me a new case here, some asian guy's son has been kidnapped, no ransom requests, I'll send you a picture If you can keep an eye open
Harry sends the picture to Elvis
He was last seen at clonezone about an hour ago.  Kid is a mage of some kind I think so I could use one of those mambo jambo guys, you know any?


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« Reply #13 on: <03-30-11/1019:29> »
Well, I look what I can find, and deffintely Ill keep my eyes open? You want me to summon official search for the boy? Or you want it discreet way? And about that, we didnt have any reports from that place this afternnoon, except usual routine...
About that mambo jambo...well, there is that guy who owes me one, try it at Junction, ask for Pharm Boi and tell him I sent you and that it would make us clear. He is a bit...problematic maybe, but he could do the job, from what I understand. He managed to survive out there, and eventualy gained himself a kind of fame on the street. But don`t let him too close to your back.
I`ll call you if I dig something about that boy, but Im afraid, its more up to you. Good luck
« Last Edit: <12-27-13/1415:53> by Sichr »


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« Reply #14 on: <03-30-11/1050:26> »
Thanx man Now I owe you one, Keep it on the low for now, father is afraid of to much corp intrest in his son.  I'll Check your guy, see you here tonight for a drink and a game?

