Red Shadows - House Rules for Cyberpunk Red

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« on: <02-17-21/1507:51> »
赤 影 - Red Shadows

Even Night City has its Shadows. Places where magic has returned, along with the races of old.

With the release of Cyberpunk Red, I've been toying with the idea of some house rules to add a bit of Shadow flare to the tech dystopia. So, here are some musings on how to incorporate a certain setting with the d10 Edgerunning rules system. Comments and criticism are welcomes, as are any additions you may have!


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« Reply #1 on: <02-17-21/1508:05> »
赤 影 - Races of Old

"Eight feet tall and a horns! I swear! And not a bit of tech installed!" - Rizzo the Street Rat

Humans are the base, their stats are all the same as noted in Cyberpunk Red and they are the dominant sub-species of the Homo Sapiens.

Race· INT ·· REF ·· DEX ·· TECH ·· COOL ·· WILL ·· LUCK ·· MOVE ·· BODY ·· EMP ·· Senses ·
· Other ·
Low Light
Low Light
Low Light
· SP7 Natural Armor


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« Reply #2 on: <02-17-21/1508:15> »
赤 影 - Magical Roles

"I have a ... unique ... set of skills." - Vex, a Whiz

Breaking down the magical (and techno-magical) abilities into roles allows for the flexibility to mix and match with other roles, while still giving the special abilities needed for the setting. The four roles are Ace - those that empower their bodies with the magic surrounding them; R3Z0N3T0R - a mixture of science and magic, these netrunners can hack the grid using just their minds; Shade - summoning shades from the magic around them, they're literally one-person armies; and Whiz - conjurers that bend and break the laws of physics.

Aces are like sponges, soaking up the magic around them to do things most pay hundreds of thousands of eurodollars to do. They gain the Solo's Combat Awareness ability, progressing the same as the Solo when ranking up. Their biggest advantage, however, is their ability to channel the natural magic of the world back into themselves. Listed below are some of the abilities as an example, and their cost. The amount of points the Ace has to spend on abilities is equal to their Empathy score + their Rank in Ace.
  • Raise Init (Cost: 4 per rank, max 4) - Like Kerenzikov speedware, this adds a permanent bonus to Initiative Rolls equal to the number of ranks purchased. Cannot be combined with Boost Init (below)
  • Boost Init (Cost: 2 per rank, max 4) - Like Sandevistan speedware, this adds a boost to Initiative Rolls (+1 for each rank purchase) for a full minute after activation with an Action. Cannot be combined with Raise Init (above)
  • Scent (Cost: 2) - Ace can use track scents when using the Tracking Skill.
  • Pain Editor (Cost: 4) - Ace can ignore the effects Seriously Wounded Wound State.
  • Skill Boost (Normal Skills Cost: 2 per rank, max 4; x2 Skills Cost: 4 per rank, max 4) - Ace gains a boost to the chosen skill (+1 for each rank purchased) for a full minute after activation with an Action.
  • Tactile Boost (Cost: 2) - Enhances the Ace's sense of touch, allowing them to sense motion within 20m/yds, as long a part of their body is touching a surface directly (nothing in between).
  • Anti-Dazzle (Cost: 0.5) - Immune to blindness or other effects caused by dangerous flashes of light.
  • Image Enhance (Cost: 1) - Ace gains a permanent +2 bonus to Perception, Lip Reading, and Conceal/Reveal Object Skills for checks including sight.
  • Low Light/Infrared/UV (Cost: 1 per sense) - Reduces penalties imposed by darkness and other obscuring factors. Can distinguish hot from cold, but cannot see through anything providing cover.
  • Targeting Scope (Cost: 1) - Ace gains +1 bonus to Checks when making an Aimed Shot.
  • View Astral (Cost: 0.5) - Ace is able to view and interact with the Astral Plane, but cannot leave their body.
  • Amplified Hearing (Cost: 1) - Ace gains a permanent +2 bonus to Perception Skill checks including hearing.
  • Level Damper (Cost: 0.5) - Ace is immune to deafness or other effects caused by dangerously loud noises.
  • Voice Stress Analyzer (Cost: 1) - Ace can detect lies for a minute with an Action, during which time the GM rolls all your Character's Human Perception and Interrogation Checks privately, beeping once whenever it detects a lie, or whenever they desire after a failed roll. Beware of false positives and negatives.
  • AudioVox (Cost: 1) - Ace adds +2 to their Acting skill and +2 to their Play Instrument skill while singing.
  • Enhanced Autobodies (Cost: 0.5) - After stabilization, the Ace heals a number of Hit Points equal to twice their BODY for each day they spend resting, doing only light activity.
  • Enhanced Body (Cost: 4 per rank, max 4) - Ace permanently increases their BODY by each rank purchased.
  • Boost INT/REF/DEX/TECH/COOL/WILL/MOVE/BODY (Cost: 2 per rank, max 4) - Ace can boost the attribute (+1 per rank purchased, attribute chosen when selecting this ability) for one minute.
  • Toxin Binders (Cost: 0.5) - Ace adds a +2 to Resist Torture/Drugs Skill checks.
  • Magic Armor 1 (Cost: 2) - Ace has SP7 natural armor. Cannot combine with Magic Armor 2.
  • Magic Armor 2 (Cost: 4) - Ace has SP11 natural armor. Cannot combine with Magic Armor 1.
  • Deadly Force (Cost: 1) - When fighting using the Brawling Skill, the Ace ignores half of the target's armor. When using a Martial Arts Skill, they ignore all of the target's armor.
  • Jump Booster (Cost: 1) - Ace ignores movement penalty when jumping.

R3Z0N3T0R is identical to the Netrunner role, gaining the same Role abilities, including the Interface abilities. The only difference is R3Z0N3T0R does not need a cyberdeck, to run programs and hardware, instead using their EMP attribute to determine how many slots they have available for programs.

Shade characters lie by summoning shades (or spirits) to fight with them. The Summoning ability for Shades is similar to the Lawman Role's Backup ability.

When using Summoning to call spirits, a Shade must roll equal to or lower than their Summoning Rank on a d10. If you abuse this power, spirits will not be pleased and may stop responding or even attacking the Shade.

After a spirit responds to the Shade's call (successfully rolled lower than your Summoning Rank), a Shade rolls a d6 to find out how many Rounds until the spirit arrives. If a 6 is rolled, the spirit that arrives will be from the next higher rank, unless the Shade is rank 10, in which case two spirits of the same Rank arrive.

Shades can also banish spirits (ones summoned by another Shade, or free spirits) using rolling 1d10 + their Summoning Rank against 1d10 + the Rank of the Spirit.

Summoning Ranks
Combat Number: A Skill Base used for both offense and defense. This number combines both STAT and Skill for them. You will add a d10 roll to this value whenever attacking with their carried weapons or equipment or defending. Backup cannot dodge bullets.
SP: The stopping power of the armor on both their Body and Head location.
HP: The amount of Hit Points that each member of the backup has.
MOVE & BODY: The backup's MOVE and BODY STAT, important for movement and for some effects that reference the target's MOVE or BODY (like Death Saves).
  • Summoning Rank 1 & 2:
    Combat Number: 8•SP: 7•HP: 20•MOVE & BODY: 4
    Imps, homunculus, and small elementals
  • Summoning Rank 3 & 4:
    Combat Number: 10•SP: 7•HP: 25•MOVE & BODY: 5
    Medium-sized animal spirits and elementals
  • Summoning Rank 5 thru 7:
    Combat Number: 14•SP: 13•HP: 35•MOVE & BODY: 4
    Small gang of devilish creatures, animated objects
  • Summoning Rank 8:
    Combat Number: 16•SP: 15•HP: 50•MOVE & BODY: 6
    Large elemental or ancestral spirit
  • Summoning Rank 9:
    Combat Number: 15•SP: 18•HP: 35•MOVE & BODY: 4
    Murder of crows, pride of lions, team of demons
  • Summoning Rank 10:
    Combat Number: 14•SP: 11•HP: 35•MOVE & BODY: 6
    Balrog, giant eagles, Danny the Street

Whizzes gain the Casting Role Ability, allowing them to cast Spells (See post below) by rolling 1d10 + Casting to determine the success of the spell. When Casting a Spell, the Whiz will make a Drain check, rolling 1d10 + WILL attribute against 1d10 + the Force of the spell, taking Fd6 damage (F = Force of the spell). If the Force of the spell is less than the Whiz's rank, this damage cannot mortally wound, and they go unconscious at 1 HP.


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« Reply #3 on: <02-17-21/1508:25> »
赤 影 - Spells

"Fireball." - Last words heard by "Killer Dog" McReynolds before Trauma Team's arrival

Spells are the effect of Whizzes breaking the laws of physics to make the impossible happen. Here I'll be showing how to create spells and use magic, followed by a list of common spells.

Spell Design
When designing a Spell, each Spell has the following attributes, with three of those attributes modifying the Difficulty Value (DV) of the spell:
  • School - Combat, Detection, Health, Illusion, or Manipulation
  • Range - Touch (+0), Line of Sight (+2), or Area (+4)
  • Duration - Instant (+0) or Sustained (+4)
  • Type - Physical (+2) or Mana (+0)
  • Test - How to determine the success or failure of the spell
Every spell begins with a base 10 DV, adding the modifiers as listed above. So a Spell that has Range: Touch, Duration: Instant, Type: Mana would have a DV of 10, while a Spell of Range: Area, Duration: Sustained, and Type: Physical would be more difficult with a DV of 20. Range, Duration, and Type are constants, while School and Test are more free-form to what the spell is trying to do. Schools are the overall "idea" of the spell. If the Whiz is using it to attack a person or persons, then it is most likely a Combat spell. Likewise, the Test is usually determined as whether the Spell's effect can be resisted by the target's willpower, or if it's more like shooting a gun at the target. See some of the examples below to determine a Spells School or Test when designing your own.

Using Magic
To use a spell, a Whiz makes a caster check against either the DV of a spell, or against the target's Resist Torture/Drugs Skill check. A Whiz can cast any Spell at any Force level (from 1 to 10), as long as they are willing to accept the consequences of Drain. Every spell takes a toll on the Whiz, even the lowest Force 1 spell deals 1d6 damage to the Whiz if they fail their Drain check.

After making a Casting check, the Whiz has to then make a Drain check, regardless of whether the spell was successfully cast or not.


  • Acid
    • Corrode - Range: Touch; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 12
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage to the target, damage ablates armor by full acid damage, not just one point
    • Melt - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 14, Target gets REF 8 Evasion Check to avoid
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage to the target, damage ablates armor by full acid damage, not just one point
    • Sludge - Range: Area; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 16, Target gets REF 8 Evasion Check to avoid
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage to the targets, damage ablates armor by full acid damage, not just one point
  • Air
    • Punch - Range: Touch; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 12
      Effect: Deals Force damage directly to the target and knocks them prone (unless in a position where they cannot be knocked prone).
    • Clout - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 14, Target gets REF 8 Evasion Check to avoid
      Effect: Deals Force damage directly to the target and knocks them prone (unless in a position where they cannot be knocked prone).
    • Blast - Range: Area; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 16, Target gets REF 8 Evasion Check to avoid
      Effect: Deals Force damage directly to the targets and knocks them prone (unless in a position where they cannot be knocked prone).
  • Cold
    • Chill - Range: Touch; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 12
      Effect: Deals Force damage direct to HP of target and any Movement Actions must succeed a DV15 Athletics check or fall prone
    • Snowball - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 14, Target gets REF 8 Evasion Check to avoid
      Effect: Deals Force damage direct to HP of target and any Movement Actions must succeed a DV15 Athletics check or fall prone
    • Hail - Range: Area; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 16, Target gets REF 8 Evasion Check to avoid
      Effect: Deals Force damage direct to HP of targets and any Movement Actions must succeed a DV15 Athletics check or fall prone
  • Electric
    • Jolt - Range: Touch; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 12
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage to the target, with damage being soaked by armor as normal, must make a Resist Torture/Drugs DV15 check or fall unconscious
    • Lightning Bolt - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 14, Target gets REF 8 Evasion Check to avoid
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage to the target, with damage being soaked by armor as normal, must make a Resist Torture/Drugs DV15 check or fall unconscious
    • Storm - Range: Area; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 16, Target gets REF 8 Evasion Check to avoid
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage to the target, with damage being soaked by armor as normal, must make a Resist Torture/Drugs DV15 check or fall unconscious
  • Fire
    • Spark - Range: Touch; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 12
      Effect: Sets target on fire and deals Force damage direct to HP per round
    • Flamethrower - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 14, Target gets REF 8 Evasion Check to avoid
      Effect: Sets target on fire and deals Force damage direct to HP per round
    • Napalm - Range: Area; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 16, Target gets REF 8 Evasion Check to avoid
      Effect: Sets targets on fire and deals Force damage direct to HP per round
  • Mana
    • Death Touch - Range: Touch; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage directly to the target's brain (head location for critical injuries)
    • Manabolt - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage directly to the target's brain (head location for critical injuries)
    • Manaball - Range: Area; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage directly to the targets' brains (head location for critical injuries)
  • Power
    • Shatter - Range: Touch; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage directly to the target's body, ignoring armor
    • Powerbolt - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage directly to the target's body, ignoring armor
    • Powerball - Range: Area; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
      Effect: Deals Fd6 damage directly to the targets' bodies, ignoring armor
  • Sleep
    • Knockout - Range: Touch; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
      Effect: Target is unconscious for 1 minute
    • Stunner - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
      Effect: Target is unconscious for 1 minute
    • Lullaby - Range: Area; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
      Effect: Targets are unconscious for 1 minute
  • Analyze - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: DV 16
    Effect: Gives detailed information on the object/person scanned within Force range
  • Elven Eyes - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Mana; Test: DV 14
    Effect: Can detect persons within Force range.
  • Combat Sense - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
    Effect: Subtracts Force from target's attacks against you
  • Mind Probe - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Mana; Test: Casting vs Resist
    • Force 1-3: Can read surface thoughts of target;
    • Force 4-7: Find out anything the target consciously knows and recent memories (72 hours);
    • Force 8-10: Probe the target's subconscious, gaining information the target may not be aware they know.

  • Antidote - Range: Touch; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 12
    Effect: Immediately ends the Primary effect of drug/poison, Adds Force to Resist Torture/Drugs roll vs Secondary Effect
  • Heal - Range: Touch; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: DV 12
    Effect: Adds Force in place of First Aid or Paramedic Skill in Stabilization check. If successful, target regains Force * Body Hit Points
  • Power Down - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
    Effect: Decreases Target's REF, DEX, or BOD by Force of spell. If this lowers the Target's stat below 0, they go unconscious until a success Stabilization test
  • Power Up - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: DV 16
    Effect: Increases Target's REF, DEX, or BOD by Force of Spell. If this raises it above their maximum score, they drop unconscious when the spell ends, and remain unconscious until a successful Stabilization test.
  • Resist - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Mana; Test: DV 14
    Effect: Adds Force to Resist Torture/Drugs roll while in effect

  • Trippin' - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Sustained; Type: Mana; Test: Casting vs Resist
    Effect: Target's INT, REF, and DEX are lowered by Force for the next hour. Does not work against electronics (including cybereyes/cyberears)
  • Noiz - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Resist
    Effect: Target's INT, REF, and DEX (or objects rating) are lowered by Force for the next hour. Works against all electronics as well
  • Quite - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Mana; Test: DV 14
    Effect: Grants Force to Stealth tests with auditory elements. Does not work against electronics (including cybereyes)
  • Mute - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: DV 16
    Effect: Grants Force to Stealth tests with auditory elements. Works against all electronics as well
  • U⃠ME - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Mana; Test: DV 14
    Effect: Grants Force to Stealth/Conceal Object tests. Does not work against electronics (including cybereyes)
  • Static - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: DV 16
    Effect: Grants Force to Stealth/Conceal Object tests. Works against all electronics as well

  • RC - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: DV 18
    Effect: Animate non-living object to move at your direction for Force minutes.
  • Shirt +1 - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: DV 16
    Effect: Adds Force SP that stacks on top of current armor SP. This ablates first and lasts one minute
  • Stepford - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Sustained; Type: Mana; Test: Casting vs Resist
    Effect: Force target to move and react under your command
  • B/C - Range: Area; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: DV 20
    Effect: Raises or lowers the light level in the area for Force rounds
  • Yeet - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Instant; Type: Physical; Test: Casting vs Brawling
    Effect: Throws target 5m/yds away, dealing Force damage, ignoring target's armor
  • Up! - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: DV 18 (if no resistance: object/ally), Casting vs Resist (if resisting)
    Effect: Levitates target into the air, to a maximum of 5m/yds for Force rounds
  • Invincible - Range: Touch; Duration: Sustained; Type: Mana; Test: DV 14
    Effect: Subtracts Force from damage from any source AFTER armor SP has been applied. Lasts for one minute
  • Wall - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: DV 18
    Effect: Creates a physical barrier made of nearby material that provides cover
  • Sculpt - Range: Line of Sight; Duration: Sustained; Type: Physical; Test: DV 18
    Effect: Reshapes/Sculpts up to Force cubic dm/ft of material into whatever shape the caster imagines


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« Reply #4 on: <03-05-21/1652:18> »
I'm wondering if there is any interest in this, or if it's not been visible to most of the board members.

Mr. Black

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« Reply #5 on: <06-29-21/0052:50> »
I’m digging it!


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« Reply #6 on: <08-11-21/0626:05> »
This sounds awesome.
Thinking of fiddling with this for my own game for sure.


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« Reply #8 on: <10-22-23/0556:50> »
I would like to try this


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« Reply #9 on: <10-24-23/0831:46> »
This looks interesting to me.

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