Cara Yuki

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« on: <03-20-11/0629:41> »
Name: Cara Yuki
Race: Elven
Sex: Female
Karma spent: 25
Karma: 0
Nationality: Japaneese

Cara was born in early thirties, and the world was not prepared for her almost that much she hadn’t been prepared for it. Her father, former Renraku engineer, was well aware that this child would be hardly accepted in the community even before her birth, prenatal DNA testing showed her metahuman status and shortly after he was "politely" asked by his superior about his wives health and their plans for the future, he saw the options and he chooses to abandon the corporate work. He accepted the fact that his half pay was cut off for "the lack of loyalty to the corporation", at least they didn’t force his wife to abortion and didn’t send some executives to make them disappear.
Well, he was a practitioner of Shinto and he never questioned the ways of live.
Well, because of competitive appendixes in his contract he was not able to find a job in the field of his former employment so the slow but inevitable descent began.
When Cara`s birth came, her parents were moving to the cheaper living in the Auburn, where her papa found his job in one of many industrial plants. It looked like they would have standard family life with maybe some future for their offspring.
Then Cara came to the world. Parents were prepared for a meta-baby. They were not prepared for albino elven girl, so small and fragile and beautiful that it makes most people cry in emotions when they saw her in her first days. Definitely bad world for this little one, they said.
For her parents, she was miracle. And soon they have to find out, that she is miracle more than just metaphorically.
She had to spend most of her first three years in hospital care, due to the fragility of her body and other complications. Her parents worked harder and aged faster, trying to cover all expenses. When the pressure seemed to break them down, her father finally sent the rest of his loyalty to corps to hell and began to use his abilities the way he could. As former Renraku communications engineer he quickly found his customers, Shadowy individuals, needing to fix some piece of hardware, deckers, always hungry for upgrades, street "security" experts, needing an advice with some blueprints...they were many. And they all brought some nuyens. And once again, future started to seem nice.
At the days Cara was about 6 years old; her father had some reputation and a few reliable contacts in shadows. Good for him...well, at least for Cara. When the Night of rage broke out, he managed to call for the Cara`s extraction shortly before the insane crowd arrived. Everyone in the neighborhood had heard about a pale little elven girl who goes outside only on evenings and fears the light. Runners managed to save Cara. When leaving through the window, Cara screams and cries, extending her arms to her parents, trying to embrace them for the last time. Before she felt unconsciousness, she saw the wall of light circling her parents protecting them, saving them from those bloodthirsty human beasts...

Offensive barrier burned some of those bastards to ashes. But it lasted only for a few seconds.

When she woke up, she found herself in the Shinto shrine in the mountains above the Seattle. She had been here before, with her father. Monks here tend to be quite open and friendly to metahumans who escaped from Japan corps oppression. Her parents sought refuge and advices many times here in the past. But Cara was now someone else. She spent hours, days, weeks just staring, keeping quiet. Others didn’t disturb her. Some of them, those with the gift, came by from time to time, sitting quietly next to her, submerged in Zen meditation. They slowly waited, until the shock from awakening passes.
 Then, slowly, Cara realizes, that she is not just dreaming. Those light patterns, shinning people, who were talking to her sometimes in this dreamscape...they were real.
When the first contact was made, progress goes further. At the end, Cara woke into the darkened room, lightened just by candlelight after five months she had used just astral senses. She didn’t spent much time in the real world.
The shrine was rush place, even in the astral realm. She found a new family. Dancing with kami, meditating with monks, building wards, protecting her new world from threats of awakened world, she slowly grows in the beauty, power and dignity becomes respected member of the local society.
One day, she heard astral echoes of desperate fight somewhere close in the wilderness. When she finally found the battlefield, she sighted badly wounded barghest defending against two wasp spirits. He had no chance to win, but he didn’t give up. His howling was just an echo of the distant power, but he still tried to fight.
Cara didn’t hesitate. First spirit never knew what hit him. Other one gave her a fight, when she turned to the other one; barghest was already lying and bleeding from his wounds. Her shining Kikuchi Yari left no space to flee for the insect demon. When he was defeated, she stepped close to brave dog and used her magic to heal at least some of his wounds.
Then she left the place. Next day she was awoken during the day by some noise, it didn’t stopped and she heard some deep, threatening sound in the background of excited voices. When finds the source of noise, she found five Shrine guards wit ready weapons aiming at the dog. But still, nor the dog, nor they were attacking. He was staring at them growling threateningly, but didn’t make any move...until she comes. He looked at her and she recognized what yesterday she saw only as the astral form. He was still bleeding from some minor wounds. She stepped out carefully, calming the guards, and come to the dog. He was looking for her...quite a meeting...two creatures of the night...staying face to face in the sunlight...
Maybe the first real friend she would ever have. Maybe the beast, although lesser beast than men are.
When she asked those guards why they hesitate and didn’t killed him, one of them said, that he had a feeling that something important is going to happen and didn’t found the place and time appropriate for killing, so he stopped his mates...and the dog were just staying there and staring at us, not exactly peacefully, but with no visible intention to kill. He said he never felt like this before.
Soon after that Cara decided to leave. Maybe it was a sign, maybe not, but the time has moved on and her new friend made the community members a bit...nervous. Luckily for her, the story of the White beauty taming a dark Beast found its way to the world, and she was contacted with the work offer. She found a new place to live, old, haunted (at least they say so) house on the edge of Tacoma. She made herself comfortable, with the support of her new employer, who gave her an opportunity to work with other kennel trainers and slowly improve her abilities. With the perspective, she should make some good living...until the road changes again...


1666 /1IP  Astral: 10 / 3 IP

Initiation grade: 1
Matemagic powers

Positive Qualities
Astral Chameleon
Animal Empathy
Restricted Gear

Negative Qualities
Day Job (Organization, Barghest trainer, Basic training)(1000Y/10hrs)

Active Skills
Astral Combat5
Animal Training (Barghest)1(3)

Knowledge Skills ( [Logic + Intuition] x 3 free points)
Astral Topology 4
Magic Threats 4
Parazoology 4
Zen Meditation 4
Shinto tradition4
Astral security 4

Language Skills

Combat SenseF/2+2
Astral armorF/2+2
Death touchF/2-2
Mana netF/2+2
Offensive mana barrierF/2+3
Imp. InvisibilityF/2+1

Sustaining 330000¥
Sustaining 330000¥
Weapon (Reach 1) 220000¥
Counterspelling 215000¥

Gear (46535¥)
Moonsilver Evening Gown7500¥
Moonsilver Stole1000¥
Second Skin w/Poly 6000¥
Kykutchi Yari (Short spear)150¥
DocWagon Gold - 12 months25000¥
Magical Lodge Materials 63000¥
Binoculars - optical 100¥
Inc: Image link 25¥
Inc: Flare compensation 50¥
Inc: Vision Magnification  100¥
Earbuds 10¥
Commlink: Novatech Airware 3/3 1250¥
OS: Iris orb 3/3 1250¥
Analyze 3 150¥
Browse 3 150¥
Edit 3 150¥
Reality filter 3 150¥
Nanopaste trodes 100¥
Subvocal Microphone 50¥
Chemsuit 6 600¥

Rufus the Barghest

Active Skills
Unarmed combat3

Dual natured
Natural weapon (Bite: DV 5P, AP 0)
Paralyzing Howl

Training: Basic
Commands: Sit, Come, Speak, Shake, Fetch, Follow, Stay, Bite/Don’t Bite

Lifestyle: High (2 months) Total LP: 17 = 7000¥/mnth)

Magical lodge - Shinto shrine: 6
Polarized ward: 12, Anchored to one of statues in the shrine.

Positive Qualities
Animal lover 3
Aspected domain - Shinto
Privacy screen 3 - Astral
No Neighbors

Negative Qualities
AI in residence
Corporate owned (Organization)

Build Point totals:  400= 150 (stats)+ 30 (Race) + 94 (Magic) +86 (Skills) +15 (Magician) +20/-35 (Qualities) +40 (Foci + Gear + Lifestyle + Pet)
« Last Edit: <04-19-11/1508:29> by Sichr »