Equipment Review of Kill Code - Wheeeeee

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« on: <09-02-18/1717:47> »
So, now there it is.
Quite a lot of neat stuff to make and break your game.

Sadly, it made a few of my favorite tricks obsolete:
p.26 clarifies how Agents work - namely you can't run them on virtual machines/carrier modules or even without your Persona present. With that Agent Clusters as well as Drone coordinators are now no longer possible. But more on that later.

The new rules:
Reckless Hacking: Trade dice for time - the price is steep but it allows you to pull off hacks without having to have a Sleaze or Attack rating on your device - great for tracking people - if you have the necessary skill (+++)
Calibration: Sweet: Get yourself a drone with decent EW software and have it enhance your Ini (++)
Denial of Service: Confusion on which dp you actually need (Attack or Dataprocessing). If it's the former, it's a neat trick to stay invisible against Patrol IC. If it's the latter - holy shit, that would be an incredible effective way to attack your opponents without increasing your Overwatch Score, especially since you don't need a MARK to pull this off. (+ or +++)
I am the Firewall Interrupt action to enhance someone elses defense. Yeah, you guessed it: Get your Agent on that job. Best of all: It helps with all defense tests, including not getting found by matrix perception (++)
Haywire: Take away wireless boni and as written PAN functions. Which means the slaves are arguably no longer protected by their master device. But that probably wasn't intended by the writer. Still, depending on how your GM interprets it this can be either (+ or +++)
Intervene: Call me crazy but this actions is just a weaker form of I am the Firewall. There is no reason to take this (-)
Masquerade: Nice try, but much to complicated in practice. Especially it begs the question how the real persona doesn't notice that someone is imitating them when suddenly messages from a conversation arrive that they don't know anything about. Any operation based on this action is likely doomed to fail (0)
Popup: A really powerful action: Can act as matrix perception or (simple action) data spike that also inhibits all actions (not just matrix actions). It works only on AR targets, but that is definitely a cool utility in a fire fight (+++)
Squelch: YES! This action was needed for ages - and best of all, doesn't need MARKs. (+++)
Subvert Infrastructure: Bypass the usual tedious hacking rules and knockout several devices at once without having to tangle with IC. Camera hacking was never faster (++)
Tag: Conveniently, this solves a recent discussion here on the board. Shooting through walls becomes quite possible now - another great thing for your agent to do for you in combat (++)
Watchdog: A third way to gain a MARK - with EW no less. The interrupt actions are a nice bonus. Incidentally, this creates a counter for the Perfect Time trick as you now can attack with Popup as an interrupt action, allowing you to catch your opponent with a lowered firewall. (+++)

Zapper Rounds: Nice idea, bad execution. Hitting devices at random is pretty useless, considering how many a typical person carries around at any given moment - not to mention runners with dozens stealth tags in their pockets. Called shots are only possible with line of sight - so best case you can shoot your opponents weapon to disarm them. Which you could have done with a blast out of hands instead. Saving grace is the ability to knock out vehicles and drones pretty reliably. (+)
Looper Rounds: Great if you don't have a decker: A simple gun drone can take care of sensors and cameras - much more reliably than a hacker. You'll seldomly need more than R1 bullets (there is something weird going on with the Loop Duration list). Smart R6 rounds are an investment as well for a bit more security on your part (+++)
Fuzzy Rounds: Noise bullets are not particularly useful unless you are using a long FA burst or suppressing fire (otherwise just get a directional jammer). (0)
E0-E0 Rounds: Why? Just why? Just use Stick and Shock. This is only useful if you fight a really heavily armored opponent like an AI in a robot body. (0)
Arrowlink: Could have been great if it would allow direct connection attacks. As is, you can just get a coat with fresnel fabric to punch through most sources of noise. (0)
Fuzzy Grenade: A bit better than the rounds. At full power it is a great opener to depower drone armies and stop people from calling reinforcements. (+)
COS Grenade: The dumpshock effect is nice - but likely most useful against riggers you want to see crash (+)
Douser: Ok, this one, this one is seriously powerfull. Aim for two or three MARKs in one action with your first action. Use Bootstrap Program and the Format Device action to permanently get the devices under your control (for example by making them automatically invite MARKs from you when they reboot). Sadly, this works only if the master device is also within the AOE, otherwise it's just a slow acting EMP grenade (++)
Dumdum: That's just nasty - especially when you consider that Cyberware does not have conveniently accessible power buttons. (++)
Faceless: Yes. A personal hacking device that keeps you anonymous for a pretty competitive price. But its secondary use is much more interesting: Modding it with the rules from Data Trails you can add a persona mod and make an R10 commlink out of this little piece of hardware. (+++)
Booster Cloud: Expensive and not likely to see too much use in practice (+)
Multi Operating System: A great way to get more mileage out of your cheap deck, but also an easy way to get your Agent back on your commlink. The heat damage is easy to deal with if you wear decent armor. (+++)
booster chips: if you remember that you can crack BTL so they no longer burn out, these chips can seriously help a techno to shore up one of their weaker attributes. The stun damage is treatable unlike fading, so it is viable for regular use - provided you have someone with great first aid at hand  (++)
Trode Patch Easier and cheaper to just buy a smartwig and integrate a normal trode net (0)
FUCHI CYBER-N and EX SERIES: Finally: Custom decks. Ignore the N-Series. The device rating is the least costly aspect and being able to run only one program ever is seriously not a good idea. Running double your DR on the other hand is an excellent idea. As for pricing: A quick, back of the envelope calculation for a deck with 10 in every aspect gives us a deck for 1.200.000 Nuyen with 20 program slots. That's comparable to a Fairlight Paladin with better abilities all around. (+)
Security Decks: Nothing to see here worth your time (--)
Hunter Decks: Dito. For that money you can get a deck that's actually functional
Aztechnology Shadow Warrior: Nice, but compared to the Microtronica Azteca 300 it loses a bit once you consider modding posibilities. Still, a very solid deck (++)
Evo Sublime: For the same price you can get a better deck and a drone that disconnects you on command (-)
Fairlight Destiny Blade: Too expensive if you consider modding as an option (0)
Aztechnology Defender: Slightly better than the core one (+)
Kitbashed Sleeper: A deck for Technomancer who aren't really good at their thing. Interesting for the new Cyber Adepts. The Fading Damage absorbtion effect is pretty useless as is, unless you have unlimited Nuyen for new decks. Still, with the new Deck Builder Quality you could conceivably install two Hardening modules to keep your deck operational. Yet, with the new Groveler Quality Fading is a concept of the past anyway (+)
CRY WOLF PROGRAM: Unnecessary. Just run a baby monitor and log off when it gets too hot. (-)
Datajack Plus: Just as the MOS a great way to get more use out of your low level decks (++)
EARRS: If you want Matrix Ini in AR just use drugs like a normal person (-)
Cranial Shield: NPC headware, nothing to see here (0)
MCT Biolink: Bioware datajack - but without DR or any way to shut it off. This is a bad idea all around (--)

... More to follow
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Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Iron Serpent Prince

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« Reply #1 on: <09-02-18/1806:52> »
FUCHI CYBER-N and EX SERIES: Finally: Custom decks. Ignore the N-Series. The device rating is the least costly aspect and being able to run only one program ever is seriously not a good idea. Running double your DR on the other hand is an excellent idea. As for pricing: A quick, back of the envelope calculation for a deck with 10 in every aspect gives us a deck for 1.200.000 Nuyen with 20 program slots. That's comparable to a Fairlight Paladin with better abilities all around. (+)

EX is Device Rating plus two, not times two.

EDITed to add:  Not to mention the Availability of 40 for the Firewall might put a small damper on getting one of these.
« Last Edit: <09-02-18/1814:55> by Iron Serpent Prince »


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« Reply #2 on: <09-03-18/1657:08> »
"Similar in design to the N-series, the Ex-series offers the same custom system design but instead of no processors to run programs, it offers a unique program sub-processor that allows a greater number of programs to be run. Despite the steep price tag, the programs aren’t included, but each system has enough memory to store twice the number it can run at any given time for those who want options. Purchasers appreciate the extra program capacity, even if it means sacrificing some of the capabilities of the deck itself." p.60 KC

I have to admit, that this text could be a lot cleare, but I certainly don't get from it that you get DR+2 programms to run.
Now that I try to make sense of it, it actually gets less clear. Parsing this sentence by sentence I get: Unique sub-processor allows greater number of programms to run (at the same time). The system (i.e cyberdeck?) can store 2x what it can run (That doesn't make sense at all, since storing programs is quasi unlimited anyway.)
Extra Program Capacity is provided (I can only assume that program capacity means the program listing that is equivalent to the Device Rating)

From that I would have interpreted that the middle sentence is just a very garbled way to say: The special sub-processor can run double the device rating number of programs at the same time.
But I certainly welcome anyone who can make sense of the bolded sentence.

Anyway, onward with the review:

I'm skipping the new IC, although they are certainly nasty - but then that's what they are made for. You have enough new tools to deal with them anyway.

SHIAWASE CYBER-6 RCC: It's slightly more expensive than it's competitor the Proteus Poseidon and has a worse Firewall. +2 Ini to commanded drones and +1 limit on all tasks is nice, but considering that limits are a lot easier to enhance than a dicepool that will reliably hit those limits. Also you have to be jumped into a drone to get those benefits - which a drone-master is not necessarily interested in (the whole point of having a swarm of drones is that you don't have to do the work yourself). Enhancing Ini is now easier than ever thanks to the new Matrix Actions. Finally, the extra dumpshock increase from 6 to 10 certainly doesn't make this more attractive (0)
SPINRAD GLOBAL SKIRMISHER RCC: More expensive than the Maersk Spider, but with better statts than the Maser Industrial which is actually more expensive. +2 to Control Device and +1 limit to Gunnery and Perception is actually worth it though - especially since there is no drawback. All in all a fair product (++)
HORIZON FLOW COMMLINK: An R5 commlink for 1000 more than the Hermes Ikon, +1dp to Matrix Search and +2 to limit might be worth it if you positively need ever last dice - but then Matrix Search is an extended test, where one dice more can actually allow you to make one more test before you are down to two and the risk for a critical glitch become to high. (+)
WUXING FREQUENCY COMMLINK: A technomancer detecting commlink. To get reliably 5 hits you need a dp of around 15. The +5 bonus makes this actually quite feasible, provided the user already has a dp of 10. A very specialized tool best suited to NPCs that's too expensive for regular use. (+)
SAEDER-KRUPP LAST CHANCE LINK: Good idea, bad execution. -8 concealability mod is great and all, but doesn't help at all against metal detectors and cyberware scanners. Also, it doesn't have a sleaze rating that could help you hide the transmission, nor a way to punch through the noise a paranoid runner team will certainly employ to keep the abductee from communicating with any hidden device he has on him. Honestly, just add a persona mod to a stealth tag and you have a better and cheaper link (--)

The most important part isn't the add-ons for PI-TACs, but the fact that you now actually have a chance of buying one without bankrupting your entire team.
75% Price reduction removes 3 main features, but it is actually quite easy to restore them and adds 2% price markup - which makes the reduction just 73% (yeah, not particularly impressive as hindrances go). Glitches are a concern but can be avoided through magical means or just by having a good dicepool. The option to fuck over the team is a bit petty - and honestly, the GM always has this option anway. More matrix damage is a small price to pay - especially if you consider that having an R3 PI-TAC will give you +6 Firewall which makes more than up the additional matrix damage. Physical damage... well I'm pretty sure if your equipment is getting hit you already have other problems to concern yourself with.

On to the add-ons:
“CO-PILOT” MK I: This is confusing: Depending on the device you have added your PI-TAC to, you already have the ability to use control device on anything that has given you MARKs - which includes likely your whole team. So, pretty useless (---)
“CO-PILOT” MK II: Captain's chair is also pretty useless if you just have all the devices in your tac-net give you three MARKs from the get go. Still, it counts as an upgrade to normal Level I and II PI-TACs (0)
“CO-PILOT” MK III: Makes Teamwork checks for piloting possible (which is nice, but implies that you couldn't do that before) and you can remote control weapons and sensors (which also seemed to be nothing you needed a special feature for before) (0)
DOOR GUNNER: Half as expensive as Co-Pilot MK III and only allows you to remote control weapons. Useful but then, nothing you actually need a PI-TAC for if you have the MARKs already (0)
ECM-WARRIOR: Finally, something worthwile: +3dp to EW for 200 bucks? what are you waiting for - especially since there are now a few very nice Matrix Actions that can benefit from them. That alone might be worth to upgrade your deck or commlink with a PI-TAC (+++)
MOBILE CNC: 6 Bonus dice for navigation, teamwork or combat maneuvers and 2 points noise reduction. For 300 Nuyen. Yes, this is money well spend (+++)
SHIELD WALL: +3 Firewall against Brute Force or Data Spike actions for linked Cyberdecks. A bit specific, but at 200 Nuyen certainly not too expensive (++)
TACTICAL PROGRAM DONGLE: There aren't actually that many worthwile programs around to require a dongle. But should additional good ones be made available, this piece of hardware is certainly useful and very reasonably priced (++)
HARD CASE CCOB: An armored backpack with capacity - that is already pretty neat. Being able to mount up to three small drones with personal drone racks is just icing - especially since you don't have to be the one to carry the backpack if your antro drone can do so instead. (++)
GENERIC CCOB: Why shouldn't you be carrying the Hard Case? Because you are actually better of getting the generic version. True it has less armor (as if that was actually relevant), the same capacity for fun stuff, only one drone hardpoint, but... it has a weapon holster for SMG, Shotguns or Assault Rifles. Depending on interpretation (because of course it isn't explained anywhere) this either means you can quickdraw those weapons, but at the very least you can conceal what weapon you are actually carrying. That makes this piece of equipment very desirable for all those Ares Alpha owners out there (+++)
SPINRAD GLOBAL/PANTHEON INDUSTRIES MERCURY-ALPHA BATTLEFIELD SIGNAL BOOSTER: Either 4 Noise reduction + double range (200 m auto detection range for matrix perception!),  or +2 to EW tests. Yes. This is definitely worth the investment. This plus the ECM Warrior Program give you +5 to your EW skill for less than 4000 Nuyen. Get it while it's not yet errataed! (+++)


Deck Builder: Yes. Great utility, especially if you are working with a low DR deck that can use every bit of cheap enhancement you can find (+++)
IMPENETRABLE LOGIC: Boosting Logic is easier than Willpower. Therefore this quality is quite useful for anyone who regularly uses Full Matrix Defense. (+)
ROOTKIT: -8 dp is really harsh. For this to be worth it you need to have at least a DR of 4 to break even. Still, in the right hands this can be quite devastating (+)
Silence is golden: 2 Noise reduction for every device in your immediate vicinity is a huge boon. Everyone who relies on wireless boni should consider this quality (++)
AVRSE: Don't use VR if you aren't in a safe place. I'd say this is a fair negative quality. There is abuse potential, but then there always is (+)
BASEMENT DWELLER: The antithesis to good first impression. Not particularly interesting and combines with a certain other 3 point negative quality to cancel each other out. Get ready to not being allowed to use that one (+)
BIG BABY: Physical damage gives you an additional -1 dp. Weird to find this quality in this book. All in all probably a fair trade off (+)
BUDDY SYSTEM: Only recommended if you actually have teammates capable of using Matrix Perception and working with you. Otherwise it's a tremendous nerf to your matrix abilities. Other than that, probably fair (+)
DISCOMBOBULATED: AR and VR addict. Makes for an interesting character that gets really freaked out outside his comfort zone. Good RP potential (+)
DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE: Gremlins for Matrix Searches. Actually a quite nice neg quality that is a lot less harsh than actual gremlins quality (++)
ECHO CHAMBER: With a different name and fluff this could have been a positive quality. As is there is a lot of RP potential as well as mechanical benefit(++)
FROSTBITE: If IC is present I can't use the computer skill as effective - yeah, that cheap neg quality is not really a drawback most of the time. Not very interesting (0)
INFORMATION AUCTIONEER: Distinctive Style + free money. This has lots of story potential while also giving incentive to take the quality, so I hartily recommend it (++)
LAZY FINGERS: Multi Marking isn't your thing - rife for abuse with people who wouldn't or couldn't use this option anyway. Also it's boring (0)
MALWARE INFECTION: Don't take this quality. It's not worth it when you compare it to other qualities that give you the same negative dp for similar actions (-)
MATRIX TROLL: Raven Mentor negative quality for matrix users - might get old pretty quickly (0)
SLOPPY CODE: Seriously bad for your character. Avoid it - especially with that low bonus karma to gain (--)
WELL, ACTUALLY ...: Great, now you get to enjoy the OP discussions IP too. Do not want (---)

That's all for today. More on the techno stuff to follow.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Iron Serpent Prince

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« Reply #3 on: <09-03-18/1819:23> »
Check the EX-Series Rules sidebar on page 61:

"Ordering a custom setup costs the amounts listed below.  For the Ex-series, a deck’s Device Rating determines the maximum rating of every other attribute, but it can run a number of programs equal to the Device Rating plus two."

Maybe you make the case that the description and the rules don't match.  But the rules are labeled quiet clearly.

EDITed to add:  The Horizon Flow commlink rules sidebar on page 69 says it gets +2 limit and +1 die pool to Data Search tests.  This may be an area of errata, but that action is specific to searching in Hosts, not generic Matrix Search tests.
« Last Edit: <09-03-18/1827:48> by Iron Serpent Prince »


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« Reply #4 on: <09-04-18/1721:56> »
Ah thanks, that little piece of info did in fact slip me by. Alright, that makes the column text even dumber than it already is. Still, 12 program slots are plenty enough. The AVA of 40 is annoying and not entirely plausible (why is the defense stat the one that is regulated - especially when the N-Series doesn't suffer such problems?)
In that case the N-Series might be the better choice - provided you have a datajack plus and a MOS on hand.

Well, onward to the Streams:
Cyberadept: Comes into it's own only after submerging a few times, which makes it difficult to build a character around. It's probably best for an established character who has saved lots of cash and undergone submersion at least three times. Their Overdrive Power is a great trick - until you have to drop the complex form. Getting more than a +3 to your rating will be quite hard without spending Edge. Also you should really consider installing Implant Medic Nanoware at R6 and getting the Redundancy CF or you'll spend a lot of time with an open spine to repair your Wired Reflexes/Move by Wire (which are both probably the best gear to improve). All in all (+)
Machinist: Another fine mess of rule text: Saying you gain the function of an RCC only without being able to form a WAN (which only hosts can do anyway) is still stupid if you meant PAN: Not only is there a quality for that now (see later entry) but you also missed the fact that this means you can now run bought programs and Autosofts on your Living Persona. LOTO is a powerful CF that's pretty spamable and in the case of vehicles on roads and in the air also quite deadly. All in all (++)
Sourcerors: Free sustaining is nice but comes online late and requires serious submersion investment. Hyperthreading is hard to gauge properly but if you are able to sustain multiple different buffs with just one sustain slot, you can make this work very, very well. Works right out of the box (++)
TECHNOSHAMANS:Jupp, those are powerful, alright. Sprite Pet is probably the most powerful feature you can get as a Techno. Assist Threading will make you a nightmare in combat, Sustain Complex Form is now on par with the Sourcerer. Not to mention that now you can skip certain skills entirely and let your pet do the work for you. Greater Form Sprites with Gatekeeper make steeling any DR 2 device trivial - provided you can lower your overwatch score - which you should be able to with a powerful pet to help you thread cleaner. Overdrive is a pretty great way to get high performance from cheap gear - or to destroy enemy gear without any counter roll and just a bit of patience. Sacrifice makes instant repairs just as feasible as it turns shitty decks into great hacking machines. (+++)

Complex Forms:
ARC FEEDBACK: Horrible mechanic: You don't want to take any damage at all. If you take more than you can soak it's hopefully not enough to actually inconvenience anybody it's reflected to. Sustain something that is actually useful and doesn't make you a spiteful corpse (-)
BOOTLEG PROGRAM: Useful since even the shittiest deck can store and run every single program available (a EX-Series deck with 1 in every attribute will only cost you 12.000 Nuyen) (++)
HOST EMULATOR: A bit specific for my taste. Might be useful for certain scams, but it has a much more useful function: A persona in a host is invisible to the outside matrix. You now have the ability to hide in your own illusion. (+)
MIRRORED PERSONA: An ablative shield - and no language to prevent you from threading a dozen of them since it has an Instant Duration without a limited number of rounds. (Yeah that probably should be errataed) (+++)
PINCH: Yeah, same as with ARC FEEDBACK (-)
PRIMED CHARGE: Teamwork for yourself - all around a great power (+++)
RESONANCE BIND: Considering that most opponents in the matrix have very high ini this is only really relevant if you can make your opponent lose more actions than it cost you to perform this action. Interesting question: What happens to people in AR? Is there real life ini also reduced? (+ to +++, depending on how strong you can thread this)
RESONANCE CACHE: Missed a chance to call it Cooler (since you put Ic on ice...). In any case you now can do unspeakable things to almost any host whose Patrol IC you can catch and who doesn't have a spider ready to notice the absense. Seriously powerful (+++)
SEARCH HISTORY: How great would it be if someone defined the term Matrix History. Does that just mean which matrix actions you have taken? In that case it's pretty niche use. Does it reveal what the owner actually saw during his searches and perception checks as well as all inputs of codes and messages? Now it's a game breaker (+ to +++ depending on interpretation of Matrix History)
WEAKEN DATA BOMB: Would be interesting to know what happens if you fail this action. As written, probably nothing, so you have unlimited tries to neuter data bombs. (+++)
WEAKEN ENCRYPTION: Probably better to just get the Editor CF and circumvent Encryption alltogeter (+)

Technomancer Qualities:
BETTER ON THE NET: Solid powerboost and far cheaper than taking an Echo to increase your Matrix attributes (+++)
BRILLIANT HEURISTICS: spend Karma to do something a commlink with a cheap app can do equally well? I think not (-)
GROVELER: Hahahahahahaha. Datachips cost 0,5 Nuyen per piece - for every 2 Nuyen you can prevent one point of fade. Registering and threading was never easier (+++)
HOLD THE DOOR: How about not fighting an endless parade of IC? Your overwatch score will be full before you have accrued a meaningful bonus. This quality let's you do dumb things more efficiently (0)
FRACTAL PUNCH: Great, now you can make a Vital Shot in the matrix - only that this ability costs you Karma and everyone else in the realworld may use it for free. Still, a solid effect (+)
LONE WOLF:+2 to ini is pretty negligible in the matrix, still, it might make the difference between having an additional action or not in about 20% of all cases. Not bad, but also nothing to write home about (0)
NATURAL HACKER: Very limited in scope and really best for someone with exceptional Attribute Resonance or a few submersions under their belt. Control Device is probably the single most versatile matrix action to choose for this. (+)
ONE WITH THE MATRIX: Ironically, the 2 Karma version is more powerful than the 8 Karma part: Now you can slave your living persona to a powerful device and enjoy it's protection. Add to that the existing tricks to increase Firewall and defense of a device and this becomes ridiculously powerfull (+++)
REVERBERANT: +1 situational bonus - you probably have better things to spend your karma on (0)
SPRITE AFFINITY: +1 task is very nice, especially for high level sprites (++)
TEAM PLAYER: This is a nice quality, although it seems it just forbids something that was possible before for everybody and now only allows it for a very select aspect of the game. IMHO that's bad design (+)
TRUST DATA, NOT LORE/TRUST LORE, NOT DATA: Would be even better if they had included the new Matrix Actions from DT and KC. Nice synergy with Impenetrable Logic if you can get your Logic high enough. (++)
UNIQUE AVATAR: The drawback almost outweighs the benefit. (+)
BRITTLE [ATTRIBUTE]: Probably not worth it, but essentially fair and boring (0)
CODE OF HONOR: BLACK HAT: Seems to lenient for my taste - especially since you can set the price and decide who you  ask to bid (0)
DATA HOG: If you are doing your job right and use Cleaner, this is something like a non-issue
ESCAPED CUSTODY: Nice story potential (++)
KNOW YOUR LIMIT  Would be a lot scarier without all the new ways to avoid fade (+)
ON THE WAGON/WIRED USER: Wouldn't recommend. Sometimes it's really necessary to pop some chemicals, but all the time certainly isn't ideal either - still, a valid choice to give your character color (+)
RESONANT BURNOUT/’WARE INTOLERANCE: These qualities aren't properly balanced compared to Sensitive System - if you never add any cyberware you won't have any drawbacks from this 15 Karma quality. How about learning the existing rules before you write new ones... (---)
SPRITE COMBUSTION: This is a horrible trade off - if you want to technomance efficently, avoid it (0)
TAINT OF DISSONANCE: Lowered limits are bad, but then it's an interesting quality for a story (++)

New Sprite Powers:
BODYGUARD: Considering that you can have a lot of registered, low level sprites this is a great power to use as ablative armor (++)
SHIELD: Again: greater numbers of low level sprites with this power make fade a lot less scary(++)
ACTIVE ANALYTICS: Baby Monitor the sprite. Still, quite useful to have (++)
BORROWED IP: Not particular useful since it turns the sprite into a random persona/device/program. (0)
DECOMPILING RESISTANCE: Be honest, when was the last time anyone actually tried to decompile a sprite instead of just dataspiking it? Exactly (0)
ENHANCE: Limit increase is equivalent to drain decrease. Great! (+++)
NAVI: Solid bonus dice (++)
RESILIENT CODE: Too little for the price of one task and an optional power (-)
RESONANCE SPOOLING: A fair trade (++)

AEGIS: Probably better to just keep a few sacrifical sprites around (0)
DRAINING SPIKE: Digital Healling Shiv. Seriously now you can heal your stun damage by spiking cheap RFID chips - and not even necessarily your own. Expect this to be nerfed in time (+++)
NEURAL SYNERGY: More logic is nice - especially with the new qualities (++)
PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS: It takes a long time, but a Cyberadept with Move by Wire might just become the fastest, non-magic character there is. (+++)
RESONANCE RESISTANCE: Only of interest if you fight against a lot of technos - and even then there are better options (0)
THE VAN DER WAALS EFFECT: Yeah, this one is weird. A poor man's magneto. Usefulness depends a lot on wether the sixth world actually uses that much metal anymore (+ to ++)
WILL OF THE RESONANCE: More Willpower is even better than Logic because raising this attribute is particular difficult (+++)

01 (THE WORLD TREE): One additional virtual MARK is a huge boon, the disadvantage is acceptable (+++)
ARCHIVIST (THE SECRET KEEPER): Pretty inconsequential all around - not worth the effort (0)
BLACK HAT (THE CRACKER): Limit increase for MARKing is certainly useful, the disadvantage barely worth noting (++)
DAEDALUS (THE INVENTOR): Limit increase on piloting is nice - and deep resonance actions pretty far in between (++)
DELPHI (THE ORACLE): Limit increase on threading is equivalent to drain reduction - ini loss is usually acceptable (++)
INTRUSION COUNTERMEASURE (THE GUARDIAN): Solid combat boost, disadvantage is compensated by bonus (+++)
PROBE (THE SCOUT): Very specific, but probably worth if you have time to prepare (+)
SHOOTER (THE SOLDIER): This actually makes you better in physical combat - especially if you want to use blades, the limit increase is nice, but the drawback is pretty harsh (+)

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #5 on: <09-06-18/2108:12> »
Looper rounds ftw.  Those are awesome.  Almost removes the need for a Hacker on the team if you've got decent B&E skills. 

Pick up an Ares Nightfire 75 with Electric firing, Silencer, and something to cover it up when you fire it.  Or have a friend body block. 

*piff*  *splat*  *Bzzzt*  run like hell and start picking locks, shoot it again if you can't get it done before the loop is over.

Not perfect, but seriously a phenomenal piece of gear for any B&E character.   


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« Reply #6 on: <09-07-18/1730:00> »
Yeah, although I do have to wonder how a bullet can defeat a device's firewall no matter how good that firewall is. A mini flying drone with a light pistol mounted on it becomes the ultimate trailblazer...
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #7 on: <09-07-18/2142:45> »
Yeah, the auto success on (essentially) an Edit file vs any Firewall/DR/Whatever is what makes these things so good.  Just works.  Was someone watching the feed at that second?  Nope?  You win. 


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« Reply #8 on: <10-10-18/0032:48> »
SAEDER-KRUPP LAST CHANCE LINK: Good idea, bad execution. -8 concealability mod is great and all, but doesn't help at all against metal detectors and cyberware scanners. Also, it doesn't have a sleaze rating that could help you hide the transmission, nor a way to punch through the noise a paranoid runner team will certainly employ to keep the abductee from communicating with any hidden device he has on him. Honestly, just add a persona mod to a stealth tag and you have a better and cheaper link (--)

This mod sounds awesome. I am looking more and more into how the persona mod functions (Though for adding fluff agents to random devices). What the rules you are referring to here on the stealth tag and what is the end result? Same with your mentioned persona mod to the faceless device. How does adding adding persona firmware make it such a powerful commlink?


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« Reply #9 on: <10-10-18/1523:36> »
The mods are in Data Trails p.66:

"Persona Firmware: With two packs of parts, you can add the ability to run a persona to a device. If the device already has this capability, you can’t add it again."

A stealth tag is an R3 device with a Sleaze rating of 3, i.e. it has A-S3D3F3 matrix attributes. Adding the ability to run your persona on this device gives you access to all three attributes while also keeping the concealability of the stealth tag.

The faceless device can be purchased up to DR 10, i.e. it has A-S-D10F10 matrix attributes. Giving it persona firmware turns it into a commlink with DR 10
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #10 on: <10-10-18/2023:51> »
The mods are in Data Trails p.66:

"Persona Firmware: With two packs of parts, you can add the ability to run a persona to a device. If the device already has this capability, you can’t add it again."

A stealth tag is an R3 device with a Sleaze rating of 3, i.e. it has A-S3D3F3 matrix attributes. Adding the ability to run your persona on this device gives you access to all three attributes while also keeping the concealability of the stealth tag.

The faceless device can be purchased up to DR 10, i.e. it has A-S-D10F10 matrix attributes. Giving it persona firmware turns it into a commlink with DR 10

So the stealth tag becomes a better backup comm device as it can use sleaze to hid the transmission. The question to that is if a stealth tag shoved up your nose would survive a tag eraser or could you add sleaze to the last chance (suppose a dongle could, but isn't there a mod too?).

And the faceless device works as better really powerful comlink with high firewall. very cool. That device seemed way over powered for what it does, but I had to add one to my last build. Good to know I could also make the face of my pan to improve my defense.


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« Reply #11 on: <10-13-18/1814:42> »
A tag eraser only has a reach of half a centimeter and takes very long to recharge. If you don't know already where to look, the tag will be pretty safe from the eraser.

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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #12 on: <10-13-18/2051:23> »
A tag eraser only has a reach of half a centimeter and takes very long to recharge. If you don't know already where to look, the tag will be pretty safe from the eraser.

Oh good to know. For some reason i thought it worked like a vehicle tag eraser which indicates to remove all tags from the vehicle in a single swoop.


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« Reply #13 on: <10-17-18/0629:23> »
Some things to consider that have my local meta very interested...
Zapper Rounds affect a device (random on a person if not Called Shot)...A vehicle is a Device....The damage is based on the weapon damage and you get multiple data spikes with bursts....If you read the description, they affect anything on and CAPABLE of being Wireless.  We are already seeing players gear up to take out attack helicopters, Hellhounds, and Roadmasters with clips of this.

Fuzzy Rounds create 20 Noise in the area that you suppress.  I don't know any Rigger who can handle that...Welcome to dumpshock.  Your amazing jump in Rigger in his anthro drone that can tank grenades and has 20-28 die pools for everything can't even dodge the Suppression area.  Yeah the drone isn't directly damaged, but you just dropped it's dodge pool to 8-10 dice.  The drone is also now relying on its Pilot to determine what to do.

Multi Operating System can be mounted in your car and the cord jacked into you when you are in your Rigger Cocoon for safer decking.  Add that to the Datajack Plus and you can run even more programs (making the N series custom decks look a lot better).  Great for adding versatility to your run or just giving your more options.

Datajack Plus - The question that is coming up is can a Technomancer with this use those programs?  Do they count as a cyberdeck for this?  So far we are leaning towards yes for the Datajack Plus and no for the Multi Operating System (even with Skinlink).

Cyberadept Overdrive power is a lot more useful when you have an extra sprite to throw Enhance on it.  You can use it at a level 1 to gain 2 rating (3 hits/2, rounded up) to your Cyberarm/Move By Wire/Muscle Replacement...  That makes it easy to have Focused Concentration 1 and have a good use for the power.  For higher uses of the power, your sprites can maintain it long enough for a combat.  I am trying out a pistol cyberadept for Neo-Tokyo missions that looks like it will be interesting.


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« Reply #14 on: <10-17-18/1348:06> »
Yeah, as mentioned, zapper rounds are best used on large, single devices. But as soon as the vehicle is equipped with other devices on the outside, the reliability goes down quite a lot.

Fuzzy rounds don't stop a rigger from just moving their drone out of the area of effect (considering the speeds of typical drones, it's nearly impossible to keep them in longer than one action phase. Noise reduction is pretty ubiquitous and easy to come by and can even be reduced with a matrix action. All in all it's not a reliable tactic

MOS and Datajack are great. The MOS can also be carried in one of the new backpacks: They can be armored with Fire Resistance mods and Fresnel Fabric, making the heat problem a non-issue.

The datajack plus question is up to your GM. The text states:
"When connected to a commlink or cyberdeck, the datajack plus can run a number of Common and Hacking programs equal to its rating."
So by RAW it doesn't even work on RCCs. Though it also doesn't say that you have to run your persona on that deck or link, so a generous GM might let you use it for your living persona (I would: You paid essence and resonance for that stuff, you earn the right to run some programs)
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

