Interest check for a PbP by a journeyman GM.

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« on: <08-10-18/1755:06> »
I am desperate for a game, and Shadowrun, though not my favorite system, is far and away my favorite setting.  However, I'm starting grad school soon, and probably won't be able to fit an in-person or even scheduled online game into my schedule, so I'm looking back at PbP.

I figured I'd toss this up to see if there are enough people here who would be interested in a campaign that would ultimately heavily involve the Sixth World Tarot, using it to tie together and expose the party to several other elements of the plot.  I've got nascent plot ideas that would involve Aztechnology, MCT, a few major street gangs, Wuxing, and the Seelie Court (and maybe Ares), so there are a lot of angles that could be covered.  My lore-savvy is probably above-average, but not to the level of most of the lore-masters on these boards.  Seattle would be the most likely starting point, but I'm open to other places, and I hope for the game to eventually take off to other locales, with Morocco, the Sioux Nation, Metropole, and Asamando being particular likely to come up (y'know, places I've got sourcebooks to use as a springboard).

Also, if enough people want to try something different, I was toying with the idea of having the party being something other than a group of shadowrunners for a different style of game.  I like to imagine, in-universe, people talking about "the Shadows" like they talk about "the Game" in the Wire.  That is to say, someone can be "of the Shadows" without actually being a shadowrunner.  FBI detectives, a fledgling PI agency desperate for jobs - there are a lot of possibilities if anyone is bored with always being a party of Shadowrunners.

I've run shadowrun before, but my system mastery is middling, and I just want to be upfront about that.  I have historically used a lot of house rules (I have like a five page document for them sitting in a file somewhere), but I'd be very clear about any that would incorporated and open to a reasonable discussion on whether or not they go too far in a particular direction (for the most part, I nerf summoning, don't allow TMs for PCs (could change if I can either find a rework I like or Kill Code adequately addresses them).  I've got some stuff to make aspected magicians far more workable, and have put together a list of adjusted karma costs that I feel better reflect how they would impact a game in the style I hope to run (stand outs: combat style qualities are a little cheaper, Adept Ways are a little cheaper, and the very high-value negative qualities that are mostly roleplaying don't yield as much bonus karma (Corporate SIN, for example).  Finally, I usually use the "sum-to-ten" rules for character generation, with a caveat that a character can still only have a single A priority.

I'd be looking at something that's more on the black trenchcoat/mirrorshades end of things.  A character proficient in combat is by no means a bad thing, but a dedicated street samurai would probably be pretty bored.

And for a final note, I feel I ought to be upfront that, especially when I run shadowrun, my games tend to get kind of adult.  It's a gritty world that doesn't always, or even often, have happy endings, so there is a chance that human rights could will be violated, (fantasy) prejudices will be explored, and children could get hurt, though this is more to highlight the wrongs of the Sixth World than to relish in the edginess of it.  As such, PCs would most frequently be dealing with the aftermath of such incidents and not seeing purple prose of a guy being tortured - but bad things do happen in Shadowrun.

So, with all that being said, would anyone be interested?
« Last Edit: <08-10-18/1802:20> by Lorebane24 »
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« Reply #1 on: <08-10-18/1940:22> »
I would with the caveat that I might be a little slow for the first few weeks -- One more week in the job that has been sucking up my time, energy, and life (and which led me to drop almost all of my PBP games a year ago), then four weeks of doing it two days a week while transitioning into a new job, then fully into the new job (which I'm sure will keep me busy, but shouldn't be as insane and a shorter commute will help too).  I'm sure I could get a character built and some posts up, but more deeply researched or carefully worked out posts might be fifty days out for me.

Would be up for playing almost anything.


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« Reply #2 on: <08-10-18/2021:00> »
Cool, Beta is into it!  I found my old house rules documents and reviewed them.  I had forgotten that I had written up a Technomancer overhaul I wanted to test out, so they're on the table.  I figure I should get those up here so you guys can see what you'd be working with.  These were originally written for a group of entirely new players, so there's some stuff in there you can skip over at the beginnings.  I've included my reasoning for each of these changes, but one I can see being contentious is the changed to how spirits work, and this what I ask you to keep in mind - it's a nerf to how versatile summoning is in the world as a whole, not just to PCs.  It is going to take some doing to convince me that, in spite of some costs and risks behind summoning, it does not provide a disproportionate benefit to the investment it requires.  I aim to address this, and the problems I have run into in the pasts with "oversummoning."  I want spirits to stay kind of special, and I've seen too many games devolve into a spiritual arms race.  The changes to how magic works, and what is viable, will be reflected in the game world - most Awakened NPCs you deal with (especially grunts) are going to be aspected magicians (with sorcerers being favored on typical security details).
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« Reply #3 on: <08-10-18/2022:48> »
And the rest.
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« Reply #4 on: <08-11-18/0510:53> »
I have a concept I'd like to try (Panserbjorn), but I don't know if that meshes with the story you have in mind.
If not I can come up with another concept

But yes, I'm interested
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #5 on: <08-11-18/1253:27> »
I'm looking at a few options, and have a rules interpretation question that could impact one or two of them:  Adrenalin surge and Lighting reflexes (from Run Faster), in each case do they apply only on meat-space initiative, or do they also apply in matrix and astral initiative situations?  (I've been looking at trying to make an explorer traveler work, and going first in astral combat is so key, given no armor.  Not saying I'm going with that option, depends somewhat on what others are interested in playing, and how niche I can afford to be)


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« Reply #6 on: <08-11-18/1539:47> »
I've always read Lightning Reflexes as being intended just for meat-space.  I can see how it could be unclear, but, to me, it looks like it was intended to be a one-time, front-loaded initiative booster for characters who for whatever reason will not be investing in any others.  That being said, all but 5 of your karma on something that gets outscaled (and in not too long) by other types of initiative boosters seems a little much, so I want to say that along with that ruling that it's karma cost will be dropped from 20 to 15.

As for Adrenaline Surge, it's apparent intent doesn't scream one way or another to me, but off-hand I don't see a particular problem with it applying to astral and matrix initiative.
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« Reply #7 on: <08-11-18/1545:53> »
I have a concept I'd like to try (Panserbjorn), but I don't know if that meshes with the story you have in mind.
If not I can come up with another concept

But yes, I'm interested

Do you mean the armored bears from Golden Compass?  Generally, I'm not a huge fan of metavariants and metasapients as PCs, at least until I get some more experience as a shadowrun GM under my belt.  I'm pretty disenclined towards metasapients at all, and metavarients I'd prefer to handle on a case by case basis.  I think some of them are kind of cool, but I would prefer to at least have a good case made on, for example, why a minotaur character couldn't work just as well as a troll before fully committing to it.

I guess while I'm talking about race, I ought to mention where I stand on infected PCs.  Basically, I want to keep most of them as monsters, but I can definitely see the the appeal in roleplaying one, so I'm open to gnawers, ghouls, and vampires of any race, but in this particular iteration of world, the other infected strains do such a number on the psyche during the transformation that them being even semi-functional members of society is nearly unheard of, with nearly all cases becoming either feral or developing very pronounced superhuman psychosis.

Similarly, I want to avoid AI PCs for now, largely because I am still trying to get my head around the rules for them and how they affect encounter/run design.
« Last Edit: <08-11-18/1551:29> by Lorebane24 »
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« Reply #8 on: <08-11-18/1607:16> »
Don't worry, I'm not talking about Shifters. My concept is human adept with the adept spell from Hard Targets (Shapeshifting).

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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #9 on: <08-11-18/1616:37> »
Oh yeah, that's fine!
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« Reply #10 on: <08-11-18/1705:00> »
Beta: To be first in astral combat, look for intuition if I recall correctly initiative is intuition*2 + 4d6. So maxing up intuition - or even augmenting it if you wish to burn a little - would make you vicious on the astral.

I'll be interested as well, not sure what kind of character -perhaps a decker.


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« Reply #11 on: <08-11-18/1914:53> »
Since I couldn't really start of as a bear shapeshifter, I downgraded my concept for the moment to Mountain Lion shifter.
As I said, I don't know if a crazy indian fits your story. If not, I'll create a more gritty, hard boiled detective type.

Bobby „MadCat“ Walker (Amerindian)      
Remaining Karma: 5      
Resources   E   
Magic   B   
Race   E   
Attributes   B   
Skills   A   
BOD   5   
REA   2(5)   (10 Karma)
AGI   2   (10 Karma)
STR   3   
CHA   4   
INT   6   
LOG   3   
WIL   5   
EDG   2   
MAG   7   
ESS   6   
Phys   6   
Ment   6   
Soc   6(7)   
Exceptional Attribute MAG   14   
Quick Healer   3   
Agile Defender   3   
Mentor Spirit (Beast aka: Shark) – Mentor‘s Mask   5   
Super Human Psychosis   -2   
National SIN (Sioux)   -5   
In Debt 4   -4   
Did you just call me dumb   -3   
Impassive   -7   
Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker)   -4   
Stealth   6   
Outdoors   4   
Unarmed (Tooth and Claw)   6(8)   +3
Spellcasting (Manipulation)   6(8)   
Gymnastics (Dodge)   6(8)   
Perception   6   
Intimidate (Mental)   6(8)   
Armorer (Armor)   1(3)   
Piloting Ground   1   
Pistols   6   
Assensing (Aura Reading)   4(6)   
Knowledge Skills:      
English (N)      
Lakota   6   
Arcana   6   
Magical Threats   4   
Underworld   3   
Zoology   5   
Military (Sioux)   3   

Fighting Styles:
 + Sweep
 + Counterstrike
Talismonger (Bill Wildwater) 5/2      
Captain Razak (SDF) 4/3      
Lysander (Info Broker) 3/1
Livewire (Neo-Anarchist hacker) 3/3       
Adept Powers (Sioux Tradition):      
Killing Hands      
Increased Reflexes  3   3,5   
AGI Boost   0,25   
BOD Boost   0,25   
Astral Perception   1   
Adept Spell (Shapechange, Fetish)   1   
Heightened Concern   0,5   
Critical Strike   0,5   
Elemental Strike (Electricity)   0,5   
Demara   0,5   
Equipment   26000   
Fake SIN 2   -4000   
Armored Jacket   -2000   
 + ShockFrills   -250   
Critter Armor 12   -600   
 +Electrical Insulation 6   -1500   
 +Chemical Protection 6   -1500   
Critter Googles R6   -300   
 +Persona Mod (2 Electronic Packs)   -500   
 +Flare compensation   -250   
 +Low Light Vision   -500   
 +Visual Enhancement R3   -1500   
Comlink R1   -100   
Trodes   -70   
Respirator R6   -300   
Survival Kit   -200   
Fetish   -2000   
Livestyle Medium (Shared)   -1900   
1/4 of the Team Car -4000   
Reagents 50   -1000   
Stealth Tags 30   -30   
Medkit R3   -1500   
Miniwelder    -250   
Defiance Ex Shocker   -250   
 +Laser Sight   -125   
 +Quickdraw Holster   -175   
 + 20 Taser Darts   -100   
 +Peronalized Grip   -100   
Luggage (good) (Backpack)   -100   
 + Roll of duct tape   -5   
Amorer Toolkit   -500   
Money on Hand   1025   


Recruiting Interview with Specialist Robert Walker:
Son of War Shaman Yanni "Dark Crow" Walker and Environmental Engineer Elisabeth Miller (official resident).
Born August 12th 2051 in Cheyenne.
Developed strong physical magical talent during highschool, was recruited into Sioux Defense Forces at age 17, recommended for special training at 18. Completed tour of duty at [Classified] and [Classified], talent for infiltration and scout duties. Recommended for special operations, recommendation rescinded due to disciplinary problems.
Barred from further promotions, honorable discharge in 2073. Assessment by Shaman Bill Whitewater indicates severe totemic influence over personality and/or corrupted totem (Hunger/Wendigo classification).
Self employed tourist guide, private detective and suspected mercenary work.
Currently in debted to the Tiošpaye.

Assessment: Ready for recruitment

Cpt. Razak: Mr. Walker, how are you? It's been a while since we met.
Robert Walker: Yeah, long time no see... Could be better, could be worse. Anyone still alive from the 16th?
CR: The 16th never dies - though no, no-one you'd know is still around. I heard you had some trouble recently? Something about a lost consignment for the extended Family?
RW: You looking for trouble? Cause asking stuff like that is a quick way to getting digested by coyotes. I've got nothing to do with those assholes since Charlie took over.
CR: Fair enough. But you are still looking for gainful employment, aren't you? See kid, I always had a week spot for you and your abilities. A real shame that those pencil pushers couldn't overlook that little scuffle you had with Seargent What's-his-name.
RW: Ha. Asshole deserved it.
CR: Well, maybe you didn't have to turn into a Chimpanzee, knock him out and throw your own feces at him.
RW: Didn't have to - wanted.
CR: *Sigh* - Just for your information, it took me considerable effort to prevent them from just throwing you into prison and losing the key. The honorable discharge was the best I could do for you.
RW: And my eternal gratitude it has ensured. What do you want? I've got a child's birthday party to entertain and need to get into character soon.
CR: How would you like to work for a real PI agency? In Seattle. A regular income, no troubles with the NAN authorities, interesting jobs and a new start?
RW: Yeah - what's the catch?
CR: From time to time you'd be approached by someone who gives you a job you can't refuse - still payed of course.
RW: So black ops on forreign soil? Eh, what the hell, I'm in. At least it can't be as boring as the shit I do right here...
« Last Edit: <08-26-18/0255:02> by Jack_Spade »
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Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #12 on: <08-11-18/1955:38> »
I'm tentatively interested, although I don't have Sixth World Tarot for better or worse. I have a couple combat-oriented characters that I've been wanting to experiment with.

I'd very much be down for a "different-style game". I've had a lot of luck with ganger campaigns, personally, and I ran a passable Sioux Wildcats PbP game as well. Some of the old editions have whole sections dedicated to alternative campaigns ideas, which we could tap if the group is interested.

I'll look through the house rule docs soon to see if things will be a good fit. (Probably, as I tend to use lots of house rules myself.)


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« Reply #13 on: <08-12-18/1451:26> »
Since I couldn't really start of as a bear shapeshifter, I downgraded my concept for the moment to Mountain Lion shifter.
As I said, I don't know if a crazy indian fits your story. If not, I'll create a more gritty, hard boiled detective type.

Bobby „MadCat“ Walker (Amerindian)      

It looks mostly good, but check out the general house rules and magic house rules I put up.  A few of the skills have been folded into broader categories and adepts get a little bump in it.

As for contacts, it might be something to hold off on.  You get the usual points for personal contact, but I also always do a writeup of shared contacts, so there will be a list that includes an arms dealer, a talismonger, a street doc, etc... (all at about connection 3/4) that people will get extra freebie points to spend on loyalty for them.
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« Reply #14 on: <08-12-18/1528:09> »
Yeah, i read those and followed them. Thought about taking the Wild Cat style, but ultimately I still felt as if I hadn't enough skills to go around.
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex