[5e OOC] Black Trenchcoat

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« Reply #240 on: <07-07-18/1243:15> »
Lol yeah, I've run the math.  Even fully armored, a shot from a Predator can drop us with like, 75% odds on a half-way decent roll.  Let's avoid combat at all costs.

Assensing roll.  Got 6 hits.
« Last Edit: <07-07-18/1248:51> by blackshade10 »


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« Reply #241 on: <07-07-18/1428:20> »
It's really not that bad. Take a look

Prof rating 1 gangers (A step up from prof 0 gangers) your basic street gangers. Shoot at 8 dice in this game they will do 12P AP -1.

8*(1/3)= 2 and 2/3 put simply 2-3 hits per roll.

Even non-combat runner can manage a rea+int in the 8 range.
That means on average they ether miss or hit with 1.

If they hit with one. No biggie. Hitting 20 soak isn't very challenging.  So long as your armor is above 13 which should easily be as most folks are running body 3. Your looking as about 6-7 hits of soak. So 12 goes down to 5-6 stun. This isn't great of course, but it's a heck of long way away from dead. A slap patch easily deal with that sort of damage your back in action full dice pool, no issue.

Now if your still worried about that, add defense interrupt that average should shift to not getting hit very easily.

For that combat character  who should all be running 12+ (Reaction+ intuition) pool, who we intended to be the ones getting shot at.
8 Dice is hardly even a threat.

So it's certainly not a 75% of death.

Pools don't really go up much at 3, at 4 they most go 10-12. Which makes them fairly serious threat to the non-combats, and average threat to the combats. 5 are basically on par with characters and 6 are on par with optimized character and possibly stronger.

So it's dangerous, but it's not instant death. We just have to be very careful.
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« Reply #242 on: <07-07-18/2138:05> »
That said if anyone is feeling very concerned about this, now is the best time to get on it. This player group collective has years worth of experience in character building. We can easily take the needed steps to boost character survivablity, helping select armor or improving armor choices, or just helping raise reaction+Init pools. Don't hesitate to speak up, we haven't had any real combats yet, so now is the time to make those changes. It's always easier to change an equipment list then it is make a whole new character. 
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« Reply #243 on: <07-08-18/0006:47> »
I mean, that is kind of my point though.  I keep using the "ganger with a pistol" example, because we're citing a need for basically maximum stats and heavy body armor to survive one schmuck with a pistol. 

Like, Crow has 18 for soaking damage, and the only way to get it higher is to walk around in riot gear or carry a riot shield, which seems very counter-productive to a Black Trenchcoat game, not counting having magic active, which in a normal world, we will not always have active.  Just wearing an armor jacket is already kind of pushing it in terms of trying to stay subtle.  I've got Intuition at 6 and Reaction at 5, so not really sure where you're getting 12+ dice for a dodge pool unless, again, we're using magic or heavy augmentation.

But this really just reinforces my point again.  We're talking about being essentially armored up super commando special forces expected to just have survival odds against random gang bangers. 

Imagine using a Defiance EX-Shocker.  13s, AP -5.  If someone hit me with one of those for just 2 hits, I'd need to roll 6 hits on 13 soak dice to not instantly drop.  Excluding my nonconductivity bonus on my armor, but again, we're venturing into "perfect world" scenario where I'll always have that active when someone pulls a pocket pistol on me.

I'm just trying to get across that if the goal is to make it more realistic and to have combat have more lasting consequences, making it so handguns and stun guns can explode people apart is really not the route to go in my opinion.


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« Reply #244 on: <07-08-18/0040:02> »
But that where I think you're mistake Blackshade the Ganger just isn't actually very serious threat, the examples we are discussing are very, very far from maxed stats and armor. I selected 20 soak b/c it's easily achievable and it's specifically isn't pushing the envelope, getting 32 armor would take some work but is certainly possible, it just that doing so would be pushing envelop, and so I don't recommend doing so.  We can absolutely get your armor above 18 without resorting to riot armor and a shield. Gelpacks, ppt, kata-slides, I'm just saying there are options to explore. Armor jacket aren't very black trench coat, so go get run and gun and find a nice armored suit and matching over coat, and then you will be very black trench coat, and acceptably subtle. 

So your character is int 6 and rea 5, so your base no action defense pool is 11, so you're at a solid advantage vs prof 1 ganger. Odds are prof 1 ganger won't manage land a shot, on your character, further you should be solid about all the way about prof 4.

Not ever character has a pool that high some folks choose low rea or low int. But that's fine, nature of the game.

As to the taser that's really fairly whatever, non-condutive is far and away the most common elemental addon just for that reason. Sure 13S is a lot of stun, but odds are you soak down 7 levels. Which now makes that a 6S which while serious is hardly character death. Even going uncsouse is hardly character death. We have team for a reason.

I vote against any change the extends heal time. We will taking increased damage you really don't want to add increased heal time on top of that. Even if you replaced increase damage with increased heal time, you will find that to be much more annoying problem then having the enemy hit harder. NPC don't care about heal time, there never a shortage of opposition. Where as PC down time is not very fun. So long as damage is kept to stun,  your never more then a some stim patches, or a decent nap away from being back in action .

The dangers are not taser or gangers with pistols. The real threats are serious professionals packing Assault rifles, and that's just fine. That should be the serious threat.

This isn't perfect world question or anything it's simply a question of the most common scenarios.  The stated reality of the game is that, this game will be very lethal. +4 damage makes the game lethal. Not outrageously lethal, but more lethal then  standard shadowrun, which is also fairly lethal. So that's just working as intended. Losing a character just means getting to make a new one, and to me that's great fun.
« Last Edit: <07-08-18/1026:14> by Marcus »
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« Reply #245 on: <07-08-18/1410:19> »
Sorry for short and late post, my store is hosting Pre-release so time has been sporatic.

For assessing Ichirou-

1. He is healthy and mundane
2. No Cyber
3. No Cyber
4. He is cybered (primarly headware, with some bodyware this means betaware only) and has some headware Bioware.
5+ nothing new
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« Reply #246 on: <07-08-18/1428:02> »
No worries Red, working on ironing out folks concerns!
Enjoy the pre-release!c
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« Reply #247 on: <07-08-18/1432:29> »
It has been very helpful Marcus, I can't thank you enough.

Maybe if you are at Gencon I could buy you a beer. :)
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« Reply #248 on: <07-08-18/1535:54> »
data trawl for kiku's social media profiles
matrix search: 14d6t5 7
(browse and toolbox active with DP set to 7 + overclocker for 8 so limit =9)


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« Reply #249 on: <07-08-18/1537:01> »
also, with protecting comms, best i can see i can do is protect files, not devices, so you'd all have to slave to me so I can defend them


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« Reply #250 on: <07-08-18/1852:28> »
you can "set their security settings" which basically means that you use your mental stat when the comm needs to defend against attack. You also can slave them to you deck or commlink to have the device use your devices firewall as well. Remember devices can only have so many things slaved to them and they only benefit from the device they are directly slaved to. the only other thing you can do to protect is to be available to cyber combat anything that you feel is a threat to the teams stuff.

@Csjarrat Trolling social media files is probably only going to get general knowledge see 241 core book. Kiku was a college student at University of Washington (U-dub). She had no listed significant other on P2 and was somewhat active on media but her profile started when she was accepted to the university. She was approximately 27 and was a member of the U-Dub Huskies Gymnastics team. Besides the lack of information on Social Media before she enrolled in U-Dub last year the only other thing that is odd is that she does not have any posted photos herself and their are only a few of her posted by others.
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« Reply #251 on: <07-08-18/2225:26> »
Oops modified that post so folks have time to get aboard before heading off to the LKL.

Very exciting to actually get PBP game off the ground! :D

Huge thanks to Red!!
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« Reply #252 on: <07-09-18/0155:29> »
@gm, any particular frequent posters on her wall? Any obvious friends that feature more than others? Any trends in recent posts?


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« Reply #253 on: <07-09-18/0209:40> »
Also ichirou basically avoided the question, was there any tone/inference in the statement to hint that the guard had been killed by yaks because he'd failed or because some outside force had killed him?


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« Reply #254 on: <07-09-18/0514:06> »
Just wanted to drop by to say I might not be able to post today or tomorrow as I've been really busy the past few days.

