Ork Cyberface

  • 20 Replies


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« Reply #15 on: <03-25-18/1522:51> »
I would go with the 2 lower arms.
do your changes:
raise reaction to 2 and charisma to 5
and look at my previous post to slightly raise your essence and stats.
i meant the gel packs on your armor jacket, not the berwick suit, mistake from me sorry.


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« Reply #16 on: <03-25-18/1530:35> »
Sweet, thank you.

Working on it.


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« Reply #17 on: <03-25-18/1721:07> »
Okay, typing this out as I work on it.

Keeping Scorched, I'm in love with it and my BTL addiction.  GM and party are really sold on it too, mostly because my group is really big on jackassery, would hate to let them down. ;)  Ditching the Novacoke addiction, though.  I fully intend to have addiction problems with all sorts of drugs down the road, no need to start out with one!

I like Human-Looking, reason being that I don't want him to actually try to reduce his Ork-ness, he's just born that way.  Yay fluff reasons getting in the ointment!  However, First Impression doesn't even remotely make sense so I'm okay with dropping it.  As I calculate this out, I may re-neg on this and drop Human-Looking entirely if I go the Lightning Reflexes route (I need 25 karma for Edge, 4 for skills, so can't spare a lot).  I would like to not go to the Lightning Reflexes route if I can help it, as I really like being able to take some drugs in a pinch, and from RAW, it doesn't appear to be compatible with such action.  But I do like that synaptic acceleration geneware, especially since it looks like I can supplement it with drugs if I need to.

Also made some changes to the car, ditched a bunch of B&E gear (Shifted that responsibility to the Decker and Rigger), changed qualities, spent 8 karma on resources.  Also ditched the Sniper rifle.  I can always get one later, simultaneously with another spec in sniper rifles.  Our Rigger has drones for that job right now.

A - Resources - 450,000
B - Skills - 36/5
C - Ork (0)
D - Attributes - 14
E - Mundane

Body - 5
Agi - 2
Rea - 2 (4)
Str - 3
Wil - 3
Log - 3
Int - 4
Cha - 5
Edge - 3 (25 karma)
Essence - 3
Initiative - 9+2d6

(+1 for defense tests)

Physical limit - 5
Mental limit - 5
Social limit - 6 (10)

P.Qualities - (12)
Photographic Memory - 6
Human-Looking - 6

N.Qualities - (24)
Distinctive Style - 5
Addiction - moderate - BTLs - 9
Scorched - BTLs - Blackout - 10

, 450,000 nuyen

(Influence) - 5
Con - 6 (+2 Fast-talk)
Longarms - 6 (+2 Shotguns)
Intimidation - 4
Perception - 4
Stealth - 4
Running - 3
PGC - 1 (2 karma)
Unarmed - 6 (+2 cyber-implants)
Computer -1 (2 karma)

English - N
Fancy Culture - 3
Economics - 4
Criminal organizations - 3
Military Service - 4
Fixers - 2

Tailored Pheromones - R3 - 0.6 Ess - 93,000
Reaction Enhancers - R2 - 0.6 Ess - 31,200
Infrasonic Generators - R4 - 0.2 Ess - 16,000
Cybereyes - R2 - 0.3 Ess - Cap 8 - 4,500
Vision Mag - [2] - 2,000
Low-light - [2] - 1,500
Smart-link - [3] - 4,000
Flare comp - [1] - 1,000
Cyberarms - lower arms - (x2)
Synthetic - Str 8, Agi 6 - 0.9 Ess - Cap 5 - 104,000
Spurs - (Str+3)P, AP -2, [3] - 10,000
Synaptic Acceleration Geneware - 0.4 Ess - 78,000

Defiance T-250 (short barrel) - 450
    - Smartgun (internal)- 450
    - Flare comp - 250
    - Spare Clip - 5
    - Personalized Grip - 100
Enfield AS-7 - 1,100
    - Smartgun (external, under barrel) - 200
    - Flare comp - 250
    - Personalized Grip -100
    - Spare Drum x2 - 10
    - Flechette Rounds - 40 - 260
    - APDS Slugs - 20 - 240
    - Stick-n-Shock Slugs - 20 - 160

Clothing - 1,000
Mortimer of London - Berwick Suit - 2,600
Armor Jacket - 1,000
Gel Pack - 1,500

Commlink - R6 - Transys Avalon - 5,000
Sim module - 100
    - w/hot sim - 250
AR gloves - 150
Subvocal mic - 50
Bug Scanner - R6 - 600
Jammer, area - R4 - 800
Tag eraser - 450
White Noise Generator - R6 - 300
Mapsoft - 100
Datasoft - Security do's and don'ts - 120
Credsticks, 1 standard, 1 silver, 1 platinum - 525

SK-Bentley Concordat - 65,000
- Rigger Interface - 1,000
- Spoof chip -500
- Morphing license plate - 1000
- Anti-theft system (R3) - 2,500

Mono chainsaw - 500
Climbing gear - 200
Gas mask - 200
Grapple gun - 500
Catalyst stick - 120
Stealth rope - 500M - 425
Medkit - R6 - 1500
    - supplies(x5) - 500

Fake SIN - R4 - 10,000
    Fake license - firearms - R4 - 800
    Fake licnese - concealed carry - R4 - 800
    Fake license - PGC - R4 - 800
Fake SIN - R2 - 5,000

2 months Medium lifestyle - 10,000

Auto-Injector - 1,500
Jazz(x4) - 300
Cram(x10) - 100
Novacoke (x10) - 100
Psyche - 200
Kamikaze - 100

BTL - Personafix
    - William Munny - 200
    - Doc Holliday - 200
    - Little Bill - 200
    - Wyatt Earp - 200
    - Watches You Bleed- 200
    - J.R. Ewing - 200
    - Dale Cooper - 200
    - Mr. C - 200
    - E.L.Fudge - 200
    - Gotcha Dude - 200

2145 nuyen left.

In the end, I ended up spending only 3 Essence, have the same initiative and defense as before, better limits, better Intimidation dice pool (by a longshot).


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« Reply #18 on: <03-25-18/1753:26> »
Told you!
I like this version much more.
Globally you have a viable (if not very strong) character, with a lot in Intimidation (which was what you wanted).
You still have some Essence for future augmentations (and you miss-calculated your essence btw, reaction enhancers  rating 2 at 31k are alphaware and so only 0.48 in essence). With the 0.1 Essence you can buy Dareadrenaline geneware when you'll have the cash, it gives you +1 to Willpower (and the bad quality poor self control thrill seeker, which will not be a problem since you have enough composure to not even throw the dice, but t will give you an extra +1 to initiative for the first 5 rounds of combat).
Still buy a fake licence for restricted augmentations (they can easily be seen on a scanner, you need to explain it).

If you still have some karma left, think of the following qualities:
Cynic for 6 karma (others have -1 to their social skills vs you)
Honest Face for 5 karma (you have +2 to resist judge intentions vs you)
Watch the Suit for 3 karma (you have no penalty to Etiquette after fights as long as you got only stuns)
Too pretty to hit for 3 karma (use your charisma in place of your willpower for full defense)


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« Reply #19 on: <03-25-18/1806:15> »
I didn't buy the reaction enhancers as alpha :(  saw that I could save some cash (and was in budgeting mode) so I got standard ones. Had to spend 8 karma on Nuyen to pay for everything.

But yeah, I feel a lot better about this and there's plenty of ways to go from here, so thank you very much for the help!


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« Reply #20 on: <03-26-18/1309:09> »
You can always go for alphaware later when you get the cash, you'll get some essence holes that can be filled by new augmentations.
Glad i could help, have a good play, this character should be fun.

