Shadowrun: Fantasy Overload

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Necron 99

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« on: <02-17-18/0454:02> »

Greetings, denizens of cyberspace and middle-earth! This is a hypothetical poster for a game idea set in Shadowrun's universe. Shadowrun: Fantasy Overload is the working title for this idea. The concept is for a third person perspective game which allows you to play as four characters (a Lakota Elf Drifter, a Blonde Elf Punk, a Dragon Wizard, and an Orc Hitman), with gameplay that combines aspects of earlier Shadowrun games, Deus Ex, Hexen, Strife, and MDK. That's just a quick brainstorming, nothing final.

The basic idea is that the Lakota Elf Drifter travels to a city where he meets the other three characters, does Neuromancer-like jobs with them, and then they all find themselves embroiled in a war with a corporation, a dark cult army, and a malevolent A.I. This poster is a just for fun visualization of the idea if it were ever made into a game.

As a side note, The Dragon Wizard has a computer monitor implanted in his chest, which belongs to an IBM-like company called ELF, and he wields a magical wooden staff. The Lakota Elf is armed with a crossbow, energy-infused tomahawk, and a revolver. the Punk Elf has silencer pistol, and the Orc hitman is armed with a sawed-off shotgun, a bazooka, and an energy axe.

I hope it entertains. 


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« Reply #1 on: <02-17-18/0604:38> »
I hope you are able to see your vision become reality.  It's a decent concept and I think you could draw a lot of interest.
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.

Necron 99

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« Reply #2 on: <02-18-18/1707:44> »
I hope you are able to see your vision become reality.  It's a decent concept and I think you could draw a lot of interest.

Thanks, firebug. It would be nice to see this idea developed in reality. I may supply more sketches to demonstrate more of my ideas when I'm able.

