Alea Iacta Est (OOC)

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Jayde Moon

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« Reply #45 on: <03-20-17/1712:25> »
... but for our purposes I'd like to assume that, as Wildcats, you are all recognized as professionals who are capable of taking the lead in any given situation...

Absolutely this.  There are many situations, not just in Special Forces, where Soldiers are expected to take the initiative.  Further, before any mission, 'Rules of Engagement' will have been established.  There are just too many situations where waiting 'for the call' will result in loss of life and/or failure of the mission.

In a high-functioning team such as this, the group knows what is expected.
That's just like... your opinion, man.

Pap Renvela

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« Reply #46 on: <03-20-17/1729:31> »
Just to clarify something:
I was under the impression that we only post once until everyone else posts once- which is why I didn't post after my last one.
Glorious rose and the GM each posted twice after me...
so, I'm confused.
Are we sticking to one post per round or not?
If not, why the  initiative roll?
I don't really care how we do it- I just want to understand what we are doing.


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« Reply #47 on: <03-20-17/1802:32> »
That's a reasonable question. Jayde asked the same thing in this thread last Thursday.

Per this post, I am encouraging folks to move forward and post when they are available. Right now, outside of combat, I don't want us to get caught up on waiting for someone who might be real-lifing at the moment.

At a traditional Anarchy table, we'd all be sitting around and everyone could narrate immediately during their turn. Given the PbP format, we don't really know if someone is "at" the table at any given moment.

I made this recommendation in the initial OOC post but I'll repeat it: If you want to say something ICly but need some time to write it up, it might be wise to chime in briefly in the OOC thread to announce your intentions so someone doesn't write an IC post that moves the action past you.

I rolled Initiative pre-emptively so that if someone wanted to initiate combat they wouldn't have to wait for me. Alternatively, if you want to attack someone and I haven't rolled Initiative for them then you are generally authorized to roll and resolve both sides of the encounter on your own, at least for the first round. See this post.

We are now done at the farmhouse as far as NPC opposition is concerned. You can consider yourselves regrouped. You are free to push the action up to the edge of the installation.


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« Reply #48 on: <03-21-17/0805:31> »
Medicine 8 + logic 6 + gifted healer 2 + Medi kit 6? For that sprained ankle. I'll roll and post this afternoon whilst I'm travelling, but I think that's right. Not sure on the Medi kit.


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« Reply #49 on: <03-21-17/1309:59> »
There's no medkit bonus unless it's a shadow amp. Gear is for narrative purposes rather than for dice pool bonuses.

Nor is there any need to roll since there is no damage to repair (in the sense of boxes on a condition monitor). We can keep it  at the narrative level.

Let's get an IC post from someone to move us along. If you want to plan your attack, that can be done either ICly or OOCly. (Although, if OOCly, I'd ask for a quick IC post to summarize the approach.)


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« Reply #50 on: <03-21-17/1450:21> »
Re: waiting for SO orders, my intent wasn't to hamstring Shiriki or bog things down on rank, but I didn't think Shiriki was the one to act in this situation, so I went with an IC reason to hold off there.

Ok, looks like some rolls are in order.

Drone Stealth: Drone Stealth: AGI (8) + Stealth (3) + Control Rig (2) + Combat Pilot (2) + VR (1) = 16 dice.: 16d6t5 7

Perception: Perception: LOG (7) + WIL (6) + Control Rig (2) = 15 dice: 15d6t5 6

I'm not sure if I should have also added the VR benefit to the Perception test, but it looks like things are a little unclear on Attribute Only tests and Shadow Amps.  @Tec, let me know if you want those rolls to have different dice pools that what's listed.

Last, given the nature of Anarchy and less GM-centered story-telling I'm inclined to put some para-critters in Shiriki's sights on the way back to the farmhouse.  Kosher?  Also, I think it'd be fun to see how combat plays out before we go full-stealth on our demo run (haha, like stealth'll last).  So, is this the kind of thing I spend a Plot Point on?  Do I just narrate it as I'd like.  What's the MO here?


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« Reply #51 on: <03-21-17/1509:01> »
I've added a couple of leads, but kept it in the farmhouse. It all works if there's critters a coming. I'm picturing the dog as a big shaggy thing with lots of drool.


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« Reply #52 on: <03-21-17/1532:14> »
@MDMann The pink font is practically invisible against the grey background, so I would recommend a different selection.

@rednblack The odds of a seeing a Fly-Spy in a blizzard are nil, so I wouldn't have called for a Stealth roll. I would have called for a Piloting roll, which is similar enough to your Stealth roll that we can use it. Shiriki pilots like a boss and is fairly certain that he dodged every single snowflake.

Perception: you don't miss anything. If this were SR5 then you might his a Limit, but since it's Anarchy all the hits count.

As for datajack/VR, the amp says the +1 is for "Matrix" actions. Now technically piloting via VR is a "Matrix" action, but I'll note that none of the sample riggers in the book have a datajack, likely because the assumption is that control rigs double up as datajacks. I'm going to say "trust your gut" with whether the extra die should be included or not.

As for paracritters, technically this would fall under the "Surprise Threat" use of plot points. I've actually been flipping through old books trying to figure out what would be dumb enough to be outside in a blizzard at midnight. The best I can come up with a "Bogie", which is similar to a barghest. They are territorial and hunt in packs up to four. Seems like a reasonable fit if you want drop a plot point on it.

Here's their 4E stat block, along with my stat and skill conversions for Anarchy:

Canis auspicii
Habitat: Light woods and plains
Range: Northeastern and central portions of North America
Frequency: Rare
Identification: The bogie is a large canine, standing 125 centimeters at the shoulder and weighing 95 kilograms. It has a pair of small horn-like protrusions from its brow that are 2 centimeters long and covered in a velvety coating. It has short, black, bristly fur.
Habits: The bogie is a carnivore resembling an oversized rottweiler that hunts in packs of up to four members. One member howls to panic the prey and herd the victim into an ambush. Bogies attack like wolves, attempting to  hamstring their targets and then bite the target’s face and throat to suffocate with powerful jaws. As a pack, bogies are fearless, and they will not back down from any large creature. When hunting solo, however, a bogie will assess a threat first before attacking or yielding.
The bogie’s howl induces fear in any creature that hears it. Legends have long stated that the bogie’s howl prophesizes deathand disaster. Statistical evidence has shown that the frequency of mishaps and malfunctions increases in proximity of bogies. Bogies have heightened awareness—their horns are too soft to properly function as weapons. Dissection has shown that these horns are organs that are highly sensitive to motion through ultrasound.
They are also posited to improve the animal’s hearing. Also of note, there is a supernatural kinship between normal canines and bogies. Even security dogs will not bark at the approach of a bogie, nor will either of them fight the other.

Strength 4
Agility 5
Charisma 2
Logic 2
Willpower 3

Skills: Stealth 2, Athletics 2, Unarmed Combat 3
Powers: Animal Control (Mundane Dogs), Accident, Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Low-Light Vision, Motion Detection, Smell), Fear, Movement (Self)
Weaknesses: Allergy (Horseradish, Mod), Allergy (Wolfsbane, Mod)


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« Reply #53 on: <03-22-17/0101:12> »
Good IC posts today, everyone. Things I'll call out:

Flashbacks - Great, love them. Backstory is a strong way to fill out characters.
Setting the scene - Excellent job by GloriousRuse for describing some of what waits for you. Exactly the spirit of Anarchy.

Rednblack mentioned the possibility of paranormal critters in the forest and it occurs to me that I, as the GM, can drop a plot point in order to populate the beasties. Actually I can just put them there, because "GM", but it wasn't the original plan - Ma and Pa were supposed to be the get-your-feet-wet combat - and this is a good way to kick off the plot point spending.

You all start with 3 plot points and can accumulate up to 5. GloriousRuse and rednblack have shadow amps that grant them plot points when combat starts. Per the rules, additional plot points can be accumulated with particularly good Narrations. What I have to figure it is how to balance this with the fact that the IC posting is so good that you might be maxed out on plot points the entire time. I'm going to think about ways to implement this.

I start with 1 plot point and don't have a cap on how many I can earn.

Current plot points
Jayde Moon: 3
rednblack: 3
GloriousRuse: 3
Pap Ranvela: 3
MDMann: 3
TecGM: 0

Rednblack's Fly Spy that's watching the perimeter picks up movement. Something has noticed that you're home and wants to invite itself in for dinner.

@Everyone roll Initiative. Distance is Far for everyone except Ité, who is at Near for being out on the porch. The bogies are howling. I'm going to treat this like Chaotic World: you have to reroll 1 successful die per roll. This goes for Initiative too.

(I am reasonably sure that everyone can take both a Movement and make an Attack during their Narration, but for the life of me I can't find this in the book. It seems reasonable, and in this case it means everyone can run to a window and start gunning, but if anyone has a page reference I'd appreciate it.)

Bogie initiative: Initiative: 6d6t5 1 hit

Anyone that can beat one hit gets to act first. Don't forget to reroll a success. The bogies dodge with 7 dice. There are four of them.

Edit: @rednblack, your phobia is triggered too, so you're at -2 as well.

Updated plot points
Jayde Moon: 3
rednblack: 4
GloriousRuse: 4
Pap Ranvela: 3
MDMann: 3
TecGM: 0
« Last Edit: <03-22-17/0128:28> by Tecumseh »

Pap Renvela

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« Reply #54 on: <03-22-17/0233:13> »
Initiative: 8d6t5 3
Re-roll 1 sucess
Re-roll 1 sucess: 1d6t5 0

Total Initiative 2  (EDG 6 in case anyone else ties 2)

p42 seems to imply that you make 1 move (or 2 moves if plot point spent) per turn as part of your narration.


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« Reply #55 on: <03-22-17/0348:13> »
Not bad.

Initiative: 8d6t5 7 7 hits

Re roll 1 hit.  Nope.

Reroll: 1d6t5 0

I'll post this evening, so don't wait on me. Assume Dakota Dan-Dan goes to a window and starts popping shots off at the doggies. Don't forget to inform the folks whose hospitality were enjoying of the situation. The ghost dog may or may not be affected by their critter control power so beware.


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« Reply #56 on: <03-22-17/0937:46> »
Good Lord, MDMann. 7 hits. Dan-Dan is hopped up right now.

As you both beat the bogies' Initiative, you are both free to declare your actions and roll.


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« Reply #57 on: <03-22-17/1241:16> »
Initiative: Initiative: 9d6t5 2
Re-roll: Initiative Re-roll: 1d6t5 0
1 Hit ties, but Shiriki's Edge score of 2 should get his action in before the Bogies.

Shiriki will jump into the Roto-drone, and start raining down bullets.  Shiriki gets 4 Attacks per narration while jumped in: Base (1) + Wired Reflexes (1) + Custom Gun Drone (2) = 4 Attacks.  Shiriki will focus fire on 2 of them, issuing 2 Attacks each.

He's at -2 for Phobia, and needs to re-roll 1 die per Action.

Due to the weather, I'll toss in a Piloting Test.  I'm going to say this is still fairly simple stuff, with the wind being the big hindrance, so 2 Hits will get the Drone into position.
Piloting: Drone Piloting: AGI (8) + Pilot (5) + Control Rig (2) + Combat Pilot (2) + VR (1) - Phobia (2) = 16 dice.: 16d6t5 5
Re-roll: Piloting Re-roll: 1d6t5 0
4 Hits should be fine.

Shooting Bogie 1 twice:
Drone Shooting: AGI (8) + Vehicle Weapons (6) + Assault Rifle Spec (2) + Control Rig (2) + VR (1) - Phobia (2) = 17 dice: 17d6t5 5
Re-roll: Shooting Re-roll: 1d6t5 0
4 Hits. 
Drone Shooting: AGI (8) + Vehicle Weapons (6) + Assault Rifle Spec (2) + Control Rig (2) + VR (1) - Phobia (2) = 17 dice: 17d6t5 7
Shooting Re-roll: 1d6t5 1
7 Hits.

Shooting Bogie 2 twice:
Drone Shooting: AGI (8) + Vehicle Weapons (6) + Assault Rifle Spec (2) + Control Rig (2) + VR (1) - Phobia (2) = 17 dice: 17d6t5 3
Re-roll: Shooting Re-roll: 1d6t5 0
Only 2 Hits on that one.
Drone Shooting: AGI (8) + Vehicle Weapons (6) + Assault Rifle Spec (2) + Control Rig (2) + VR (1) - Phobia (2) = 17 dice: 17d6t5 7
Re-roll: Shooting Re-roll: 1d6t5 0
6 Hits.

Shiriki lets off two bursts at the first Bogie for 4 and 7 Hits, and two bursts at the second Bogie for 2 and 6 Hits.  Damage is 8P + Hits.

Crap, I forgot to take a -2 Penalty for range modifiers.  I'm going to roll 2d6 4 times, and we'll subtract Hits in order.
Range Penalties: 4#2d6t5 0 0 0 0
Wow.  All Hits stand.

Bogie Defense stands at 7 Dice.
Defense: AGI (5) + LOG (2) = 7 dice: 4#7d6t5 1 3 1 2
Bogie 1 gets hit with 3 and 4 Hits, staging up damage to 11P and 12P.

Bogie 2 gets hit with 1 and 4 Hits, staging damage to 9P and 12P.

I guess there's no Soak roll?  That would put Bogie 1 at 23 boxes filled, and Bogie 2 at 21 boxes filled. daka-daka

Also, due to the less-than-lethal operating goal, I stated earlier that Shiriki was rocking SnS in his drone's guns, so should we just change the damage value to 8S as a base?
« Last Edit: <03-22-17/1254:56> by rednblack »

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #58 on: <03-22-17/1252:46> »
Looks like I go last:

Initiative: 8d6t5 0 hits

I got a narrative up, tho!
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #59 on: <03-22-17/1305:01> »
I had assumed we'd be outfitted with Suppressors for our quiet work.  Safe assumption, or did Shiriki just potentially blow their cover?  He probably wouldn't have acted differently.  Para-critters are Ghost-awful things that need to be put down.