Alea Iacta Est (OOC)

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« Reply #15 on: <03-16-17/0449:41> »
The background as written would make him a MD, though a very junior one, FY2. Going on the British model he'd be a cadet (non-commissioned) whilst in the reserves then an officer after training and graduation. Not sure how that translates to special forces. I think following the starship troopers model could work, where he has a substantive rank of 1st Lt but takes a temporary and voluntary drop in rank to join the special forces to advance his later career. This would make him one ambitious puppy. Of course, it could be easier to simply make him a RN.

He wouldn't have specialised yet.
« Last Edit: <03-16-17/0503:49> by MDMann »


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« Reply #16 on: <03-16-17/1822:09> »
@ Tec: Modified the sheet per your LFG section post.

@ Jayde: Lets assume Swoopy is whatever mix of air force and Sioux makes a roughly E6 equivalent. 


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« Reply #17 on: <03-16-17/2003:08> »
Really dynamite IC posts, everyone. We're off to a great start.

I'm not hearing any questions so we can move long to next steps:

Finalize gear
You don't have to specifically "take" standard gear, like your wingsuit or commlinks or explosives. You do need to assign gear slots to things like med kits or armor repair kits. Rednblack's choices - Area Jammer, Maglock Passkey, Satellite Uplink - are fantastic options of the types of things you wouldn't have by default but would be smart to bring. If you're unsure about what you might have by default, just ask.

Finalize weapons
Most of you already have this done, but if you want to tweak it you can.

Summon a spirit
@Jayde, go ahead and summon an air spirit, per your orders, and do the roll to resist.

On that last night, in the spirit of Anarchy and to keep things moving, I'm going to give you all broad authority to roll both sides of an encounter. Jayde, Glorious, and rednblack are all GMs, and Pap's posts suggest some experience there too, or at least enough educated opinions to imply experience.

If you're shooting a dude and aren't sure how many dice to roll, 8 is a decent default. If you think the situation might be harder or easier than usual, add or subtract 2 (or 4) at your discretion. If you're not comfortable deciding, you can either punt it back to me or you can roll a large number of dice (say 12) and let me count out the hits from the number of dice that I think is appropriate for the opposition.

This will keep progress moving forward, since you can ICly post the results of your roll without waiting for my official adjudication. I'll step in if I see things migrating too far in either direction.

In the same vein, you'll note that rednblack has filled in some details that I left ambiguous. Colonel Howling Bear is giving the briefing, is a pipsqueak, and spends too much time on the politics. Is that all kosher? Abso-fucking-lutely yes. This is a shared narrative and I don't want to lay down IC posts the length of the Bible to try to paint all the details for you. Besides, it sounds like I'm on the shallow end of the spectrum when it comes to experience in matters such as these, so fill in the blanks I leave.

To Glorious' mental aside about how much plastique is needed, this is a fair point. I was flipping through Run & Gun last night and doing some mental math on how much would be necessary for this, but in the end I tossed it aside. You're carrying enough cause the installations to implode, if not actually explode, which will accomplish your mission. However, if we decide that the explosion doesn't go to plan, so that you had to hijack a concrete mixer truck, fill it full of explosives that are conveniently on-hand for construction/demolition purposes, and then plow it into one of the radar installations before detonating it, well that would be pretty wiz now would it?


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« Reply #18 on: <03-16-17/2141:52> »
Got it; stuff is finalized, post is edited for the happy outcome of being able to bring the place down.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #19 on: <03-16-17/2230:27> »
Summon Spirit of Air:

WIL 6 + Conj 3: 9d6t5 2 hits
Resist 8: 8d6t5 4 hits
WIL 6 + Conj 3: 9d6t5 5 hits
Resist 8: 8d6t5 3 hits

Takes two tries.

Before I post, are we waiting for you to post as the GM once between all of us posting or are multiple posts before you get to the helm alright?

What about multiple posts before all players have posted?

Might I suggest allowing multiple posting, but until the GM posts again we can only make as many attacks as we have available?  Does that make sense?
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #20 on: <03-16-17/2247:26> »
I second Jayde's "multiple posts until a point of obvious GM intervention or transition."

For instance, post all you want in the Dakota until green light time.


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« Reply #21 on: <03-17-17/0118:10> »
We are in "Talk Time" at the moment. (I incorrectly called it "Table Talk" in my initial OOC post.) During Talk Time, there is zero requirement nor expectation for players to wait on the GM, nor to wait for everyone else to post first. As I said before, posts are the lifeblood of PbP games. As such, my motto is, "Post early, post often." If that's not enough incentive, your karma awards will be directly tied to your IC posting, so that's another motivation to put your thoughts into electrons.

We will be more regimented during combat sequences, but certainly not to the degree of SR5. Anarchy has several approaches:
1) Go around in a circle - but in this case we don't have a circle;
2) The person who goes first declares who goes next - but this case not everyone is physically present so we don't know how readily available people are to post at any given time; or,
3) Roll dice, as described on p. 53-4.

We will likely be doing a variation of #3. Here's an example of what I'm thinking:

Jayde: 6 hits
Glorious: 5 hits
rednblack: 4 hits
TecGM: 3 hits
Pap: 2 hits
MDMann: 1 hit

In this case, I'm not going to be literal about who goes first: Jayde, Glorious, or rednblack. The three of them will go in whatever order they are OOCly available, then I'll go, then Pap and MD can go as they are available. And, of course, Pap and MD could jump to the head of the line by spending a Plot Point, or one of the first three could counterattack via "A dish best served cold" plot point, should I attack one of them on my turn, and so on.

To my knowledge, this is everyone's first time playing Anarchy, so we'll be figuring out what does and doesn't work as we progress. Feedback is welcome.

I'll also try to be fairly transparent about what the next "point of GM intervention or transition" will be. In this case, I'm going to write a post flinging you out of the Dakota. You can then post about your descent and landing.

To make sure everyone has a grasp of the dice roller, let's have everyone do an Agility + Athletics roll. Use the #d6t5 syntax and Orokos will automatically tally the hits for you. Try to get a hit, or you'll crash into a tree like a stormtrooper on Endor. (Before which you'll probably want to spend a point of Edge.)


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« Reply #22 on: <03-17-17/0552:18> »
Given the numbers of dice rolled, lousy but sufficient. At least it didn't glitch. 2 hits. It ain't elegant but it'll do.

HALO insertion, Agility 6 + Athletics 4 + Light Body 2: 12d6t5 2

Question. Would Danyes be rolling Acrobatics instead of Athletics for this (one extra die), although it's it's not particularly relevant here.

   12d6t5: 2 [12d6t5=6, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 6, 2, 3]


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« Reply #23 on: <03-17-17/1325:12> »
@MDMann, I'm not 100% sure what Acrobatics die you are referring to. If you're unsure if something should be included or not, you can roll it separately.

Also, you don't need to copy-and-paste the full die results. The bbcode you pasted is perfect.

@Glorious, a reminder that Orokos rolls go in the OOC thread, not the IC thread. Use the tiny "bbcode" link to get the nicely formatted results like MDMann used, rather than just the raw URL.

That said, I like the idea of Navigation rolls. Everyone roll Survival too to see if you get scattered across Normandy like the 101st. You can use Logic or Willpower, whichever is higher.

Swoopy lands on target with a reasonable amount of grace. Dan-Dan lands less gracefully but is fine, location TBD.

I'm doing the single-parent thing today and tomorrow while my wife is out of town, so my posting will be limited to naptimes. I'll be on a more normal schedule starting on Monday.


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« Reply #24 on: <03-17-17/1355:04> »
@Jayde, Shiriki will want to know if you want him to deploy drones on the way down, or wait to do recon once we've landed.  The former will provide more opportunity for the drones to scatter, but will also give us eyes on any chars who may get scattered.  The latter is all-around safer.

@MDMann, there are no Glitches in Anarchy unless you use the Glitch die.  So we can breathe easy there.

Let's see how Shiriki lands. 

Athletics: Athletics: AGI (8) + Athletics (2) = 10 dice: 10d6t5 1
Phew.  Just barely.

Survival: Survival: LOG (7) + Survival (2) = 9 dice: 9d6t5 3
It ain't pretty, but he makes it there.

@Tec, I like the idea of option 3.  With a more flexible turn order, I don't see the PCs using Plot Points to change up the order very often, but that's probably the least cool use of Plot Points anyway. 


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« Reply #25 on: <03-17-17/1412:59> »
Rednblack is correct that there are no glitches without the glitch die. I thought about having everyone roll one to reflect the danger of the decent, but I figure the spirit will negate the need for that.

The spirit's Guard power isn't canon for Anarchy but I figure it's a decent to use it for narrative purposes.

Shiriki lands roughly but safely and on Target. He'll be disoriented/shaken up (-1) for the next Narration or two.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #26 on: <03-17-17/1530:10> »
Ugh, General called for a meeting and I sat in a conference room for 3 hours listening to stuff that had nothing to do with me.  C'est la vie.

Agility 7 + Athletics 2: 12d6t5 2 hits

Post up!
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #27 on: <03-17-17/1726:09> »
@Jayde, I think your IC post is referring to Swoopy as a troll. Ité is the troll; Swoopy is human.

Navigation roll for the Captain: Willpower 6 + Survival 2: 8d6t5 3 hits, no problem
Navigation roll for Dan-Dan: Logic 6 + Survival 3: 9d6t5 5 hits, Dan-Dan lands on the porch of the farmhouse.

We'll get some rolls for Pap. Rednblack can post if he wants.

We're moving at a nice pace. If someone wants to IC the rendezvous at the farmhouse, you're free to move one step forward.


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« Reply #28 on: <03-17-17/1729:55> »
A minor clarification: It is actually Ite Nee Pap who is the giant troll. Swoopy is just plain jane human.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #29 on: <03-17-17/1748:16> »
Alright, since no one posted their RACE on their character sheet (except the elves, because of course elves want to be sure you know that they are elves), I was trying to decipher from context.  I'll edit in a moment.
That's just like... your opinion, man.

