The chart had one error, in that the Perception part for MysAd should be marked that they have to buy Astral Perception like an Adept.The removal of Enchanting was intentional, but a second thing never got up and running, which was an "Ala carte'" style of magician, where you got X points and could allocate them in Spellcasting for this, Conjuring for that, and so on, which would have allowed some other options. MysAds weren't comparable to full mages in power level as it stood as losing Astral perception and Projection, but gain PhysAd powers, is an easy call to make.Losing the Astral options 8and* Enchanting brings them to a similar level of ability. The MysAd is *probably* still better, but it's much closer. Losing Conjuring would be too big of a nerf, ditto spellcasting, leaving no other way to reel them back to an equivalency.
This had an unfortunate side-effect of killing a few concepts that were based on them, namely alchemical types using crossbows to lob mixtures around while being a PhysAd which is a rather keen thing and I'd hate to see it go. As a GM call, you could remove Conjuring instead, making them *much* weaker, but keeping the core aspects of that kind of character design. Your GM probably won't have any problem with that tradeoff, and had we gotten the bugs out of the ala carte system, you would have been able to build that anyway, so, hey.
Hope that helps!
The explanation helps, although I'm not sure I agree with the decision that was made. I think it is fair to say that probably 90% of Mystic Adepts probably don't use the Enchanting group as-is. It's a very niche magical group, that has already been pointed out as being underpowered. You've even gone so far as ruling that taking Aspected Enchanter at Priority C is equivalent to the other Aspected Magicians at Priority B! In any case, if most Mystic Adepts aren't using Enchanting, and the thought is
still that they get too much more than Full Magicians... Have your really removed something that will balance them back out?
I'm still wondering what happened to the way Mystic Adepts were handled in 4th edition or 3rd edition. In 4th edition, Mystic Adepts allocated their Magic Attribute into either Power Points or Magician. And in 3rd, Magician's Way adepts were effectively adepts that spent their Power Points to gain an effective Magic Rating for the purposes of Sorcery, etc.
Fifth Edition removed the need to balance the two, which I think is the real reason why they seem more powerful than Full Magicians. In the previous iterations, there was no way to have 100% of both power sets, but the power sets weren't missing anything. They just ran at a fraction of the total power. We've already opened up the can of worms that is allowing Mystic Adepts to buy their power points
on top of being a full magician. That's in the past, and I don't think it is fair to go back and just rip something away entirely. I think it would be better to add in something that limits the other side instead. Since Mystic Adepts have to spend extra karma to purchase their Power Points, and they don't gain free power points as their Magic increases it is effectively limited. On the Sorcery/Conjuring/etc side, a limitation could be the Force(s) that they are able to manipulate safely. There could be a rating (starts out at Half Magic Rating, or something), that rating determines the maximum Force the Mystic Adept can activate Magician abilities at. For example, Rating 3 means they are treated as Magic 3 for determining Spell/Spirit Drain. It can be raised up to your Magic Rating just like Power Points for the same cost. But just like Power Points it doesn't go up when they increase their Magic. In that way, Mystic Adepts would have access to everything, but be severely limited in how powerful they can
P.S. I've been doing some digging on 3rd Edition Magic rules. I never played it, but I have some of the books on pdf from various promotions (thanks Shadowrun Online!). From what I could gather, Enchanting was added in the extra rules book
Magic in the Shadows. From what I read,
all Awakened had access to Enchanting. The difference between Aspected and Full Magicians was only a line between Conjuring and Sorcery (to which adepts had access to neither unless they were Magician's Way). But Enchanting is just stated as being only available to Awakened (no restrictions). Not sure how to take that...