Al and Alyce - Second Chapter

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« Reply #375 on: <03-16-17/1359:02> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

Al would have written the silly girl off for good, but she was a female, so allowances had to be made. Besides, there was Alyce to think of.

"Don't thank me - din't do nothin' I warn't inclined to. An' though I's said as much more'n once, people either ain't listenin' or think I'm a liar. Now, I don't know what that girl told you, but accordin' ta this little missive, she din't want ta go, but she's gotta go in order ta save us. Apparently the child thinks she knows..." His voice trailed off when he realized he was preaching to the choir. Alyce didn't say so, but he knew she wanted to girl back, and this, at last, was something she wanted that he could do.

He started lacing up his boots.

"I'll call her," Alyce offered.

"Negatory. Jist encourages more damned drama," Al said in a voice that brooked no argument. He'd had enough of this silliness.

He headed for the door. "But she's thirty minutes behind us now, Al. How will you...?"

"Catch ya in the next stop or two."

He went down the hall looking at his comm. It was easy enough to find a spot ahead where the track was fairly close to the highway. His car had been shadowing them since reaching Wales a couple of hours ago - he had it go and wait for him at that spot. Then it was a simple matter of going up to the observation deck - damned nanny state safety freaks had all the regular doors sealed during transit - and waiting for the right spot. It was far from the first train he'd jumped off of, and this tourist number was hardly going faster than the Jumboland Express at the zoo.

He was forty minutes by train from the last station when he got into his Porsche. He made back the distance in seven. On the way, he checked the timetable out of that station. The last train had nonetheless left fourteen minutes ago. On a hunch, however, he parked the car and headed in. He could easily catch the train before it made its next stop if he was wrong.

Of course he was not wrong.

There was Grace. Sitting on a bench. Next to the little girl from the rocks, holding her spray of yellow flowers. Or the big girl from Bristol. However you wanted to slice it.

Grace looked surprised but more relieved to see Al. The girl looked at him with recognition but without alarm.

"Al, thank goodness. This is..."

"Amanda," he said.

"Yes, but..."

"We've met," Amanda joined in helpfully.

"Okay, sweetie. Al, Amanda here has lost her parents, I think they got on the last train without her by accident or something. These damned automated village stations, there's no one here. And then my comm died..."

Of course it did - so Alyce couldn't have called her anyway.

"An' ya jist had to miss yer train ta stay with young Amanda the psychobilly fan here."

The little girl shrugged at Al and winked.

"Yes...well, yes I did. Can you call the local police?"

"Don't reckon that'll be quite necessary. Amanda here, she can take care of herself jist fine."

"What are you going to do with Grace, Al?" the girl asked the man directly.

"Depends on Grace, whether she's still got the brains she was born with."

"Grace," Amanda said, "Leaving Alyce hurt her. And you. And for what? You out of the picture won't help that poor, lovely woman get any closer to this emotionally retarded lout. But you in the picture may help her cope with all the heartache this patriarchy poster-boy will inevitably cause her."

"Hey, now wait jist a goldurned minute..."

But the girl ignored him. "He's a distraction. But he'll tell you one true thing - the best thing you can do for the ones you love is to do what you want for yourself. That will make you happiest, and thus it will make them happiest."

"Shee-it, I was gon' say that. Or, well, somethin' like it."

Grace sat stunned. The more time she spent with these people, the more out of her depth she was. "What...? Who...?"

"I'll check in on you later." And with that the little girl was gone, leaving only the yellow flowers on the bench to mark her passage.

"Al, what....?"

"I'll tell ya what. I'd jist as soon sent ya on yer way, carryin' on like a damned soap opera queen. But then they's Alyce. Now ya wanna take off, I ain't gon' stop ya. If'n that's what you want. But ya take it upon yerself ta try an' guess one more time what other folks want - after they told ya an' fuckin' told ya - I'll have ya over my knee. Now come git inna car."

He turned and walked out. Grace followed. As they crossed the gravel lot, she said, "Damn. Nice car, Al."


Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #376 on: <03-17-17/0018:03> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

Al grabs up what Grace had brought with her from the train and tosses it into the small boot of his car.  Grace, still in a daze, follows meekly and slips into the passenger seat.  Al spins through the gravel of the station’s small car park and out to the slightly rutted dirt road paralleling this section of the track.  Grace opens her mouth to say something, but a look at the expression on Al’s face in profile kills any desire on her part to say anything so she just closes her mouth.

The car is one fine machine, engineered by one of the best auto makers in the world and modified by Al to be even better.  Better, as in faster.  By the time Al gets the car off the dirt access road and back to the pavement, the auto is travelling at a very fast speed and Grace has a white-knuckle death grip on the armrests of her seat for almost the entire trip.  Al is concentrating on the road and is more than halfway back to the train before he notices that Grace must have picked up the small bunch of flowers and pinned them to her dress.  He shakes his head and mutters under his breath at how some undeserving people get all the fragging luck with their guardian ghosts, while others…………………..well, they get less than optimum support.

Al catches up to the train but it is travelling far too fast to just jump back on, especially for Grace in her current state.  He takes one hand off the wheel to access his ‘link, getting a small yelp from Grace even though the speeding auto does not swerve one bit from its path.  Al gives her a roguish smile as he shifts to another gear and pushes the car even faster, causing his passenger to go even whiter, if that is possible.  He flips through the train schedule and swears to find that there are no scheduled stops between here and its destination for the day.  Nothing for it, he races ahead, attempting to get to the town well before the train arrives.  Fortunately, traffic on the road is light and only a handful of people shake their heads at the maniac driving the foreign-made auto at what should be impossible speeds.  Al does slow down as they approach their destination, staying within the legal speed limit as he arrives at the train station.  He leaves the car and walks around to the passenger side, where he practically has to pry Grace’s fingers from the armrests.  He leaves her trying to stand on wobbly legs and gets her things from the boot.  Grace meekly lets him take her arm and escort her onto the station platform, where she sits on a bench.  “Don’t ya be movin’ any, lil darlin’.  Ol Al gonna get some gas inna car and send it off.  If’n yer not here when I git back, I’l just find ya and give ya that hidin’ I told ya about.  Understand?”

Grace’s eyes open a bit wider and some color comes back to her cheeks, but all she manages is a nod of her head.  Al nods back and goes back to the car, taking it to the local petrol station to fill the tank.  Once back at the train station, he re-engages the autopilot and sends the beautiful thing at a sedate pace to a car park.  Al paces back and forth on the station for a bit before sitting down near Grace and waiting for the train.  She calms her nerves and looks over at Al.  “Thank you, Al.  Not sure what I was thinking.  I know that you said I was welcome to stay, and I don’t doubt you.  But I just thought that she and you might be better off without me in the way.  I am just so fragging confused by everything I feel right now and I am not sure what to do.”

"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #377 on: <03-17-17/0023:36> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

Al spoke without removing the cigarette from his mouth. He stayed at arm’s length - didn’t want to risk getting snuggled or some crap if he spoke nicely. “Well, hell yes yer confused. Shit li’l darlin’, you done come right down the rabbit hole followin’ after us’n. An’ you wanna go home, hell, I’ll buy yer ticket. Drive ya my own damn self. Second ya tell me that’s what ya want. But since you an’ I both know that ain’t what ya want….’nuff said. Now I reckon yer findin’ yerself doin’ shit ya never inna zillion years’d believed ya would, someone told ya last week. An’ ain’t like ya got a lot o’ mileage on ya nor a surfeit of experiences behind ya, so no doubt yer outta sorts some.”

He stretched, legs out in front, arms straight back, Lucky Strike aimed at the sky. Then relaxed a little was as still splayed out like a lazy spider across half the bench.

“Now I ain’t here ta tell ya the shit yer gittin’ into’s okay.. Hell, way I was raised, it ain’t. So do what ya like. I know fer a fact Robyn’d neither force nor even push ya inta nothin’. But I also know she’s got a way about her. Morals is a damn sight looser’n most folks', an’ she’s got a talent fer showin’ others the errors that could be their ways. A right temptress she is, an’ I’ll admit I’s fallen prey ta a hippie love predilection or two my own self, whilst enjoyin’ her company. She’ll bewitch ya, ya let ‘er, lead ya down paths some would call free, others’d label dark, doomed. But whichever side ya call it on, they’s all damned fun. Yer young, an’ it ain’t fer me ta tell ya what. But I’ll give ya two thoughts ya can take ta the bank, an’ then a fair warnin’.”

Fresh cigarette. “First, she won’t think less o’ ya if’n ya ain’t the libertine she is. I know she’d be the first ta tell ya that, but I also see ye’ve a tendency ta second-guess what people say. So I’ll tell ya she means it - yer not inclined, say so. Ya won’t lose ‘er over it. Second, ‘long the same lines, ya say yer confused, first step is simplify. An’ one way ya can make ever’thin’ simpler is quit tryin’ ta read too much inta shit. Me an’ Robyn, we ain’t no babes inna woods ya gotta look out for. We say it, we mean it, or else it’s on us, not you. So ya take all that worry ‘bout us outta the equation, jist worry ‘bout yer own heart an’ head, things’ll go better for ya. An’ the warnin’: as ya may’ve guessed, me an’ her, we been known ta git inta the sorts o’ shit that ain’t always strictly legal and most usually earns an enemy or three. Ya deserve ta know that. Shit flows downhill, so ya hang with us, one way or another, that shit’s gon’ touch you. Law o’ nature.”

He grinned, all yellow teeth and flat eyes. “Now methinks I hear a train. Reckon I want ya on it - some o’ my motives’re pure, some definitely ain’t. I know she wants ya on board. You do what ya want."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #378 on: <03-17-17/0036:20> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

Grace looks at Al with wide eyes for a minute then nods and stands up.  "You are something else, Al.  A rare man indeed.  I could have used some of your advice when I was growing up and trying to figure out just who I am.  I am not sure how, but it seems that my path is a bit clearer.  Are you sure she wants me?"

At Al's nod, Grace smiles and leans over to kiss him on the cheek before grabbing her things and racing to the train car.  Al smiles and saunters in the same direction.  By the time he gets to the compartment, whatever embracing and other embarrassing female stuff is done and Grace and Alyce are sitting in chairs opposite each other in the compartment, one hand from each reaching out to grasp the other.  Alyce looks away from Grace's face to Al's.  "Thank you, Al.  I understand that you have a fast auto.  Can we take a drive somewhere?  The train does not leave here until late tomorrow afternoon."
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« Reply #379 on: <03-17-17/0847:23> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

Al shrugged. He had just driven across a good chunk of Wales. But when it came right down to it, Wales wasn't really that big. And he never got tired of driving.

"Sure. They's jist the two seats, so you'll have ta share shotgun. But then, I don't reckon you twain've got many personal space issues atween ya."

On the way out to the car, he explained,"Ain't much road access up inta Brecon Beacons. That other train I mentioned, they built that track so's they could skip layin' much road up in there. But we can still see plenty around the edges."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #380 on: <03-17-17/0919:51> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

Indeed, the girls have no real personal space issues and opt to share the passenger seat in Al's fancy auto.  They decide to have Grace sit on Alyce's lap on the way out and swap over for the trip back to the train.  Al might have been correct about the lack of many main roads into the area, but he was certainly able to sniff out a few old dirt tracks, some of which challenged even his abilities to a point.  The land in this part of Wales is rich in cultural history, much of it available on the matrix, and Alyce treats her companions to a tour guide's perspective of the area from the Iron Age forts and cairns, through Roman and Norman occupations, to the historical significance of the various ores found here during the Industrial Revolution.  The landscape is very different from the moors and hills of Cornwall and all three of them enjoy the outing very much.

Of course, some enjoy it a bit more than they probably should.  On the way outbound, even as Alyce regales the others with the knowledge she gleans about the park, she lets her hands roam across Grace's body, eliciting small gasps and louder moans that are definitely not caused by Al's driving skills.  On the way back to the train, Grace returns the favor and Al smiles to see Alyce squirming at the merciless touch of her girlfriend.  Both girls are a bit glassy eyed when Al pulls back into the station car park and they have to leave the car.  Alyce suggests dinner at the local rather than returning to the train right away and looks at the others.
« Last Edit: <03-17-17/1001:49> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #381 on: <03-17-17/1007:59> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

Al had thoroughly enjoyed the drive around the Merthyr Tydfil area and forays into the lower reaches of Brecon Beacons. This time he was in no rush, and loved taking in the scenery. Having to handle the car, it wasn't the same experience as leisurely viewing from the train...besides which the ride came complete with other distractions, but it was a good outing, and a welcome break from the drama earlier in the day.

A pattern had clearly developed - irrational woman drama, followed by lots of fun to get things back on an even keel. And then back to the drama. So if they had fun tonight, the morning seemed sure to herald more silliness. He supposed time would tell whether the incipient pattern played out. He hoped he was wrong.

"Local fare should do jist fine," he answered. While no major metropolis, the town was hardly a tiny hamlet, either, and there were plenty of choices.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #382 on: <03-17-17/1036:04> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

The girls broke apart, each taking one of Al's arms as the trio walked into the town and looked for a nice place to eat.  ALyce spotted a pub that had a sign outside advertising "Quiz Night" and nudged Al in that direction.  They went inside and found that they had about forty minutes before the activities so they found a table and ordered some dinner fare from the cute girl who came by to take their orders.  All three had beer with dinner and enjoyed the meal, which was very nicely prepared.  They were not the only tourists in the pub, but they were the quietest, with several others completely justifying the local dislike of "foreigners" from London.  Two couples from the train became a bit boisterous and began extolling the virtues of London over poor Wales and things looked to be getting a bit ugly when Al stepped up and offered to get the four a last drink and see them to a cab back to the train.  At first, both husbands looked like they were going to resist the offer, but Al's face brooked no argument and they left the pub after the last drink, their way to young "wives" in tow. 

The barman sent over a round of drinks to Al's table and several people came by to thank Al for his actions...........and some to stare down the fronts of the girls' frocks.  everyone got down to a good evening of quiz.  Grace proved to be a very competitive player and was able to answer almost all of the sports questions with little hesitation.  Alyce and Al rounded out a good team, but they still came in second to one of the local tables.  Laughter and good times were experienced by all and the three had a raft of new friends by the time they left the pub and walked back to the train. 

Once in their compartment, the girls both looked at Al and Alyce spoke up.  "That was bloody nice, Al.  Thank you.  You are a real gentleman."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #383 on: <03-17-17/1329:50> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

"Heh, gentleman huh? Been called a lotta things, but..." He trailed off, his eyes drifting up and down the two women's forms in the little sundresses they were so attached to. "Nah, ol' Al can handle a coupla drunk corpocrats an' they trophy wives. Reckon the real test o' my gentlemanly colors comes ever' time I'm alone with a coupla delectables such as yerselves." He shrugged. "Well, I knew the job was dangerous when I took it."

He went through the adjoining door to his own compartment, not to signal an end to the evening, but to give the ladies their privacy if they wanted it. He left the door open to welcome their company, knowing they'd shut it if they wanted to.

"Gon' order me some cold beers an' greasy snacks, hit the trid. Y'all are welcome ta join me if'n ya come up fer air."


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« Reply #384 on: <03-17-17/1826:33> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

Al hears some giggles from the other room that fade off to silence for a minute, then the girls come into his compartment, both naked as usual.  A bit breathless, they sit at the table with Alyce sitting in the chair near the bed where Al is propped up to watch the trivid and Grace sitting opposite her.  When the beers and snacks arrive, both women toast Al’s courage in taking on the job of escorting them and share his snacks.  The conversation is light and mostly about the vid they are watching and just a bit about the butt of the porter that had delivered the snacks.
When Al signals that it is time to go to sleep, Alyce motions to the window.  “What do you want to do tomorrow, Al?  The train does not leave until about 1800, so we have most of the day here.  Do you want us to get up early and head out somewhere or just be lazy and sleep in?”


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« Reply #385 on: <03-17-17/2106:03> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

"Well gittin' up early's sure as hell out. As fer what we do after that, ya wanna make a plan, go for it. Ya wanna leave it up ta me, then yer gon' hafta ta wait till I git up, cuz I won't know what I feel like till that happens." He decided to take a shower before attempting the hopeless task of falling asleep, and was down to his boxers when he noticed something on the program listings that flashed on the trid screen as he sent it to sleep. "Oh shit, they's showin' the lost pilot episode o' Karl Kombatmage next..." He looked at them sheepishly. "I know I can jist call that shit up whenever...guess I'm old school. Looks like ol' Al's stayin' up a mite longer. Yer welcome ta stay or go, but what say ya leave the door open either way....I can use the earbuds if'n ya wanna sleep."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #386 on: <03-17-17/2354:27> »
Tuesday, August 5th, 2076

Alyce stands up and motions to Grace.  "No thanks, Al.  I think we will retire to the other room.  We will try to be quiet, but you might want to have the earbuds available, just in case you hear any odd noises from the other compartment.  Thank you very much for today, Al."

Alyce goes through the connecting door, followed by Grace, who stops at the door and turns.  "Yes, Al, thank you very much.?  Her eyes scan Al's body and she smiles.  "Nice tent.  It's good to see that you notice us."  Giggling a bit, Grace walks through the door into the other room.  Al is serenaded by low moans and groans followed by some gasps and panting.  There is a short break of near silence then the sequence of moans and groans begins again, lasting until well after Al's show is over.

In the morning, all is quiet when Al gets up.  After dressing, he walks into the other room to find Alyce sitting naked at the table and reading her book.  Grace is laying on her stomach on the bed, sound asleep.  Alyce looks up as Al comes into the room and smiles.  "Young kids these days.  No real stamina.  I may have my work cut out for me with this one.  Shall I dress to go up for breakfast?"
« Last Edit: <03-18-17/0109:59> by Mercy Merchant »
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« Reply #387 on: <03-18-17/1746:38> »
Wednesday, August 6th, 2076

Al hadn't slept, but he was used to that.

Still, he felt tired. He'd been tired lots of times in his life. Hell, most of his life. But never tired like this. Vacation could be hard work, depending....

He thought for a second. Breakfast would be good. But he wasn't in the mood for a crowd. "Ya mind if we eat in here?"

Of course she didn't. They smoked as they waited - it didn't take long. The service didn't wake Grace, but after the porters had gone she stirred at the smells of coffee and bacon and after a moment joined them at the table.

Breakfast conversation was varied - the trip so far, girl stuff, sightseeing opportunities in Wales. As they wound up the meal, but before the girls made any move to dress, Al said. "Been one hell of a ride, ladies. Ol' Al's had enough train cruisin' fer the nonce, though. Room's paid for, so o' course y'all're free ta use both. Toots, reckon this is a mite rude, since we done made this date fer the whole route. Ain't got no excuses. Feel free ta call or text in a few weeks' time. Reckon I'll be right happy ta hear from ya."

He got up to grab his plastic bag. Grace said, "Seriously? What the fuck? After all that yesterday?"

Al chuckled as he tossed his two books into the bag, leaving some discarded socks and underwear on the floor. "Night an' day, li'l darlin'. Cuz I ain't leavin' a note, I'm standin' here talkin'. An' I ain't doin' what I don't want, thinkin' it'll make someone else happy. Doin' exactly what I want, which is exactly what I told you ta do - or would have, that damned ghost hadn't stolen my thunder. Fact is, it ain't got nothin' ta do with you. Jist wanna go fer a drive."

He was standing at the door now, hand on the knob. It took all his considerable will not to turn it and walk out. But he knew that'd be rude. He gave it a moment, braced for more drama to send him on his way.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #388 on: <03-18-17/1946:00> »
Wednesday, August 6th, 2076

Grace has a stern look on her face and opens her mouth to say something but Alyce places a hand on her arm and shakes her head.  She smiles at Al and rises to walk to him, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.  "Be happy, Al.  I could not wish for more for you than to be happy at whatever you do."

She steps aside and brushes a hand across the side of his face then returns to her chair.  Grace just watches this with an open mouth, but does not say anything more as Al opens the door and passes out of the compartment.  She turns her face to look at Alyce.  "Are you insane, or is he?"

Alyce laughs a bit.  "Probably both of us, a bit.  I am sending you a note.  Al spoke these words to me."

Grace reads the message and looks up at Alyce.  "Al said these things?  Then why...........................?"

Alyce shakes her head.  "I am not certain, Grace.  I have no doubt that he loves me very much.  There is something that is bothering him.  He will not talk about it.  I had hoped that he might do so on this trip, but I lost that chance when................."

Grace interrupts her.  "When I came along, you mean?"

Alyce shakes her head.  "Absolutely not, dear.  Anything that happened is purely me and Al.  I really think that he is not yet ready to tell me.  He may never be ready and this may be as good as I ever get from him.  Time will tell."

Grace stands.  "Am I going to be a reminder of him leaving?  If so................"

Now it is Alyce's turn to interrupt.  "Grace, stop, please, and listen to me then decide if you are going to leave or stay.  I will always love Al.  But I told you once that my heart is big enough to love more than one person.  Right now, you and I are at a crossroads in our life and I would like very much for you to stay and see where our love is going.  Are you interested in finding out if what you feel is just lust or something more?"

Grace considers her lover's words and her mind goes to what has happened to her over the past few days.  Her body tingles and she smiles broadly, even as she shakes her head.  "I will not even pretend to understand the two of you, but yes, let's see where this goes, shall we?"

The younger woman sits down on the Keeb's lap and puts her arms around her neck and both are smiling as their lips meet.

In the corridor outside the room, Al walks past a woman who has her back to him as she looks out a window.  He stops two steps onward and looks back.  The well-dressed woman turns to face him and smiles.  "I, too, hope that you find happiness, Al.  You deserve it if anyone does.  Thank you for helping Grace.  She will have face troubles in her life and will still face some persecution for her life choices.  I will be there to help her along the way, but you have been especially kind.  I wish that I could help you.  If it is any consolation, that young Elven woman really does love you very much.  So long, Al."  The woman reaches out and pins a small bunch of yellow flowers to his lapel and pats it before turning and walking off, a slight smile on her face.

« Last Edit: <03-18-17/2228:55> by Mercy Merchant »
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Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #389 on: <03-19-17/0004:21> »
Wednesday, August 6th, 2076

The afternoon passes by without really affecting the two women in rail compartment 1B.  They are far too involved in themselves to even notice the passage of time and it is left to the imagination just what they do.  As they lay on the bed, panting and quivering, Grace tries and fails to lift her head.  "Frag, Alyce, what did you just do to me?"

Alyce laughs weakly.  "I am not sure, exactly.  Do you want to do it again?"

Grace turns her head to look at the other woman.  "Fuck, yeah.  At least, I would if I could feel my body. Maybe a break?"

Alyce laughs and rolls over to face her friend.  "I'll give you a bloody break."

Words dissolve into giggles then moans and groans and more time passes before they come up for air and go eat dinner, not even noticing the taste of the food or the looks they get from the other diners.  They only have eyes for each other as they eat their meal.  After dinner, the pair goes out to the open observation deck, where Grace describes the land the train is passing through.  Soon enough, her voice stops and she just leans against Alyce and holds her tight to her side.  Grace knows that Alyce is thinking of a man who is now several hours away but always close.  She does not understand the love they share but it is real and she hopes that she can earn even a portion of the love that Alyce has for Al. 

Alyce sighs and allows her attention to roam elsewhere than where she is.  She puts a hand to her throat and touches the wooden voodoo idol there and smiles at the memory of how she got it and of the man who gave it to her.  and stole her heart at the same time.  He had disappeared from her life once before and it had almost killed her, and now he was leaving again.  But this time is different.  Back then she was very unsure of everything, but now she knows for certain that he loves her and that is enough.  The scent of the young woman standing next to her wafts up and she smiles while reaching her hand to take that of her lover.  She feels a slight tremor in the girl's hand and brings it up to her cheek.  Turning to Grace, Alyce smiles and leans towards her and places a hand behind her neck to kiss her gently.  Without saying a word the two walk back down to their compartment and celebrate love.
« Last Edit: <03-19-17/2126:22> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

