Upcoming Shadowrun releases

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« Reply #915 on: <02-20-17/1333:41> »
The errata coming out is great, and we thank you for stepping up, Patrick.
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« Reply #916 on: <02-20-17/2209:37> »
This would be less of an issue if you guys just put out an errata sheet
If you're not happy with how things are going, you could step up, you know.

I'm working on it. It's slower than Christmas with all the Real Life that I've been dealing with. I will put my family ahead of everyone and everything else. Behind them, I will put projects I can submit an invoice for ahead of most everything else.

You've gotten more errata in the last six months than in the rest of 5E's production life, and more will be coming soon as I get my rhythm back. I'm sorry that isn't enough for you.

It wasn't really in reference to your work, the fact that you've been doing it is great.  But it is also notably not considered "official" in a lot of ways.  I have heard the shapeshifter changes (regen, silver, dual natured) didn't make it into the second printing, indicating it's not official. 

But here's the real thing, and it has nothing to do with you at all, Patrick:  If catalyst had the changes determined to make a second printing, then they had the information handy, very little editing required, to make an errata sheet, for those who had a physical book.  And they didn't put that out, even though the info is readily available, which is kinda bad. 

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #917 on: <02-21-17/0056:17> »
They didn't have those changes ready. My team got them ready, in a damn hurry and under great stress so that deadlines could be met. Before another reprint could happen without incorporating anything but what would inevitably be called token errata. I handed in nearly eight pages of editing notes with changes, some minor, some decidedly not so. Nearly everything in the Errata forum for this book? It's official now; I haven't updated the forum post or compiled the errata sheet yet, but that's on me. I'll get that fixed, I hope soon, but until then, it's mine.

Things aren't yet where I want them, but we're so ridiculously ahead of where we were as little as six months ago.

Again, I'm sorry if the efforts that my team of volunteers and I have made to date aren't sufficient.
Former Shadowrun Errata Coordinator


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« Reply #918 on: <02-21-17/1328:22> »
Again, you misunderstood.  If catalyst did a second printing (with your notes) then they essentially had the errata sheet.  They would have had to make it to do the reprint. 

Again, thanks for your efforts, but don't play the victim when I complain to Catalyst about something they should have released


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« Reply #919 on: <02-21-17/1616:33> »
Again, you misunderstood.  If catalyst did a second printing (with your notes) then they essentially had the errata sheet.  They would have had to make it to do the reprint. 

Again, thanks for your efforts, but don't play the victim when I complain to Catalyst about something they should have released

Patrick, please don't think for one moment that this arrogant self-entitled arse speaks for the rest of us.

Those of us who have real lives and responsibilities understand that you have priorities and that voluntarily compiling errata comes some way down the list.

I would instead just add my thanks to you and your team for everything that you've done so far.
"His name is Sterling. He’s an ex-pat Brit making a living as a fixer and a hacker in Metropole. He’s a rare blend of upstanding and fun...(so) listen to his experience."
>>Data Trails, p.82


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« Reply #920 on: <02-21-17/1802:10> »
Again, you misunderstood.  If catalyst did a second printing (with your notes) then they essentially had the errata sheet.  They would have had to make it to do the reprint. 

Again, thanks for your efforts, but don't play the victim when I complain to Catalyst about something they should have released

Patrick, please don't think for one moment that this arrogant self-entitled arse speaks for the rest of us.

Those of us who have real lives and responsibilities understand that you have priorities and that voluntarily compiling errata comes some way down the list.

I would instead just add my thanks to you and your team for everything that you've done so far.

Way to start a flame war, will not reply in kind. 

But it's not about Patrick, for the third time, it's about Catalyst, and there's nothing wrong with complaining about not getting the errata sheet for the product I paid for.  My whole ffing point is that Patrick already gave them info required, they should be able to do the sheet on their own, would have had to, essentially, in order to do the second printing.  It shouldn't be waiting on Patrick at this point. 


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« Reply #921 on: <02-21-17/2020:56> »
Patrick, please don't think for one moment that this arrogant self-entitled arse speaks for the rest of us.

Those of us who have real lives and responsibilities understand that you have priorities and that voluntarily compiling errata comes some way down the list.

I would instead just add my thanks to you and your team for everything that you've done so far.

That is clearly a personal attack. This is a warning. Please do not repeat that behavior.

If there are any other disagreements in this thread, please do not make them personal.
Jason M. Hardy
Shadowrun Line Developer

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« Reply #922 on: <03-10-17/1020:14> »
Forbidden Arcana

As a Mage, I look forward to any Arcane tomes thrown our way. :)

However, since people are still waiting on the TM rulebook, I do hope we will be hearing about that as well in the near future.
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« Reply #923 on: <03-10-17/1127:48> »
I'm thinking that this could be another tie in with the current tarot obsession that Catalyst seems to have for SR?


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« Reply #924 on: <03-10-17/1803:46> »
I'm not sure how clearly it's been mentioned, but the Tarot Deck is an overarching metaplot.


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« Reply #925 on: <03-11-17/1828:30> »
i think it has been more implied than stated.  Thank you for the confirmation.  I mean, that kills my hope that the goofy thing would just fade away if we ignored it.  But I suppose at the least it should create more diverse plots than CFD, so if I think tarot is just lame I'll  hope that there is some interesting stuff despite the tarot association.


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« Reply #926 on: <03-11-17/2159:23> »
Mage books: 3
TM books: nil
? ? ?

I don't understand why there is going to be yet another magic book. There are many other aspects of Shadowrun that could see some attention to develop the game more than furthering the transition to Magicrun. I just can't fathom WHY this is what's next as opposed to the anything else. Look at 4th for example. Attitude for 2078; where's that at? What has CFD done to the masses on a day-to-day? Vice? Spy Games? Hazard Pay? Nope. *Maaaaagic*. :/

Aside from this new product, I feel that Catalyst suffers, and I really mean suffers, from a disconnect with the community. Most, if not all, of what I see from us is discontent with Catalyst. Not Shadowrun mind you, Catalyst. We're here for the game, which feels like it's circling the drain, not (necessarily) the company. Granted I can't speak for everyone. This is just what I've seen these past few years.
« Last Edit: <03-11-17/2336:03> by 忍 »


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« Reply #927 on: <03-11-17/2250:25> »
Mage books: 3

I thought it was only Street Grimoire. What I missed? Court of Shadows?

Also, I for one am happy about this, being curious about the plot and finding the Tarot interesting, but I like the magic part of the setting quite a lot. It's more interesting to me to get a magic-centered  plot book than a "yet another corporate war" one.  Although, I might add I'm coming from WoD and my greatest love is Mage the Ascension, so it's not that surprising, however, I could understand the frustration of the more cyberpunk-angled crowd.

I don't think something like attitude is coming soon, it wasn't that long time ago and it's content is still mostly applicable.  What I'm really missing in SR 5e are setting books. Not just plot books, but setting books about cities, regions, etc. and more non-North American stuff, because a lot of those were covered under 3e last time.
« Last Edit: <03-12-17/1841:12> by PMárk »
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« Reply #928 on: <03-12-17/1647:04> »
Mage books: 3

I thought it was only Street Grimoire. What I missed? Court of Shadows?

There is the followup magic book Shadow Spells

Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?


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« Reply #929 on: <03-12-17/1816:39> »
I, too, am disappointed with the sudden magic focus at the expense of the cyber portion of cyberpunk, that is intrinsic to Shadowrun.  I'm all for magic in the setting, but c'mon....  there's more to Shadowrun than just magic.  I am extremely disappointed with the lack of Technomancer support in 5e.  I had high hopes that Data Trails would be the 5e version of Unwired -- equal parts hacker/decker and equal parts technomancer, but it is evident that the technomancer is being dumped in favor of more magic fluff and crunch.  I'm not a happy camper at all.
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