Shadowrun Anarchy Errata discussion

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Patrick Goodman

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« on: <10-02-16/1127:01> »
We stomped and stomped and stomped, but we didn't get all the bugs. Annoying but fixable. Let us know what you found here. Thanks!
Former Shadowrun Errata Coordinator


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« Reply #1 on: <10-02-16/1314:22> »
OK. A few that I had posted on RPGNet

p.30 - Karma - states that character advancement rules aren't included. This seems to be a cut and paste error from Prototype (I presume)
p.202 - Acid Stream spell - should this be Amp Level 3 as it does something in addition to 6P damage (i.e. +2 damage v armor)?
p.202 - Armor spell - should this be Amp Level 4 as it is a spell (level 1) providing 3 armor (+3)? (alternatively, could be Amp Level 3 as all it does is provide 3 armor, but either way it is too cheap at Amp Level 2.

Actually, looking at the costs for building Shadowamps, all the combat spells seem undercosted if, per the shadow amp section, doing damage in addition to the base description costs +1., e.g. mana bolt = Spell description (1) + Damage (1) + Armor Piercing (+1) = shadow amp Level 3, not 2. If however, one assumes that the base description is the damage, then it works for most combat spells e.g. Mana bolt - spell description is do 6P damage (1) + armor piercing (1) = shadow amp 2.

Some clarification of this would be good.

p.205 - Lifelong Thief quality - this appears to be a negative quality (forces you to spend plot points to avoid crime) but is in the positive quality list

Character Sheet - attribute boxes shouldn't be black (as it makes the character sheet basically useless)

Patrick Goodman

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« Reply #2 on: <10-02-16/1416:39> »
Thank you, good sir (or madam, as the case may be).
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« Reply #3 on: <10-02-16/1424:38> »
No problem, this is only on an initial scan. I'll go through in more detail later.


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« Reply #4 on: <10-02-16/1629:19> »
A few questions on Magical Amps:

Accident: I assume the glitch dice cannot roll an exploit? If it  can this isn't really an accident spell! The same is true of the critter amp.

Acid Stream: what is the defense for this spell, A + L to dodge it (like Fireball)?

Heal: pre-gens state "Effect spell. Target character regains one box of physical damage per hit per Narration the spell is sustained." the catalog omits the sustained part. And is the Sorcery + Willpower roll opposed?

Stunbolt: seems overpowered with base damage of 8S/AA all physical spells are 6P/AA. Why would a runner pick a spell with less damage? I know this is stun damage but it will still knock an opponent out.

And kind of linked the quality:

Mentor Spirit (Bear): states "using First Aid does not cost a Plot Point" what does this mean? The rules state you can spend a plot point to heal one point of damage but does not say First Aid is required for this. I can't ee any details of how the first aid skill with or without a first aid kit should be used. Is it a normal opposed roll with a difficulty set based on the targets wound level, modified up or down if a first aid kit is used?
« Last Edit: <10-02-16/1651:42> by kla060365 »


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« Reply #5 on: <10-02-16/1945:41> »
I'll get to typos and formatting oversights later on but the pressing needs are with some systemic breaks:

1) How does counterspellingwork? It's a specialization (on pg. 32, and on Tommy Q, pg. 127) but the mechanics are never mentioned.  How do they work on combat spells?  effect spells?  [Edit] I might suggest the following:  for an effect, make a Sorcery + Willpower vs the spell's caster's Sorcery + Willpower, if the counter spelled gets a net hit, the effect is cancelled.  For a combat spell, the player may defend against a spell with sorcery + Willpower instead of the listed defense.  To protect a teammate, you must spend a Plot Point to Take the Hit.

2) How much armor do friendly Shadow Amp Drones have? Enemy Drones are mentioned on pg. 135, but there is no method I can see to distinguish your own drones as small, medium, or heavy.

3) Vehicle Durability is mentioned on pg. 48 and never again. What is it? It also mentions Ramming weapons?

4) What are the stats of IC or Sprites like?  [Edit] I see IC on pg. 179.  Don't bury it in a Contract. Put it with the rest of the NPCs.

5) Can Edge be increased with Karma as any other attribute? I assume so but no mention of it on pg. 70-71.

6) Why does a Drone Mounted Machine Gun have the same stats as a Heavy Pistol on pg. 135 and 206, but a Heavy Weapon MG (also pg. 206) has different stats that are much better than an Assault Rifle?

7) Shadow Amps that are "just gear" (like lined coat, pg. 204; or top-end B&E kit, pg 107, etc.) do not have a base cost on the Shadow Amp Table, pg. 65. Can we assume it is the same: 1 to HAVE, 1 more for it to DO something?  it should be spelled out.

8. Cyberdecks have conflicting stats and reference to something not included in SR:A.  Pg. 45 says a cyberdeck has a CM of (DR/2) +8, but DR is not mentioned in Anarchy. On pg. 65, it says a starting cyberdeck (Amp Level 2) has Firewall 2 and CM 8.  On pg. 203, the Cyberdeck 1 (Amp Level 2) has a Firewall of 1 and a CM of 6.

9) Cybercombat on pg. 45 gives no indication of how to calculate matrix damage.  There are ways to increase it (+2 from Hammer) but +2 to what?  My guess is Logic (like decompiling a sprite) but it should be spelled out.

10) Take the Hit on pg. 36 refers to spending an Initiative Point.  What is that?  Assuming it means "Plot Point."

11) Not a System Break but every other edition has described how Fire works within the system.  Page 50 does not list Fire as an Environmental Condition.

12) Page  206 has Staff/baton/club listed as dealing Physical Damage, but on pg. 41 it says, "...blunt weapons, do stun damage."
« Last Edit: <10-03-16/2351:29> by Gingivitis »
Shadowrun: Anarchy Resources (GM Screens, Character Sheets, New NPCs, House Rules) at:


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« Reply #6 on: <10-02-16/2027:44> »
Speaking of Cyberdecks, they are not consistant:

p. 65 Base Cost Cyberdeck (Amp 2): no reroll?, FW 2, CM 8, ? programs.

p. 203 Cyberdeck 1 (Amp 2): reroll 1, FW 1, CM 6, 1 program.

p. 203 Cyberdeck 2 (Amp 3): reroll 1, FW 2, CM 9, 1 program.  (Bit-Bucket's Cyber-4 matches this, though his Ares Predator V is weaker than most. LOL.)

p. 101 Jinn's Cyber-4 (Amp 2): reroll 1, FW 2, CM 9, 1 program.

p. 203 Cyberdeck 3 (Amp 4): reroll 2, FW 3, CM 12, 2 programs.

p. 77 Gentry's Cyber-5 (Amp 5): reroll 2, FW 3, CM 12, 2 programs.
« Last Edit: <10-02-16/2103:27> by Gingivitis »
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« Reply #7 on: <10-02-16/2119:28> »
p. 43, 47, 68 refer to LN.  From context, it seems synonymous to GM, but it is not spelled out.  I imagine it stood for "Lead Narrator" or "Last Narrator" which was likely a concept that disappeared for the more recognizable "GM."
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« Reply #8 on: <10-02-16/2130:26> »
p. 65 to avoid confusion, "Gear" should be added as a type to "Shadow Amp Cost Table" to represent standard armor, standard weapon, standard equipment.

Then "+3 armor" should be added to "Added Effects" like it is described on pg.67.  This will clear up confusion with Shadow Amp Armor (spell) too.
Shadowrun: Anarchy Resources (GM Screens, Character Sheets, New NPCs, House Rules) at:


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« Reply #9 on: <10-03-16/0046:32> »
just collecting and posting these without edit or comment...

 For example the link to the official Shadowrun website is wrong on page 61. The link points to :P
A version of the character sheet which doesn't make the stat boxes black! If you are meant to write your character stats into those boxes, a black background is rather problematic.

Page 201 says physical limits should be calculated using Resonance. Also the Audio Analyzer doesn't have stats? Also are there even rules for sprites? Also there's a spell to remove toxins but no rules for toxins.

Is it just me or is the relation character creation / character development totally broken? Let's say as a human: I have 4 points for Shadow Amps left. Now I could take Combat Reflexes 3 and raise my Edge from 2 to 6 with Karma for 36 KP or I transform my Shadow Amp Points to raise my Edge from 2 to 6 and buy the Wired Reflexes later for 10 KP.

Muscle Toner 1 and Synthacardium do the same thing (1 reroll on athletics). Synthacardium costs 3 SAPs, Muscle toner 1 2SAPs.

Critical Strike increases my melee damage. Attribute boost (Agility) does the same plus imprives my driving, my athletics, my dodging and my ranged attack damage. When it comes to attacks ic an choose if I take the +3 dice to improve my chance to hit or to improve my damage by 3 provided I do hit. It's like Short Burst Mode.

If anyone can tell me how drone riggers are meant to work that would be really good.
Can someone tell me how the Decks were built using the Shadow Amp values?

Edit: And also how to build drones

You summon spirits by making a Conjuring Test. But rolling against what? In SR5e it's against spirit's Force, in SRA? I don't know. And the book tells me I can summon more powerful spirits, and in the stats section it tells me how some greater spirit should look like, yet again, I don't know against what I'm supposed to roll to summon a greater spirit. (Tbh, I find spirit stats derived from Force and rolling against Force to conjure spirits much more intuitive and easier than some free-form-ish approach where I just don't know what to do   and how Conjuring Test ties to spirits overall power.)

What's the difference between an Event Brief and Contract Brief? Also, Tiny is referred to as "Timy" in the story. 

Also, it states that players may not spend more than one Plot Point to maximize a twist, but then states they can spend any number of Plot Points.


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« Reply #10 on: <10-03-16/0252:28> »
pg. 32

"Tasking: Summoning sprites, threading complex
, and other Matrix tasks. Technomancers only.
Cannot use untrained."

pg.  46

"Complex Forms: Technomancers have no
cyberdeck to hold programs. Instead they
possess complex forms, Shadow Amps that
replicate the effects of certain cyberdeck
programs. These are applied in Matrix-related
Tests and cybercombat just like standard
Shadow Amps

"Compiling a sprite costs a full attack action. Success
on a Hacking Test summons one sprite of the chosen
type. A successfully conjured sprite acts like an NPC and
has its own NPC sheet, but unless the gamemaster says
otherwise, the player who compiled a sprite narrates the
sprite’s actions and rolls the sprite’s dice during their
own Narration.
A player may only have one compiled sprite at a time.
To compile another, the player must first either decompile it with a successful Hacking Test (upon which it will
return to the Resonance) or let its last Condition Monitor box get damaged.
Sprites are Matrix entities and thus can only be damaged in cybercombat or by another technomancer using
the Hacking Skill to decompile the sprite
Decompiling a sprite into harmless, random lines of
code costs a full attack action. Use the Hacking Skill in a
cybercombat roll against the sprite’s defense dice. If the
roll succeeds, deal the sprite a number of damage equal
to the technomancer’s Logic."

So, should all of these instances of Hacking Skill be Tasking Skill? Are some of these things still covered by the Hacking Skill?  I'm not sure where to draw the line, but as it stands it doesn't look like Tasking actually does anything.


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« Reply #11 on: <10-03-16/0745:52> »
Just got my e-copy of Anarchy. Havn't read all through yet, but some points I stumbled upon were already posted above.

While converting from SR5 to Anarchy, a few skill-related questions popped up:

- Is it just me, or is putting "Etiquette" into "Con" rather weird. I would have thought it to be under "Negotiation" instead.

- Also, wouldn't "Impersonation" be a part of "Disguise"?

Finally, where do I put the following skills:
- Computer (Hacking?)
- Forgery (Con?)
- Locksmith (Electronics?)
- Demolitions (Heavy Weapons?)


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« Reply #12 on: <10-03-16/0956:24> »
From a "review":

Several sections of the book obviously use or refer to earlier, outdated versions of the rules. (One of many examples: P. 68: Your Runner starts with at least two weapons; the group must approve if you want more than two. In the example, Sledge selects four weapons. - P. 83: Sledge has a Level-1-Amp "More where that came from", granting "2 additional weapons" and the ability to "trade melee and ranged weapons", whatever that is supposed to mean. - P. 66: Sledge does not buy this Amp in the example for buying Shadow Amps. - P. 204: The Amp shows up in the complete listing of Amps, but with an Amp-Level of 2.)

Stats for vehicles and drones are missing (except for mounted vehicle weapons and "enemy drones"). This is a bug, not a feature - the rules do make reference to stats like vehicle armor or durability, for example, I just could not find these stats anywhere. Didn't anyone play a Rigger during playtesting?

Stats for Technomancer Sprites are missing completely.


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« Reply #13 on: <10-03-16/1513:54> »
Page 31: they give a +2 dice bonus (though not really clearly written)

Page 71: they give a +1 dice bonus


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« Reply #14 on: <10-03-16/1551:22> »
A couple more:

Plot Points on page 35 uses mention "alter a die roll"

Damage, Armor, and the Condition Monitor
"Stun represents nonlethal damage... magical drain..." Drain is not part of Anarchy

By the way, although I'm posting what I see as"issues" (and agree with those posted by others) I really do like Anarchy and am hoping the feedback gathered here will be taken onboard to make this a better product.
« Last Edit: <10-03-16/1618:16> by kla060365 »

