Re: [IC] Prelude: Teddy

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« on: <09-27-16/1123:26> »
You wake suddenly in the dark.  Even though you can't quite see the room is familiar to you the makeshift bed you sleep on that remembers the contours of your body and the blanket with that familiar smell of dust and oil.  You only wonder for a moment what woke you as the pounding on the door of the abandoned station starts again.

A gruff voice calls out from the darkness, dammit Teddy we are in a hurry.  Get the hell out here.

You recognize the voice.  It's Oz, one of Gunderson's men.  You get up and answer the door.  Oz is standing there with two other guys all of them strapped.  We need your ride, ours is fucked, he says thumbing over his shoulder to a car missing an entire wheel rims and all, and appears to be on fire.

Gunderson call you yet?  Let's go we're on a time frame here and bring your bug.  You check your comm there is indeed a message from Gunderson.

Oz is on his way do whatever they need you to do.  Guess it's time to start paying back that loan.
Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. --H. P. Lovecraft


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« Reply #1 on: <09-27-16/1303:14> »
Tedd is violently awaken by the pounds and instinctively reach for his gun. It is just Oz, no point to worry not yet.
"Dammit Teddy we are in a hurry, come on!"

"Just a minute", replied Tedd as he hastily dressed. Moments after Tedd left the room while zipping his armored jacket.   

"We need your ride ours is fucked"

“Amateurs” said Tedd with a friendly smile, “Problem is I only have two seats on my Thundercloud… “

“Shotgun!” cried Oz almost immediately and Tedd offered some straps to the other two men. He found it hard to hide his grin.

“Strap yourself to the bug… I mean it, if you fall off you become a liability...
Oz you are the gunner for this drive, so make sure that that old AK still is ready for action.”

Tedd places himself at the driver seat of the Thundercloud, it is an old school all-terrain vehicle, without any comforts. It was the kind that required actual skill to drive.

Speeding out of the gas station that Tedd calls home Tedd Yells at Oz “So, what is our game Oz?”,
« Last Edit: <09-27-16/2229:36> by gilga »


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« Reply #2 on: <09-27-16/2010:05> »
Oz eyes the dune buggy a little skeptically.  I was kinda hoping this thing might have some armor on it.  Can you drive this thing and get you fly in the air? He asks, buckling in.

We're looking for three assholes on Harley's that robbed our pharmaceutical rep.  Head south and look for three bikes riding in tandem, Should stick out a little in these parts.
Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. --H. P. Lovecraft


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« Reply #3 on: <09-27-16/2301:50> »
" I was kinda hoping this thing might have some armor on it. " Tedd said "And I was hoping to get to second base with M.M, ain't going to happen..." he laughed. 

"We're looking for three assholes on Harley's that robbed our pharmaceutical rep.  Head south and look for three bikes riding in tandem, Should stick out a little in these parts."

Tedd drive to the south. His fly spy is stored in a small plastic box, it is only the size of an insect so Tedd needed to make sure that it is not squished accidentally. Tedd takes the drone out of its casing and allows it to take off autonomously.
Mainly for show - as people assume that that kind of drone is operated autonomously. Tedd would have loved that, but quality autosofts were out of his reach, heck Tedd could barely afford the drone to begin with.

"Fly is in the air... " said Tedd. Luckily for the mission, Tedd had throdes in his helmet and therefore a direct neural interface into the RCC, and through it to the drone. Tedd's reaction time was so switf that he could safely operate both the fly spy and the car manually.   

Pilot aircraft: 9d6t5 4
Perception drone: 10d6t5 5 (limit is 3)

Tedd scanned the city looking for the three bikes described by Oz, he used the drone to the best ability of its standard sensors, and hoped it was enough.
« Last Edit: <09-27-16/2309:03> by gilga »


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« Reply #4 on: <09-28-16/0836:23> »
Your buggy speeds south, you hear the occasional whoop and holler from the back, apparently the thugs are enjoying themselves.  You scan the roads from that sweet spot of high enough to see as much as possible while still being able to see what's on the ground in relative detail.  You fly closer to a few things but quickly make out that it's not what you are looking for.  On the third attempt you find three bikes riding in tandem, you get close enough to identify the Harleys  They are heading south but west of you.  You will have to cut through Marymoor park to catch them.

[spoiler]You will be at -2 dicepool on all skills while operating in AR and driving, doesn't matter yet but just FYI[/spoiler]

Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. --H. P. Lovecraft


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« Reply #5 on: <09-28-16/0942:56> »
The piloting is not the problem as, the drone has reasonable self piloting, Tedd drives it to be able to effectively use the sensors. So if something difficult happens Tedd can just leave the fly to the dogbrain.

Marymoor park ? thinks Tedd, off road driving is the specialty of his buggy, now what would be the best way to travel the park?
Knowledge check Sparawl life: 10d6t5 2

"Found them!" he declared and shared the drone feed with Oz for confirmation.
we are going off road! hold on tight. said Tedd loudly so that everyone hears. Then Tedd carefully navigated the bug inside the park, trying to indeed gain distance from the bikes through wits rather than wild driving. During the drive he asks Oz Any preferences Oz? Brute force bone breaker or quiet tail ? Tedd  loves the off road driving and often frequent the park as there are not many opertunities for that kind of driving in Seattle.

I think it should be enough - as Tedd is not trying anything bold. In case driving in the park is difficult (it is an all terrain vehicle) than I roll pilot test.
Offroad driving (-2 from drone): 13d6t5 2

« Last Edit: <09-28-16/1124:49> by gilga »


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« Reply #6 on: <09-28-16/1423:11> »
[spoiler] its more the AR being up than anything.  Controlling the drone noise spam etc, just overall distraction modifier [/spoiler]

You remember a shortcut through the park.  Its not a street more like a sidewalk, well more like a line of broken chunks of concrete and a bridge to get you over the waterway than a sidewalk.  It's not the smoothest ride but you keep the vehicle steady, though one of the mooks in the back loses his footing and would have been pitched over the side if it hadn't been for your strap.

No, just catch up to em.  We're gonna waste these fucks, though we could keep one alive to find out if there's a boss, but only if convenient.
Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. --H. P. Lovecraft


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« Reply #7 on: <09-28-16/1448:35> »
Tedd say Roger that Oz, it goes without saying that Tedd never leaves his house without a gun, a common practice in his neighborhood.  While the fly spy maintains constant eyesight of the three thugs, Tedd continues to brave the park. Carefully observing the current position and direction of the bikes, Tedd makes a rough calculation where he should leave the park to best catch them. His hobby seems to pay off as he remembers a shortcut that may do the job. "I know a shortcut hold on tight" he declares with excitement and drives the buggy on a narrow sidewalk. Parts of the path are going through bushes and that makes the drive a bit rough on the passengers. Tedd seems determined that they'll be able to follow the shortcut all the way through. The bushy path ends with a sharp turn toward a bridge, this is where Tedd almost loses one of the thugs.

"Lucky straps! Thanks Teddy"  says the thug after his friend helped him back on to the bug. In his heart he is probably cursing Tedd and his 'shortcut' but would not say anything in front of his boss. Tedd makes a mental note "I should build more seats in the bug, before somebody gets seriously injured." Not long after they cross the park and Tedd leads the bug to the comforts of road again. Open your eyes guys, they are not very far now. says Tedd.

« Last Edit: <09-28-16/1456:11> by gilga »


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« Reply #8 on: <09-28-16/2033:21> »
You careen through the park at breakneck speed doing your best to to follow the smoothest path you can find.  A stand of bushes block your path from the road but nothing you haven't rolled over before.  Crashing through the brush you feel the ground drop out from underneath you.  You don't remember this being here.  you find yourself airborne for a few moments as you launch yourself over a ledge in the landscaping, luckily it's only about half a meter but enough to test your driving skills upon landing.  You see the bikers downrange, now if only you can keep control of your vehicle.

[spoiler]roll em =P[/spoiler]
Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. --H. P. Lovecraft


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« Reply #9 on: <09-28-16/2256:15> »
It take some composure but the danger in these cases is over piloting so Tedd allows the buggy to slide for some moments and only moment later once the buggy is stables a bit on the roadTedd  Tedd moves the wheel. The first moments are scary/exciting but he has to be sure that the wheels are actually on the ground otherwise he will lose control over the vehicle.

control buggy: 13d6t5 5
« Last Edit: <09-28-16/2258:45> by gilga »


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« Reply #10 on: <09-29-16/2122:40> »
You feel your guts in your throat for a moment, but you expertly gun the accelerator the moment before you hit to turn your kinetic energy into forward thrust slingshotting you down the parkway.  Both your backseat passengers  lose their footing and one, based on the way he's gone slack and only the strap holding him up has knocked himself unconscious, or at least you hope he's not dead.  Even Oz looks a little green.

As you creep up on the bikers Oz pulls out an Ares Alpha and pumps a grenade into the chamber.  You are about to ask him if that's such a great idea when he turns to you and says You might want to change lanes in a sec.  Thunk!
Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. --H. P. Lovecraft


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« Reply #11 on: <09-29-16/2346:45> »
"Must he be so dramatic ? Can't we just pierce them with holes from the AK-97, perhaps Oz does not know how to gun. Dammit, why didn't he say so. Well, as long as he is spending his own bullets." Thought Tedd.

Since these things escalate quickly, and since they can see the bikes with their own eyes Tedd orders the bug to autonomously maintain its position and closes off AR displays. He does not need this kind of distraction when the bullets start flying. He makes sure that his Ares predator is readily secured in its holster, yet he hopes that they would not shot. 
Finally, as Oz aims, Tedd makes sure to place enough ditance from the expected grenade blast to keep the buggy and its poor passengers safe.

(Are we entering some chase combat or did we catch up to them, are the bikes still moving? In any case it seems like we go for combat.)
Initiative: 13+4d6 26
« Last Edit: <09-29-16/2353:51> by gilga »


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« Reply #12 on: <09-30-16/2042:28> »
You don't have much problem avoiding the blast it was well timed but a little gravel rains down on you, you come to a skidding half-turn stop as the bikes careen off in different directions one rider rolling like a rag-doll down the middle of the parkway.  The other two wipe out one to the left the other to the right.  Oz hops out and heads toward the one who had rolled down the embankment and calls to the rest of you Get the other one!

The other passenger appears to be checking the vitals of his buddy then struggling with his strap, but it appears to have twisted in the commotion and he can't seem to get it undone.  He looks at you and shrugs then goes back to trying to untie himself.  Looks like it's up to you.
Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. --H. P. Lovecraft


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« Reply #13 on: <10-01-16/0050:14> »
"Dammit, these goons are more of a liability than an asset one stuck and the other one knocked down before we even reach combat."  Don't sweat it, we're totally running him down" Yells Tedd as he speeds up toward the escaping biker. That course of action seems the only one that does not leave Tedd alone with that biker.  Who knows how dangerous he is - if he thinks he can just get away with robbing Ganderson. 
Tedd has 5 agility and no running skill, so he is pretty fast for some one not augmented. 
Fire gun while running: 10d6t5 4
Damage is 8P -2.

« Last Edit: <10-01-16/1337:08> by gilga »


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« Reply #14 on: <10-01-16/1206:39> »
You take off after the runner intending to run him down but as you get close he spins and fires at you with the biggest damn handgun you've ever seen then attempts to jump out of the way.  This guy is fast, this may not be as simple as you thought.  At least the goon behind you has the presence of mind to shoot at him.

[spoiler]give me a defense roll at -4 dicepool due to being strapped into your seat and armor+body in case he hits you, I'll deduct dice as needed.  Assuming you survive you can make a pilot groundcraft with +1 dicepool to hit him as an action or you know whatever else you may want to do.[/spoiler]
Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truth which make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. --H. P. Lovecraft