Interesting Fixers

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« on: <09-04-16/0446:43> »
So, I'm putting together a game for a new group and I'm thinking to myself "Since I've decided to give the group a fixer, what kind of character should I make?"

And I was wondering how others have done it.

In your games, whether you GM or not, what kind of interesting Fixer NPCs do you guys have?

What kinda quirks do they have?  Are any Awakened?  What about stuff like an AI Fixer?  Or a Free Spirit?
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.


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« Reply #1 on: <09-04-16/0645:23> »
In the short fiction piece I wrote for Street Legends, there's a reference to a DeeCee fixer who was based on Monsieur Zenith.


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« Reply #2 on: <09-04-16/1526:18> »
Here are a couple of mine:

"Chao, aka The Weasle" - ( )

Chao is a Korean/Indonesian refugee who ended up in Hong Kong some 15 years ago. From small beginnings (+ sheer damn luck and his sleazy charisma) he managed to build a moderate "Shadow Empire" by providing Runners, small time criminals and other low-lifes with shelter, an opportunity to sell almost anything and easy, street-level jobs in the community.
He juggles multiple girlfriends at a time, is usually on the way to some place or other, and almost always short on cash.

Therefore he usually calls the runners (or they call him) from his rusty Americar or while walking through the endless hallways of "his" appartment complex. This gives me the opportunity to paint "colorful" pictures of the scenes happening in the background.

As mentioned before, he is sleazy and can be a nuisance, sometimes - but he is reliable and will always help out his runners, no matter what. Quirks: His AR-Cockatiel, the rotating girlfriends and constant offers to the runners to buy random stuff.


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« Reply #3 on: <09-04-16/1559:24> »
The Tall Man (

The Tall Man is an illusive shadow character and not really a single NPC, more like a Fixer network/joint venture - with a twist.
He (or they) have concentrated their biz on everything magical - be it jobs, equipment or - primarily - personnel. He, or they, appears mundane, does have light Cyberware (sometimes) and no magic items to speak of. Even though the runners rarely deal with the same "Tall Man", they all seem to know all the important details about the team, are well-informed about former jobs and the needs of every runner. And while that might still be easy to explain aways by excessive briefings and a good AR software suite, the disconcerting thing is, ath they all talk and act in the exact same ways:
Rubbing their earlobe while distracted, straightening the collars and sleeves of their shirts (right hand, first, left hand afterwards), repeating the phrase "be that as it may" multiple times in a conversation... Runners who work with him/them for a while will start to notice these things.

The truth is, The Tall Man is a free spirit calling himself Nix (after the fairy tale "Nix Nought Nothing") with the possession power. Nix has, as they always do, a rather complex plan, and he uses the runners (and others of their creed) in order to achieve it. I'll spare you the details here. His possession targets are usually tall, low-level corp execs of small to A-Corps that he picks at random - usually at the airport. He "uses" them for about a day, before letting them go, usually in a shady establishment.


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« Reply #4 on: <09-04-16/2302:30> »
One of my personal favorites, just because he's fun to RP.

Handle: Grandfather
Real Name: Hansuke Sato
Birthplace: Hong Kong
Age: 60's
Metatype: Human

Grandfather was born in Hong Kong in the year 2009. He is a short and portly man, standing at a mere 5' 4" and weighing in at around 190lbs, with a top knot hairstyle and a full beard. His formerly black hair has turned silver with age, but his brown eyes glimmer with kindness and wisdom. He is soft-spoken and charismatic, but tends to go off on seemingly random tangents during conversation. His tea house, The Jade Phoenix, acts as a cover and provides funding for the safehouse he runs in Seattle. He can usually be found in his tea house, playfully flirting with the womenfolk, handing out flowers to anyone he thinks looks sad (so, everyone), or playing his Biwa while singing (badly).

What many don't know is that he awakened in his early 20's. He was on the run from various corporations, forcing him into the shadows. He currently keeps his aura masked, and helps other awakened individuals hide from those who would seek to take advantage of them. When forced, he can unleash a fiery hell on his opponents, but he prefers to avoid letting things escalate to that point. He's more likely to knock you upside the head with his cane and send you on your way with nothing but a headache and a bruised ego.
« Last Edit: <09-04-16/2306:00> by EiraHaexa »
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.


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« Reply #5 on: <09-05-16/0051:48> »
For me, I generally don't do too much pre-scripting of NPCs for my campaigns. I blame this on my group's ability to always pick the fourth lane in a 3 way hallway :( Like sharks and blood, my players can smell which NPCs I have invested time in and then either:

A: Shoot them in the face.
B: Play a game of "hot pants" with them. (put a live grenade in their pants)
C: Melt them with fire/acid/chemicals
D: Avoid them like they have the plague.

So I generally take a read on the mood of the group and then wing it for most NPCs until they survive the first few encounters and the players actually show an interest in them beyond a 'do mission, get paid' level. This isn't to say they don't have personalities, just that I have nothing written down in stone, other then their location (which is usually tied to the Run some how) and the name that I thought of usually 5 minutes before they got introduced.

Some Fixers that have been memorable that has come out of this approach are:

Father Desmond,
Dwarf physical adept of the Warrior Way. (retired Runner)
Extremely crazy and often violent Evangelical preacher located deep in Barrens in an abandoned Church. Great source of neighbourhood 'Robin Hood' jobs (usually with violence involved) against Barren gangers and criminal organizations. Known to have contacts with and easily procure magical supplies, religious texts, and fine quality  melee weapons (foci-able). If you're looking to unload some ill gotten gains, Desmond is always looking for basic medical supplies, clean water, fresh foods, and other hard to get items in the Barrens.

Juan Ortega,
Troll, (Rigger). Owner of 'Juan's Tacos' located just inside the Tourist Zone of Redmond. Known for it amazingly fresh and authentic aztlan style food, Juan still greets everyone personally with a warm toothy grin and a wave of his huge hands. Those who are in the know, and have no love of Aztechnology can find steady employment through a long list of raiding and sabotage jobs that Juan seems to know about.... And that's not to mention all the Aztech arms, tech, and mojo he seems to have for sale, almost like they fell off the back of a truck.  You need to know something about Aztechnology, Juan is a good place to start. Juan doesn't do a lot of buying, unless it happens to paydata on Aztec or Aztechnology, then he's willing to pay very well indeed. Don't forget to try a Taco too!

A being that only ever appears in the Matrix, and then as a animated orange and black striped cat with a bawler hat and monocle, completed with a cane. Chester seems to have his fingers in many pies, and seems to act as a middle man for those seeking sellers and buyers of paydata. If you got the info for sale, Chester can link to a buyer, if he doesn't buy it himself. Looking for some intel on a client? Chester can usually point you in the right direction. Those looking for employment have been know to find the Johnsons work for a wide range of interests in the corporate and financial world, often against the interests of organized crime.... Yet when the purchase of goods is set up, this is often through criminal back channels... Attempts to trace his location has lead to Moscow, Dubai, Seattle, New York, Lagos, Tokyo, and Montreal. Speaking manners and personality has been know to change wildly, yet knowledge of events remains the same, leading some to suspect that the handle of 'Chester' is used by more then one person who work together for some greater purpose...
Where am I going? And why am I in a hand basket ???

Remember: You can't fix Stupid. But you can beat on it with a 2x4 until it smartens up! Or dies.


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« Reply #6 on: <09-05-16/0257:07> »
These are all really interesting concepts!  Creative and good ways to establish NPCs with personality.  It's a shame your players are such dinguses, Reaver.
I'm Madpath Moth on reddit (and other sites).  Feel free to PM me errata questions!
Jeeze.  It would almost sound stupid until you realize we're talking about an immortal elf clown sword fighting a dragon ghost in a mall.


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« Reply #7 on: <09-05-16/0356:45> »
I also have a drake fixer who usually hires runners to extract drakes from various places and bring them to the Draco Foundation. Unfortunately I can't find the notebook that has all of his info in it, so that's all I can recall.

I've been working on a post-2090 SR kingdom in what is currently Bavaria. It's not nearly the land of promise it started out as, and there is PLENTY of shadow work to be found, which a whole fraggin bunch of fixers to hand out that work. I've been trying to play test it a bit by dropping players into it and asking "Ok, what kind of game do you want this to be?". Their answer decides which fixer I send their way.

You might get Billy the ghoul, and get hired for an organ legging job. You might get Councillor Geoff for a smuggling job. You could get Councillor Michael who pretty much does the same thing the drake I mentioned above does, except you're bringing them to the queen. If you really want drek to get weird, you might get Harlequin and go "varmit hunting".

I have over a dozen fixers, but I'll be damned if I can find that flipping notebook!
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.


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« Reply #8 on: <09-05-16/1132:49> »
Oh! How could I forget about Shade! He was actually a PC to start out, but became an NPC. He's a raven shaman, and utterly bat drek insane. (Actually my future brother in law's NPC, but he's just so terrifyingly fun that I've pulled him into my games on occasion, with permission of course.)

He's a spike baby (elf) who awakened pretty much immediately after the Great Ghost Dance. He was kidnapped and experimented on by a megacorp (the reason for his insanity) until he was rescued by a team of shadowrunners who he then fell in with. He never cared for them much, and when faced with the reality of his torturer getting away, he slaughtered his entire team and used their life force to kill the scientist who had experimented on him for 20 years and destroy his lab. His singular goal is destroying anyone and everyone who experiments on metahumans (especially unwilling metahumans). If your team's goal is similar, he will come to you and supply your team with whatever you need. Weapons, 'ware, ammo, armor, reagents, etc...Best not to ask where he gets them.

He won't approach you directly, but your team should find him on a random street corner in whatever city they happen to be in. He will be levitating above a cardboard box and singing in a high falsetto voice. He will be dressed in all black, with a genuine leather trenchcoat, leather pants, turtleneck sweater, and combat boots. His hair is long, and looks like it's actually long raven feathers. He wear sunglasses at all times (even indoors or at night), and speaks in an obvious but nondescript Asian accent. It's likely he's from Japan, but I really wouldn't ask him about it. Better yet, avoid any questions about his past entirely. It's a bit of a touchy subject.

He sees everyone else as tools to be used, but an offering of beef jerky might just convince him to help you. Key word: Might. He might also take the jerky and vanish.
It is better to be crazy and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts.

"Nothing is wrong if no one can stop you."

Remember, you're only a genius when they need you. The rest of the time you're just an asshole.

Well, drek. Looks like Timmy fell into the Dissonance Well again.


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« Reply #9 on: <09-05-16/1239:37> »
A fixer I created for a story arc was Father Matthew, a priest who runs a church and an orphanage/ homeless dormitory.
He is a human, tall and muscular. Seems to have a tic on his right eye.
Don't be fooled: he is no more close to God than the average runner. In fact, he IS a retired runner (street samurai). His name in the shadows was Strike.
He tries to make the world a little better.
The story arc was about some of the orphans being kidnapped for experiments with blood magic.
«Never, ever, cut a deal with a dragon.»


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« Reply #10 on: <09-05-16/1754:58> »
Jason "Arclight" Richards


Jason Richards was born in Montreal in May 2015, the third child of a middle class family whose father was a high school teacher and mother was a nurse.  However, despite the relative comfort of his family home, Jason was always quite rebellious but blessed with the boyish good looks needed to talk his way out of trouble.  Realising quite early on that his charm was an effective means of doing small deals to supplement his meagre pocket money, Jason quickly progressed in his teens to selling drugs to others at school, before dropping out of sight and entering the Montreal underground.

Richards quickly established himself as a “face man” for a small shadowrunning team based in Montreal during the early 2040s, fronting the team when dealing with various fixers and Johnsons across the north eastern UCAS region, in areas such as Boston and Quebec, and forming a solid reputation as a capable crew.  His skill at charming people, and extracting information from them, was put to great use, and Richards – now running under the moniker Arclight – built an impressive number of contacts over a relatively short amount of time.

This all changed on the night of 14th November 2046.  A small datasteal job against a small Ares site went desperately wrong, based on faulty information acquired by Arclight.  As the team attempted to access the site, the team were disabled by a virulent gas and apprehended.  Arclight – on overwatch at the time – was mortified, as he had been utterly duped and this had led to the loss of his team.  Fleeing the site, he effectively dropped out of sight for 72 hours, acquiring false travel documents and a significant quantity of cash, before buying a second hand car and driving out of Montreal towards the other side of the continent.

Arriving in Seattle after several minor “incidents”, Arclight drifted back into the shadows within days, using a few remaining (and trustworthy) contacts from his Montreal days to get him introductions into Seattle’s circuit.  Again, using his boyish good looks and charm to distract, deceive and gain information, Arclight began rebuilding his damaged reputation, eventually earning enough to purchase a set of cybereyes and some headware.  However, something in Arclight had changed, and he had become a little more cynical and hardbitten.  Seeking thrills on his down time, it was in mid-2047 that Arclight started his love-hate relationship with gambling, that would later come to dominate his life.  Often using casinos and gambling dens as legitimate meeting places for other fixers, Johnsons and team members, Arclight would often place a wager or two.  However, as with most gamblers, his luck was usually bad than good, and he started to run up some fairly significant debts, leading him into a number of scrapes with casino heavies and to take on riskier jobs for higher pay.  Only through his charm and his use to certain mobsters did he walk out of several casinos at all.

Operating Style

Arclight is a human male in his early forties with short blonde hair that's starting to go white at the temples.  A well trimmed goatee adorns his friendly face, which is often found wearing a smile.  A pair of blue chrome cyber eyes harking back to his days of running the shadows, something that gives a striking contrast to his otherwise impeccable dress and appearance.  For all his boyish good looks, a few wrinkles have still managed to creep into his features, tell tale signs of the all too constant stress of being in debt to one mob boss or another.

Arclight's one of the pros, a fixer at the top of his game, with connections all over the Seattle area.  Unfortunately, he also has a gambling problem, something that has kept him in debt a little too often for comfort and has also hampered his otherwise great street rep.

Fixers like Arclight are a diamond in the rough, a fixer that's willing to stick his neck out for his runners, go that extra mile, dig around a little and do what he can to keep the teams he finds work for from becoming next weeks special at the local chop shop.  This comes from the fact that Arclight used to work the other side of the fence, was once the runner on the other side of the table, getting paid to do the corps dirty work.  He still does in a way, but as time wore on, his connections grew, and his age started to creep up on him, he decided it was time to sit back and pass the work forward.  He's also sharp as a tack, extremely resourceful, and always tries to stay one step ahead of the game with connections that tend to give him the heads up on what's going on in the shadows.

Arclight tends to go through small time teams when doing biz, having them drop off gear, run errands, and so on.  The small time stuff will tend to be errands he needs run and generally won't pay much.  He also uses such jobs to get a feel for new teams, test out their capabilities as well as professionalism before giving them the bigger gigs.   Unless he trusts who he's working with, expect most business to go through third parties or to be conducted over the phone.  Arclight's not one to generally do face-to-face meets.  When he does though, Arclight will be accompanied by an ork bodyguard by the name of Stone, highly trained, cybered out, and absolutely professional.  Stone's also liable to be the one sent out on high risk errands where expensive gear is at stake.
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« Reply #11 on: <09-05-16/1757:06> »
Diarmid "Cosmo" Dalton


Hailing from an “old money” Boston American-Irish family whose fortunes were revived during the “boom or bust” era of the 1980’s, Cosmo was born to a lifestyle of wealth and privilege receiving a good education in a number of subjects.  Excelling at an early age in the fields of electronics and programming, Cosmo studied at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology and graduated Magna Cum Laude at the top of his year, before establishing himself in an up-and-coming technology firm.

However, this all changed with the onset of the UGE phenomenon, where Cosmo metamorphosed painfully into a dwarf in the middle of his office.  Surrounded by those who were horrified by his change, he fled back to his family home, only to be rejected by them as well.  Cast out into the world at 22 without the comforts of his privileged background, Cosmo was only able to rely on the skills that he had learnt and the few friends that accepted his new form.

Initially setting himself up as a freelance programmer, Cosmo took full advantage of the burgeoning matrix and began occasionally working the shadows as a decker, forming a reputation as a solid and dependable addition to any team requiring an electronics specialist or access to the matrix.  Leaving his home city of Boston far behind due to the prejudices of that city, Cosmo relocated to the Seattle sprawl and his reputation soon followed.

However, after several disastrous runs, where he felt the fixer had not matched the skills of his comrades and himself particularly well to the needs of the Mr Johnson, Cosmo decided to establish himself as a fixer.  Already feeling that the challenge of decking was wearing thin, Cosmo felt that the contacts that he had made within the Seattle sprawl would benefit from his expertise and experience.  Working with a small stable of trusted runners, and a wide number of local fixers, Cosmo successfully leapt from runner to fixer and has proved himself to be very, very capable at matching the abilities of runners to the needs of their prospective employers, amassing a small fortune in the process which he has invested wisely.

Operating Style

Cosmo is a young-looking and rather rich man, with a number of trust funds and other legitimate incomes allowing him to focus on his chosen profession.  Now middle-aged, Cosmo is established as one of the better fixers in Seattle and has a wide-ranging network of contacts, friends and associates.  When it comes to contracting talent for jobs, Cosmo prefers to work through other fixers that he trusts, rather than keeping a large stable of runners himself.  Those few veteran runners who do work directly for him are mostly old friends who've been with him since he was a young up-and-comer, although he does keep a few young and enthusiastic teams on hand just to be on the safe side.

Cosmo works out of his home in Bellevue, a lavish dwelling with exceedingly tight security (including complex networks of laser tripwires, various HVARs in ceiling ports, gas delivery systems and plenty more).  Although no security is impenetrable, Cosmo works on the theory that anyone good enough to break into his house is experienced enough to know better.  In any case, Cosmo mostly operates by Matrix conferences, scrambled phone calls and courier deliveries.

Cosmo is known as the man to see when it comes to technical and microtronics equipment, and in fact he's a proficient decker himself.  He also has good sources of supply for general runner equipment (weaponry and protective gear), but doesn't tend to focus on more specialist areas.  For such requests, Cosmo tends to rely on his network of contacts, but is more likely to direct the enquirer (provided he trusts them) to one of his associates.

Strangely, Cosmo has managed to avoid being linked to one organisation or another, managing to remain politically neutral.  Often this has worked in his best interest, by being able to provide runners to all sides in a conflict.
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« Reply #12 on: <09-05-16/1758:42> »
Dutch "Darwin" James


Darwin definitely knows how the street works.  He should, given his prime viewing position from his home in the gutter.  Described as "low-class" by the charitable, Darwin is half pimp, half fixer.  He may not epitomise the professional side of shadowrunning, but he knows people – and lots of them.  When it comes to street buzz or getting in touch with low-lives of all stripes, Darwin is the man to see.

Born to a large Afro-Caribbean family from Haiti, Darwin was born human like his six brothers and sisters, but went through the UGE process at the age of twelve and transformed into a particularly robust ork.  Banished from his fearful family, Darwin swiftly fell in with the wrong groups of youths within the Barrens, before being “adopted” by a small group of independent prostitutes.  As he grew, he became their protector, defending them from the many crazies and predators on the streets, before eventually becoming their pimp.
By knowing the needs of the people that came to him for “services”, Darwin rapidly became able to the “man to see” if people needed a variety of goods that are illicit or difficult to acquire – mostly drugs, BTLs, weapons, and information.  Darwin found that he had a talent for introducing people that need certain activities undertaken to those who have the necessary skills.  By making himself indispensable to the local communities within the Barrens, Darwin ensured that very few people messed with him – only the truly desperate are willing to try, and many of them are rarely seen again.

Operating Style

Darwin doesn't have access to great talent, though; most of Darwin's runners are either jumped-up gangers without the professional mentality required to succeed as real runners, or beginners and new teams without the connections or experience to attract the attention of more authentic fixers. As such, Darwin doesn't tend to get his hands on high-grade work; most of Darwin's jobs are courier runs, standover work, and other low-rent gigs.  Likewise, he's not the greatest source of supply, unless you want BTLs or drugs or flesh; most of his gear comes from very unsavoury sources and is probably exceedingly “hot”.  On the upside, Darwin's always happy to buy if you want to sell, although he doesn't always have the cash to pay top dollar.
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« Reply #13 on: <09-05-16/1800:36> »
Tyler "Deacon" Wells


In 2029, Roger Wells created Wells Industries, cornering a small niche in Seattle’s local technology/manufacturing business – creating short-run custom items for other companies, especially custom elements in cyberware.  Wells Industries has expanded steadily, managing to remain unaligned from any of the major corporations and staying too small and specialist to expend effort in taking over.

As the business expanded, his son Tyler entered the business at 23 after completing a master’s degree in Accountancy, Economics and Corporate Business Strategy, from the University of the City of London.  Capable, handsome, well-connected and astute, Tyler swiftly managed to generate several high profile contracts and garnering a large amount of profile for Wells Industries, rising steadily through the corporate rank of Wells Industries. 
Tyler, now calling himself “Deacon”, has expanded into being a fixer as the best way of succeeding in legitimate business, and Deacon now plays both sides against the middle – his resources as a fixer are helping him in his business career, while his position as a Wells Industries executive allows him to cover up his shady activities under a veneer of legitimacy.

As Wells Industries expanded and its fortunes expanded, Deacon's biggest liability at this stage is his father Roger, who has become an egomaniacal control freak busy running Wells Industries into the ground.  Roger is incapable of delegating authority to his executives, yet consistently makes poor decisions thanks to an over-inflated sense of his own and his company's importance.  Deacon is aware that it won't be long before his father's arrogance gets Wells Industries obliterated, and may wind up taking steps to save the family business – if not the family.

Operating Style

Most of the jobs Deacon supplies to his runners are on behalf of Wells Industries and its business allies; in effect, Deacon acts as both Johnson and fixer.  Most of his regular runners know this, which keeps him honest – if the runners get screwed, they know exactly where to exact their vengeance.  Likewise, most of the gear that Deacon sources for his runners is actually “surplus production” from Wells Industries, or written off as “test rejects”, “prototypes”, or similar.  Deacon is also involved in a shadowy cabal of a dozen Seattle businessmen who share information about their small companies' activities in order to mutually profit from insider trading; this alliance is tentative at present, but appears to be sustainable, and Deacon can also source equipment, resources and occasional work from these allies.

Deeply religious, Deacon often has difficulty reconciling his catholic faith against the needs of the business world, but this has led to a number of unique situations – Deacon occasionally undertakes “business” for the Catholic Church’s interests in Seattle and the neighbouring regions.
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« Reply #14 on: <09-05-16/1802:25> »
Jorge "Domino" Mendoza


Jorge Mendoza was born sometime in the early 2020s into a rural community in Aztlan.  His parents were persecuted remorselessly for being unwilling to leave their traditional farming lands, and after the execution of his father and other men in the village by an Aztlana kill-team, his mother fled with the infant Jorge and travelled north, to the CAS and relative safety from the persecution of the Aztlan regime.

Growing amongst the poorest communities in Houston, Jorge and his mother were forced to work long hours in the sweatshops of the city that profited immensely from the cheap labour that trickled over the border.  Seeking to supplement their meagre income, the young Jorge often ran “errands” for local criminal gangs – delivering packages of drugs to local street dealers, delivering small packages of money to safe houses, and so on.  His mother, grateful for the extra income, learnt not to ask too many questions about where the extra money came from.  However, through luck more than judgement, he managed to avoid tumbling into gang life whilst staying on the fringes of street society.

This status quo changed the night of his mother’s death.  Jorge, aged 17, came home to the two-room property that they called home and discovered the beaten, violated, tortured and badly mutilated body of his mother, an Aztlan calling-card placed over her eyes.  Shocked and deeply traumatised, Jorge packed a few belongings and fled into the night.

Taking the small quantity of cash that he still had, Jorge hopped a freight train out of Houston and just kept going, eventually arriving in Seattle.  Dropping out of sight, he drifted into the Redmond Barrens, and formed a close friendship with a brutish troll named Wasp and an aspiring drug dealer named Banya.   Working out of an old and exceedingly two story decrepit pharmacy in Redmond, Banya – a disgraced research chemist – taught Jorge chemistry.  Finding a knack for chemical formulae, and improving on several “traditional recipes”, Jorge (taking the street name Domino) and Banya began to cook up significant quantities of drugs which they began to market to local dealers in the vicinity of their home.   Deals were made, and favours were owed, allowing them to gain a moderate degree of success and strong local connections to a number of other significant individuals within Redmond.

This state of affairs continued for a decade – carefully walking the line to earn a steady income, without attracting the attention of larger criminal groups looking to take over their operations.  They also formed a close affiliation with the Rusted Stilettos gang, who frequently acted as test subjects and hired muscle in return for drugs and cash.  However, in late 2048, Banya collapsed from a massive brain haemorrhage, brought on from exposure to many of the chemicals that he used to cook batches of drugs.

Domino, dreading this day but knowing it was inevitable, ensured that Banya was buried respectfully, then simply took over the whole operation.

Operating Style

Domino is still primarily a drug dealer, but is now expanded into a small-time fixer and fence, still running operations out of the shattered remains of a stone two story pharmacy of yesteryear that smells of sulphur and medical chemicals.  Many of the windows of both floors are boarded up, giving the impression of the building being utterly deserted and providing excellent privacy.  If there is too much attention in the site, there's always either Wasp or a few bribed Rusted Stilettos lingering on or around the site to keep the rabble away.

Domino is a fellow of medium height and build of Hispanic extraction, with tanned skin and brown eyes.  His ebony hair is kept short, but not particularly well-kept or neat.  He isn't outright deceitful, and takes the responsibility to his underlings seriously, but is constantly looking to make a buck.

Domino knows most happenings on the local turf, which encompasses the run-down strip mall opposite to the “pharmacy” and a few blocks surrounding his home.  He can acquire most small-arms, but most are extremely “hot”, having been used in previous crimes elsewhere in the city, and some cheap equipment.  He tends to keeps tabs on gang politics within Seattle, as well as the politics of some criminal groups.  Through this he knows a few low-key Johnsons, and can occasionally provide distractions and some back-up muscle when they are need on a job, but they do not come without a price.

He provides mostly low-level work, such as acquiring raw materials for his “day job” by less than legal means, distribution of the finished product to a number of dealers with whom he has “an arrangement”, collection of debts from those same individuals and occasionally arranging “accidents” to those who threaten his work.  However, now that he has the means, he reserves a great deal of personal vehemence to the Aztlan government and Aztechnology (which he considers, probably rightly, to be effectively one and the same).  Thus, he provides a modest stream of currency and equipment to the rebels in Yucatan, and will always seek to harry and disrupt Aztechnology’s operations in Seattle, all of which he will offer to trusted teams of shadowrunners.
« Last Edit: <09-05-16/1815:28> by sidslick »
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