Tangled Currents - Grunt

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« Reply #285 on: <12-11-16/0949:40> »
"Thank you Julie, that means a lot. I hope too, that she makes it. And yes, I think, that you are attractive...and I was really tempted. Again, I'm sorry I left you there. About the replacement, I don't think we need that. We can work together. We are both professionals."

*No good news about Cinn. Well, at least no bad news either. We just have to wait.*

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #286 on: <12-11-16/1530:22> »
Sunday   9 June 2075  0730  Mercy General Hospital  Seattle

Julie smiles and takes up her spot just outside Nova's door while you stand at Cinn's.  About thirty minutes later two doctors and some nurses come by and Julie comes forward to greet them by name.  One of the doctors and two nurses go on into Nova's room and the rest go in to check on Cinn.  From the doorway, you can see the nurses check on the monitors while the doctor is more hands on with the patient.  He murmurs some questions you do not hear and Cinn replies in an equally soft tone, except for the time or three when what he is doing causes her pain and then her response is a bit louder, although still muffled.

After seeming to torture her, the man straightens and goes to the monitors as well before walking to the end of the bed and making some notes on a pad hanging there.  He looks up at Cinn and smiles.  "You are making better progress than I had expected,Cinnamon.  I do not believe in the pablum some of my colleagues use to soothe the soul, so I will be blunt.  While you are doing better, you are far from the woods yet.  Your implants are probably all that saved your life and that of the young woman in the next room, but they were seriously damaged.  I am surprised at the grade of the stuff in you, a lot of which seems to be military grade quality.  Now, I ask the next question in all confidentiality; do you wish me to contact the UCAS military about getting replacements for the 'ware that is damaged?"

Cinn looks up at the man, closes her eyes for a moment, then gently shakes her head.  The doctor nods before continuing.  "I thought not.  You do understand that means that some of these pieces will not work properly?  The biggest effect is that you might never walk again.  Keep that in mind, please.  Alright, I will be back to see you this afternoon.  I do not think that, besides the 'ware issue, you are out of the woods, health-wise.  You must continue to eat and work whatever magic your body is doing to repair itself."

With that, he turns and leaves the room, nodding at you as her goes by.  Cinn closes her eyes and you see tears flowing down her face.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #287 on: <12-12-16/1400:17> »
After the doctor leaves the room, he goes to Cinns bed and says her: "I've heard, what the doc said. We can find a way to repair your 'ware. I know some people, who may be able help. I ask them, if they are familiar with this type of stuff or if they can point us to the guy with the right skills. Don't worry, you will be okay, I promise. Look, I have to go back to watch the doors, but we can talk about it later if you like."

He gives Cinn an reassuring look and heads back to his post, while thinking:*I really hope we can find someone. Her implants are pretty high grade. Not too common on the streets.*

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #288 on: <12-13-16/0010:31> »
Sunday   9 June 2075  0750  Mercy General Hospital  Seattle

Cinnamon does not open her eyes, but her lips forma a sort of smile.  At least, it might be a smile if you turned your head a bit sideways and squinted real hard.  Then the smile is gone as quickly as it had appeared.  The tears keep flowing.  Back in the hallway outside the door, you see Julie down at Nova's room.  She looks a question at you, and mouths, "Is she alright?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #289 on: <12-13-16/1541:13> »
He looks at Julie, walks to her and says:"No, I don't think she is. And I don't just talk about her physical condition." 
He goes back his post and thinks:*She'he been through a lot even before we've met and now this happens. It seems, that now it is not just her body that is broken.*

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #290 on: <12-14-16/0146:24> »
Sunday   9 June 2075  0752  Mercy General Hospital  Seattle

When you get back to the door you hear a soft voice call out to you from inside.  "Hey, G.  How is Nova?"

Turning, you see that Cinn has managed to pull herself up to a sitting position.  She uses her head  to motion for you to come closer.
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #291 on: <12-14-16/1555:56> »
As Cinn calls him, he goes back to her room and says: "I'll be honest with you. She is alright. She will recover, but probably she will need a new arm and leg, maybe an eye. It is not decided yet, if she'll receive cyberware or cloned parts. But that is the least of her concerns. She asks about you every time I visit her. That means, you have to recover fast, if I am to tell her the truth." He smiles a little and continues: "By the way, are you sure, it is okay for you to sit?"

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #292 on: <12-15-16/0215:33> »
Sunday   9 June 2075  0753  Mercy General Hospital  Seattle

Cinnamon waves her hand.  "Probably not, but it is about the only thing I can do.  There is nothing below the waist, G.  Nothing.  I cannot feel a thing there.  My guess from what I have overheard, is that I have some pretty terrible nerve damage there and will probably never walk again.  Sad, huh?  Anyway, I will try to get past that.  I mourned my loss and now need to focus on what I can do.  First, you need to get me away from Nova and the others......and you.  The General is not going to stop looking for me and there is no reason to risk the rest of you any more than I have already.  None of this would have happened if you were not near me.  So find me a safe hidey hole and get me out of this place.  I will do my best to remain off his radar while I recover as best I can, but I need to make sure that Nova............and you.........are not hurt any more by my presence.  See if Stella can help you find a place.  She is pretty good at doing stuff like that."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #293 on: <12-15-16/1420:04> »
He listens to Cinns plan and once she is finished, he says: "Yes you are right and I understand your decision, but if you insist on leaving the hospital, we need to find a hiding place with proper medical equipment, so it can help you recover. We would need a medical transport to get you there and of course, we need to convince the doc to let you go. Or we could just smuggle you out of here. Once my shift is over, I will talk to Stella about organizing it."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #294 on: <12-16-16/0935:07> »
Sunday   9 June 2075  0754  Mercy General Hospital  Seattle

Cinn laughs and shakes her head.  "You might as well paint a target on my chest, G.  No medical facility.  No medical transport.  Just a hole in the ground somewhere.  I need to be invisible.  I am thinking the dirtiest, grungiest place you can find.  Maybe someplace in the Barrens here.  Then you can go back to watching Nova and forget about me.  Most of my body will recover on its own, even if I cannot walk again."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #295 on: <12-18-16/0711:40> »
"Yeah, you are right. I just didn't know, that your body is capable of healing itself in such conditions. But if you think it will be okay, I'll help.How and when do you plan to do it! We still need to find a car to take you there and a limo would be too "flashy" in the Barrens."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #296 on: <12-18-16/1619:14> »
Sunday   9 June 2075  0756  Mercy General Hospital  Seattle

Cinn laughs just a little. "My body can repair most damage to itself, sort of like yours, but much, much  better.  Hmmmm, a car?  Yes, that would be good and I agree the limo would be a bit out of place in the Barrens.  A rental or a cab, maybe?  And you should probably consider a wheelchair of some kind that I can get around in.  But I think the first step is to find me a place to hide, then work on getting me there.  Any ideas?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #297 on: <12-22-16/1042:04> »
"Well, I can ask around and find some hidden bolt holes, but I'm afraid I would leave a trail, that someone skilled enough can follow. I'd rather leave it to to professionals, like Stella.  She can get it done a lot faster and subtler."

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #298 on: <12-23-16/0013:13> »
Sunday   9 June 2075  0758  Mercy General Hospital  Seattle

Cinn closes her eyes and puts her head back on her pillow. "Yes, you are right.  I am sure that Stel can find something.  She can.............." She goes quiet and you see a tear roll down her face before she wipes it away and turns her head sideways.  "I will talk to you later, G.  I am a bit tired."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>