Tangled Currents - Serge

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« on: <02-25-16/1848:27> »
Tuesday, 19 November, 1400; Touristville, Redmond, Seattle Metroplex

Serge was doing what he did most days - taking care of kids. Hang a shingle and they came, came out of the woodwork. First from the slums around T-ville proper - vaccinations, flu, skating spills - and then from deeper into the Barrens - TB, polio, STIs, systematic abuse - and lately from afar afield as Glow City and the Plastic Jungles - sepsis, malnutrition, radiation poisoning.

But the screech of tires and then the crunch of a semi-controlled crash outside told him he was about done with kids for the moment. He cleared the small operating theater he'd been working on bringing up to speed and then Bruiser staggered in with another ork draped over his shoulders and bleeding everywhere. Behind them four other walking wounded followed, all wearing the purple bandanas signifying them as T-dogs, the small neighborhood gang that Bruiser headed and that Serge relied on for security.

This was getting to be a weekly thing, and even though he lost one for each one he patched up, they never failed to find more new recruits. More kids.

He did a lightning triage - they all could wait, except for the one Bruiser was holding. He'd be dead in minutes without some plasma and surgery to stop wherever all that blood was coming from. They got him on the table and by the time the gloves were on half a dozen more armed gangers had crowded in to watch their friend live or die.

Serge knew better by now than to try throwing them out.

But some did not know better.

There was violent shouting outside, sounds of weapons being drawn and angry curses in Or'zet. The ugly command of a shotgun's pump action.

Then four Knight-Errant officers crashed through the door. The first was covered in blood that couldn't be his or he wouldn't be standing, or holding his Colt Manhunter icy still on Bruiser. Half a dozen makeshift firearms and blades appeared in the hands of the gathered T-dogs.

The next cop was supporting the third - a woman, a young blond rookie - her leather flak jacket was off and her uniform shirt was torn aside revealing a vest scored with ballistic impacts and a widening stain where one had gone through. Her hand gripped her neck, which was also gouting blood. She was crying like a baby. Or trying to as she choked on her own blood.

They were followed in by the fourth cop, walking backwards, Mossberg shouldered, scanning the pack of gangers hot on his heels.

The cops were hopelessly outgunned, but it was clear they wouldn't go down easy. And even these stupid ganger kids knew that making a move on them would be the end of their gang, their families, even the whole neighborhood.

But that didn't mean they weren't all thinking about it.

Serge looked for Markman - that would have made things easier - but he wasn't one of them.

The lead cop spoke - "She won't make the trauma center, doc." It was true, she wouldn't make it another thirty seconds without help.

And neither would the young ork on the table.


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« Reply #1 on: <02-25-16/2053:49> »
"All right you lot," Serge commanded everyone assembled, "there's enough gorram blood dripping from these two. PUT THE DAMN GUNS DOWN!"

Holding pressure on the ork on the table to stem the tide as best he can, he looks to the officers saying, "Get her on that table over there and hold some pressure on her wound. Hell, screw that, there's a small medkit on the shelf over there that can stabilize her while I keep this kid from bleeding out. Don't worry, there's as good as we can get in the way of Matrix service here for it to access the net and operate on its own for that much."

With that, he proceeds to try to stabilize the kid on the table.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #2 on: <02-27-16/1654:19> »
No one put their guns down.

But no one shot anyone either.

One cop put the injured woman on the other table as directed. He tried to keep pressure on her bleeding and use the medkit at the same time but it was a complete disaster. His two friends watched him nervously, eyes flicking back and forth between the cop who was bleeding out and the dozen guns in adrenaline-shaky hands pointed at them. The first cop was finally getting the trodes attached when the whole kit slipped out of his hands, which were too slick with his partner's blood to hold anything properly.

It was all Serge could do to keep clamping off bleeders in his ganger patient, but it was clear they lady cop would buy it. Then one of the gangers stepped forward and picked up the dropped medkit and got it working, while another slapped a universal dressing on the woman's neck.

They worked for another few minutes, Serge on the ganger, the cop and two gangers on the other cop.

There were sirens outside. Then more sirens. Then more. The already unbearable tension in the room crackled with renewed electricity as the cops relaxed slightly and the gangers read the writing on the wall. "Yeah, that's right, assholes, my gang's just a little bit bigger than yours," said the lead cop. Then the storm broke and within twenty seconds everyone with a purple bandana was proned on the floor and a Doc Wagon team was whisking the lady cop out.

All Serge could do was keep working - the ganger was not out of the woods yet. No one bothered him. The original lead cop spoke quietly to the HRT lieutenant, and as quickly as they'd come the cops left, no arrests. The cop spoke to Bruiser. "We owe you one."

Then he sidled up to Serge. "Your house, your call. But you made your choice, Doc."


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« Reply #3 on: <02-27-16/1935:36> »
"All I did was keep working on the patient that came in first," Serge said, "Had the situation been reversed, I would've stayed with her." He sighs and adds, "Sorry to be so blunt, but I have to stay fair and impartial in this business."
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Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #4 on: <02-27-16/2044:12> »
Tuesday, 19 November, 1436; Touristville, Redmond, Seattle Metroplex

"Seriously Doc? Moral equivalency?" The cop looked around at the assembled orks in their street leathers and face piercings. "Not to worry," he said on his way out, "you got the T-birds in your corner now. Sure you'll be just fine."

And because it couldn't possibly rain without pouring, one of the young orks almost crashed into the cop in the doorway to the now filthy operating room. The cop left, the ork came in, said, "Doc, there's a couple of suits out in reception, armed escort, say they got biz with you."


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« Reply #5 on: <02-28-16/0144:23> »
Putting the final stitches in on the ork kid's wound, Serge looks up, pulling off the surgical gloves and says, "He should recover fine now, but try to keep him out of the line of fire for a while." Turning to the ork that just entered, he says, "Let them know I'll be right out." At that, he tosses the gloves in the bio-hazard box, throws the now blood soaked surgical apron in the receptacle for such things and starts the cleaning drone to getting the blood cleaned up before ushering the orks out of the O.R. and steps out.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #6 on: <02-29-16/1721:21> »
Tuesday, 19 November, 1441; Touristville, Redmond, Seattle Metroplex

Serge came into the reception area to find four people he didn't know.

Two were large - a human and an ork in the uniforms of Wolverine Security. They were in modified dress uniforms, sidearms but tactical kit kept understated. They sent a message of necessary precautions prudently taken, but without coming off as menacing.

They flanked the two smaller humans - the ones that had prudently taken the necessary precautions. A man and a woman, nice suit, understated cornflower tie on him, skirt suit on her with hem below the knee and blouse buttoned to the collar. The woman took a step forward on her sensible, expensive heels and extended a hand. "Lars Sandstede and Minerva Gatling, Redmond Reclamation REIT. Is there somewhere quiet we can sit?"

It did not seem to cross their radar that they might need an appointment or that the coterie of women and small children fussing and coughing around the room might compete for the clinician's attention.


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« Reply #7 on: <03-01-16/0046:32> »
Seeing the newcomers assembled in the waiting room, he approaches the one who addresses him, shakes her hand and says, "There are a few people here who need treatment, but I can take you into the office to talk as long as it doesn't take too much time." He motions to the children specifically at that.

"If you'll come this way," He adds flashing a look of apology to the waiting patients as he motions toward the doorway to his office.

(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #8 on: <03-02-16/0827:42> »
Tuesday, 19 November, 1443; Touristville, Redmond, Seattle Metroplex

The two suits sat down in the chairs offered opposite Serge's desk. The guards stayed outside the office.

Having already introduced themselves in the lobby, they now simply slid embossed business cards across the desk, each physical item tracked perfectly by a matching ARO. The cards had a slick logo - RRR, with the full name of the organization across the bottom - Redmond Reclamation Real Estate Investment Trust.

The woman, Gatling, was again the one to speak. She had a lovely face, but these days anyone with money did. Her golden hair was tied back in a bun, but despite that and the modest attire she in no way came off as grandmotherly. "It's clear your time is precious doctor, and we don't want to keep you from your charges, so I'll get straight to it. We are the owners of this building. And considering the good you are trying to do in the neighborhood, we are eager to work out a way for you to stay here."


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« Reply #9 on: <03-02-16/1037:09> »
Sitting behind the desk, he leans forward looking at the card and says, "I know that I'm well ahead on making the rent payments, so there must be something else."
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Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #10 on: <03-02-16/1850:53> »
Tuesday, 19 November, 1444; Touristville, Redmond, Seattle Metroplex

She smiled kindly. "There is no question of being in arrears. Not according to your terms with the previous owner. However, our trust's acquisition of the title on this block, pursuant to the new municipal reclamation initiatives, renders your previous agreement void. Of course we acquired your balance along with the property, but I'm afraid at the new rate it will only cover the next three days." She smiled, as if explaining the terms of a new gym membership. "Which is wny Mr. Sandstede and I are here - fact-finding on your ability to continue to pay, but also of course to do what we can to allow you to continue the wonderful work you're doing here."


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« Reply #11 on: <03-02-16/2049:58> »
"I will admit," Serge responds, "I picked this location for two reasons. Number one, being a former animal hospital, the facilities were already present to get this clinic started without as much initial outlay. The second part is that twenty thousand was enough put pay up for four months at a stretch. If twenty thousand only covers three days at the new rates, I'm not sure what more I can do."

He lets out a sigh and says, "The people living in this area can't really afford to pay much more than they do now."
« Last Edit: <03-02-16/2052:07> by All4BigGuns »
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Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #12 on: <03-05-16/1824:32> »
Tuesday, 19 November, 1446; Touristville, Redmond, Seattle Metroplex

Gatling nodded in understanding. "It's always such an impossible situation. We see it all the time. We are in the business of revitalizing neighborhoods. But it is a business, and as an investment trust, are obligated to maximize dividends to our shareholders. But if the current residents have scant resources, organic growth can be a challenge. It's a Catch-22, but we've become quite creative at solving it. Case in point, your clinic is key to the revitalization process. Yet we cannot afford to take an annual loss on the property. Maybe in a better economy we could invest over a longer time horizon, but in the current climate, we need to think about short-term returns first, and then medium- to long-term investment in the community. So what do you think, Doctor, are you willing to think creatively with us about a way for us to meet our bottom line and also keep your vital work right here where it is doing so much good?"


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« Reply #13 on: <03-06-16/0245:31> »
"Look," Serge says simply, "What I charge for services here is the highest that the people here can afford while being able to make the six thousand per month rent on the building that was negotiated previously. The only way I can pull in more is to get a way out of the security deal I made with some local toughs in exchange for cheaper treatment. The problem there is doing so will end the security, and the additional income would have to go toward other security arrangements."

He leans back and continues, "I sympathize with the monetary situation for your group, but to be honest, six thousand per month shouldn't be presenting a loss for your bottom line."

[spoiler=Out of Character]
I think I may have said the wrong amount before, but I checked my HeroLab file for the lifestyle cost, and the six thousand is correct.

Honestly, it makes no sense if, in the area of town he's in, that much rent is a 'loss' for them. That's an extremely high payment for the area.
(SR5) Homebrew Archetypes

Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen


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« Reply #14 on: <03-09-16/1232:18> »
Tuesday, 19 November, 1447; Touristville, Redmond, Seattle Metroplex

The woman smiled patiently at Serge. "I appreciate your concern, and at some point when we are not both so pressed for time, I would be happy to help illustrate for you some of factors that go into a market-driven determination of rent levels. Perhaps over lunch sometime," she added, leaning forward almost impercptibly as something changed in her smile.

"For now, though, if getting you a better deal on security would free up cash flow for you, I think we can help with that. Don't worry, not only might the terms be agreeable, the quality of service will be significantly higher, not to mention the facelift a shift in providers would offer - to not have thrillgangers loitering about your clinic. It is very much in our interest for your operation to continue to thrive, and I'll have a consultant contact you within twenty-four hours. In the meantime, please give some thought to other revenue streams, as I doubt cutting your security costs will get you all the way there. Now, I am conscious of your time and the needs of your patients." She and her companion rose. "But you have our information. And I've added my personal number - feel free to contact me anytime."