I can post here. Submited my character to Obsidan anyway... here he is, Vexboy! Based on the one from another campaign but more in tune with the character in my head!
-- Priorities --DBCAE
Metatype Human
Attributes 20
Magic 6
Skills 48/10
Resources 6000
-- Karma Expenditure --
25 Starting Karma
-5 for Mentor Spirit
-4 for Ambidextrous
-7 for Catlike
-7 for Natural Athlete
+8 for Social Stress(Talking to new or hostile people unless they are enemies that he can shoot. In which case he falls on his skills for confidence)
+5 for National SIN (UCAS)
+5 for Simsense Vertigo
+5 for Distinctive Style
+2 for Driven
-8 for Light Body Rating 4 Foci
-4 for Combat Sense rating 1 foci
-10 for 20000 nuyen
-4 for Jessica London to have Loyalty 6 Connection 1
-- Attributes --
Body 4
Agility 6
Reaction 3(6)
Strength 4
Willpower 4
Logic 3
Intuition 3
Charisma 1
Edge 3
Essence 6.00
Initiative – 9+4d6
Physical Condition Monitor - 10
Stun Condition Monitor - 10
Overflow Boxes - 4
Physical Limit - 5
Mental Limit - 5
Social Limit - 4
-- Qualities --
Mentor Spirit: Dragonslayer
Natural Athlete
Social Stress (Talking to new or hostile people unless they are enemies that he can shoot. In which case he falls on his skills for confidence)
National SIN (UCAS)
Simsense Vertigo
Distinctive Style
-- Skills --
Gymnastics 6(

Sneaking 6(

Perception 6(

Tracking 4(6) (Urban)
Survival 4(6) (Urban)
Etiquette 0(2)(Dragonslayer Bonus)
Running 2(4) (Sprinting)
Free Fall 2
Pilot Groundcraft 2(4) (Motorcycle)
-- Skill Groups --
Firearms 6
Close Combat 4
-- Knowledge/Language Skills --
English N
Japanese 6
Old School Fiction 4(6) (Lord of the Rings)
Criminal Psychology 6
Lone Star Procedures 4
-- Augmentations/Magic/Adept Powers --
Enhanced Accuracy (Pistols)
Danger Sense rating 1
Improved Initiative rating 3
Killing Hands
Traceless Walk
Wall Running
Improved Sense (Thermographic Vision)
Improved Sense (Low Light Vision)
Light Body Rating 4 Foci
Combat Sense Rating 1 Foci
-- Gear --
Survival Knife
Acc: 5 Dmg: Str+2P Ap: -1
Streetline Special with lazer sight concealable holster
Acc: 5(6) Dmg: 6 Mode: SA Ammo: 6c
Regular Ammo x6
2 Fichetti Security 600s with lazer sight and gas vent system rating 3 in arm slides
Acc: 6(

Dmg: 7p Mode: SA Recoil: (4) Ammo: 30c
60 rounds regular ammo
2 fichetti clips regular ammo x30 each
2 fichetti clips stick n shock x30 each
Ceska Black Scorpion with lazer sight and concealable quick draw holster
Acc: 5(6) Dmg: 6p Mode: Sa/ Bf Recoil: (1) Ammo: 35c
35 rounds regular ammo
1 Ceska clip with 35 rounds of regular ammo
SVD with Lazer Sight and Sling
Acc: 5(6) Dmg: 10p Ap: -2(-7) Mode: SA Ammo: 10c
APDS Rounds x10
SVD clip with Gel rounds
Suzuki Mirage
Handl: 5/3 Speed: 6 Accel: 3 Body: 5 Armor: 6 Sensor 2 Pilot 1 Seats 1: Atmosphere Sensor
Lined Coat
Renraku Sensei
Silver Credstick 1000 nuyen
Credstick 455 nuyen
Medkit Rating 3
Goggles capacity 6: Vision Magnification, Trodes, Flare compensation, Vision Enhancement rating 2
Gecko Tape Gloves
Low Lifestyle 1 month
Remaining Money - + ()
1455 nuyen
-- Contacts –
Jessica London (Older Sister, Knight Errant Detective)
Loyalty: 6 Connection: 1
Silk (Pattern Adapt, Information Broker, Fixer)
Loyalty: 1 Connection: 4
He was born Vincent Elmas to two reasonably successful wageslaves and members of a policlub against the awakened and all magic everywhere. His parents took care of him out a natural obligation but showed him no real affection. He went to various private schools and found himself easy prey to those children who preyed on the weaker kids. He retreated to a set of books(He could read well at an early age.)his father kept as a conversation starter. Works of fiction from the 5th world and found that he most loved the works of Tolkien. He thought that the epic tales of Hobbits were inspiring and much preferable to his own existance. He became obsessed with the 5th world's ideas of heroism and adventure. His life took a downward spiral from the point on... bullying intensified and his retreats to the books as well. One day after a particularlly brutal treatment... he got his ass kicked hard, he found himseld crying at the foot of his bed hoping something... ANYTHING to happen... in a twist of fate... something DID...
"WHAT THE HELL!? ARE YOU HONESTLY SNIVELING!? WIPE YOUR TEARS! HONESTLY! NO EXCUSES! You want adventure you gotta fight for it!"The voice in his head said...
Vincent froze in shock and terror. He spent hours before he tried to contact the voice. Nothing. Not a peep. But from that point he always felt a presence. Something prodding him to make a change... he started to fight back against his bullies... he didnt fight fair either. He got in trouble in school for speaking his mind in situations where he was backed to the wall. Although he still had trouble in social scenarios when he was being attacked verbally or emotionally he found it easier to fight back. The final change was that he became more able physically. His reaction timing became much more advanced for his age group and even a few of those older then him. He became much more agile... it was these changes that vexed his parents. And they silently had him tested. The results shocked them. He awakened and became an adept. They threw him out on the street... but that feeling of presence in his head tainted his completely rational fear and worry with one thought.
"Adventure" He felt comfortable having his life in danger. He could sense danger in a sense and found that the voice came more and more mentoring him in common sense and survival. And in a way almost training him. He grew and grew and developed new skills. He fed himself with a gun he found a few days in from the aftermath of a ganger brawl gone bad and a credstick filled with 25 nuyen. Both the gun(A streetline special) and the credstick have stayed with him his whole life. He took his first life a week later as some underestimating wannabe pedophile tried a quick grab. But after the shock he found that the pistol felt nice in his hands. He looted what he could and left the body for the ghouls... or lone star. Whichever came first. Several other attempts like it would be made over the course of a few years. As he survived he gained new powers with the guidance of his unnamed mentor. It all came to a head 2 years later where he saved a woman being mugged in an alleyway... well he found out this woman was a lone star detective and didnt need saving... but she was grateful nonetheless. She took him for dinner and he, having nothing to lose, revealed his life story. She told him of his magic and offered an escape from the streets. She could have Lone Star legally adopt him and he would train under her to be her assistant detective. She had to forge the electronic signatures of his parents but he was in. He trained like mad honing his skills. She took him in and they became like siblings. He discovered the matrix and the wonderful world of manga scans and text novel bootlegging. And they acted as lone stars PR division of detectives. Whenever a particularly nasty serial killer or rapist came to town they took them out and made Lone Star look good. And they were alloted 10% of the bounty as a bonus if the target had one. Vincent spent 8 years hunting down sick bastards. And during this process he even found out the name of his mentor. The Dragonslayer. When he was 18 however Lone Star found out that his electronic signature on his form was faked... and thus fired him. He moped for a day or two but then the dragonslayer said the single craziest thing yet.
"Well its time for the ORIGINAL plan I had for you kid. Time to Shadowrun." And here he is now...