Hey there. I am Mercy Merchant and I may just have room for you. I am almost tapped out, but can make an exception for a player that is looking for some a heavy RP experience. Your first step is to respond that you are, then you need to contact Aria and ask to be invited to his Obsidian Portal site for Storm Waters. You will need an account on OP for that to happen, but that is the easiest part of this. Once invited in, please generate a standard runner character by any of the normal methods: standard, sum to ten, or karma build. You get 40 free karma for contacts and should indicate which contacts are purchased with these points. I would prefer no SURGE characters, please. Use the format for posting character sheets to the OP site and I will get you rolling.
GM issues:
This is a heavy RP game. Please look at the threads for Preston, Gaze, Grunt, and Paladin to get an ides of my style.
I believe that the NPCs are just as real as the PCs. Any attempt to run roughshod over them just because you are a PC is going to get a reaction.
There is no set posting requirement, but it is in your best interest to post often and post well. You get karma and cash for posting. It also moves the story line forward.
You will start out as a solo player and gradually move to pairs then small groups.
You may contact me by email at Marisart@yahoo.com if you like. I do not have access to this site during the work day, but can use the email if I am not buried at work.