[5e IC] Call of Fate [2076 Game Thread]

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« Reply #270 on: <03-06-16/1210:03> »
Isaint gave a chuckle at Robyn's remark: "Yeah, but I'd guess it's mainly the fact that the Harlequinade asked us to perform under their spot. But on the whole yes, we got a lot of attention - mind you, from my perspective that's not really a good thing. Because whenever I got attention from a lot of people at the same time before, it ended with someone getting shot."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #271 on: <03-06-16/1257:03> »
Robyn nods and laughs back.  "Not saying that it won't get us shot at, but at least we will be well known when it happens.  I am sure this is not the first time either of us has been given the opportunity to be shot at?"
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« Reply #272 on: <03-06-16/1611:09> »
guys, I dunno about you but all this attention is starting to get me a bit itchy. More people poke, more they're gonna find. Lets crack on eh?[/spoiler]

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #273 on: <03-06-16/2352:08> »
Robyn shakes her head.  "I understand where you are coming from, but it would be rude to not at least listen to what they have to say, especially since it seems to have some sort of meaning for those of us who have lost dear friends and companions.  Besides, we agreed on the band and should be living it, not hiding it.  Our sort of band rises high over a short time then flames out just as quickly, but while they are an in thing, they live large and play large.  If nothing else, we have learned that on our epic trek across Greater Europe to right fragging here in Below, London.  We have lost Star Blazer, our lead singer, and are on our third drummer after Mario bailed on us in that drek town Ypres and Kooch was arrested for that unfortunate incident with the pre-teen slut that looked like she was at least fifteen.  And...and...."  She motions over to where Al is walking.  "And I do not even remember how many roadies we have gone through.  It seems like a new one in every town we play.  Where did you pick this one up and what is his name, anyway?"

Robyn twirls about on her rather plain walking stick; her fancy one being buried in the cargo on her mule.  Flinging out a hand to catch herself on that of the short manager, she exclaims, "We are Dead Men Walking and are one fragging good band, and we should enjoy that while we have the chance."  She lowers her voice a bit and continues, "Besides, who shoots at a band?  Well, besides a jealous husband.  Or wife.  Maybe a debt collector.  Or perhaps some sort of purist who does not like what we have done to their fav music."  She laughs and continues to walk with Halfpint and her Hell Hound service animal.
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« Reply #274 on: <03-07-16/1930:56> »
Jackhammer spent the entire time sweating. Just strolling along was one thing, but actually performing as a band was another. Luckily nobody was trying to get him on stage. Still, he felt a strong anxiety as he stood guard. It would easily be misunderstood for nervousness about his surroundings or the crowd, but that didn't stop him from seeing danger in every shadow and suspicion in every eye. His hands kept idly searching his person for a gun, then his brain reminded him that he didn't have any on him right now. But eventually the performance ended and the crowds dispersed enough that he could finally relax. Then they got the message about the meeting with the clowns. He sighed, resigned himself to the strange customs of Below, and followed Isaint. It seemed Halfpint was getting a little anxious himself, and that made Jackhammer feel better to know that someone else had hyperfocus on the mission. He just wished it was Isaint. But he sure wasn't going to say anything about it out loud.


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« Reply #275 on: <03-08-16/0148:34> »
The walk through the market was almost an overwhelming experience. The activity, the decadence, the flow of emotions from the dwellers and visitors - Deckard could have enjoy the experience if under other circumstances. That whole band cover was drawing more attention than he liked, and he could feel his fellow runner were as wary as he was. He got the best part of the stick being assigned as the "Magical Security" of the band. It required the less faking. Not that he wasn't good at faking, he actually enjoyed a good con then and there, but playing instruments were not part of his most desirable skillsets.

But then he heard her. Robyn and her Cello. For a moment he even let down his constant astral scanning he has been doing since entering below. That was talent, and surprisingly from almost the only non-awaken team member, along with Halfpint, it was to him almost magical.

So now he was sold on the band. ISaint did a decent job with the drumming, and knowing the sheer legends of Dryads voice, he knew if Iris would add on to this, they could probably retire from running for a while!

Nobody was sure whether the invite was really just for the three Below vets in the team, but Deckard was now curious about what was going to be said, so he follow point, still by intermittence switching to his Astral Perception to assense people and surrounding.

Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows


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« Reply #276 on: <03-08-16/0253:53> »
Isaint noticed the latent nervousness of his chummers - or rather tension for action.
<<Guys, just to be clear: This is not a social visit - we are trying to get intel here and maybe even an escort to the Underplex. And don't get freaked out by their mysterious speech - it's what they do. We'll just have to ask for clarification - that usually works. Doesn't matter if we look dumb doing it - people down here think we are dumb anyway for coming here in the first place.
Since we have a side mission here, we'll need every ally we can get. Doesn't matter if they do it out of pity.>>

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #277 on: <03-08-16/0734:18> »
Robyn digests what ISaint has said then sends a group text.  >>Team.  Robyn.  ISaint is right about needing all of the help we can get down here because we could be arrayed against powerful foes.  But I do question the last sentence, ISaint.  In my experience, not many people in Below help anyone out of pity.  This place is no different from any of the urban sprawls in any of the cities I have been to.  Seattle, Berlin, Paris, Jo'burg, Phnom Penh, Rio, etc, are all about survival of the fittest and Below is no different.  Showing weakness is a good way to end up essence drained by some vampire, cut up for your organs, or used as some sort of guinea pig for whatever experiments a House is doing.  The Harlequinade is probably the most helpful of the groups down here, but even they do not act out of pity.  My recommendation is to put on a face of competence for them while still indicating that we need and deserve some help.  And by competence, I do not mean being over bold and rude.<<
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« Reply #278 on: <03-08-16/0825:35> »
<<I don't intent us to appear weak - that would get us eaten indeed.
The Harlequinade has a pretty clear picture of our capacity to wreak havoc - as well as the Druggies and probably the rest of the market.
I'm talking about getting clear and precise information while not appearing to be too bright. After all, we don't want anyone to invest too much energy in trying to fool us. I prefer my enemies to half-ass their schemes - makes them a lot easier to uncover.
Because, no matter how competent we appear - those Below will not accept us any time soon as their equals. I hope to exploit this arrogance for our benefit.>>
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #279 on: <03-08-16/2326:42> »
So, the Acrobats are friendlies here? and the Druggies want you guys dead, but got their mark removed by politics. That must make them pretty excited to see you... And Robyn, you said you have experience here, and that includes Vampires, organleggers, and weird experimentation by the Houses' crazies? And our side run will involve stirring all that up so everyone can see it to their benefits...

Deckard made an obvious dubious and pondering face.

I say, you get what you need out of the Mime and we move on to get our hand on the Artefact as soon as possible. I'd feel much better dealing with this no win situation once we're clear with the real reason we're doing all this.
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #280 on: <03-09-16/0059:16> »
Robyn nods at Deckard's comments.  "Yes, I have experience here.  I live in Below about a third of my time when not on an expedition, and have for years.  The Harlequinade are not really from Below, but are Overworlders that come and go pretty much as they please.  It is said that they have some goal down here, but to my knowledge, they have never made that goal public knowledge.  I do know that they have not declared for one House or another yet still enjoy the protections of all the Houses.  If they are telling us something, it is probably important."

"But I do agree that we should complete our primary mission down here then plan out the second stage."
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« Reply #281 on: <03-09-16/0143:21> »
Deckard leaned against the wall of the chamber they were all led into. He pointed to the top of his cheek in reference to Robyn's Snake Tattoo as he kept chatting with her.
That's a branding isn't it? I get it it should certainly stay hidden during our little band cover, but how many door can this open down here? Any relationaship with those two houses we need uniting?
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #282 on: <03-09-16/0329:03> »
Robyn nods as she touches the mask that conceals her face.  "The hydra is the symbol of the Earl's House.  That I have been marked so indicates I have the favor of the Earl and the protection afforded to being part of the House.  This can open many doors down here and could indeed be useful in our secondary mission.  But whether or not I am allowed to help will depend on how much Isaint, Al, and Jackhammer let me.  The Earl's House is on good relations with the Iron Company, the Courts of the Holy, the Web Weavers, and the Night Symphony, although the last takes great pains to try to be on good terms with all of the Houses.  The Earl is on so so terms with House Laesal, the Makers, and House Valerian, although that relationship is a bit rocky just now because of my torture at the hands of one of the ranking leaders of that House.  The other Houses fall somewhere lower in favor."

"So yes, I might have an in with the Iron Company, or at least the ability to get us in the door.  And my relations with House Laesal are not as crap as yours, so I might be able to at least talk to them.  But like I said, all that depends on how much help our guys want or need."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #283 on: <03-09-16/0927:37> »
The harlequin leads the team into the lesser used corridors of the Market and soon the lighting becomes dimmer, and nonexistent in some areas.  Due to her enhancements, Robyn is not affected by the lack of light and moves confidently after the man.  She walks slowly enough that her ultrasound sensors can keep up with the changing topography and feeds her pictures to the rest, even painting a moving red line on the floor to show them where to go at various passage choices.  She also makes a copy of the route in her mind for when it is time to return.  Finally, the harlequin stops and nods at a small cavern passage.  "That is your route for now.  I was told to bring you this far.  Others of my troupe will meet you at about a hundred feet in.  You are safe from here.  I must congratulate you on keeping up.  We know that you are skilled in fighting your foes, but it appears that you have other talents as well."

Pressing forward into the dark cave, the team goes about exactly one hundred feet to encounter a dead end with a door.  One of the harlequins is standing at the door and he bows low before opening the door behind him for the group of adventurers.  A dimly lit room welcomes them.  A large table with twenty-four chairs occupies the center of the room, with a number of cots off to the left.  Several of the harlequins are gathered at the table, standing behind chairs, and others are scattered about the room.  The man behind the central chair of the table bows low and motions with his hands.  "Welcome, my friends.  I am sure that you have questions and we will try to answer some of them.  Unfortunately we are limited in our information, but will do the best we can.  Please sit.  We are preparing a meal and can eat and talk.  It is understood that you are on a mission of some urgency and we will not keep you longer than necessary."  He waits for the group to sit or decide to stand before sitting.  Robyn is more than glad to take a seat.  As she does, the apparent leader of the Harlequinade nods to her.  "Your skill with the cello is amazing.  I do not think I have heard those songs played on a cello before and now I wonder why not.  I bow to your skill."  He does indeed bow, as do the others at the table and there are several renditions of "hear, hear".  Robyn acknowledges the compliment and sits back in her seat, waiting for Isaint, Al, or Jackhammer to open the conversation.
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« Reply #284 on: <03-09-16/0939:16> »
Al sits back and lights a cigarette, just waiting for it all to be over. Near as he can tell, they are here to fetch some sort of enchanted relic for the Johnson, then Choir Geezer tells them they they're supposed to play Cupid for a couple of lovestruck underdwellers, and he just about has all that juggled properly in his head, but then they're doing some sort of concert and now they're apparently in the mimes' secret treehouse.

If it gets them any further clues on their remaining unaccounted for co-workers, then he supposes it's for a good cause. But talking in poetry is not his thing, nor deciphering it, so he doesn't expect to say too much.

