[5e IC] Call of Fate [2076 Game Thread]

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« Reply #60 on: <01-25-16/1341:44> »
Isaint shrugged: "I trust Torrent on this and its not as if I didn't have a reason anyway to visit Below. My usual rates apply, escrow account, naturally.
You have assembled a very, very capable team here. I am confident in the fact that you understand what those people would be capable of doing individually - not to mention working in concert - in case of... trust issues."

'At least this time we don't have a group of civilians to protect preventing us from rescuing our chummers if the need should arise.'

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #61 on: <01-25-16/1522:54> »
Jackhammer looked around at the others, trying to figure out if they were going to take the job, and if they were, how confident they were in success. If it was just a ride-along and everyone else would handle the heavy lifting, who could it hurt? But at the same time, he lost half his company last trip down. There were things down there that just didn't respect any amount of talent, whether magical, martial, or technical. Seemed going "below" was taking your life in your own hands.

But people actually live down there. So there must be just good parts and bad parts, parts you keep your head down and parts you keep the hell out. If they could get a guide this time, one less prone to lady-crazy, they might be alright.

And in the neighborhood of lady-crazy, here was this girl that was the finest looking piece of metahuman Jackhammer had seen since the crazy tour guide. He already knew not to trust women like that. They made it awfully hard to think straight, and Jackhammer had enough trouble keeping his head on straight without all of... that.

But here was this girl that seemed to know Al. See seemed alright. Blind maybe? Or just in AR/VR? Maybe some kind of possessed magician or something? Anyway, she seemed alright. And here Al was, whispering to her like they had some kind of business. Maybe they just both loved dogs? Apparently that beast of a thing was hers, after all. Anyway, they looked pretty mismatched, so there was no way it was like that. She might be worth talking to later. Jackhammer made a mental note to compare tattoos with her when he got the chance.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #62 on: <01-25-16/2237:24> »
Robyn does not look around as the others responded.  She already knew her mind on this.  Her unfinished business Below would have to wait as it is bad practice to double up on a private mission when a Johnson was paying for results.  She clears her throat, "From what others here are saying, It seems that I might be the weak link on this team.  I have very good trix skills and even better medical skills, but I am blind and have no real combat skills.  I have my own Mule and my other senses are tuned enough that I do not believe that I will be a burden.  However, I do understand the some of you may believe that I will be a liability. I would like to come and Torrent thinks I will do well for you.  Team decision."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #63 on: <01-25-16/2343:42> »
Deckard dismissed politely Robyn's offer to take care of his small cut. It was a small cut and a week old punch in the face, the injury in itself was pretty much gone, the bruising should be dissipated in a couple days max. Thanks, Ma'am, this will be gone son enough. Just a first landing on the wrong face, you know boys will be boys.
The Russian knew exactly which face he was punching, but Deckard preferred to keep his debt issues to himself for now.

When she mentioned about her blindness, he had to interject: No offense, you can deck and do your Matrix wizardry anytime without your sight really, and for that I see no objection you tagging along, that and that intriguing tattoo on your face... but I must ask: what kind of doctor are you? wouldn't sight be like... quite useful?

He turned to the Johnson and waved his hand. Oh and yeah, I'm in too. Sounds like a lot of fun.
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #64 on: <01-26-16/0016:07> »
Robyn laughs.  The intriguing tattoo means that I am affiliated with the Earl's House in London Below and have all the protection that can afford me.  It is not a universal protection, but it is usually pretty effective.  In general, I can walk unescorted through much of Below, but there are still places that I would not dare without a group like is gathered here.  But you should also know that this protection comes at the price of having enemies Below as well."

"As to my medical skills, I took my schooling and residency at Vladivostok University Hospital, graduating in 2033.  My specialty is trauma medicine and surgery as it relates to bullet wounds, with secondary specialties in the repair and replacement of bio and cyber ware.  However, I am fully capable of doing other surgery as well.  I can compensate for my vision impairment and I have extensive experience as a field surgeon on numerous expeditions into some pretty rough jungle terrain all over the world.  I keep up with the latest developments in medical science and am on a surgical rotation at London General Hospital to keep my hand in.  Of all my limitations, I am least concerned with keeping everyone alive.  And before you say it, yes, I get that sort of question a lot.  The questions usually stop after I demonstrate what I can do."

And I thank you for the vote of confidence and take no umbrage at the questions.  If I cannot convince everyone that I am an asset and not a liability then there is no reason to take me.  Especially since I have no real combat abilities.  Does anyone else have any concerns?  I would rather get them into the open now than later as it gives you time to find a replacement if I am rejected."
« Last Edit: <01-26-16/0035:36> by Mercy Merchant »
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #65 on: <01-26-16/0030:15> »
Jackhammer snorted audibly at the line "Torrent thinks". He steps up and uncaps his drink--not supposed to be a twist-top--and addresses the tattooed girl. "Don't worry about all that. I'll keep you out of trouble." He offered with a slight grin, tipping back the bottle into his mouth afterward. "Wait. Drek. I guess I just took the job." Jackhammer made a sour face as he swallowed, but he hoped people would just assume the liquor was bad.


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« Reply #66 on: <01-26-16/0429:37> »
Al sighed. This was going to happen.

Hardly surprising - people had come here to work, and none had come with any illusions about it being easy.

"Reckon ol' Al's in. An' as fer this one," he said, shoving half-playfully at Robyn's shoulder with his own without looking at her, "like she says, she's about as useful in a fight as an ass on yer elbow. But looks like she jist picked up one o' the best bodyguards I ever seen work. She won't slow anyone down any other way, I'll guarantee ya, an' the fact I's breathin' here today's yer testament she knows her way around the meds."


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« Reply #67 on: <01-26-16/0451:58> »
"The fact is, we need a decker. You seem to have a grip on your handicap - if it is one at all. So if the drek hits the fan, hunker down and trust in your allies. Especially Jackhammer, he is good at getting people out alive.

But I hope you packed enough noise reduction in your gear. Last time I was down there, we really had problems to stay connected to the top world."

He turned to the Johnson:
"I assume than that we can reach you through this place if we have any further questions or need clarifications."

Addressing the team he said:
"Since we mostly seem to be in agreement to do this, I'd suggest, we relocate to some place that does serve more palatable beverages. We can clarify which resources we bring to this venture - and where possible holes in our defenses might be."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #68 on: <01-26-16/0950:11> »
Robyn nods as she scratchess the Hell Hound's head.  "I can second that.  We came in a cab, so can anyone give us a lift to wherever we are going?"  She turns to face Al and lowers her voice a bit.  "Thanks. Al.  That was one of the best things I ever did.  Followed by the worst.  Old times, eh?"
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #69 on: <01-26-16/1642:34> »
Halfpint smiled. This mission wasn't going to be easy at all, but he'd always relished a challenge, and he knew he was piloting some seriously heavy firepower.
It was always dangerous to overstate one's hand and get caught out, but he always felt safer when jumped into a well armed mini tank when shit got out of hand.
Yeah, come on. I can fit a few of you in my van. Where we heading to?


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« Reply #70 on: <01-26-16/1740:37> »
"I've also got one seat open. Regarding where to go: I'd suggest the King's Head near Paddington since I've never been there before, but I heard good things about their Shepard's Pie and Ale Combo. But most important, there is a parking garage across", replied Isaint.
He nodded to the Johnson
"We'll stay in contact. Please have the ID's ready until tomorrow."

talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #71 on: <01-26-16/1750:01> »
"They got a private room there?" Al asked as he stood. "The pie sounds damned good, but don't really feel like shoutin' our plans at each other across a noisy common area." He stubbed out his Lucky Strike on the table top. "Not ta be grumpy or nothin'."

He stepped aside so Robyn and others could get out of the booth. Checked out the blind decker's legs again as she extricated herself. Took a moment to approach Princess Iris. Held out his scarred right hand. "Reckon you're the only one I ain't had a proper how-d'ye-do with, what with ever'one arrivin' in a rush. Seems ya know my name, but I'm Al Guthrie just the same." He silently congratulated himself on his inborn sense of the poetic.

Half of him hoped Robyn would get a ride with someone else just for now, half of him hoped she'd ask to ride with him, and all of him didn't want her to just disappear. But his ma had taught him manners, and he needed to tick this box with the beauty queen if they were going to work together.

Mercy Merchant

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« Reply #72 on: <01-27-16/0026:30> »
The huge hound rose silently to its feet as Robyn climbed out of the booth.  She stepped a bit to the side to facilitate others leaving and the hound took up its usual position on her left side.  As Robyn silently called her drones in, she quietly asked, "Al?  Got room for two in whatever you came in?  I am afraid your namesake here takes up a good bit of room."
"Speech"  *Thought*  <Matrix>


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« Reply #73 on: <01-27-16/0038:51> »
Jackhammer hovered around the little guy who apparently had a van. He figured it would give him a chance to check out the guy's hardware and see if he was trustworthy. Besides that, a van sounded like less of a squeeze than whatever Isaint was probably driving or trying to share a seat with big Al. And sharing a seat with blind girl would just be rude at this point. Still, the thought drew a slight smile out of him as he finished his drink.

"Maybe we ought to do our planning below. Bad wireless and less interested parties, right?" Jackhammer suggested. He figured he was being tactical, but on some level he knew he was just itching to pick a fight with some freaks. Or maybe an entire area of space. It was difficult to put a finger on exactly what he wanted to punch, but he was pretty sure he would know it when he saw it, and also pretty sure he could end anything he started. He left his empty bottle on the table.


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« Reply #74 on: <01-27-16/0154:54> »
Just got a Mirage; I take you'll be all more comfortable in the Halfpint's van with that rain coming.
I've heard of the King's head. I believe they have a room for private parties and I could go for a Shepard's pie right now.

He gave a nod to the Johnson and added confidently: Next time you will see us all here will be with you big artefact, Sir.
Rick Deckard - Circles of Fate
Kachina - Shaking the Shadows