[5E OOC] The Further Adventures of James and Illeana

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« Reply #45 on: <02-01-16/2112:51> »
Tailored Pheromones: 2d6t5 0
Nope.  Ok, I guess it is Edge time.  The Tailored Pheromones tip the scale to where I'd rather re-roll failures.  That's 8 dice.
Edge Re-roll: 8d6t5 2
That's 4 hits.  I hope that means the gun stays in the holster.  I'm grabbing a sanity break from class prep, so I'll try to get an IC up right now after all.

That puts James at 1/5 Edge, btw. 

One more note, I still don't have a name, nation, or corp for my Rating 2 SIN.  Dealer's choice.


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« Reply #46 on: <02-02-16/0220:14> »
You made it through Scene 1. Edge refreshes. Karma, when I get around to it.

No need to post ICly yet. I'll move us on to Scene 2 when I have the chance.


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« Reply #47 on: <02-03-16/0216:18> »
Next scene is up. I went on longer than I intended, but I couldn't find a good break point. Themes we'll be continuing to work with include Illeana's dogged pursuit of magical knowledge, almost to the exclusion of all else. We will get into it more, but her "retirement" looks more like a full-time researcher, which may or may not be compatible with James' goals and desires. It is something that he can't readily participate in, which should be a divide between our two heroes.

I'm going to roll Illeana's Essense randomly at the beginning of each new scene, to represent the fluctuation of Essence Drain and Essence Loss. 2d6 should be about right.

Current Essense: 2d6 12, well, I guess her tank is full.


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« Reply #48 on: <02-03-16/1735:29> »
Just a heads up, I'm mulling over my IC post, and pretty busy with the day job today, so it might not be until tomorrow that I get something up.  I'm still trying to see how I want to play this, and how far I want to go with it ICly.


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« Reply #49 on: <02-03-16/1747:59> »
There's no rush. It took me a long time to write the IC post and there's a lot in there that you can respond to.

The Bayou is not a "set piece". There's nothing that says you have to go. If James wants to do something completely different, that's great too. It's an open world. Feel free to respond ICly without feeling bound by OOC constraints, like "I have to do this because the GM is pointing this direction". I'm just expressing what Illeana wants to do, which is to study weird and powerful sources of magic for inscrutable reasons of her own.


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« Reply #50 on: <02-03-16/1800:44> »
Gotcha. Mostly I'm interested in putting a little turmoil in their lives and respond realistically to James' insecurities about the whole magic thing. Before I do the IC post, can I get a ruling on those Computer test for Nately? That very well may show up when James makes his replies.


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« Reply #51 on: <02-03-16/1859:17> »
James finds a news story that the Chairman of the Board of Nately Enterprises was killed in a tragic automobile accident outside of Aspen, PCC. Investigators said that the front right tire was blown out and the vehicle's Pilot program was unable to compensate for the icy conditions.

James knows better, but he also knows that Aspen prizes its reputation as a safe haven for corporate executives from all over the world. They don't want anything to diminish that appearance of safety, so the Natelys' abduction and confrontation with the Black Lodge goons has been successfully covered up.

The elder (now dead) Nately was Edward J. Nately II. The young scion is Edward J. Nately III. The new Chair(wo)man of the Board is Virginia Nately-Pomerantz. There is no indication that Nately III has assumed a formal position with Nately Enterprises yet. James can't find any reference to him other than being mentioned as the son of Nately III. ("Edward J. Nately II is married and has one son, Edward J. Nately III", etc.) It's unclear what Virginia's relationship is to Nately III, but judging by her age she might be an aunt (possibly a sister to Nately II).

There's still relatively little indication about what Nately Enterprises is or what they do. They are an A-rated corporation based out of Boston, UCAS. The Nately family controls all voting shares. The company's public disclosures seem to be intentionally ambiguous and obfuscatory.

Based on James' relatively solid understanding of modern corporations and their structure (Business 5), he would guess that the company is some sort of holding company that serves as an investment vehicle, or otherwise owns other companies' outstanding stock. Nately Enterprises does not appear to produce goods or provide services itself. It might just be a way for the Natelys to organize their family's wealth while simultaneously benefiting from corporate structure.


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« Reply #52 on: <02-05-16/1349:35> »
Ok, IC up.  I went a little off-the-rails, with it so let me know if I crossed any lines.  I tried to leave a number of outs for how this could go.

Also, OOC, rednblack the player is fine with another critter hunt.  Going through the bayous sounds like a good time, but I also wanted to interject some IC tension between James and Illeana, largely to get past the "everyone playing nice" RP roadblocks that crop up in games, especially PbP ones. 

I'd like to do another Computer test on Virginia Nately-Pomerantz, and one on Rhodes.  I assume that Rhodes info will be very difficult to get a hold of, but I'm mainly interested in what city would be a good place to start.

Computer Test Virginia: 8d6t5 2
Computer Test Rhodes: 8d6t5 4
Not bad.  50% on Rhodes is quite a bit better than effectively buying hits on Virginia.


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« Reply #53 on: <02-05-16/1547:05> »
Lots of good stuff to respond to in the IC post. The tricky part will be responding without going on and on for thousands of words.

Busy day ahead, and I'm still getting malware warnings about the site from Chrome. I'll respond when I can.


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« Reply #54 on: <02-06-16/0138:18> »
Next post is up. For the record, I'm sticking very close to canon. Almost everything in this post and the last one has a canon component. I had to make educated guesses for two of the corporate ratings for the stock portfolio, but the vast majority of the details are from published materials. I'm also using your knowledge skills (e.g. Parazoology) to inform what James does and does not know/recognize. It's one of those things that can be complex to do with a team, but is easier when working one-on-one.

Your Street Drugs roll: Intuition 9 + Street Drugs 1: 10d6t5 3 hits

It's getting late so I'll tackle the Computer rolls another time. As always, you are free to respond to as much or as little as you want. If James eventually returns to wherever he and Illeana are staying (splurging on a hotel? or is the RV parked somewhere?) he'll find a handwritten note from Illeana. That's where their two stories will rejoin, but James is free to wander until then.


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« Reply #55 on: <02-06-16/2022:43> »
Virginia Nately-Pomerantz
Virginia is 67 years old. In 2025 she graduated from the Boston Latin School at the age of 17, before attending Wellesley College. The latter offered a dual-degree program with MIT&T, so Virginia received a Bachelor of Science from MIT&T and a Bachelor of Arts from Wellesley. For her graduate studies, she received a master's in psychology from Mount Holyoke College.

Her employment history is vague and difficult to piece together. She seems to have had some managerial roles in private businesses. More publicly, she's been involved with several philanthropies and public institutions, likely due to significant donates. In addition to her role in Nately Enterprises, she is on the Board of Trustees at the Boston Public Library. She is also on the Board of Trustees at the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and the Board of Directors at the Boston Baroque.

She married Benjamin Pomerantz, a lawyer, in 2055, at the age of 47. The couple do not have children. Images of her show that she's a bit of a steel-haired fox, with a penchant for fur and pearls.

Rhodes is the largest of the Dodecanese islands in terms of land area. While Greek, it sits just off the coast of Syria (formerly Turkey). Rhodes' nickname is The Island of the Knights, named after the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, who once conquered the land. Historically, Rhodes was famous worldwide for the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Medieval Old Town of the City of Rhodes has been declared a World Heritage Site. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe.

There is almost nothing publicly available about an Ares employee named Rhodes. Message boards and forums dedicated to shadowtalk mostly offer vague stories and rumors, not unlike the ones that Doc turned up during his search. (Note that Doc's Agent got 7 hits on its Matrix Search for Rhodes, and came back with very little.) James would guess that Rhodes is in his early 40s (so a bit older than James) and might have done a tour in Chicago - perhaps with Firewatch - very early in his career. Stories of him - often acting as a sort of "boogeyman" to shadowrunners - suggest that he is a field agent and is rarely in the same place for any extended period of time. His last known sighting - about a month ago - was in Portland, Maine.


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« Reply #56 on: <02-08-16/1300:00> »
The bed isn't empty. Illeana is sprawled out, sleeping deeply.

Illeana splurged and booked you a bit of a suite. There's a small sitting room before the bedroom. There's a lamp on the table which she left on for James. Underneath the lamp is the note.

I'll put all that in the IC - whenever it gets posted - but the last line of your IC will need a small tweak.


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« Reply #57 on: <02-08-16/1345:17> »
IC fixed.

I'd like to make a Judge Intentions roll on Leanna, to see if she betrayed herself any when James mentioned the Tempo.
Judge Intentions: 13d6t5 4



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« Reply #58 on: <02-08-16/1354:39> »
Leanna laughs at the mention of Lone Star coming around. Apparently she feels that notion is far-fetched. She gives a knowing, maybe condescending, smile to the mention of tempo, as a libertine might give to a prude.


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« Reply #59 on: <02-10-16/1231:11> »
Ok, I doubt James has anything to add on Illeana's investment portfolio, but he's going to give it his best shot.

I have: LOG (4) + Business (5) + Megacorp (2) = 11 dice
Illeana's spreadsheet Analysis: 11d6t5 4

