Arnold Schwarzenegger

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« on: <12-26-15/2255:03> »
Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for President of UCAS and lost.

No death date is given in the Shadowrun Universe.

Personally, I'd like to see him having undergone Cryopreservation after that election loss.

Recently gets reawakened and undergoes Leónization in preparation for 2076 Presidential Run.
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« Reply #1 on: <12-27-15/0037:31> »
Well... you certainly can do that in your home game, if you like. But cryogenics or suspended animation technology doesn't exist in the Shadowrun world. Sure, you can freeze someone, but reviving them after? That's the part they haven't put together yet. Any working cryogenics would be uber-rare macguffins that would likely involve several corporate strike teams looking to get the data on it (cryogenics or suspended animation are thought to be one of the best ways to make interstellar travel viable, after all). And remember that anything from today making it through to 2076 would have to have survived three rounds of VITAS and the chaos that caused, terrorist attacks and outright civil war as the nation got broke apart, two matrix crashes, environmental disasters, shedim, and more. Not saying it couldn't happen, but you're more likely to win individual jackpots in lotteries run by each of the ten AAAs and every individual country in North America on the same day.
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« Reply #2 on: <12-27-15/0424:18> »
If it comes down to lightning strikes, though, there's also the possibility he Awakened while in cryo, and/or may have gotten some SURGE effects as well, that allowed him to survive the revival process. And because you can't make all that happen twice, the "technology" STILL doesn't exist. But someone's going to need to see proof, because THERE HE IS... well, it's sort of him, anyway. Close enough.

He was probably left out of Dunkie's Will only because even the Big D didn't expect him to just one day climb out of the tank either. Because it's not possible. But THERE HE IS.


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« Reply #3 on: <12-27-15/0445:13> »
People will probably believe it's just someone with a very good surgeon and a personafix program.

On the other hand, he said it himself many times: I'll be back. ;D
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« Reply #4 on: <12-27-15/1315:31> »
On the other hand, he said it himself many times: I'll be back. ;D
I can't shake the feeling that this entire thread was an elaborate setup for this one line...
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« Reply #5 on: <12-27-15/1408:44> »
Concerning cyro: Nobody is going to vote for a former popsicle fresh out of the freezer even if the tech did exist.
Someone who goes sleeping through major events isn't going to  really inspire people and his opponents would tear him up over that issue.
Dragons at least get a free ride on that as they supposedly pick up stuff while they are dreaming down through the ages, though how much seems to vary.

Fastjack was born in 1999 and he had a pretty good run considering he didn't have the same sort of resources Arnie would have had to ride out the storms over the years and even then it wasn't old age that got him, but those bloody nanites. And technically he is still going, least body-wise.
R.I.P. FJ   v_v

Considering Leonization first cropped up in 1st ed Shadowtech and had a timestamp of 2052 in the shadowtalk about it, all Arnie would have had to do is live to a ripe old age of 105 (given he was born in 1947) for that first treatment in '52, which given his career and connections it would not be impossible he was an early candidate for this.
All of which would have reset his relative body clock back to that of a 21 year old.
This would have give him enough time to adapt to the renewed body and put on some years so that come the 2076 elections he has had sufficient time to rebuild the necessary political clout while sporting a body  with the relative age of 47 making him just the right age in appearance for a presidential candidate for the upcoming election.

Though I would have expected to have seen something tridwise like Bull and Arnie Take Manhattan or somesuch nonsense because he will always ham it up for the limelight when he can.

Edit: Or better yet he makes a tie in between the Monads/CFD/AIs in general and Skynet to show he is the best candidate due to previous experience, granted ala Hollywood, but the voting sheep will probably still somehow buy into it.

As for awakening, how do you know Arnie wasn't a physical adept already? :P
« Last Edit: <12-27-15/1706:29> by Sendaz »
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« Reply #6 on: <12-27-15/1928:45> »
Though I would have expected to have seen something tridwise like Bull and Arnie Take Manhattan or somesuch nonsense because he will always ham it up for the limelight when he can.

As for awakening, how do you know Arnie wasn't a physical adept already? :P
Because Chuck Norris was. There was no magic in the world until he released his.


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« Reply #7 on: <12-27-15/1959:43> »
Because Chuck Norris was. There was no magic in the world until he released his.
Chuck Norris and Harlequin once fought each other on a bet.
The loser had to start wearing clown makeup.
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« Reply #8 on: <12-27-15/2132:12> »
Because Chuck Norris was. There was no magic in the world until he released his.
Chuck Norris and Harlequin once fought each other on a bet.
The loser had to start wearing clown makeup.
They've never been seen in the same room together... hmm.
*draws a beard and a stetson on a picture of Harlequin*
Well, that explains it, then.


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« Reply #9 on: <12-27-15/2139:05> »
Because Chuck Norris was. There was no magic in the world until he released his.
Chuck Norris and Harlequin once fought each other on a bet.
The loser had to start wearing clown makeup.
They've never been seen in the same room together... hmm.
*draws a beard and a stetson on a picture of Harlequin*
Well, that explains it, then.

Chuck norris is quite the douchebag if this theory is true.
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« Reply #10 on: <12-27-15/2156:21> »
Chuck norris is quite the douchebag if this theory is true.
Qualifier not needed.

Anyway, Leonization's fluff effects don't jive with the original description, but by all rights he should be alive and well even though he'd be 130.
« Last Edit: <12-28-15/0831:44> by Crimsondude »


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« Reply #11 on: <12-28-15/0319:35> »
Thomas Roxburough brain is preserved in  a jar and he can use the Matrix to communicate.

In 2070+ they can clone whole bodies.

Why is is brain still in a jar?
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« Reply #12 on: <12-28-15/0340:29> »
Thomas Roxburough brain is preserved in  a jar and he can use the Matrix to communicate.

In 2070+ they can clone whole bodies.

Why is is brain still in a jar?

You said it yourself: they clone whole bodies, including a brain.  Brain transplants aren't easy, especially since you have to wait until the clone is fully grown, or there isn't enough place for the brain coming from the jar. :)
besides, in the 2070s you don't need a body anymore, since you can VR almost everything.
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« Reply #13 on: <12-28-15/0519:01> »
Thomas Roxburough brain is preserved in  a jar and he can use the Matrix to communicate.

In 2070+ they can clone whole bodies.

Why is is brain still in a jar?
It's a combination of things.

Originally he was diagnosed with a serious auto-immune disorder whereby his own body defences was attacking healthy tissue.

Realizing he had few options he tried out some of the earliest experimental geneline treatment with mixed results.

It did what it said on the tin, stopping the body from eating itself. 
However it also left the body cells constantly redifferentiating, so his liver might suddenly decide to become muscle tissue and so on. (Aztlan 62-64)

Now obviously his brain has remained more or less intact, otherwise he wouldn't be able to work via the Matrix, but even then there is some who think even his brain is a bit wonky.

Roll ahead a few years and Roxy has a plan to get a new body via a ritual transfer, but that plan gets sabotaged though his foes leave him in the vat rather than finishing the job because it seems more fitting he lives on to suffer.  This is touched on in the Dragon Heart Sage SR Trilogy novels.

As for a new clone body, I imagine since the original treatment modified his geneline, any attempts to use the tainted cells for making a new body carry the same problem.

They should be able to go into a sample and rip out the bad sections and rewrite the coding to make something that could work, but maybe it is so invasive that any 'clean' sample is also incompatible with his brain so he would have rejection issues.
Remember he started out with a really nasty auto immune system that ate healthy organs that were his own, it's only because they keep changing that they fool his defences.

Plus toss in various parties and powers in play that continue to keep an eye on him that would probably sabotage any attempts on that front.
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« Reply #14 on: <12-28-15/0842:06> »
Thomas Roxburough brain is preserved in  a jar and he can use the Matrix to communicate.

In 2070+ they can clone whole bodies.

Why is is brain still in a jar?

The same reason you can't just download yourself into the Matrix: the replacement isn't actually Roxy. Even if you can download and store and implant memories, skills, other knowledge, etc. (DO YOU WANT MONADS!? BECAUSE THIS IS HOW YOU GET MONADS!), the only way to actually transfer consciousness and the soul is through a form of cybermantic magic, which is what Roxy was trying to do in Stranger Souls (the first book in The Dragon Heart Saga) when he was interrupted. Since then, other Matrix/Resonance measures stuck him more permanently into his Matrix node.

His blood mages died. The Matrix problem may remain (though I would doubt it). And now nanotech and genetech have hit some pretty significant roadblocks.
« Last Edit: <12-28-15/0848:21> by Crimsondude »