[Module] Bad Medicine

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  • Omae
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« on: <12-10-15/0026:29> »

A simple hijacking job, which gets complicated. To transition to the next adventure, requires the GM to include a dead relative of one of the runners, which may not be so easy if backgrounds haven't been written to any degree.

Any errors, let me know and I'll edit.

[spoiler]This one went sideways fast! Instead of quickly unloading, they decided to take the truck for a joy ride! Into the barrens! Took the whole load to a fixer, after having to switch it to wireless off, when a decker took control of it. The troll runner was not happy to find his sister as parts in the back, and blamed Linc and killed him on the spot (in front of Lung the fixer +1 Notoriety) They didn't get paid for the hijack, but they helped out Lung with finding the rat, although they started a battle in a yakuza nightclub looking for clues.[/spoiler]
« Last Edit: <12-10-15/0044:32> by brasso »
The system we learn says we're equal under law
But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall

El Diablo

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« Reply #1 on: <01-18-16/1917:44> »
I liked this one. Thanks a bunch. Pretty straightforward.

