Jialong Data Haven

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« Reply #120 on: <08-10-16/0316:11> »
Laying awake that evening, laying uncomfortably in bed, Bill drifted in and out of anonymously proofreading various college papers, a frequent pastime, as his mind wandered. So much didn't seem to add up. He was used to being in the middle of the drek; usually of his own damn-silly morals making him leap forward instead of away. But this group seemed to attract the sort of storm he'd only heard about in the "worst-case scenarios" of runner forums. At the same time they never seemed to be the target; if they had been, with the firepower called in, they wouldn't have made it out. Azzies. Damn strange.

None of the team seemed the type. No one pointed at him yet, at least openly, but the general reaction to heavy forces popping up was enough surprise that it had to have started with that meeting in L.A. They'd be damnable fools if they didn't suspect him. The goons didn't wear the right uniforms, but the others didn't know that. No one seemed the sort to play double-agent like the situation would call for. No, he felt in his hind brain, this was outside the team. Probably their charge, really. More than a bit mental, very paranoid, expecting her benefactors to turn on her after the first drop of trouble; the lady doth protest too much, methinks. And she'd been aware of their movements the whole time. Might have to test that theory. And maybe find a fast plane.

After finishing marking papers and absentmindedly knocking out a few crosswords, he sighed. It's going to get messy real quick. Might need to subcontract out a bit of work. Actually, that might not be a bad plan... See what's still on record for himself, and a bit more on the others. Not out of distrust, but to get a better focus on the inner workings. Always good to know how far the moral compass spins, which might sell out, trade in, or just pull a trigger and fade away. He pulled up his email, and started writing one to himself...

  "Hey Zed, long time. I owe you, and I hate to ask, but I could use a favor... Your advice is turning squiffy, and I've got some heat coming my way. I need to know how far I can trust them. I need to know what they could know on me. And, you willing, I could use a good reference for one of your more savvy proteges. I'm still dipping my toes in and they want an Olympian. Even just a tutor'd be handy I suppose. I'll keep up the fight."

It took hardly a nanosecond for his email to pop up in the in-box, and just as quick to be deleted. Sent to no one else, no evidence it ever existed. But nothing is ever truly erased. He didn't know if he'd get a response, but it didn't matter. He'd spent years hiding in some form or another. At worst he'd disappear into the crowd again, drop off the radar and surface again as some other unremarkable flatfoot looking for a paycheck. It was amazing at times how little people look at those who excel at looking for others. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Well, he thought, I suppose we do.


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« Reply #121 on: <08-21-16/1154:02> »
<ooc> nice post +1 karma!


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« Reply #122 on: <10-09-16/0205:04> »
Little did he realize at the time that her face would be haunting him for no understandable reason. Images of her mutilated body and her grotesque and decaying face, twisted and distorted writhing around on the ground in front of him will keep him awake the next couple nights, but we are not there yet.

"Why?... What is so special about these aberrant undead beings versus everything I've seen prior to this? Why was I suddenly terrified to the point of fleeing now as never before when nobody else batted an eyelash? Could be losing it... All this death-defying shadowrunning may finally be catching up with me after coming back from that break back home... But then why now? Not one sleepless night haunted by images from past jobs. Nary a single odd stare from a relative and then realizing I had on a thousand-yard stare. Had I... changed? I have noticed feeling different after getting this new suprathyroid gland. It's clear that physically I am much stronger and faster, but perhaps I did not take into account that there might be mental downsides... I am much more easily excited; quicker to anger and quicker to upset. Could this be the change that put me over the edge into no longer troll?"

He pondered on during the quiet walk back through that small, dark tunnel.

"Is this it? can I no longer turn back? This shadowrunning was supposed to build me a better life, but am I turning into someone I hate?"

Tuning out the sounds of shuffling feet and gear he continues onward, his disquieted mind racing in circles. Worrying to himself marked by the occasional odd water drop overhead and talking himself back out again punctuated by the splashes underfoot. Who knows what this means for Olof now. He sincerely hopes this was just a fluke and he just needs to get used to it, but for now tries to remain concerned with finishing the job.
« Last Edit: <10-09-16/0208:06> by Jrezky »


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« Reply #123 on: <10-12-16/1431:33> »
<awesome! +1 karma for character development. Keep hitting on the idea of the effect the suprathyroid is having on you/ your metahumanity, its a good theme. Also FYI your positive quality GUTS should have added a bonus to that roll, keep it in mind next time >


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« Reply #124 on: <10-12-16/1628:52> »
"This way towards the exit folks, step right this way" Tog blathered into the tac-net as his thoughts turned to the past few minutes.

"Shedim. FUUUUUUUCK those possessive bastards. How in hades did those fraggers get so close up on our ass without anyone spotting them? How were they able to avoid all the various and sundry methods we have at our disposal to detect them? Visual, auditory, ultrasound, astral…all worthless.

Looks like i’m going to have to give some serious thought to overwatch procedures…along with just about everything else about how this team works.
I mean Bloodhound just forgot to bring his drones apparently…wtf?!

It’s just too chaotic, there should be SOPs for the recon, infil, targeting and exfil operational phases. Kinda shocking they’ve been running together for over a year and they’re still basically winging it."

For now I’m gonna have to limit my attention to the more immediate worry of how to get the Shedim stank out of my suit...

Jan Schaefer

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« Reply #125 on: <10-14-16/2000:22> »
<ooc:  They were heavily cloaked against vision and sound (look up their powers) in an alleyway, and using the commlink as a lure/distraction.  I was waiting for anyone to give any indication at all that they were looking around rather than at the commlink, you would have gotten perception roll bonuses.  Yours was closest, Tog, but you failed by two hits.  No one was astrally perceiving at the time, and no one caught the cues about sound reflections abruptly changing and the temperature suddenly dropping.  But you slaughtered 'em anyway.>


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« Reply #126 on: <10-16-16/1129:12> »
<ooc yeah np, knowing ooc doesn't stop tog's IC freakout>


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« Reply #127 on: <10-21-16/2307:18> »
(Had meant for this to go up during downtime, but consider it a sort of post pre-adventure bit. It's rough and sort of drops off at the end, but otherwise hope everyone enjoys!)

   How the time flew past... With his windfall, he'd been able to spruce up his home/office a fair bit. Not that anyone would really notice unless they were overly curious. Some new wallpaper, laden with FAB II to keep out any magical snooping; it was expensive, but with all the mumbo-jumbo he saw with that group, he didn't care to take any chances something held a grudge. A new sparring drone stood in the corner, fitted with a training soft for Firefight. It felt like ages since he'd even thought of using that technique, rustier than an Iron Age dagger, but it could come in handy once more. People in this area didn't just lay low, they laid down. It kept ones vitals out of the line of fire. No one important snooped through buildings around here because it wasn't worth the trouble, and those that might break in tended to have enough sense to know that if they see something really strange, like an armory workshop snuck inside a shed, you say nothing and drink to forget.

   The neighborhood was an odd mix, just enough money about to keep it from being declared a Z-zone, but poor enough that just about everyone had to spend all their time surviving instead of bettering things. The sort of place corps ignored because it wasn't worth the time. Where "better" people wouldn't dare tread unless they absolutely had to, and they often had the money to make sure they never had to. But this was where real people lived in this day and age. They didn't have enough free time to cause much trouble, certainly not enough to bulldrek each other, and while there was always racial tension it became difficult to think of yourself as "superior" to anyone else when you all ate the same, shopped in the same little corner store, and didn't have your own segregated wine bars. Folk that talked too loud about trogs, daisyeaters, or whatever else would find themselves a few teeth lighter in an alley, and no one saw a thing. Not because everyone was just so open-hearted, but because anyone trying to stir up that sort of trouble might as well commit suicide.

   Today, with some time on his hands, Bill found himself wandering over to the White Dragon noodle bar, a frequent pit-stop of his when he had time to kill. The chef was either a true master with soy or a master with devilrat, because the meat didn't taste like either. "How do you eat that stuff?" "With his mouth." Thankfully no one else heard the exchange, his eyes not even glancing at the two icons. He'd come to call them Yassarian and Algernon. Regardless of how he compiled them, they never changed much in attitude. Yassarian always seemed hopefully pessimistic as if waiting for some reason to say, in an upbeat voice, "I told you so." He mostly preferred being a Fault sprite, it gave him more opportunities to say that to people, even if they couldn't hear him. As for Algernon...  As far as Bill knew, all Data sprites were supposed to be fairly smart, but he hadn't heard of any that waxed and waned between savant and idiot savant. Al always seemed to have a good metaphorical head on his shoulders but the quantity of air it held seemed to shift, and it looked like today it was enough to float a zeppelin. But for all their faults, har har Yas, they and the others were good company.

   While he ate the unidentifiable but undeniably tasty noodle bowl, he surfed through various postings. Some were inquiries about detective work; mostly tracking down folks for summons, the occassional background check, and the ever-present infidelity footwork. Wife staying too late at an office somewhere, husband going on too many business trips, corp security too busy making sure there aren't any waves to care if anyone's playing around in the water. Never glamorous work but it kept the lights on, the soykafe luke-warm and the account in the black. In another part of his vision he looked through some of the replies he got from a posting to offer cheap help to high school and community college students on their papers. A couple showed real promise, and it was a shame they'd only go so far because of where they were born or the shape and color of their skin. Of course, then there were the opposite...

   "What the hell is this? Al, what is this?" "It's a paper." "What does it say?" "It says they enjoy learning about bioscience and hope to work at Horizon when they graduate." Bill couldn't help but take a deep breath. "Twelve pages and the whole drek thing's written in emoji. Kid better hope they have a cousin inside."He thought about putting it up on one of his favorite sites, "Is our children learning?" but decided against it. Airing things like that would just hurt what little rep he had and might cut back how many people fed his hobby.

   After finishing lunch, he ambled towards the neighborhood shopping center. It wasn't much to look at, but a good place to relax and people watch, maybe see what new trid they managed to wrangle or what novahot game the pirates are hawking. He spotted a couple kids looking eagerly at one of the not-yet-abandoned vending machines and gave a virtual nod to Yassarian. Without missing a beat, his path curved and he grabbed a random candy bar from the handful that spilled out of the machine, the kids busily picking up the rest. He just gave a bit of a smirk and carried on, ignoring the pop-up in his view. "Hungry? Grab a." Close. Stupid tags. He thought about clearing it, but opted to wait. Never be too clean, after all. Nothing screams, "I have something to hide," quite like having nothing showing.

   His alarm went off, popping up in AR to remind him that his target would be getting off work soon. At least, that's what the wife said his schedule was. He'd have to hop Downtown soon. Being a PI wasn't anywhere near as glamorous as the trids would show, but it was handy for skulking about and it kept the lights on.


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« Reply #128 on: <10-21-16/2345:36> »
Jiao slogged her way home quietly still a bit concerned for what happened.

A beautiful face brought her into this. She pulled she pushed to try to go faster. Who knows? Maybe if she was a bit faster they could have saved her. Again she only had this coin (or memory of it if Whyt stole it) in her hand and sighed. How much would these coins cost her?

Kicking off her shoes, Jiao uncharacteristically slouched in her well maintained apartment, supposedly free from cares. Taking out her favorite glass of red wine she turned on the political news to listen to someone's life hopefully worse than hers. Jiao would never admit it, but part of her actually likes it.

That was until a certain commercial for a random corp came on. She couldn't quite remember the name something with an M...but it sent a shiver down her spine and made her feel like a kid. Shaking it off she wondered why it did that. Probably some subliminal (and illegal) advertising. Jiao mused as she took another sip.

Finally some green orc in a suit came on the screen and she listened to all the local gossip. It wasn't as good as being in the salon back home but it was something. Something that distracted her from her feelings.

Mixing alcohol, sleep, and problems never really works and Jiao seemingly woke up with a start. She was in the usual haunt but about the size of her thumb. Meekly, Jiao shouted "Down here!!!"

All in the group ignored her and went out. "We don't need her anyway. She was just dead weight. All one important." She heard more random comments from her 'partners'. Is that what they think of me? The group leaves and then comes back with a old fashioned chest with lots of coins and merrily tossed them around. They looked like thousands of coins of luck. The group bragged about paydirt and opened up a cooler, okay two for the troll.

"All we had to do was murder some corporate ass hats who kept talking about Jiao the useless corporate wage slave..." A picture of her now with that company logo from before on a badge makes her shiver.

It is at this point Jiao woke up with a start still in her chair. Thankfully full size but drenched in sweat.

Apparently Jiao has more problems then she realizes or talks about...She has became the mark she preys upon.

Downing the rest of the bottle she then crashes in her bed hoping not to have another nightmare.
« Last Edit: <10-22-16/0027:13> by MathBlade »


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« Reply #129 on: <10-21-16/2352:56> »

Jiao in her mini state
(Also my mini for Saturday if I remember to bring her. Oh and please don't judge the paint job I don't have much experience)


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« Reply #130 on: <10-22-16/0957:24> »
<<<<<<<<Audio Journal entry #??>>>>>>

It has been a while since I’ve been able to log. I had already written this a while ago, but never got to upload it. I’m finally on a kind of break if you will, training my ass off. I’ll give you some back story to the log itself.

I had a family emergency arise forcing me to leave my shadow runner group and attend to my family’s needs. I come from a family of assassins after all, I’m bound to traditions few remember and customs few exercise, but many enforce. I had heard during a mission with my group that our clan leader had passed away. I had to leave as tradition and go to the Den of demons, a name they gave the clan leaders stronghold. It is located on the inside of a waterfall in neo Tokyo. I had to leave my group to get to the Den of demons. I met Jyugumo (ten spider) there, he walked up to me, and informed me of what had happened to the head commander.

He was betrayed by 17 members of the clan, and killed, these members were led by a well known assassin of our order who in the professional world is known as Nine. The professional world gave him this name since he always left 9 slashes on a body in a “weird” lettering, in truth this is simply a by product of his sword style. He uses two blades and with his fighting style every slash creates 3 gashes that connect and form what look like a nine. His assassin name among us is Nii-suga, meaning “the two fangs”, this name was given to him by our late clan leader Minamoto, also known as Ogumo or the “Giant Spider”. Yes, Jyugumo’s father was the clan leader, and now he was dead.

When I was brought into the Kageyama branch clan, which is known as the gumo clan, as a kid I was raised with Jyugumo, or Hitoshi as he was called then in the gumo household. My father and the Ogumo went way back, even going so far as to call my father his sworn brother. My brother who was alive back then was raised in the Inui household; we were split apart so we wouldn’t rely on one another but this was only for a little while, after all family is all that’s important in the kageyama clan, no matter what branch you are in. To me, ultimately, Ogumo was like my second father, and Jyugumo was considered blood to me. However, Nii-suga was my teacher, along with Elder Orion, this made me a suspect once I arrived to our stronghold, the den of demons, the akuma no sokutsu.

@the Akuma no sokutsu

As I arrived I could feel a lingering gaze, it’s been a while since I was last here. Modern defenses are now more evident. Turrets, drones, magic wards, traps are literally everywhere, yet hidden like a grown man’s porn stash. It’s not a matter of enmity that frustrates me, but the suspicion that I am a traitor to the clan like Nii-suga and the other 16 members. People I once thought I could trust with my life judge me prematurely. People whose respect I once required, suspect me without any cause. It puts more into perspective. Elder Orion even handed me off to a friend of his…I didn’t even know spirits could have other spirit friends. The more you know huh? Still its grating, it feels like everyone I once knew no longer carries a fire of remembrance for me, but instead a vengeful violet hue of a flame.
Their so far is only one person I know who wouldn’t question my honor, or dedication to our clan. The son of the recently murdered leader of our clan, Hitoshi Nara…or otherwise known as Jyugumo. I was actually the one who gave him the name Jyugumo as a joke from when we were kids, but leave it to Hitoshi to make it mean strength instead of weakness. When we were kids he had terrible control of his body, he would trip a lot…like... a…lot. So I told him it’s like he has ten legs, impossible to control all of them. Well he finally found something he was great at, wire. He mastered monofilament whips, wires, and all forms of using rope or string as a weapon. He was awakened since birth, born with a gift of magic like me, its why we were grouped as kids. His skill is unparalleled, when it comes to the blade few can defeat me within the clan, but Hitoshi, will win 9 times out of 10 if uses his whip and wire. He uses the magic fingers spell, to control multiple at a time, summoning air spirits to coil the sharp filament around you, as he slices you into pieces. It literally feels like a giant spider is wrapping you up to your death, his precision is overwhelming. I once watched him catch a fly with his whip, sew its wings together, all while it was in midair and 5 meters away from him. We grew up together mastering our craft, I haven’t seen him, but it was he who called me and told me the news.

I felt a murderous intent behind me as I began walking down the “path of sorrow”, a strip of pavement where we bury the dead underneath the road. It is extremely narrow, meant to provide training in the area of balance. I spin around with my blade drawn, ready to counter the enemy with a well-timed slash at the legs, enough to maim but not enough to kill. Fast as lightning a blade is being swung at my face, but not at a speed I can’t negate. In fact, the blade isn’t what took my attention, it was the water. Flying little orbs of water moving towards me like a projectile after every swing. My reflexes catch up, and suddenly I can clearly see, oh I get it now. Its Sakura Nara, Hitoshi’s sister, and daughter of the recently slain Minamoto Nara, aka the Ogumo. Her attacks are focused yet sloppy, emotions are getting the better of her, I’ve been in her position before, but I was colder…more closed. I parry her blade, rotating her, and I grab her, hug her…she drops her blade and weeps in my arms. I hear footsteps approaching, silent but intentionally announcing their presence. It is Hitoshi, aka the Jyugumo, who walks with such skill.

“Shiro, my brother, I see you have arrived.” –Jyugumo

“Hitoshi, I was not part of this, as you know, I wasn’t even in the country. If I were here Ryuga wouldn’t have left.” –Wyt

I push Sakura away from my arms, and walk towards Hitoshi. Ever since we were kids we had a secret a handshake, one we do with our fists, and our techniques. He attempts to punch me but I parry, he jumps off my chest attempting to do a backflip with the intention of kicking me in the chin. I let it hit me, but jumping to reduce the impact to nothing. I contort my body to flip in the air, then throw my body towards his face, attempting to flying kick him. He easily avoids, we stand up, bow, and our arms lock like warriors saluting each other.

“My brother, I have not seen you in a while, I assume you are caught up to speed.”-jyugumo

“yes, your message, gave me much to look up”-wyt

Jyugumo looked at me with a hint of trouble in his eyes, I could tell it required every fiber of his being to look objectively and observe the facts instead of succumbing to rage. He walked towards his sister, and told her, that it wasn’t me who had anything to do with Ogumo’s death. Sakura was still crying but stood up and bowed towards me as an apology.

Some time passed as we went through our death rites, eventually moving the body to the guardian room. A room where every leader has been buried and a monument built and placed over the area of them or their personification. In this case the Ogumo, is represented by a giant spider. Soil is put at the tips of the monument, as the soil and plants absorb the bodies nutrients and blooms flowers, so do we know the state of our late leaders. It represents rebirth and shows if they are happy or not. I said my peace at the funeral and began to head to my room. I ran into Sakura on the way, she wasn’t crying and had a good aura around her. She followed me and said nothing all the way into my room. I was worried about her as a friend, she may be hot as fuck but she is still Hitoshi’s sister, so I never tried anything. I sat down in my room, as barren as it was it still had a few aesthetics that spoke about my personality. A few books from Henry David Thoreau, H.P. Lovecraft, a few mangas, Sun Tzu’s the art of war, the Odyssey by Homer, and a worn out incredulously old copy of Plato’s symposium. I had my magical lodge here in my room. A empty space of black, that only ignites when I choose it to. A place where I can leave my body and learn. I meditated for hours reflecting on information pertaining to my job, when an odd question occurred to me. Who the fuck was that nartaki who tried to speak to me, when jai showed up all awakened and shit. I never realized how weird that was, is it possible she was working with nine?! Was she trying to get me to join nines betrayal?! There have been such a series of crazy shit to happen to me recently. I mean fuck! I went to Caracas, a fucking jungle, although that part was awesome I hadn’t gotten a chance to go camping and just enjoy nature. Hey now that I think about it, that nartaki chick was there too. I almost forgot about her due to how quick she died, I mean, she wanted my undivided attention…and well…she got it. But what was she doing there, who sent her, more importantly, oh yeah! I came really close to death that time. I dodged like 30 bullets, out of 31, got pegged once. That was probably the fastest I’ve ever moved in my life. I wonder if I’m getting close to my brothers speed. But what made me move that fast, was it the rain? No that’s too mundane if anything it must have been the alcheria we were in. I felt faster, smarter, things just slowed down, every time I went to dodge a bullet I thought, I’m not going to make it, and then, bam, just enough time, vision slowed, what the fuck. Don’t even get me started on elder orion just passing my training off to some random guy. I hate the feeling like have very little control in my life right now. At times like this I normally train with the elder, but since this new guy started talking to me, I haven’t been able to speak to him. I can’t reach this new mentor either, ugh, so annoying.

She literally is sitting behind me with her head down, like she wants to say something. I can feel her presence, Sakura is still in my room, and is totally distracting. I mean just look at those fucking tits…I mean… what does she want from me.

“Sakura, there is no need to apologize, you can go, I know you didn’t know what to assume, hell most of the clan is still looking at me like a piece of shit, just for being trained by nii-suga, and that’s after Hitoshi cleared my name at the funeral. I guess people just want something to take their anger out on.” –Wyt

“No, shiro, I just attacked you, im sorry, but more importantly, the reason im here…well…”-Sakura

She wouldn’t spit out what she was doing, so I probed for information a little.

“just tell me, I need to train, review, and go seek information on ryuga.”-Wyt


she blurted it out so loud, it startled me. I began to recall her being placed into the Suiton branch clan, to train her healing abilities and the ability given to all in the Suiton branch at birth, Resonance. She was born a technomancer, but was also extremely gifted in understanding the body of metavariants and humans. She can identify what’s wrong and fix it with surgery even at the age of 14 she had this skill. Since she is 24 now she has had 10 years to perfect her talents. However, since she was the leader’s daughter he kept her out of danger, and close. Her secret obsession is trodes, she loves all forms of entertainment, especially games. And I mean allllll forms of entertainment, from porn to btl’s. She has a kind of obsessive personality thanks to being sheltered most of her life. Don’t ask me how I know this, but I will say it’s a funny story.

Regardless I smiled a bit, and told her how my runs were as of late, and she listened like I was a bard and this were medieval times. Eventually I wound up going to sleep, I guess she passed out in my room as well, since I woke up with her next to me. HEY! Nothing happened. Anyways I learned what I could from the scene of the assassination, and I noticed something interesting in the roof of the room the leader was killed in. a piece of metal, that looks like it belonged to a blade. Its position indicates that someone tried to fight nine to stop him from leaving, held him for a while, until he was attacked by the other members. The interesting part is, there is no trace blood, so this person must have gotten away. Huh there were three party’s there that day, ogumo, nine’s crew, and the mysterious person who came to ogumo’s aid a bit too late. All I know is the broken piece of the blade this person used, has a yellow dragon design on the side of the blade. Well at least I have a clue.

I called my contacts had them keep a look out for me, and as tradition Jyugumo is next in line for succession as long as no one pops up and challenges him for the seat. The Kame order as their called will make decisions for the clan temporarily until 6 months have passed, in which “the test” will ensue. The mirror test, as its otherwise known, is a test where the people who wish to lead can fight for leadership, and eventually they must look into a mirror and be subject to an ancient magic that makes your true self reveal itself. You must answer the kame’s questions in this form, the more you lie the stronger your alternate self becomes, you must physically destroy this form to become the leader, if you fail you die, by your alter form. So for now Jyugumo will be busy preparing to lead, by training.

As I began to leave, I was assaulted by a voice in my mind.

“come to the mountains in the okinawa prefecture, it’s time to start your training, my agent will be waiting for you.” –adversary mentor

well this is exactly what I asked for, I can’t do anything at the moment, but wait until one of my contacts gets in touch with me with information. I said goodbye to the two people in my entire clan who trust me, so I guess it’s time to go get stronger.

-Audio log executed

Important npc’s to Wyt

Sakura Nara-healer/technomancer/skilled with blades, and bows

Hitoshi Nara-aka the Jyugumo/mystic adept/skilled with wires, whips, and grapple guns

Ryuga Shina-aka nine, aka nii-suga, two sword wielder/augmented with cybernetics and gene stuff/extremely logical, and well rounded, (basically dude has an 8 in every attribute and blade skill)

Jeff notes-I left the motivation for ryuga killing the leader unspecified, as well as the name for his little group, for gm rites lol. Also the den of demons is heavily fortified, with only a single entrance, and a shit ton of recent defense upgrades. The upgrades were before ogumo was assassinated so it shows that someone knows something about the clan being under attack, that wyt doesn’t know about. Also left that unspecified for gm rites. I left the mysterious stranger who was there at the night of the murder, unspecified for gm rites, but I was thinking he is an assassin who knew ogumo, who could maybe later become a rival, or a friend on some high profile mission we do at some point. It’s just I have the assassin knowledge skill, and I don’t see it ever being handy, so would like some way to use it, to showcase my knowledge of the assassin world.


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« Reply #131 on: <10-22-16/1019:06> »
Here is what the den demons looks like, so if you run into it, you should probably leave.


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« Reply #132 on: <10-22-16/1023:29> »
here are some more images taken with my comm link, labeled as well, my teacher, my...crush, and hitoshi my non blood brother


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« Reply #133 on: <10-22-16/1025:11> »
Im also adding a picture of Ogumo, for those who are reading this and don't have one of him, as well as an image of me meditating. lol cool selfie


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« Reply #134 on: <10-29-16/1230:29> »
<<ooc Good stuff Bloodhound, Wyt and Jiao, +1 karma each added to your character sheets>>