High Aztech

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« on: <09-05-15/0934:51> »
Was browsing through the used bookstores the other day and picked up a physical copy of High Aztech  by Ernest Hogan as it caught my eye.
My cover was pretty basic with helicopters and pyramids, but for those getting the downloaded version I guess they redid the art.
edit: fixed broken link
Has anyone else had a chance to look at this and what did you think?

It is an interesting piece of cyberpunk written back in the 90s and has fun in a 2040's style of Tenochtitlán, formerly known as Mexico City which matches up with how SR calls it.

While missing the heavy magic aspect of SR, I am liking the integration of Spanish and Nahuatl peppered through the book plus there is a glossary in the back if you want to sneak peek at what they are saying, though usually the context makes it pretty clear what they are meaning.

For someone wanting to add some more flavour text to their campaign involving the azzies, this may be a nice add on to the Aztlan sourcebook.

There is also a followup book, Smoking Mirror Blues where a decker has a god/AI? download itself into his body for some wacky antics,  which I will look around for in hardcopy first though I may just get the download in a pinch, still prefer a solid book when possible.

« Last Edit: <09-05-15/1406:08> by Sendaz »
Do you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an Invisible(WiFi) All Seeing(detecting those connected- at least if within 100'), All Knowing(all online data) Presence that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength (wifi boni) and Comfort (porn) or do you turn your back on it  (Go Offline)?