Into the Chaos - Meet the Knights [IC]

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« Reply #330 on: <09-11-15/1115:39> »
@Flatline, you receive a transaction for 500 nuyen  along with a virtual note that say "Thank you for your help, you are a life saver, IT"
I'll need a computer search if you are going to dig a bit about IT.
@Maxwell you arrive to serge undisturbed.

@Serge, You do your best to keep Mango comfortable and to heal new damage as it piles up but you know that he will not hang in there for long. You are relieved when Maxwell arrives hopefully with the weed you need.


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« Reply #331 on: <09-11-15/1120:10> »
"Just in time," Serge says as he takes the narcotic, "Bit hair raising when the cameras went out." With that he proceeds to use the drug to prepare Mango for disconnection.
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« Reply #332 on: <09-11-15/1124:45> »
Maxwell hoarsely says: "Lets hope this shit works."
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« Reply #333 on: <09-11-15/1128:20> »
@Serge, you prepare the drug and disconnect Mango. There is no telling how much damage he suffered before he wakes up in a few hours (if all went well). He now need to reach an hospital.
Give me a medicine roll to determine how much damage Mango suffers from the hot disconnect.

If you are going to leave the room, be specific how, sneaking not sneaking and give me the required rolls as well as perception rolls. You also need to decide how to carry Mango. You need a combined force of 3 to carry him. 


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« Reply #334 on: <09-11-15/1148:14> »
'Hoarfrost change of plans, I want you to conceal Serge, Mango, and I so we can get the hell out of here."  After Maxwell was done giving his command he assumed a sneaky posture and trailed behind Serge.

[spoiler]Sneak Test: 5d6t5 2[/spoiler]

While sneaking behind Serge, Maxwell whispered: "Any chance you can carry Mango out of here?"
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« Reply #335 on: <09-11-15/1149:36> »
@Serge, you prepare the drug and disconnect Mango. There is no telling how much damage he suffered before he wakes up in a few hours (if all went well). He now need to reach an hospital.
Give me a medicine roll to determine how much damage Mango suffers from the hot disconnect.

If you are going to leave the room, be specific how, sneaking not sneaking and give me the required rolls as well as perception rolls. You also need to decide how to carry Mango. You need a combined force of 3 to carry him. 

After making sure the technomancer is stable after disconnection, Serge carefully levers the unconscious man into a fireman's carry saying, "Fire boy there should probably take point while the other one keeps us hidden until we get to where I hid the rental car." With that he begins carefully, methodically and stealthily moving out the door keeping his eyes well peeled.

Medicine: 10d6.hits(5)=1
4th Edge to reroll failures: 9d6.hits(5)=2

Sneaking: 11d6.hits(5)=4

Perception: 10d6.hits(5)=3

Strength is 4, so that should be plenty.

Really shouldn't be any encounters at this point. This particular run hasn't been all that great, and I honestly just want to get this one over with to get to something better. It started off pretty good, but it just got frustrating, at least for me as it went on.
« Last Edit: <09-11-15/1158:21> by All4BigGuns »
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« Reply #336 on: <09-11-15/1152:24> »
@Flatline, you receive a transaction for 500 nuyen  along with a virtual note that say "Thank you for your help, you are a life saver, IT"

Reply back to IT >> Not that I mind being paid, but I would still like to know the big picture is here.  I got people to look out for.


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« Reply #337 on: <09-11-15/1156:44> »
Maxwell mumbles back: "So be it"

Calling out through the astral, Maxwell speaks to Inferno: "I want you to take point from here to the parking lot.  If we encounter any resistance then roast them."

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« Reply #338 on: <09-11-15/1200:15> »
@Serge and Maxwell - With the spirit hiding you from sight you are completely hidden. Serge can spot tiny drones that gradually rig the place up with explosives. They are not larger than an Horizon flying eye. It will take them hours to finish rigging the place and they are very difficult to noticed as their surface area seems to match to their environment. You get out safely.

Big guns - I am sorry that you did not enjoy this run, I am not exactly sure in what sense other runs will be better. We should talk about what you expect to find in them. Anyhow, feel free to RP delivering Mango to the police, admitting him to a hospital or what ever you like. Your next scene should be the debrief with captain Rob.



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« Reply #339 on: <09-11-15/1216:58> »
Heaving a sigh of relief on reaching the car unmolested, Serge carefully sets the unconscious body in the back seat and straps him in before climbing into the driver's seat and saying, "If you need a ride, hurry up and get in."
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« Reply #340 on: <09-11-15/1218:45> »
Maxwell walks over to the passenger side and sits down.  Lighting up a cigarette to calm his nerves. 
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« Reply #341 on: <09-11-15/1233:17> »
Once the mage is strapped in, Serge starts up the car and proceeds to drive back to the clinic, taking a roundabout path to ensure no one is in pursuit. On arriving back, he steps out and says, "Keep an eye out, I'll be right back." With that, he goes in and after a few minutes comes out with a gurney and proceeds to get the unconscious Mango from the car onto it and wheel him in where he can use his equipment to further ensure stable condition.

Once Mango is all hooked up to an intravenous drip and connected to the necessary monitors, Serge then proceeds to transmit a message to the captain who initiated this job <<Mango is now in my custody. He's suffered a great deal of biofeedback damage to his system, so he'll need quite some time to recover, possibly in a more advanced facility than my clinic.>>
« Last Edit: <09-11-15/1312:14> by All4BigGuns »
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« Reply #342 on: <09-11-15/1337:52> »
@Flatline here is what you find out about IT:

IT was born in Israel and as a full corporate citizen of the IDI (Israeli defense industries that is now part of Ares Macrotechnology). At 2059 she was extracted from the IDI by a powerful free spirit that name herself Perach and the two got romantically involved. There are rumors that Perach works for the Israeli Mossad, but no one can neither confirm or deny. Since she was extracted she operated all across eastern asia to mainly against imperial Japan and the Yakuza. She went by the call sign IT - short for Information Technology.

In one of her runs in federated Korea she managed to steal the prototype of a chemical compound named as chemical X from a research lab in federated Korea whose true ownership was never verified. Despite the name Chemical X is a virus, whose known mortality rate are 99.999% percent. IT got exposed to that virus and nearly died, she was in coma for 6 months and when she woke up she was magically active. She never fully recovered from her exposure and suffers from a progressing degenerative condition of her muscle system.

Apparently, surviving Chemical X got the attention of Ares that extracted her back to their main branch. She never held a formal corporate job since being reinstated in the cooperation. She is known to facilitate weapons deals in many neighboring countries always present as a projection.
For the last two years, she also operate as a Jhonson in Seattle where she is personally involved in the runs. Her work seem to work around weapon deals and friendly breaking and entering. Where corporations pay her to break into their security systems.  There are rumors of less legal activity but no concrete evidence as to what that activity may be. Over the recent months IT was very active, in runs that involves illegal weapon deals to gangs.
« Last Edit: <09-11-15/1346:07> by gilga »


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« Reply #343 on: <09-11-15/1404:57> »
@Serge - Captian Rob texts >>Thank you for your services our guys will pick him up. I am awarding you and your partner with the agreed amount.   You are surprised how efficient the police work is because 15 minutes after you place the call an ambulance shows up, followed by 3 armored patrol cars. The paramedics quickly prepare Mango for transfer and ask you what medical treatment he received.  After you brief them they disappear as quick as they arrived and you are only left to wonder why is Mango important enough to be escorted by 3 armored patrol cars.

By the way, Serge's clinic is very near that of Crossbow.

@Maxwell - You survived yet another night, but the black knight seems to play a cruel joke on you. Your bedroom is messed up with a Ninja body and full of water, you better find a way to get rid of that body before the police start asking questions.

The last scene I want you to RP is how you are going to get rid of the Ninja body. I also updated the ooc thread, you receive 6 karma and 5k nuyen, Crossbow receives 2 karma and 500 nuyen for his guest appearance in this run. 

In addition feel free to add the Brain Eaters as an organization contact Connection 3 loyalty 1. Reflecting the fact that you met with their leadership and established some initial trust so that they may be willing to work with you in the future.
« Last Edit: <09-11-15/1413:55> by gilga »


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« Reply #344 on: <09-11-15/1415:04> »
@Serge - Captian Rob texts >>Thank you for your services our guys will pick him up. I am awarding you and your partner with the agreed amount.   You are surprised how efficient the police work is because 15 minutes after you place the call an ambulance shows up, followed by 3 armored patrol cars. The paramedics quickly prepare Mango for transfer and ask you what medical treatment he received.  After you brief them they disappear as quick as they arrived and you are only left to wonder why is Mango important enough to be escorted by 3 armored patrol cars.

Once the officers depart with the ambulance in tow, Serge reenters the clinic and locks up, setting the security system and returning upstairs to the apartment above. His thoughts turn toward the night's events and how inadequate the equipment at the clinic is for such cases--still being used to the available equipment at the hospital in Bellevue he'd worked at before starting this clinic. At that point, he messages both IT and Captain Rob hoping to begin negotiations for a Knight Errant branch office in the area and an upgrade in equipment for the clinic.
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Tangled Currents (Persistent): 33 Karma, 60,000 nuyen