Into the Chaos - Land Grab [IC]

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« Reply #1785 on: <01-26-16/1122:54> »
Kynos left the way he came after pocketing the man's gear. He returned to the front of the warehouse to look for the car, or any signs where it went - hopefully some kind of break- or engine fluid or oil would be leaving a trail.

He called Gerald: <<I went to the meet. Your source neglected to mention that the buyers would be some kind of elite outfit. Some Fragger send about 120 NY worth of APDS ammunition in my direction. The whole thing was a setup for the Yaks, don't know if there actually was any money on the premises. The mercenaries are gone now, but I have the commlink of one of them, maybe one of your guys can find something out.
I'm still trying to find DemoX. Will call again if I have him or some other news.>>

@Kynos Gerald texts you >> I am glad they did not hit your texting fingers. A lot of fucked up stuff like that happens recently it seems that starting wars is the theme right now in the city tough I don't know much about these things. Good luck.

The car did not get far from where you left it. The damage to the engine was to severe and after a couple of blocks the Yaks decided (or were forced to stop for repairs). When you arrive the Yaks are working the engine, trying to get it to run until they are back. One of them is standing guard and notices your approach with a wary eye but does not fire instead as you approach he signals the others and they reach for their guns carefully trying to see what are you going to do. As the mechanic exit from under the hood you recognize him this is 'balls' the man that sold you the lead to this meeting. The same driver that drove Athos when you left the island to escort him in his logistics.
« Last Edit: <01-26-16/1127:09> by gilga »


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« Reply #1786 on: <01-26-16/1217:00> »
Kynos slowed down, opened the door, but kept the rifle out of sight.
"Greetings, you seem to have motor troubles. Do you need a lift? The fare will be one slightly banged up dwarven rigger. If you give DemoX to me this won't end with any corpses other than those of the mercs who laid an ambush for you.

Hello Balls, since I know your name, I make you an even better offer: Keep out of this and you'll be fine either way."

Intimidation: 11d6t5 6

« Last Edit: <01-26-16/1249:04> by Jack_Spade »
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1787 on: <01-26-16/1330:17> »
@Kynos when you mention Balls by name there are some quick back and forth with them something like that.
one of them looks at Balls  "You know that guy?"
 he answers "he is a friend of Athos..."
 their leader looks suspicious and say "What is he doing here...?!"
Balls say "Beats me..."

Then their leader looks at Kynos and say "A bunch of professionals took him at gun point, despite the agreed sum. "

Then Balls adds and it makes their leader furious "I did manage to mark their Van but their decker is making so much noise you cannot get a signal out without serious signal processing capabilities. The goal was to allow Andu to deliver them to justice - but you have the look of someone who volunteered to this from personal reasons. If you quit the strong talk I'd save my boss the expenses of dealing with them and help you with the signal processing. "

(if you want you can roll perception and inspect the van, if you want to decide if Balls/their leader are telling the truth it is Charisma + con).
« Last Edit: <01-26-16/1355:20> by gilga »


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« Reply #1788 on: <01-26-16/1359:49> »
Improvised con roll: 2d6t5 1
Perception: 8d6t5 4


"To make this clear, DemoX is a chummer of mine and my signal intelligence guy. This stupid kidnapping did severely complicate my plans.
I'll take your offer in good faith."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1789 on: <01-26-16/1414:11> »
@Kynos Balls leaves with you and when you are far enough tells you "You trashed my van man... not so cool, but my trace is good try not to get me killed I am just a driver. These guys were professionals, they seem to be after that guy you are after. Don't deny it, I do my legwork good this is why I agreed to help you out... I think you saved my life despite destroying my van. There is no saying what they'd do to us inside a warehouse where nobody might see them. " he clearly feels a bit nervous.
« Last Edit: <01-26-16/1422:41> by gilga »


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« Reply #1790 on: <01-26-16/1424:05> »
"How the hell else would I have caught up to you? I deliberately did not shoot at you. Sadly, the mercs did not stay around to duke it out, but instead kept there eyes on the price. Even left their wounded behind.
So, where to?"

Kynos replied
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To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1791 on: <01-26-16/1433:20> »
@Athos one of the lieutenants  gives you general instruction to faith and she is available with comlink if there is reception, he also hands you a map of the sewers tough it is still a bit tricky to navigate with it to the current location of Faith. Bruno tells you "Let's just hope that we ride through it this city is going to hell." and he gets on his motorcycle and heads out.

[spoiler](Finding faith underground with no GPS signal would require a successful navigation + intuition +2 (from the map) difficulty 2)
You can take someone more skilled in the outdoors with you instead if you'd like.

@Kynos Balls looks at you "We'll need to be relatively close to get the signal. A kilometer, perhaps two if we are lucky.  So we can either wander around the city until we get a signal if we know more about their intentions we might make an educated guess. Their wounded yes we saw that - but they did lock him down pretty good in there. Wait... is he alive? perhaps we can capture him and offer them to trade."


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« Reply #1792 on: <01-26-16/1436:15> »
"Nope, died of blood and brain loss. But I've got his commlink here, if that's any help to you. And the rest of his gear. Careful, it still drips."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1793 on: <01-26-16/1445:05> »
@Kynos Balls say "You are one scary bastard Kynos... If you take DemoX  - where would you take him? - We can take the link to a Decker that can run a trace on the number he calls... I am just a driver/ and drone operator, this is a bit too sophisticated for me. If you were in better relations with the syndicate I could ask them for help as they have many eyes in the sky but I afraid that this is no longer an option."


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« Reply #1794 on: <01-26-16/1454:58> »
"I'll just ask the Red Hot Nukes. Which is exactly where I'll take DemoX. If you give me the code for the trace I'll forward it to him also."
talk think matrix

To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield
Revenant Kynos Isaint Rex


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« Reply #1795 on: <01-26-16/1637:14> »
Maxwell jabs the intercom button with two fingers and says.  "Hello, anybody home?"
Speech|Thoughts|Matrix|Whisper|Astral|Descriptors and Narrative


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« Reply #1796 on: <01-26-16/1721:13> »
@Maxwell Amy's voice rings in the intercom "Sovereign... is it really you? but how did you find me?" Shortly after the door opens and Amy tells you "Take the elevator to the third floor."

« Last Edit: <01-26-16/1759:32> by gilga »


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« Reply #1797 on: <01-26-16/1801:32> »
He lets go of the button and walks inside, stupefied at who was on the other end of the intercom.  Navigating the complex and moving through to the elevator.  He finds the elevator and presses the up button on the panel to open the doors and let him inside.  Once there, Maxwell hits the dial labeled 'third floor' and waits as it brings him to the top.  Saying to himself as he rides upward.  "Amy... what the fuck?  If she's here then that means..."  Maxwell doesn't finish the spoken thought and waits to see instead.
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« Reply #1798 on: <01-27-16/0143:30> »
@Maxwell You arrive to some control tower of some sort, many screens, actual LCD displays no AR or everything the place must be ancient when you arrive Amy that is there alone runs toward you and hug you. "I am so glad there is someone here - I am so bored, even my kidnappers are all gone I haven't seen anyone in days. I hacked them out of boredom, they behave funny. The entire city behaves funny."


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« Reply #1799 on: <01-27-16/0430:54> »
@Kynos Balls say "I can come to the Nukes with you if that's what you want. Perhaps they took him there. Are you sure that he is even a prisoner of these guys? He was a prisoner of the Yaks and they sort of rescued him."
« Last Edit: <01-27-16/0434:53> by gilga »

