Into the Chaos - recruitment thread.

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« Reply #60 on: <08-20-15/1338:44> »
Working on a Barrens Courier, Cat Mentor Adept.

Opening sequence with the Mouse adept could be amusing, and I would be enthused to begin with Mercy Merchant, if groups of 3 can work out.  Otherwise, I am good for whatever.

OMG this is tres awesome!  I had already determined that I have issues with Cat.  I can so RP this.  Game on, chummer!


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« Reply #61 on: <08-20-15/1339:12> »
You can do it pre-start - but the run (should ) take just a few hours of game time. So once the run started you won't have time to do so.


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« Reply #62 on: <08-20-15/1347:09> »
I'll do my best to have the character ready tonight so that we can do the pre-meeting event tomorrow evening, hopefully before our first run starts.


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« Reply #63 on: <08-20-15/1347:48> »
Okay to do some order in our game: This is what we have so far.

1. Bartleby - Roxxy - Troll disco diva and technomancer - charsheet
2. HydroRaven - ?
3. Jack_Spade Kynos ex-military Jarhead - charsheet
4. Jayde Moon - Barrens Courier, Cat Mentor Adept. charsheet
5. Mulcarn - Sovereign , Black Mage - charsheet
6. Crossbow - Flatline -  human mage/medic
7. Shaman_Yuri - Mouse adept story
8. Poindexter - Duckdown Ork Rigger/Drummer charsheet + story
9. Mercy Merchant - Troll Shooter
10. All4BigGuns Serge-  Medic and Pistoleer
11. Triskavanski - work in progress.

I think that due to the number I'll split you into 4 teams and add another run, that way you will be aware of larger parts of the story.
So lets do 4 teams.

What I remember now is
1.  Poindexter, Jack Spade, Bartleby
2. Mercy Merchant , Shaman_Yuri, Jayde Moon

5 more players to split into 2 teams.
« Last Edit: <08-20-15/2134:55> by gilga »


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« Reply #64 on: <08-20-15/1351:38> »
All4 and I should be on different teams
Flatline is a human mage/medic


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« Reply #65 on: <08-20-15/1439:15> »
When the OOC starts do you want us to repost our characters there?  I mean its no problem if its easier for you.
Speech|Thoughts|Matrix|Whisper|Astral|Descriptors and Narrative


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« Reply #66 on: <08-20-15/1551:08> »
I'll just copy the above post I keep editing.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #67 on: <08-20-15/1608:39> »
Updated post on first page with the particulars.
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #68 on: <08-20-15/1624:38> »
@Jayde Moon - I want you to take into account that your monowhip focus is visible from the astral even when it is turned off and that it is a forbidden item. That means that going to places with magical security and assensing the focus will be spotted automatically. It will take assensing to determine that it is a weapon focus - but 'there is somthing there' will be free for everyone that looks into the astral. It is only on the physical world that it is hidden.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #69 on: <08-20-15/1748:38> »
Yup.  I expect there to be shenanigans.

That said, there are a few points that I should make sure make sense to you before I assume them:

Conceptually, this is a 'go around the obstacle' character.  So, she won't go through checkpoints, she'll try to find a way around them.  Climb over buildings, go the long way, jump from rooftop to rooftop.  It's how she makes her living, smuggling small goods back and forth.  So she tries to mitigate the times she'll even be looked at by security or KE or whoever.

She isn't licensed for a Weapon Foci, regardless of the type of weapon it is.  If someone spots it (at least until she gets that fake license), that's trouble.  She'll either need to bolt or fight.

But if they can't see that it's a foci or whatever, she'll try to fast talk them into thinking it's just a small billy stick.  A six inch mini-club for self defense.  The whip retracts into the handle, so it's not a completely unplausible story, by my interpretation.

So yes, I expect it to be a challenge to just cruise around unmolested with a weapon foci monofilament whip.  The fun will be in navigating those obstacles and getting around with it.

All of that said, if you feel this is outside of the spirit of what you are going for, let me know!  I am not tied to it being a weapon focus and can certainly spend that money on mo-different stuff!
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #70 on: <08-20-15/1806:53> »
Monowhip is solid very difficult to detect you will be in hell if they do detect it but the chances are that you'll have to use it to be detected.  I only noted it because it seem to be your only combat option and you might end up in places where there is magical security.


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« Reply #71 on: <08-20-15/1808:59> »
My mouse adept's bio.  Note, I leave her real name out of the bio because she hoards that knowledge carefully.  Those who know her call her Minnie.  Yes, Minnie Mouse.  She was given the name when she joined the Finnigan Family and it's stuck ever since.

[spoiler]On October 1st, 2055, Petra Kreidich, a pharmacist, gave birth to a healthy baby girl at Mercy Hospital in Chicago where Petra had worked for a few years.  The event was witnessed by her surgeon husband, Peter, and was supervised by a good friend of theirs, an OB/GYN who practiced at the same facility.  New mom and dad were well established and loved each other.  All sounds normal, right?  Boring? A waste of pixels, right?
Wrong, chummers!
Left out of the simple facts was that the birth occurred in a laundry storage room in the hospital’s sub-basement.  No power, no water, and sewage backing up from nearby drains.  The stench was unbearable.  The floors inside were teeming with mice and grotesque and voracious half-human insect spirits skittered across the grounds and careened through the air outside.  Several dozen shooters stationed at broken windows and a handful of mages on the helipad performed their last ditch effort at great risk to fend off the unholy assault which seemed certain to overwhelm the defenders within hours if not minutes and leave helpless the thousand odd huddled and starving civilians, mostly women and children, praying for deliverance deep inside the besieged steel and concrete structure.  It seemed to all metahumanity present like the End of Times, and the freakish baby’s arrival complete with fuzzy mouse ears and pink, wiry tail seemed to complete the image.
And then drek got even weirder.  Just as the new baby bellowed out her first lusty cry, an opaque dome appeared just to the west of the hospital and the insect spirit attack just…stopped.  The bugs keeled over, seemingly smited by the hand of God.  Fliers dropped from the sky.  The exhausted defenders hailed it as a miracle and together they gave thanks to Mouse, the totem spirit who had extended its protection to the hospital and the motley metahumans within.  Mother and child were celebrated for their role in the late August astral pact which had made the unlikely defense possible. 

Eventually, though, autumn turned to bitter cold Chicago winter and the insects remained asleep.  With the threat apparently gone, emaciated throngs left the burnt out refuge that had been their home for four months and went on with their lives.  Peter, Petra, and their marked baby girl were left to try and return to normal, finally fleeing the CZ and, in Peter’s case at least, resuming to a profitable practice.
But what is normal when you’ve just given birth to a beautiful baby…mouse?
Answer?  Not much.
Taking the baby to social functions was a disaster.  Even restaurants were possible only with the newborn confined to a covered basinet, making nursing a challenge of blankets covering not only breast but baby as well.  Petra quickly found few other moms were interested in sharing time with her.  No day care, or later pre-school would take the child.  She was too human for the few reputable facilities catering to orks and trolls, and not human enough for those with elf, dwarf, and human clients. By the time the little girl was six, Petra and Peter had reluctantly accepted that home schooling was their only option.  That same year, Petra and Peter were gifted with fraternal twins – perfectly normal human boy and girl.  These kids could have a normal life, and give back normal to their beleaguered parents, if not for one problem.
Little mouse girl.
When little mouse was eight years old, a solution was provided by a friend of an acquaintance who knew someone in the mafia.  The Finnigan Family of Seattle promised a life for the child where she would be among people who accepted her increasingly strange abilities and would find her exotic appearance desirable.  It didn’t take must convincing.  Without a tear, and only a little guilt, Petra saw her daughter off to Seattle and what she was told would be a life of new horizons for her little mouse girl.  Lingering guilt led Petra to fly out to the Pacific Northwest twice over the next year to check in on her child, and what she saw left her feeling it had been the right decision.  Her little mouse was getting educated in a classroom, albeit a small one.  She had friends her own age – not many, but friends nonetheless.  She seemed happy.  Petra was able to turn her back on this chapter in her life and never worried again for her first born whom she would happily never see again.
But it was all a ruse.
Yes, little mouse’s appearance was “desirable” to some people.
Sick people.
People who shouldn’t be allowed to spend time alone with tweeners in a bedroom.
From the age of eight until very recently, the mafia provided a home…a family…for little mouse.  In return, though, once it was certain her mother wasn’t coming back again she was expected to earn her supper lying down.  The scars from the experience aren’t visible, but are grotesque nonetheless and will never fully heal.  Still, the mafia did accept her, and she has friends there.  When her adept powers developed at the age of twelve, they helped her train and channel them…although only after she ‘accidentally’ shredded a particularly vile but well-connected bedpartner.  She knows she owes the Finnigan’s her life, but from now on she will pay them back on HER terms, not theirs.  She’s a big mouse now, and she’ll make her own way thank you very much.[/spoiler]


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« Reply #72 on: <08-20-15/1821:33> »
Great, I added the story to the list. We are still waiting for the character sheet.

Jayde Moon

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« Reply #73 on: <08-20-15/1947:39> »
Alright, thought about it some more and realized I could get what I wanted out of the weapon foci by going a different route.  So still Monofilamented, but added Unarmed and a Qi Foci instead of a Weapon Foci.  This also freed up some nuyen for fake licenses (yay).
That's just like... your opinion, man.


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« Reply #74 on: <08-20-15/1953:14> »
My young lady Minnie has lived a hard but sheltered life with the Seattle Mafia.  My ignorance will be hers and I'll just make it part of the game.  She's going to be mostly clueless how to survive in the harsh real world, and she and I will learn with each other.  Hopefully my troll roomie and my partner with the unsavory feline friend will get some laughs as I make a fool of myself with my UCAS SIN and registered awakened abilties...   ::)